


The Unity Launcher in Ubuntu is locked to the left side of the screen. If you would rather have a launcher at the bottom of the screen, there is a way to convert the Unity Launcher into a dock-style launcher at the bottom of the screen.

Ubuntu中的Unity Launcher锁定在屏幕的左侧。 如果您希望在屏幕底部有一个启动器,则可以通过一种方法将Unity Launcher转换为屏幕底部的停靠式启动器。

We have previously shown you how to install and use Cairo-Dock to get a Mac OS X-style dock at the bottom of your Ubuntu desktop. However, the Unity Launcher was still on the left side of the screen. We will show you a way to automatically hide the Unity Launcher and show Cairo-Dock at the bottom of the screen.

前面我们已经向您展示了如何安装和使用Cairo-Dock在Ubuntu桌面底部获得Mac OS X样式的扩展坞。 但是,Unity Launcher仍位于屏幕左侧。 我们将向您展示一种自动隐藏Unity Launcher并在屏幕底部显示Cairo-Dock的方法。

NOTE: When we say to type something in this article and there are quotes around the text, DO NOT type the quotes, unless we specify otherwise.


First, we will be installing the Unity Tweak Tool and Cairo-Dock. To install the Unity Tweak Tool, click the Ubuntu Software Center icon on the Unity Launcher.

首先,我们将安装Unity Tweak Tool和Cairo-Dock。 要安装Unity Tweak工具,请单击Unity Launcher上的Ubuntu Software Center图标。


Start typing “unity tweak” in the search box in the upper-right corner of the Ubuntu Software Center window. Results start to display in the list as you type. When the “Unity Tweak Tool” displays in the list, click on it and then click the “Install” button.

在Ubuntu软件中心窗口右上角的搜索框中开始输入“ unity tweak”。 键入时,结果开始显示在列表中。 当列表中显示“ Unity Tweak工具”时,单击它,然后单击“安装”按钮。


When the “Authenticate” dialog box displays, enter your password in the “Password” edit box and click “Authenticate.”



The progress of the installation is displayed on the right side of the “Unity Tweak Tool” item in the list.

安装进度显示在列表中“ Unity Tweak工具”项的右侧。


Now, search for Cairo-Dock and install it using the same procedure we described for installing the Unity Tweak Tool.

现在,搜索Cairo-Dock并使用与安装Unity Tweak Tool相同的步骤进行安装。


When the installation of Cairo-Dock is finished, click the X button in the upper-left corner of the Ubuntu Software Center window to close it.

在完成Cairo-Dock的安装后,单击Ubuntu Software Center窗口左上角的X按钮将其关闭。


To open the Unity Tweak Tool, click the icon on the Unity Launcher.

要打开Unity Tweak工具,请单击Unity Launcher上的图标。


NOTE: If you don’t have an icon on the Unity Launcher for the Unity Tweak Tool, open the Dash and type “unity”. The Unity Tweak Tool icon should display under “Applications” in the results. Click the icon to start the tool.

注意:如果您在Unity Launcher上没有用于Unity Tweak Tool的图标,请打开Dash并输入“ unity”。 结果中,“ Unity Tweak工具”图标应显示在“应用程序”下。 单击图标以启动该工具。


In the “Unity” section of the Unity Tweak Tool, click “Launcher.”

在Unity Tweak工具的“ Unity”部分中,单击“ Launcher”。


On the “Launcher” tab, click the “Auto-hide” switch so it reads “ON.” The Unity Launcher immediately hides. You can change the “Auto-hide animation,” “Reveal location,” and “Reveal sensitivity” as well.

在“启动器”选项卡上,单击“自动隐藏”开关,使其显示为“开”。 Unity Launcher立即隐藏。 您也可以更改“自动隐藏动画”,“显示位置”和“显示灵敏度”。


To start Cairo-Dock, move your mouse to the left side of the screen (or top left corner, depending on your settings) to show the Unity Launcher. Then, click the Cairo-Dock icon on the launcher.

要启动Cairo-Dock,请将鼠标移至屏幕左侧(或左上角,具体取决于您的设置)以显示Unity Launcher。 然后,单击启动器上的Cairo-Dock图标。


The Cairo-Dock displays at the bottom of the screen. For more information about customizing and using Cairo-Dock, see our article.

Cairo-Dock显示在屏幕底部。 有关自定义和使用Cairo-Dock的更多信息,请参见我们的文章


If you want Cairo-Dock to display automatically when you log in, right-click anywhere on the dock and move your mouse over “Cairo-Dock.” Then, select “Launch Cairo-Dock on startup” from the sub-menu that displays.

如果您希望Cairo-Dock在登录时自动显示,请右键单击扩展坞上的任意位置,然后将鼠标移到“ Cairo-Dock”上。 然后,从显示的子菜单中选择“启动时启动Cairo-Dock”。

NOTE: Once you select the “Launch Cairo-Dock on startup” option, it is removed from the menu. If you change your mind and don’t want Cairo-Dock to start automatically when you log in, you can disable it in the Startup Applications tool.

注意:选择“启动时启动Cairo-Dock”选项后,将从菜单中将其删除。 如果您改变主意并且不希望Cairo-Dock在登录时自动启动,则可以在“启动应用程序”工具中将其禁用


This method of switching to a dock-style launcher gives you the best of both worlds. You can have a dock at the bottom of the screen and still access the Unity Launcher by hovering your mouse over the left side of the screen.

这种切换到扩展坞式发射器的方法可为您提供两全其美的体验。 您可以在屏幕底部放置一个停靠栏,将鼠标悬停在屏幕左侧仍可以访问Unity Launcher。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/202708/how-to-convert-the-unity-launcher-into-a-dock-style-launcher/
