测试数据 [sql] ​

  1. CREATETABLE`mygoods` (
  2. `goods_id`int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  3. `cat_id`int(11) NOT NULLDEFAULT'0',
  4. `price` tinyint(3) NOT NULLDEFAULT'0',
  5. `status` tinyint(3)DEFAULT'1',
  6. PRIMARYKEY(`goods_id`),
  7. KEY`icatid` (`cat_id`)

  9. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(1, 101, 90, 0);
  10. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(2, 101, 99, 1);
  11. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(3, 102, 98, 0);
  12. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(4, 103, 96, 0);
  13. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(5, 102, 95, 0);
  14. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(6, 102, 94, 1);
  15. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(7, 102, 93, 1);
  16. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(8, 103, 99, 1);
  17. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(9, 103, 98, 1);
  18. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(10, 103, 97, 1);
  19. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(11, 104, 96, 1);
  20. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(12, 104, 95, 1);
  21. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(13, 104, 94, 1);
  22. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(15, 101, 92, 1);
  23. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(16, 101, 93, 1);
  24. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(17, 101, 94, 0);
  25. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(18, 102, 99, 1);
  26. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(19, 105, 85, 1);
  27. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(20, 105, 89, 0);
  28. INSERTINTO`mygoods`VALUES(21, 105, 99, 1);





mysql> select a.*   
-> from mygoods a
-> where (select count(*)
-> from mygoods
-> where cat_id = a.cat_id and price > a.price ) <2
-> order by a.cat_id,a.price desc;
| goods_id | cat_id | price | status |
| 2 | 101 | 99 | 1 |
| 17 | 101 | 94 | 0 |
| 18 | 102 | 99 | 1 |
| 3 | 102 | 98 | 0 |
| 8 | 103 | 99 | 1 |
| 9 | 103 | 98 | 1 |
| 11 | 104 | 96 | 1 |
| 12 | 104 | 95 | 1 |
| 21 | 105 | 99 | 1 |
| 20 | 105 | 89 | 0 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select a.* 
-> from mygoods a
-> where (select count(*) from mygoods
-> where cat_id = a.cat_id and price > a.price and status=1 ) <2
-> and status=1
-> order by a.cat_id,a.price desc ;
| goods_id | cat_id | price | status |
| 2 | 101 | 99 | 1 |
| 16 | 101 | 93 | 1 |
| 18 | 102 | 99 | 1 |
| 6 | 102 | 94 | 1 |
| 8 | 103 | 99 | 1 |
| 9 | 103 | 98 | 1 |
| 11 | 104 | 96 | 1 |
| 12 | 104 | 95 | 1 |
| 21 | 105 | 99 | 1 |
| 19 | 105 | 85 | 1 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select a.* 
-> from mygoods a
-> left join mygoods b
-> on a.cat_id = b.cat_id and a.price < b.price and b.status=1
-> where a.status=1
-> group by a.goods_id,a.cat_id,a.price
-> having count(b.goods_id) < 2
-> order by a.cat_id,a.price desc;
| goods_id | cat_id | price | status |
| 2 | 101 | 99 | 1 |
| 16 | 101 | 93 | 1 |
| 18 | 102 | 99 | 1 |
| 6 | 102 | 94 | 1 |
| 8 | 103 | 99 | 1 |
| 9 | 103 | 98 | 1 |
| 11 | 104 | 96 | 1 |
| 12 | 104 | 95 | 1 |
| 21 | 105 | 99 | 1 |
| 19 | 105 | 85 | 1 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select a.* 
-> from mygoods a
-> where (select count(*) from mygoods
-> where cat_id = a.cat_id and price > a.price ) <2 and status=1
-> order by a.cat_id,a.price desc;
| goods_id | cat_id | price | status |
| 2 | 101 | 99 | 1 |
| 18 | 102 | 99 | 1 |
| 8 | 103 | 99 | 1 |
| 9 | 103 | 98 | 1 |
| 11 | 104 | 96 | 1 |
| 12 | 104 | 95 | 1 |
| 21 | 105 | 99 | 1 |

由上可知,如果需要增加条件的话,需要在两处增加条件。   可以将每个分组下的goods_id合并。

mysql> select cat_id,GROUP_CONCAT(goods_id) from mygoods group by cat_id;
| cat_id | GROUP_CONCAT(goods_id) |
| 101 | 1,2,15,16,17 |
| 102 | 3,5,6,7,18 |
| 103 | 4,8,9,10 |
| 104 | 11,12,13 |
| 105 | 19,20,21 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)