1,Edit /etc/hosts
Unless you have already have a DNS server setup, you’ll want to create host file entries on all 3 servers so that they can properly resolve each other by name
Add the following lines to the end of your /etc/hosts file: node1 node2 witness mysql-vip
2,Disable SELinux
Edit /etc/sysconfig/linux and set “SELINUX=disabled”:
# vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
# enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
# permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing. # disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of these two values:
# targeted - Targeted processes are protected,
# mls - Multi Level Security protection. SELINUXTYPE=targeted
3,Set Hostnames
4,Reboot Cluster Nodes
5,Install and Configure VNC (and related packages)
6,Partition and Format the “data” disk
7,Install EC2 API Tools
# wget
# unzip # mv ec2-api-tools- /opt/aws/
# export EC2_HOME="/opt/aws"
mkdir /usr/local/java
cp jdk-8u171-linux-x64.tar.gz /usr/local/java/
cd /usr/local/java
tar -zxvf jdk-8u171-linux-x64.tar.gz
vim /etc/profile
export EC2_HOME="/opt/aws"
export EC2_URL=
export AWS_SECRET_KEY=7SAQxSxJM+f9XA+jbP1/+JnCBfDaBUbgVsOP9i4e
source /etc/profile
8,Install and Configure MySQL
Access deny解决方法
9,Install SIOS Protection Suite for Linux
# mkdir /tmp/install
# mount -o loop sps.img /tmp/install
# cd /tmp/install
# ./setup
- The ARKs are ONLY required on “node1” and “node2”. You do not need to install on “witness”
- Navigate the list with the up/down arrows, and press SPACEBAR to select the following:
- lkDR – DataKeeper for Linux
- lkSQL – LifeKeeper MySQL RDBMS Recovery Kit
- This will result in the following additional RPMs installed on “node1” and “node2”:
- steeleye-lkDR-9.0.2-6513.noarch.rpm
- steeleye-lkSQL-9.0.2-6513.noarch.rpm
10,Install Witness/Quorum package
Install the Witness/Quorum rpm on all 3 nodes (node1, node2, witness):
# cd /tmp/install/quorum
# rpm -Uvh steeleye-lkQWK-9.2.1-6653.noarch.rpm
On ALL 3 nodes (node1, node2, witness), edit /etc/default/LifeKeeper, set
On ONLY the Witness server (“witness”), edit /etc/default/LifeKeeper, set
11,Install the EC2 Recovery Kit Package
Install the EC2 rpm (node1, node2):
cd /tmp/install/kits
rpm -Uvh steeleye-lkECC-9.2.1-6653.noarch.rpm
12,Install a License key
On all 3 nodes, use the “lkkeyins” command to install the license file that you obtained from SIOS:
# /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lkkeyins <path_to_file>/<filename>.lic
13,Start LifeKeeper
On all 3 nodes, use the “lkstart” command to start the cluster software:
# /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lkstart
14,Set User Permissions for LifeKeeper GUI
On all 3 nodes, create a new linux user account (i.e. “tony” in this example). Edit /etc/group and add the “tony” user to the “lkadmin” group to grant access to the LifeKeeper GUI. By default only “root” is a member of the group, and we don’t have the root password here:
# useradd tony
# passwd tony
# vi /etc/group
15,Open the LifeKeeper GUI
# /opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lkGUIapp &
16,Create Communication Paths
Right-click on “node1” and select Create Comm Path
Select BOTH “node2” and “witness” and then follow the wizard. This will create comm paths between:
- node1 & node2
- node1 & witness
A comm path still needs to be created between node2 & witness. Right click on “node2” and select Create Comm Path. Follow the wizard and select “witness” as the remote server:
At this point the following comm paths have been created:
- node1 <—> node2
- node1 <—> witness
- node2 <—> witness
The icons in front of the servers have changed from a green “checkmark” to a yellow “hazard sign”. This is because we only have a single communication path between nodes.
If the VMs had multiple NICs (information on creating Azure VMs with multiple NICs can be found here, but won’t be covered in this article), you would create redundant comm paths between each server.
17,Verify Communication Paths
/opt/LifeKeeper/bin/lcdstatus -q -d node1
18,Create a Data Replication cluster resource (i.e. Mirror)
Next, create a Data Replication resource to replicate the /var/lib/mysql partition from node1 (source) to node2 (target). Click the “green plus” icon to create a new resource:
Follow the wizard with these selections:
Please Select Recovery Kit: Data Replication
Switchback Type: intelligent
Server: node1
Hierarchy Type: Replicate Exiting Filesystem
Existing Mount Point: /var/lib/mysql
Data Replication Resource Tag: datarep-mysql
File System Resource Tab: /var/lib/mysql
Bitmap File: (default value)
Enable Asynchronous Replication: No
After the resource has been created, the “Extend” (i.e. define backup server) wizard will appear. Use the following selections:
Target Server: node2
Switchback Type: Intelligent
Template Priority: 1 Target Priority: 10
Target Disk: /dev/xvdb1
Data Replication Resource Tag: datarep-mysql
Bitmap File: (default value)
Replication Path:
Mount Point: /var/lib/mysql
Root Tag: /var/lib/mysql
19,Create Virtual IP
Next, create a Virtual IP cluster resource. Click the “green plus” icon to create a new resource:
Follow the wizard with to create the IP resource with these selections:
Select Recovery Kit: IP
Switchback Type: Intelligent
IP Resource:
Network Interface: eth0
IP Resource Tag: ip-
Extend the IP resource with these selections:
Switchback Type: Intelligent
Template Priority: 1
Target Priority: 10
IP Resource:
Network Interface: eth0
IP Resource Tag: ip-
20,Configure a Ping List for the IP resource
By default, SPS-Linux monitors the health of IP resources by performing a broadcast ping. In many virtual and cloud environments, broadcast pings don’t work. In a previous step, we set “NOBCASTPING=1” in /etc/default/LifeKeeper to turn off broadcast ping checks. Instead, we will define a ping list. This is a list of IP addresses to be pinged during IP health checks for this IP resource. In this guide, we will add the witness server ( to our ping list.
Right click on the IP resource (ip- and select Properties:
You will see that initially, no ping list is configured for our subnet. Click “Modify Ping List”:
Enter “” (the IP address of our witness server), click “Add address” and finally click “Save List”:
You will be returned to the IP properties panel, and can verify that has been added to the ping list. Click OK to close the window:
21,Create the MySQL resource hierarchy
Next, create a MySQL cluster resource. The MySQL resource is responsible for stopping/starting/monitoring of your MySQL database.
Before creating MySQL resource, make sure the database is running. Run “ps -ef | grep sql” to check.
If it’s running, great – nothing to do. If not, start the database back up:
# mysqld_safe --user=root --socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock --port=3306 --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --log &
To create, click the “green plus” icon to create a new resource:
Follow the wizard with to create the IP resource with these selections:
Select Recovery Kit: MySQL Database
Switchback Type: Intelligent
Server: node1
Location of my.cnf: /var/lib/mysql
Location of MySQL executables: /usr/bin
Database Tag: mysql
Extend the IP resource with the following selections:
Target Server: node2
Switchback Type: intelligent
Template Priority: 1
Target Priority: 10
As a result, your cluster will look as follows. Notice that the Data Replication resource was automatically moved underneath the database (dependency automatically created) to ensure it’s always brought online before the database:
22,Create an EC2 resource to manage the route tables upon failover
SPS-Linux provides specific features that allow resources to failover between nodes in different availability zones and regions. Here, the EC2 Recovery Kit (i.e. cluster agent) is used to manipulate Route Tables so that connections to the Virtual IP are routed to the active cluster node.
To create, click the “green plus” icon to create a new resource:
Follow the wizard with to create the EC2 resource with these selections:
Select Recovery Kit: Amazon EC2
Switchback Type: Intelligent
Server: node1
EC2 Home: /opt/aws
Access Key: (enter Access Key obtained earlier)
AWS Secret Key: (enter Secret Key obtained earlier)
EC2 Resource Type: RouteTable (Backend cluster)
IP Resource: ip-
EC2 Resource Tag: ec2-
Extend the IP resource with the following selections:
Target Server: node2
Switchback Type: intelligent
Template Priority: 1
Target Priority: 10
EC2 Resource Tag: ec2-
The cluster will look like this. Notice how the EC2 resource is underneath the IP resource:
23,Create a Dependency between the IP resource and the MySQL Database resource
Create a dependency between the IP resource and the MySQL Database resource so that they failover together as a group. Right click on the “mysql” resource and select “Create Dependency”:
On the following screen, select the “ip-” resource as the dependency. Click Next and continue through the wizard:
24,Test Cluster Connectivity
Cluster resources are currently active on node1:
est connectivity to the cluster from the witness server (or another linux instance if you have one) SSH into the witness server, “sudo su -” to gain root access. Install the mysql client if needed:
[root@witness ~]# yum -y install mysql
Test MySQL connectivity to the cluster:
[root@witness ~]# mysql --host= mysql -u root -p
Execute the following MySQL query to display the hostname of the active cluster node:
MariaDB [mysql]> select @@hostname;
| @@hostname |
| node1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [mysql]>
Using LifeKeeper GUI, failover from Node1 -> Node2″. Right click on the mysql resource underneath node2, and select “In Service…”:
After failover has completed, re-run the MySQL query. You’ll notice that the MySQL client has detected that the session was lost (during failover) and automatically reconnects:
Execute the following MySQL query to display the hostname of the active cluster node, verifying that now “node2” is active:
MariaDB [mysql]> select @@hostname;
ERROR 2006 (HY000): MySQL server has gone away
No connection. Trying to reconnect...
Connection id: 12
Current database: mysql
| @@hostname |
| node2 |
1 row in set (0.53 sec)
MariaDB [mysql]>