Git Submodule使用完整教程

自从看了蒋鑫的《Git权威指南》之后就开始使用Git Submodule功能,团队也都熟悉了怎么使用,多个子系统(模块)都能及时更新到最新的公共资源,把使用的过程以及经验和容易遇到的问题分享给大家。

Git Submodule功能刚刚开始学习可能觉得有点怪异,所以本教程把每一步的操作的命令和结果都用代码的形式展现给大家,以便更好的理解。




  • 普通程序员,把最新版本的代码逐个复制到每个项目中,如果有N个项目,那就是要复制N x 3次;如果漏掉了某个文件夹没有复制…@(&#@#。
  • 文艺程序员,使用Git Submodule功能,执行:git submodule update,然后冲一杯咖啡悠哉的享受着。


2.开始学习Git Submodule




2.1 创建Git Submodule测试项目

2.1.1 准备环境

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~           pwd        


         mkdir          -p submd         /repos


cd          ~         /submd/repos        

         git --git-         dir         =lib1.git init --bare        

         git --git-         dir         =lib2.git init --bare        

         git --git-         dir         =project1.git init --bare        

         git --git-         dir         =project2.git init --bare


mkdir          ~         /submd/ws        

         cd          ~         /submd/ws

2.1.2 初始化项目


➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws          git clone ..         /repos/project1         .git         

         Cloning into project1...        

         done         .        

         warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.        


         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws          cd         project1        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master)          echo         "project1"         > project-infos.txt        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗          ls        



         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗ git add project-infos.txt         

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗ git status        

         # On branch master        


         # Initial commit        


         # Changes to be committed:        

         #   (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)        


         #   new file:   project-infos.txt        


         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗ git commit -m          "init project1"        

         [master (root-commit) 473a2e2] init project1        

                  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)        

                  create mode 100644 project-infos.txt        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) git push origin master        

         Counting objects: 3,          done         .        

         Writing objects: 100% (3         /3         ), 232 bytes,          done         .        

         Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         To          /home/henryyan/submd/ws/         ..         /repos/project1         .git        

                  * [new branch]      master -> master        

         <         /file         >


➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         cd         ..        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws          git clone ..         /repos/project2         .git         

         Cloning into project2...        

         done         .        

         warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.        


         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws          cd         project2        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master)          echo         "project2"         > project-infos.txt        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) ✗          ls        



         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) ✗ git add project-infos.txt         

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) ✗ git status        

         # On branch master        


         # Initial commit        


         # Changes to be committed:        

         #   (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)        


         #   new file:   project-infos.txt        


         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) ✗ git commit -m          "init project2"        

         [master (root-commit) 473a2e2] init project2        

                  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)        

                  create mode 100644 project-infos.txt        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) git push origin master        

         Counting objects: 3,          done         .        

         Writing objects: 100% (3         /3         ), 232 bytes,          done         .        

         Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         To          /home/henryyan/submd/ws/         ..         /repos/project2         .git        

                  * [new branch]      master -> master        

         <         /file         >

2.1.3 初始化公共类库


➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws          git clone ..         /repos/lib1         .git         

         Cloning into lib1...        

         done         .        

         warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws          cd         lib1         

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/lib1         git:(master)          echo         "I'm lib1."         > lib1-features        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/lib1         git:(master) ✗ git add lib1-features         

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/lib1         git:(master) ✗ git commit -m          "init lib1"        

         [master (root-commit) c22aff8] init lib1        

                  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)        

                  create mode 100644 lib1-features        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/lib1         git:(master) git push origin master        

         Counting objects: 3,          done         .        

         Writing objects: 100% (3         /3         ), 227 bytes,          done         .        

         Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         To          /home/henryyan/submd/ws/         ..         /repos/lib1         .git        

                  * [new branch]      master -> master


➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/lib1         git:(master)          cd         ..        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws          git clone ..         /repos/lib2         .git         

         Cloning into lib2...        

         done         .        

         warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws          cd         lib2         

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/lib2         git:(master)          echo         "I'm lib2."         > lib2-features        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/lib2         git:(master) ✗ git add lib2-features         

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/lib2         git:(master) ✗ git commit -m          "init lib2"        

         [master (root-commit) c22aff8] init lib2        

                  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)        

                  create mode 100644 lib2-features        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/lib2         git:(master) git push origin master        

         Counting objects: 3,          done         .        

         Writing objects: 100% (3         /3         ), 227 bytes,          done         .        

         Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         To          /home/henryyan/submd/ws/         ..         /repos/lib2         .git        

                  * [new branch]      master -> master

2.2 为主项目添加Submodules

2.2.1 为project1添加lib1和lib2

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/lib2         git:(master)          cd         ..         /project1        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master)          ls        


         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) git submodule add ~         /submd/repos/lib1         .git libs         /lib1        

         Cloning into libs         /lib1         ...        

         done         .        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗ git submodule add ~         /submd/repos/lib2         .git libs         /lib2        

         Cloning into libs         /lib2         ...        

         done         .        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗          ls        

         libs  project-infos.txt        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗          ls         libs         

         lib1  lib2        


         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗ git status         

         # On branch master        

         # Changes to be committed:        

         #   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)        


         #   new file:   .gitmodules        

         #   new file:   libs/lib1        

         #   new file:   libs/lib2        



         # 查看一下公共类库的内容        


         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master)          cat         libs         /lib1/lib1-features        

         I'm lib1.        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master)          cat         libs         /lib2/lib2-features        

         I'm lib2.        

         <         /file         >

好了,到目前为止我们已经使用git submodule add命令为project1成功添加了两个公共类库(lib1、lib2),查看了当前的状态发现添加了一个新文件(.gitmodules)和两个文件夹(libs/lib1、libs/lib2);那么新增的.gitmodules文件是做什么用的呢?我们查看一下文件内容便知晓了:

n@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗          cat         .gitmodules         

         [submodule          "libs/lib1"         ]        

                  path = libs         /lib1        

                  url =          /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib1         .git        

         [submodule          "libs/lib2"         ]        

                  path = libs         /lib2        

                  url =          /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib2         .git



➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗ git commit -a -m          "add submodules[lib1,lib2] to project1"        

         [master 7157977] add submodules[lib1,lib2] to project1        

                  3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)        

                  create mode 100644 .gitmodules        

                  create mode 160000 libs         /lib1        

                  create mode 160000 libs         /lib2        


         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) git push        

         Counting objects: 5,          done         .        

         Delta compression using up to 2 threads.        

         Compressing objects: 100% (4         /4         ),          done         .        

         Writing objects: 100% (4         /4         ), 491 bytes,          done         .        

         Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (4         /4         ),          done         .        

         To          /home/henryyan/submd/ws/         ..         /repos/project1         .git        

                  45cbbcb..7157977  master -> master


2.3 Clone带有Submodule的仓库


➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master)          cd         ~         /submd/ws        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws          git clone ..         /repos/project1         .git project1-b        

         Cloning into project1-b...        

         done         .        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws          cd         project1-b         

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) git submodule         

         -c22aff85be91eca442734dcb07115ffe526b13a1 libs         /lib1        

         -7290dce0062bd77df1d83b27dd3fa3f25a836b54 libs         /lib2



➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) git submodule init        

         Submodule          'libs/lib1'         (         /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib1         .git) registered          for         path          'libs/lib1'        

         Submodule          'libs/lib2'         (         /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib2         .git) registered          for         path          'libs/lib2'        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) git submodule update        

         Cloning into libs         /lib1         ...        

         done         .        

         Submodule path          'libs/lib1'         : checked out          'c22aff85be91eca442734dcb07115ffe526b13a1'        

         Cloning into libs         /lib2         ...        

         done         .        

         Submodule path          'libs/lib2'         : checked out          '7290dce0062bd77df1d83b27dd3fa3f25a836b54'



➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master)          cat         libs         /lib1/lib1-features         libs         /lib2/lib2-features        

         I'm lib1.        

         I'm lib2.

上面的两个命令(git submodule init & update)其实可以简化,后面会讲到!

2.3 修改Submodule



➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master)          cd         libs         /lib1        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b/libs/lib1          git status        

         # Not currently on any branch.        

         nothing to commit (working directory clean)

为什么是Not currently on any branch呢?不是应该默认在master分支吗?别急,一一解答!


  • 记录引用的仓库
  • 记录主项目中Submodules的目录位置
  • 记录引用Submodule的commit id

project1中push之后其实就是更新了引用的commit id,然后project1-b在clone的时候获取到了submodule的commit id,然后当执行git submodule update的时候git就根据gitlink获取submodule的commit id,最后获取submodule的文件,所以clone之后不在任何分支上;但是master分支的commit id和HEAD保持一致。


➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b/libs/lib1          cat         .git         /HEAD        


         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b/libs/lib1          cat         .git         /refs/heads/master                      



➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b/libs/lib1          git checkout master        

         Switched to branch          'master'        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b/libs/lib1         git:(master)          echo         "add by developer B"          >> lib1-features        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b/libs/lib1         git:(master) ✗ git commit -a -m          "update lib1-features by developer B"        

         [master 36ad12d] update lib1-features by developer B        

                  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

在主项目中修改Submodule提交到仓库稍微繁琐一点,在git push之前我们先看看project1-b状态:

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) ✗ git status        

         # On branch master        

         # Changes not staged for commit:        

         #   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)        

         #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)        


         #   modified:   libs/lib1 (new commits)        


         no changes added to commit (use          "git add"         and         /or         "git commit -a"         )        

         <         /file         ><         /file         >

libs/lib1 (new commits)状态表示libs/lib1有新的提交,这个比较特殊,看看project1-b的状态:

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) ✗ git          diff        

         diff          --git a         /libs/lib1          b         /libs/lib1        

         index c22aff8..36ad12d 160000        

         --- a         /libs/lib1        

         +++ b         /libs/lib1        

         @@ -1 +1 @@        

         -Subproject commit c22aff85be91eca442734dcb07115ffe526b13a1        

         +Subproject commit 36ad12d40d8a41a4a88a64add27bd57cf56c9de2

从状态中可以看出libs/lib1的commit id由原来的c22aff85be91eca442734dcb07115ffe526b13a1更改为36ad12d40d8a41a4a88a64add27bd57cf56c9de2

注意:如果现在执行了git submodule update操作那么libs/lib1的commit id又会还原到c22aff85be91eca442734dcb07115ffe526b13a1, 这样的话刚刚的修改是不是就丢死了呢?不会,因为修改已经提交到了master分支,只要再git checkout master就可以了。


➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) ✗          cd         libs         /lib1        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b/libs/lib1         git:(master) git push        

         Counting objects: 5,          done         .        

         Writing objects: 100% (3         /3         ), 300 bytes,          done         .        

         Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         To          /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib1         .git        

                  c22aff8..36ad12d  master -> master

现在仅仅只完成了一步,下一步要提交project1-b引用submodule的commit id:

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b/libs/lib1         git:(master)          cd         ~         /submd/ws/project1-b        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) ✗ git add -u        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) ✗ git commit -m          "update libs/lib1 to lastest commit id"        

         [master c96838a] update libs         /lib1         to lastest commit          id        

                  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) git push        

         Counting objects: 5,          done         .        

         Delta compression using up to 2 threads.        

         Compressing objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         Writing objects: 100% (3         /3         ), 395 bytes,          done         .        

         Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         To          /home/henryyan/submd/ws/         ..         /repos/project1         .git        

                  7157977..c96838a  master -> master

OK,大功高成,我们完成了Submodule的修改并把libs/lib1的最新commit id提交到了仓库。


2.4 更新主项目的Submodules


➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master)          cd         ..         /project1        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) git pull        

         remote: Counting objects: 5,          done         .        

         remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         From          /home/henryyan/submd/ws/         ..         /repos/project1        

                  7157977..c96838a  master     -> origin         /master        

         Updating 7157977..c96838a        


                  libs         /lib1         |    2 +-        

                  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗ git status        

         # On branch master        

         # Changes not staged for commit:        

         #   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)        

         #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)        


         #   modified:   libs/lib1 (new commits)        


         no changes added to commit (use          "git add"         and         /or         "git commit -a"         )        

         <         /file         ><         /file         >

我们运行了git pull命令和git status获取了最新的仓库源码,然后看到了状态时modified,这是为什么呢?

我们用git diff比较一下不同:

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗ git          diff        

         diff          --git a         /libs/lib1          b         /libs/lib1        

         index 36ad12d..c22aff8 160000        

         --- a         /libs/lib1        

         +++ b         /libs/lib1        

         @@ -1 +1 @@        

         -Subproject commit 36ad12d40d8a41a4a88a64add27bd57cf56c9de2        

         +Subproject commit c22aff85be91eca442734dcb07115ffe526b13a1

从diff的结果分析出来时因为submodule的commit id更改了,我们前面刚刚讲了要在主项目更新submodule的内容首先要提交submdoule的内容,然后再更新主项目中引用的submodulecommit id;现在我们看到的不同就是因为刚刚更改了project1-b的submodule commit id;好的,我来学习一下怎么更新project1的公共类库。

follow me……

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗ git submodule update        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗ git status        

         # On branch master        

         # Changes not staged for commit:        

         #   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)        

         #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)        


         #   modified:   libs/lib1 (new commits)        


         no changes added to commit (use          "git add"         and         /or         "git commit -a"         )        

         <         /file         ><         /file         >

泥马,为什么没有更新?git submodule update命令不是更新子模块仓库的吗?

别急,先听我解释;因为子模块是在project1中引入的,git submodule add ~/submd/repos/lib1.git libs/lib1命令的结果,操作之后git只是把lib1的内容clone到了project1中,但是没有在仓库注册,证据如下:

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd2/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗          cat         .git         /config        


                  repositoryformatversion = 0        

                  filemode =          true        

                  bare =          false        

                  logallrefupdates =          true        

         [remote          "origin"         ]        

                  fetch = +refs         /heads/         *:refs         /remotes/origin/         *        

                  url =          /home/henryyan/submd/ws/         ..         /repos/project1         .git        

         [branch          "master"         ]        

                  remote = origin        

                  merge = refs         /heads/master

我们说过git submodule init就是在.git/config中注册子模块的信息,下面我们试试注册之后再更新子模块:

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗ git submodule init        

         Submodule          'libs/lib1'         (         /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib1         .git) registered          for         path          'libs/lib1'        

         Submodule          'libs/lib2'         (         /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib2         .git) registered          for         path          'libs/lib2'        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗ git submodule update        

         remote: Counting objects: 5,          done         .        

         remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         From          /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib1        

                  c22aff8..36ad12d  master     -> origin         /master        

         Submodule path          'libs/lib1'         : checked out          '36ad12d40d8a41a4a88a64add27bd57cf56c9de2'        


         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master)          cat         .git         /config        


                  repositoryformatversion = 0        

                  filemode =          true        

                  bare =          false        

                  logallrefupdates =          true        

         [remote          "origin"         ]        

                  fetch = +refs         /heads/         *:refs         /remotes/origin/         *        

                  url =          /home/henryyan/submd/ws/         ..         /repos/project1         .git        

         [branch          "master"         ]        

                  remote = origin        

                  merge = refs         /heads/master        

         [submodule          "libs/lib1"         ]        

                  url =          /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib1         .git        

         [submodule          "libs/lib2"         ]        

                  url =          /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib2         .git        


         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master)          cat         libs         /lib1/lib1-features        

         I'm lib1.        

         add by developer B

上面的结果足以证明刚刚的推断,所以记得当需要更新子模块的内容时请先确保已经运行过git submodule init

2.5 为project2添加lib1和lib2


➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master)          cd         ~         /submd/ws/project2        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) git submodule add ~         /submd/repos/lib1         .git libs         /lib1        

         Cloning into libs         /lib1         ...        

         done         .        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) ✗ git submodule add ~         /submd/repos/lib2         .git libs         /lib2        

         zsh: correct          'libs/lib2'         to          'libs/lib1'         [nyae]? n        

         Cloning into libs         /lib2         ...        

         done         .        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) ✗          ls        

         libs  project-infos.txt        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) ✗ git submodule init        

         Submodule          'libs/lib1'         (         /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib1         .git) registered          for         path          'libs/lib1'        

         Submodule          'libs/lib2'         (         /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib2         .git) registered          for         path          'libs/lib2'        


         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) ✗ git status        

         # On branch master        

         # Changes to be committed:        

         #   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)        


         #   new file:   .gitmodules        

         #   new file:   libs/lib1        

         #   new file:   libs/lib2        


         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) ✗ git commit -a -m          "add lib1 and lib2"        

         [master 8dc697f] add lib1 and lib2        

                  3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)        

                  create mode 100644 .gitmodules        

                  create mode 160000 libs         /lib1        

                  create mode 160000 libs         /lib2        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) git push        

         Counting objects: 5,          done         .        

         Delta compression using up to 2 threads.        

         Compressing objects: 100% (4         /4         ),          done         .        

         Writing objects: 100% (4         /4         ), 471 bytes,          done         .        

         Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (4         /4         ),          done         .        

         To          /home/henryyan/submd/ws/         ..         /repos/project2         .git        

                  6e15c68..8dc697f  master -> master        


         <         /file         >


2.6 修改lib1和lib2并同步到project1和project2



  • 在lib1中添加一个文件:README,用来描述lib1的功能
  • 在lib2中的lib2-features文件中添加一写文字:学习Git submodule的修改并同步功能

2.6.1 在lib1中添加一个文件:README

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master)          cd         libs         /lib1        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2/libs/lib1         git:(master)          echo         "lib1 readme contents"          > README        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2/libs/lib1         git:(master) ✗ git add README         

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2/libs/lib1         git:(master) ✗ git commit -m          "add file README"        

         [master 8c666d8] add          file         README        

                  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)        

                  create mode 100644 README        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2/libs/lib1         git:(master) git push        

         Counting objects: 4,          done         .        

         Delta compression using up to 2 threads.        

         Compressing objects: 100% (2         /2         ),          done         .        

         Writing objects: 100% (3         /3         ), 310 bytes,          done         .        

         Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         To          /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib1         .git        

                  36ad12d..8c666d8  master -> master

前面提到过现在仅仅只完成了一部分,我们需要在project2中再更新lib1的commit id:

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) ✗ git status         

         # On branch master        

         # Changes not staged for commit:        

         #   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)        

         #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)        


         #   modified:   libs/lib1 (new commits)        


         no changes added to commit (use          "git add"         and         /or         "git commit -a"         )        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) ✗ git add libs         /lib1        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) ✗ git commit -m          "update lib1 to lastest commit id"        

         [master ce1f3ba] update lib1 to lastest commit          id        

                  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)        

         <         /file         ><         /file         >


2.6.2 在lib2中的lib2-features文件添加文字

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master)          cd         libs         /lib2        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2/libs/lib2         git:(master)          echo         "学习Git submodule的修改并同步功能"          >> lib2-features         

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2/libs/lib2         git:(master) ✗ git add lib2-features         

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2/libs/lib2         git:(master) ✗ git commit -m          "添加文字:学习Git submodule的修改并同步功能"        

         [master e372b21] 添加文字:学习Git submodule的修改并同步功能        

                  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2/libs/lib2         git:(master) git push        

         Counting objects: 5,          done         .        

         Delta compression using up to 2 threads.        

         Compressing objects: 100% (2         /2         ),          done         .        

         Writing objects: 100% (3         /3         ), 376 bytes,          done         .        

         Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         To          /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib2         .git        

                  7290dce..e372b21  master -> master        


         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2/libs/lib2         git:(master)          echo         "学习Git submodule的修改并同步功能"          >> lib2-features         

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2/libs/lib2         git:(master) ✗ git add lib2-features         

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2/libs/lib2         git:(master) ✗ git commit -m          "添加文字:学习Git submodule的修改并同步功能"        

         [master e372b21] 添加文字:学习Git submodule的修改并同步功能        

                  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2/libs/lib2         git:(master) git push        

         Counting objects: 5,          done         .        

         Delta compression using up to 2 threads.        

         Compressing objects: 100% (2         /2         ),          done         .        

         Writing objects: 100% (3         /3         ), 376 bytes,          done         .        

         Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         To          /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib2         .git        

                  7290dce..e372b21  master -> master        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2/libs/lib2         git:(master)          cd         -        

         ~         /submd/ws/project2        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) ✗ git status         

         # On branch master        

         # Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit.        


         # Changes not staged for commit:        

         #   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)        

         #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)        


         #   modified:   libs/lib2 (new commits)        


         no changes added to commit (use          "git add"         and         /or         "git commit -a"         )        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) ✗ git add libs         /lib2         

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) ✗ git commit -m          "update lib2 to lastest commit id"        

         [master df344c5] update lib2 to lastest commit          id        

                  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) git status         

         # On branch master        

         # Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 2 commits.        


         nothing to commit (working directory clean)        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) git push        

         Counting objects: 8,          done         .        

         Delta compression using up to 2 threads.        

         Compressing objects: 100% (6         /6         ),          done         .        

         Writing objects: 100% (6         /6         ), 776 bytes,          done         .        

         Total 6 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (6         /6         ),          done         .        

         To          /home/henryyan/submd/ws/         ..         /repos/project2         .git        

                  8dc697f..df344c5  master -> master        

         <         /file         ><         /file         >

2.7 同步project2的lib1和lib2的修改到project1


➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master)          cd         ..         /project1        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) git pull        

         Already up-to-         date         .

看看上面的结果对吗?为什么lib1和lib2更新了但是没有显示new commits呢?说到这里我记得刚刚开始学习的时候真得要晕死了,Git跟我玩捉迷藏游戏,为什么我明明提交了但是从project1更新不到任何改动呢?


# project2 的状态,也就是我们刚刚修改后的状态        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project2         git:(master) git submodule         

                  8c666d86531513dd1aebdf235f142adbac72c035 libs         /lib1         (heads         /master         )        

                  e372b21dffa611802c282278ec916b5418acebc2 libs         /lib2         (heads         /master         )        


         # project1 的状态,等待更新submodules        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) git submodule         

                  36ad12d40d8a41a4a88a64add27bd57cf56c9de2 libs         /lib1         (remotes         /origin/HEAD         )        

                  7290dce0062bd77df1d83b27dd3fa3f25a836b54 libs         /lib2         (heads         /master         )


  • commit id各不相同
  • libs/lib1所处的分支不同

2.7.1 更新project1的lib1和lib2改动


➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master)          cd         libs         /lib1        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1/libs/lib1          git checkout master        

         Previous HEAD position was 36ad12d... update lib1-features by developer B        

         Switched to branch          'master'        

         Your branch is behind          'origin/master'          by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded.        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1/libs/lib1         git:(master) git pull        

         remote: Counting objects: 4,          done         .        

         remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2         /2         ),          done         .        

         remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         From          /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib1        

                  36ad12d..8c666d8  master     -> origin         /master        

         Updating c22aff8..8c666d8        


                  README        |    1 +        

                  lib1-features |    1 +        

                  2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)        

                  create mode 100644 README        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1/libs/lib1         git:(master)

果不其然,我们看到了刚刚在project2中修改的内容,同步到了project1中,当然现在更新了project1lib1,commit id也会随之变动:

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1/libs/lib1         git:(master)          cd         ../../        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗ git status         

         # On branch master        

         # Changes not staged for commit:        

         #   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)        

         #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)        


         #   modified:   libs/lib1 (new commits)        


         no changes added to commit (use          "git add"         and         /or         "git commit -a"         )        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗ git          diff        

         diff         --git a         /libs/lib1         b         /libs/lib1        

         index 36ad12d..8c666d8 160000        

         --- a         /libs/lib1        

         +++ b         /libs/lib1        

         @@ -1 +1 @@        

         -Subproject commit 36ad12d40d8a41a4a88a64add27bd57cf56c9de2        

         +Subproject commit 8c666d86531513dd1aebdf235f142adbac72c035        

         <         /file         ><         /file         >

现在最新的commit id和project2目前的状态一致,说明真的同步了;好的,现在可以使用相同的办法更新lib2了:

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗          cd         libs         /lib2        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1/libs/lib2         git:(master) git pull        

         remote: Counting objects: 5,          done         .        

         remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2         /2         ),          done         .        

         remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         From          /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib2        

                  7290dce..e372b21  master     -> origin         /master        

         Updating 7290dce..e372b21        


                  lib2-features |    1 +        

                  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

2.7.2 更新project1的submodule引用

2.7.1中我们更新了project1lib1lib2的最新版本,现在要把最新的commit id保存到project1中以保持最新的引用。

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗ git status        

         # On branch master        

         # Changes not staged for commit:        

         #   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)        

         #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)        


         #   modified:   libs/lib1 (new commits)        

         #   modified:   libs/lib2 (new commits)        


         no changes added to commit (use          "git add"         and         /or         "git commit -a"         )        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) ✗ git commit -a -m          "update lib1 and lib2 commit id to new version"        

         [master 8fcca50] update lib1 and lib2 commit          id         to new version        

                  2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1         git:(master) git push        

         Counting objects: 5,          done         .        

         Delta compression using up to 2 threads.        

         Compressing objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         Writing objects: 100% (3         /3         ), 397 bytes,          done         .        

         Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         To          /home/henryyan/submd/ws/         ..         /repos/project1         .git        

                  c96838a..8fcca50  master -> master        

         <         /file         ><         /file         >

2.8 更新project1-b项目的子模块(使用脚本)

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) git pull        

         remote: Counting objects: 5,          done         .        

         remote: Compressing objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         From          /home/henryyan/submd/ws/         ..         /repos/project1        

                  c96838a..8fcca50  master     -> origin         /master        

         Updating c96838a..8fcca50        


                  libs         /lib1         |    2 +-        

                  libs         /lib2         |    2 +-        

                  2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) ✗ git status        

         # On branch master        

         # Changes not staged for commit:        

         #   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)        

         #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)        


         #   modified:   libs/lib1 (new commits)        

         #   modified:   libs/lib2 (new commits)        


         no changes added to commit (use          "git add"         and         /or         "git commit -a"         )        

         <         /file         ><         /file         >

Git提示lib1和lib2有更新内容,这个判断的依据来源于submodule commit id的引用。

现在怎么更新呢?难道还是像project1中那样进入子模块的目录然后git checkout master,接着git pull




2.8.1 牛刀小试

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) ✗          grep         path .gitmodules |          awk         '{ print $3 }'         >          /tmp/study-git-submodule-dirs        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) ✗          cat         /tmp/study-git-submodule-dirs        

                  libs         /lib1        

                  libs         /lib2


2.8.2 上路

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) ✗          mkdir         bin        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) ✗          vi         bin         /update-submodules         .sh



         grep          path .gitmodules |          awk          '{ print $3 }'         >          /tmp/study-git-submodule-dirs        


         # read        

         while          read         LINE        


                  echo         $LINE        

                  (         cd         ./$LINE && git checkout master && git pull)        

         done          <          /tmp/study-git-submodule-dirs


  • 首先把子模块的路径写入到文件/tmp/study-git-submodule-dirs中;
  • 然后读取文件中的子模块路径,依次切换到master分支(修改都是在master分支上进行的),最后更新最近改动。

2.8.3 2013-01-19更新


git submodule foreach git pull


该后面的命令可以任意的,例如 git submodule foreach ls -l 可以列出每个子模块的文件列表

2.8.3 体验工具带来的便利

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) ✗ git submodule         

         +36ad12d40d8a41a4a88a64add27bd57cf56c9de2 libs         /lib1         (heads         /master         )        

         +7290dce0062bd77df1d83b27dd3fa3f25a836b54 libs         /lib2         (heads         /master         )        


         # 添加执行权限        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) ✗          chmod         +x .         /bin/update-submodules         .sh        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) ✗ .         /bin/update-submodules         .sh         

         libs         /lib1        

         Already on          'master'        

         remote: Counting objects: 4,          done         .        

         remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2         /2         ),          done         .        

         remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         From          /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib1        

                  36ad12d..8c666d8  master     -> origin         /master        

         Updating 36ad12d..8c666d8        


                  README |    1 +        

                  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)        

                  create mode 100644 README        

         libs         /lib2        

         Switched to branch          'master'        

         remote: Counting objects: 5,          done         .        

         remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2         /2         ),          done         .        

         remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         From          /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib2        

                  7290dce..e372b21  master     -> origin         /master        

         Updating 7290dce..e372b21        


                  lib2-features |    1 +        

                  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) ✗ git submodule         

                  8c666d86531513dd1aebdf235f142adbac72c035 libs         /lib1         (heads         /master         )        

                  e372b21dffa611802c282278ec916b5418acebc2 libs         /lib2         (heads         /master         )        


                  ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) ✗ git status         

         # On branch master        

         # Untracked files:        

         #   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)        


         #   bin/        

         nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use          "git add"         to track)        

         <         /file         >


  • git submodule的结果和project2的submodule commit id保持一致;
  • project1-b不再提示new commits了。


➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) ✗ git add bin         /update-submodules         .sh         

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) ✗ git commit -m          "添加自动更新submodule的快捷脚本^_^"        

         [master 756e788] 添加自动更新submodule的快捷脚本^_^        

                  1 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)        

                  create mode 100755 bin         /update-submodules         .sh        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-b         git:(master) git push        

         Counting objects: 5,          done         .        

         Delta compression using up to 2 threads.        

         Compressing objects: 100% (3         /3         ),          done         .        

         Writing objects: 100% (4         /4         ), 625 bytes,          done         .        

         Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (4         /4         ),          done         .        

         To          /home/henryyan/submd/ws/         ..         /repos/project1         .git        

                  8fcca50..756e788  master -> master

2.9 新进员工加入团队,一次性Clone项目和Submodules


git clone          /path/to/repos/foo         .git        

         git submodule init        

         git submodule update



git clone --recursive          /path/to/repos/foo         .git


git help 对其解释:

--recursive, --recurse-submodules After the clone is created, initialize all submodules within, using their default settings. This is equivalent to running git submodule update --init --recursive immediately after the clone is finished. This option is ignored if the cloned repository does not have a worktree/checkout (i.e. if any of --no-checkout/-n, --bare, or --mirror is given)

2.9.1 使用一键方式克隆project2

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws          git clone --recursive ..         /repos/project2         .git project2-auto-clone-submodules        

         Cloning into project2-auto-clone-submodules...        

         done         .        

         Submodule          'libs/lib1'         (         /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib1         .git) registered          for         path          'libs/lib1'        

         Submodule          'libs/lib2'         (         /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib2         .git) registered          for         path          'libs/lib2'        

         Cloning into libs         /lib1         ...        

         done         .        

         Submodule path          'libs/lib1'         : checked out          '8c666d86531513dd1aebdf235f142adbac72c035'        

         Cloning into libs         /lib2         ...        

         done         .        

         Submodule path          'libs/lib2'         : checked out          'e372b21dffa611802c282278ec916b5418acebc2'



牢骚:搞不明白为什么git不设计一个类似:git submodule remove的命令呢?


➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws          git clone --recursive ..         /repos/project1         .git project1-remove-submodules        

         Cloning into project1-remove-submodules...        

         done         .        

         Submodule          'libs/lib1'         (         /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib1         .git) registered          for         path          'libs/lib1'        

         Submodule          'libs/lib2'         (         /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib2         .git) registered          for         path          'libs/lib2'        

         Cloning into libs         /lib1         ...        

         done         .        

         Submodule path          'libs/lib1'         : checked out          '8c666d86531513dd1aebdf235f142adbac72c035'        

         Cloning into libs         /lib2         ...        

         done         .        

         Submodule path          'libs/lib2'         : checked out          'e372b21dffa611802c282278ec916b5418acebc2'        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws          cd         !$        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws          cd         project1-remove-submodules

3.1 Step by

1、删除git cache和物理文件夹

➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-remove-submodules         git:(master) git          rm         -r --cached libs/        

         rm          'libs/lib1'        

         rm          'libs/lib2'        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-remove-submodules         git:(master) ✗          rm         -rf libs


➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-remove-submodules         git:(master) ✗          rm         .gitmodules



    repositoryformatversion = 0 
    filemode = true
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
    url = /home/henryyan/submd/ws/../repos/project1.git
[branch "master"]
    remote = origin
    merge = refs/heads/master
[submodule "libs/lib1"]
    url = /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib1.git
[submodule "libs/lib2"]
    url = /home/henryyan/submd/repos/lib2.git


    repositoryformatversion = 0 
    filemode = true
    bare = false
    logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
    fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
    url = /home/henryyan/submd/ws/../repos/project1.git
[branch "master"]
    remote = origin
    merge = refs/heads/master


➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-remove-submodules         git:(master) ✗ git status        

         # On branch master        

         # Changes to be committed:        

         #   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)        


         #   deleted:    libs/lib1        

         #   deleted:    libs/lib2        


         # Changes not staged for commit:        

         #   (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)        

         #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)        


         #   deleted:    .gitmodules        


         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-remove-submodules         git:(master) ✗ git add .gitmodules        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-remove-submodules         git:(master) ✗ git commit -m          "删除子模块lib1和lib2"        

         [master 5e2ee71] 删除子模块lib1和lib2        

                  3 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)        

                  delete mode 100644 .gitmodules        

                  delete mode 160000 libs         /lib1        

                  delete mode 160000 libs         /lib2        

         ➜ henryyan@hy-hp  ~         /submd/ws/project1-remove-submodules         git:(master) git push        

         Counting objects: 3,          done         .        

         Delta compression using up to 2 threads.        

         Compressing objects: 100% (2         /2         ),          done         .        

         Writing objects: 100% (2         /2         ), 302 bytes,          done         .        

         Total 2 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)        

         Unpacking objects: 100% (2         /2         ),          done         .        

         To          /home/henryyan/submd/ws/         ..         /repos/project1         .git        

                  756e788..5e2ee71  master -> master        

         <         /file         ><         /file         ><         /file         >


对于Git Submodule来说在刚刚接触的时候多少会有点凌乱的赶紧,尤其是没有接触过svn:externals

本文从开始创建项目到使用git submodule的每个步骤以及细节、原理逐一讲解,希望到此读者能驾驭它。

学会了Git submdoule你的项目中再也不会出现大量重复的资源文件、公共类库,更不会出现多个版本,甚至一个客户的多个项目风格存在各种差异。
