win2003服务器上报出一条错误,出错信息如下:An I/O operation initiated by the Registry failed unrecoverably. The Registry could not read in, or write out, or flush, one of the files that contain the system's p_w_picpath of the Registry. 翻译成中文是:一个I / O操作引起的注册表失败。注册表将不能读取,写入或刷新,该文件包含了注册表的系统映像。像这样的情况,一般需要重新启动系统,使用紧急修复磁盘还原系统配置信息。可是无法通过远程桌面去连接再重启(加上console参数也不行),使用serverview硬件监视软件也无法restart,总不能跑到世纪互联的IDC机房去吧。急中生智,忽然想到shutdown -i命令。先ping一下,一看正常,然后使用使用shutdown -i再add添加远程主机的ip,然后重启成功了。
An I/O operation initiated by the Registry failed unrecoverably排错分析
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Assertion desc failed at srcbswscale出错分析
sws_getContext -
failed to open stream: operation failed
处理办法,更改镜像源为阿里或者其他 搞定!
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