在引用里填加System.Configuration 然后可以用 System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Key]去根据key读config里的配置值. 比如在web,.config的<configuration>节点里有: <appSettings> <add key="test" value="testValue"/> </appSettings> 那么: string x=System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["test"].ToString(); x的值为"testValue";
web.config 测试账号
转载文章标签 web.config 测试账号 文章分类 软件研发
xml version="1.0"?> Note: As an alternative to hand editing this file you can use the web admin tool to configure settings for your application. Use the Website->Asp.Net Configuration opt
authorization compilation authentication redirect forms -
nginx 查看 stream
[root@nginx nginx-1.6.2]# ./configure --help --help print this message #打印这个信息 --prefix=PATH
nginx 查看 stream nginx perl memcached