[摘要:正在weblogic8.14下设立建设pool过程当中,面击Test Driver Configuration,提醒Connection successful,设立建设终了后,面击Test Pool却报以下毛病: Warning! Connectivity to backend database not verified . This is either because req]
在weblogic8.14下建立pool过程中,点击Test Driver Configuration,提示“Connection successful,建立完毕后,点击“Test Pool”却报如下错误:
Warning! Connectivity to backend database not verified. This is either because required connection pool attributes "TestConnectionsOnReserve" or "TestConnectionsOnRelease" have not been enabled, or an invalid value has been specified for attribute "TestTableName". Please check the server log for more details..
解决方法:weblogic的控制台中,配置pool(在Configuration标签下的Connections下的Advanced Options下)选择Test Reserved Connections,Test Table Name默认即可。