各式 Web 前端開發工具整理
這裡收集了一系列各式各樣與「網頁前端」相關的開發工具、函式庫與參考文件,這些工具僅針對一般桌上型/筆記型電腦的顯示環境為主 (不含平板或手機等行動版網頁相關工具)。
程式碼編寫工具 (Coding Tools)
工作流程/建置/組合 (Workflow/Builds/Assemblers)
瀏覽器套件管理員 (Browser Package Managers) (參見: Front-End Package Manager Comparison)
- bower
- component
- ender
- jam
CSS 基底樣式/樣板
CSS 框架 (參見: 框架比較 或 前端 CSS 框架)
- foundation
- bootstrap
- HTML KickStart
- kube
- skeleton
- baseline
- gumby
- Groundwork
- topcoat
- purecss
- tuktuk
- Metro UI CSS
- workless
- 99lime
HTML 基底結構/樣板
操作 DOM 的相關函式庫 (FYI: dojo, yui, ext, qooxdoo 都有自己的 DOM 工具)
- jQuery
- domReady
- query
- bonzo
- bean
各式 JavaScript 輔助工具/函式庫
- uri.js
- moment.js
- wait.js
- Numeral.js
- accounting.js
- Upcast
- taffydb
- communist
事件相關輔助工具/函式庫 (mouse/touch/pointer)
CSS 關輔助工具/函式庫
模組與指令碼載入工具/函式庫 (參見: Javascript Loaders Comparison)
- almond
JavaScript 範本引擎 (template chooser)
UI Widgets (comparison)
- chico-ui
- google closure
- extJS
- kendoUI
- qooxdoo
- bootstrap components & javascript
- wijmo
- YUI3 Widgets
- dojo dijits
- jQuery UI
- Zino UI
- w2ui
- basis.js
- webix
測試執行工具 (Test Runners)
使用者自動化測試工具 (User Automated Testing)
測試框架 (Testing Frameworks)
其他測試函式庫 (Assertion Libraries)
遠端 DOM 與 JS 測試工具
JavaScript 效能檢測工具 (JS Performance Testing)
JavaScript 自動化文件工具 (JS Auto Documentation Tools)
CSS 自動化文件工具 (CSS Auto Documentation Tools)
JavaScript 程式碼品質驗證工具 (JS Quality Validators)
CSS 品質驗證工具 (CSS Quality Validators)
HTML 品質驗證工具 (HTML Quality Validators)
JavaScript 最佳化/最小化/壓縮工具 (JS Optimizer/Minification/Compression Tools)
CSS 最佳化/最小化/壓縮工具 (CSS Optimizer/Minification/Compression Tools)
CSS 前置處理器 (Languages Compiling to CSS)
- Sass
- compass
- inuit.css
- Bourbon: Mixins library for Sass
- Neat: Semantic CSS grid framework
- stylus
- nib
- less
- LESS Elements: Mixins library for LESS
- Semantic.gs: Semantic CSS grid system
JavaScript 前置處理器 (Languages Compiling to JS) (http://altjs.org/)
HTML 前置處理器 (Languages Compiling to HTML)
- jade
- haml
- markdown
- slim
純前端應用程式框架 (Front End Application Structure) (somewhat backend agnostic)
包含後端技術的前端應用程式框架 (Front End Application Structure) (with backend opinions)
- derby (requires NodeJS)
- flatiron (requires NodeJS)
- batman.js (requires NodeJS)
- jsMVC (requires Java)
- montage (requires NodeJS)
整合式應用程式框架 (Full Stack Application Structure/Frameworks)
- tower.js (requires NodeJS)
- wakanda
- meteor
前端 JavaScript 框架 (Frontend JavaScript Frameworks) (aka Kitchen Sink Solutions, tools below provide a mixture of the things above)
參考資料/教學手冊/相容性套件/程式產生器等相關工具 (Reference/Guide/Polyfill/Generator Tools)
瀏覽器相容性工具/文件 (Browser X Supports X)
- http://caniuse.com/
- http://html5please.com/
- http://html5readiness.com/
- html5test.com
- http://www.browsersupport.net/
- http://css3test.com/
- Browserscope
- HTML5 & CSS3 Support
- CSS4-Selectors
- HTML5 - Information and samples for HTML5 and related APIs
- CSS3 - Information and samples
- JavaScript tests & Compatibility tables
- Cross Browser Handbook Knowledgebase
- JS-Compatibility-Table
- webbrowsercompatibility
HTML 語言參考 & 相容性工具 (HTML Language References & Polyfills)
- HTML5 A technical specification for Web developers
- HTML Living Standard
- HTML5 A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML
- HTML 5 Reference A Web Developer’s Guide to HTML 5
- HyperText Markup Language (HTML), from Mozilla
- HTML5 differences from HTML4
- html5shiv
- html5.js
HTML5 相關規格/參考資料與相容性套件 (HTML5 & Friends Specs/Ref & Polyfills)
- webbrowsercompatibility.com
- HTML5 & Friends, from Mozilla
- html5rocks
- HTML5 Cross Browser Polyfills
- HTML5 - Information and samples for HTML5 and related APIs
- HTML 5 Demos and Examples
- Canvas
- webGL
DOM 相關規格/參考資料與相容性套件 (DOM Specs/Ref & Polyfills)
- DOM Living Standard
- DOM Parsing and Serialization Living Standard
- DOM4
- Document Object Model (DOM) Technical Reports, from W3C
- Document Object Model, from Microsoft
- Document Object Model, from Mozilla
- Event compatibility tables
CSS 相關規格/參考資料與相容性套件 (CSS Specs/Ref & Polyfills)
- CSS, from Mozilla
- http://cssvalues.com/
- CSS contents and browser compatibility
- CSS Compatibility and Internet Explorer
- HTML5 Cross Browser Polyfills (look for CSS)
- CSS Selectors from CSS4 till CSS1
- css3clickchart.com
- CSS selectors
CSS 產生器 (CSS Generators)
- patternify
- Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator
- patternizer
- css3please.com
- cssarrowplease.com
- CSS Flexbox Please
- css3generator.com
- css3maker.com
- CSS3 Sandbox
- The Shapes of Css
- CSS matic
CSS 編寫風格與慣例指引 (CSS Style/Conventions Guides)
- kss
- Google HTML/CSS Style Guide
- idiomatic-css
- Object-Oriented CSS
- WordPress.org UI Style Guide
- Starbucks Style Guide
- Github CSS styleguide
- General CSS notes, advice and guidelines
JavaScript ES5 相關規格/參考資料與相容性套件 (JavaScript ES5 Specs/Ref & Polyfills)
- ECMA-262-5 in detail
- ECMAScript Language Specification
- Annotated ECMAScript 5.1
- ECMAScript 5 compatibility table
- Internet Explorer ECMA-262 ECMAScript Language Specification (Fifth Edition) Standards Support Document
- JavaScript Reference, from Mozilla
- The sample usage of ECMA 5 Features Implemented in V8
- Understanding JavaScript OOP
- JavaScript, aka. Web ECMAScript Living Standard
- es5-shim
- poly
- Augment.js
JavaScript ES6 相關規格/參考資料與相容性套件 (JavaScript ES6 Specs/Ref & Polyfills)
- ES6 what can be shimmed and what not
- ECMAScript 6 compatibility table
- Draft Specification for ES.next (Ecma-262 Edition 6)
- es6-shim
- ECMA-262 6th Edition/Draft
JavaScript 編寫風格與慣例指引 (JavaScript Style/Conventions Guides)
- Google JavaScript Style Guide
- Felix's Node.js Style Guide
- idiomatic.js
- Code Conventions for the JavaScript Programming Language
- jsbeautifier
- Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide
JSON 產生器
一般前端開發實務與開發習慣 (General Front-end Practices/Conventions)
- Charles
- webpagetest
- PageSpeed Insights Browser Extensions
- Chrome Developer Tools: Network Panel
- Chrome Developer Tools: Timeline Panel
- Chrome Developer Tools: Profiles Panel
- DOM Monster
- ImageOptim
- Web Performance Best Practices
- Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site
- High Performance Web Sites - 14 Rules for Faster-Loading Web Sites
- Even Faster Web Sites
各式線上編輯器/開發工具 (REPL)
JavaScript 線上編輯器 (JS focused editors)
正規表示式編輯器 (Regular Expression editors)
- Scriptular
- regexr
- refiddle
- RegexPlanet
- Debuggex: The online visual regex tester. JavaScript, Python, and PCRE.
執行/測試代碼工具 (Execute/Test live code)
雲端開發工具 (Browser IDE's)
JSON 編輯器
瀏覽器安全性 (Browser Security)
各式 CSS/HTML Hacks 整理 (Browser Hacks)
給前端開發人員的後端服務 (Backend services for frontend developers)
- firebase
- pusher
- jaystack
- parse
- singly
- cloud CMS
- kinvey
- stackmob
- cloudmine
- kumulos
- deployd
- backlift.com
- hull.io
- stormpath.com
API 開發與測試工具
JSON 資料操作/查詢工具 (JSON Query Tools)