ProcessMaker Installation



  Requirements for Server

  Requirements for Clients

  PHP Configuration

  MySQL Configuration

  ProcessMaker Installation



|*Requirements for Server *|


ProcessMaker 2.0 and later requires:

* Linux or UNIX or Windows (XP, Vista, 7, Server 2003, Server 2008)

* MySQL 5.1.6 or greater

* Apache 2.2.3 or greater, with the following modules:

  * Deflate

  * Expires

  * Rewrite

  * Vhost_alias

* PHP 5.1.6 or greater with the following libraries:

  * mysql

  * xml

  * mbstring

  * mcrypt

  * soap (necessary if using web services)

  * ldap (necessary if integrating with LDAP or Active Directory)

  * gd   (recommended if using Events)

  * curl (necessary for uploading/downloading files)

  * Also install PHP's command line interface (CLI) if planning on using Events,

    the Case Scheduler, workspace backup/restore, or developing plugins with the

    Gulliver Framework.


|* Requirements for Clients *|


Mozilla FireFox (recommended)


Internet Explorer 7 or later


|* PHP Configuration *|


In the PHP configuration file (php.ini), set the following settings:

  memory_limit = 120M

  file_uploads = On

  short_open_tag = On

The memory_limit may be a minimum of 80MB, but it is recommended to set it to

120MB. If planning on uploading large Input Documents and attached files, then

increase the max_post_size and upload_max_filesize to larger than the default


  max_post_size = 2M

  upload_max_filesize = 2M

After editing the "php.ini" file, restart the Apache server for the new

configuration to take effect.


|* MySQL Configuration *|


The MySQL "root" user should already have all the necessary privileges to setup

the ProcessMaker databases. If planning on using a MySQL user other than "root"

to set up the ProcessMaker databases, grant a MySQL user superuser privileges

to create and update databases.

Login to MySQL:

  mysql -u root -p

Enter the root password for MySQL.

Once in MySQL, give the user which will be running ProcessMaker superuser

privileges to create create and modify MySQL databases:

mysql> grant all on *.* to 'USER'@'localhost' identified by 'PASSWORD' with grant option;

Replace USER with the name of your MySQL user and PASSWORD with the password

for that user. (If that user doesn't already exist, he/she will be

automatically created with the above grant command. If you are running

ProcessMaker on a different server than your MySQL server, then replace

localhost with the domain name or IP address of the server where ProcessMaker

is located.

Exit MySQL:

mysql> exit;

If you have forgotten the root password, see these instructions to reset it:

If unable to log into MySQL because there is no socket, then MySQL needs to be

started as a service.


|* ProcessMaker Installation *|


1. Go to and download a

recent tarball of ProcessMaker, which should be named "processmaker-2.X-X.tar.gz"

The versions are numbered according to the pattern MAJOR.MINOR-REVISION, such

as "2.0-8". Beta versions will have the word "beta" appended to the version


2. Move the "processmaker-X.X-X.tar.gz" file which was downloaded to the

directory in your server where the ProcessMaker application will be stored.

ProcessMaker can be installed in any directory which is not publicly

accessible to the internet (so do NOT install it in "/var/www" in Linux/UNIX).

In Linux/UNIX, it is generally installed in the "/opt" directory, since it is an

optional program which doesn't come from the standard repositories.

In Windows XP and Server 2003, it is generally installed in the

"C:\Program Files" directory.

In Windows Vista, 7, and Server 2008, it is generally installed in the local

directory of a user, such as "C:/Users/X/processmaker", due to the new security

restrictions which do not allow Apache to write to the C:/Program Files


3. The code files are in .tar.gz format and can be extracted using most

compression tools, like the "tar" command in Linux/UNIX or WinRAR or 7-Zip in



   tar -xvzf processmaker-X.X-X.tar.gz /opt/

 MS Windows:

   Use WinRAR or 7-Zip to extract the file processmaker-X.X-X.tar.gz

This will create a new "processmaker" directory, containing all the ProcessMaker

files and directories, which should have the following contents:

 gulliver     processmaker      rbac        shared

 LICENSE.txt  processmaker.bat  README.txt  workflow

4. Then, make the following subdirectories writable to the user running Apache:


   Issue the following commands:

     chmod 770 /opt/processmaker/shared

     cd /opt/processmaker/workflow/engine/

     chmod 770 config content/languages plugins xmlform js/labels

   Then change the owner of the ProcessMaker files to Apache:

     chown -R apache-user:apache-user /opt/processmaker

   Replace "apache-user", with the user running Apache in your distribution.

     In RedHat/CentOS/Fedora:

       chown -R apache:apache /opt/processmaker

     In Debian/Ubuntu:

       chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/processmaker

     In SUSE/OpenSUSE:

       chown -R chown wwwrun:www -R /opt/processmaker

 MS Windows:

   Make the following subdirectories writable:








|* Apache Configuration *|


1. Edit the file "<INSTALL-DIRECTORY>/processmaker/etc/pmos.conf" with a plain

text editor (such as Notepad or Notepad++ in Windows or vim, nano or gedit in


Modify the following virtual host definition to match your environment:


  # Please change the IP address with your server's IP address and

  # the ServerName with you own subdomain for ProcessMaker.

  NameVirtualHost your_ip_address

  #processmaker virtual host

  <VirtualHost your_ip_address >

    ServerName "your_processmaker_domain"

    DocumentRoot /opt/processmaker/workflow/public_html

    DirectoryIndex index.html index.php

    <Directory  "/opt/processmaker/workflow/public_html">

       AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

       AllowOverRide none

       Options FollowSymlinks

       Order allow,deny

       Allow from all

       RewriteEngine on

       RewriteRule ^.*/(.*)$ sysGeneric.php [NC,L]

       ExpiresActive On

       ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 day"

       ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 day"

       ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 day"

       ExpiresByType image/jpg "access plus 1 day"

       ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 day"

       ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 1 day"

       AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html




Replace "your_ip_address" with the IP number or domain name of the server

running ProcessMaker. If only planning on running and accessing ProcessMaker on

your local machine, then use the IP address "". If using ProcessMaker

on a machine whose IP address might change (such as a machine whose IP address

is assigned with DHCP), then use "*", which represents any IP address. If not

using the standard port 80, then it is necessary to also specify the port


If your DNS or "hosts" file has a defined domain for ProcessMaker, then use

that domain for "your_processmaker_domain". Otherwise, use the same IP address

for "your_processmaker_domain" as was used for "your_ip_address".

If ProcessMaker is installed in a location other than "/opt/processmaker", then

edit the paths to match where Processmaker is installed on your system.

For example, if running ProcessMaker on a Windows XP server at address on port 8080 with a domain at



  #processmaker virtual host

  <VirtualHost >

    ServerName ""

    DocumentRoot C:\Program Files\processmaker\workflow\public_html

    DirectoryIndex index.html index.php

    <Directory  "C:\Program Files\processmaker\workflow\public_html">



For example, if running ProcessMaker on a Linux server at address with a domain at



  #processmaker virtual host

  <VirtualHost >

    ServerName ""

    DocumentRoot /opt/processmaker/workflow/public_html

    DirectoryIndex index.html index.php

    <Directory  "/opt/processmaker/workflow/public_html">



For example, if ProcessMaker is installed in the "/home/fred" directory on your

local machine at port 8080 with an dynamic IP assigned by DHCP:


  NameVirtualHost *:8080

  #processmaker virtual host

  <VirtualHost *:8080 >

    ServerName "*"

    DocumentRoot /home/fred/processmaker/workflow/public_html

    DirectoryIndex index.html index.php

    <Directory  "/home/fred/processmaker/workflow/public_html">



Note: It is also possible to define the virtual host for ProcessMaker directly

in the Apache configuration by inserting the above VirtualHost definition in

the Apache configuration file, which is generally named "httpd.conf".

Then, copy the "pmos.conf" file to the following directory, where it will

automatically be loaded by the Apache web server:

    Generic Linux/UNIX:




       Then issue the command to enable the site:

          a2ensite pmos.conf



If using Windows, add the following line to the "httpd.conf" file, so that the

ProcessMaker virtual configuration can proceed:

  Include "C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.8\conf\extra\pmos.conf"

Note: If Apache is using the default port 80, then configure Skype and other

programs to not use port 80. You can check whether a program is currently

listening on port 80 with netstat -anb in Windows or netstat -tanp in


5. Finally restart the Apache service (or reboot) to make the new ProcessMaker

site available


|* ProcessMaker Configuration *|


1. Open your web browser and direct it to the IP address (and port) or domain

name where ProcessMaker is installed:


For example, if installed on the local machine at port 8080, then use:


The web browser should be redirected to the address:


2. The installation configuration page should appear to setup ProcessMaker.

(If the default Apache page appears, then disable it and restart Apache.)

In the configuration page, enter in the username and password to access MySQL.

Click on the '''Test''' button to verify that ProcessMaker is configured

properly. Green checkmarks will indicate that the settings work correctly.

To change a setting after clicking "Test", click on "Reset". To change the

default administrator username and password, select the option in the

"ProcessMaker Configuration" section. Once all the settings are properly

configured click on "Install" to install processmaker. The installation screen

should indicate "SUCCESS".

Click on "Finish Installation", to redirect to the ProcessMaker login screen. If

an error arises, feel free to ask in the ProcessMaker forum at:

At the login screen, enter the Username of "admin" and the Password of "admin"

and the Workspace name, which by default is "workflow".

Once logged in as the administrator, new users and processes can be created

inside ProcessMaker. To login with a different workspace, language or skin, see:

If the ProcessMaker configuration screen appears the next time you try to login,

press CTRL+F5 to clear your web browser's cache.

Note: It is a good idea to reset the administrator's password to something

more secure in the future before using ProcessMaker in production.


|* Credits *|


ProcessMaker - Automate your Workflow

Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Colosa

Last Update: 2011-04-11, amosbatto AT colosa DOT com