[cpp] view plain copy
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #define MAX_ID_LENGTH 256
- #define MAX_TABLE_SIZE 2048
- #define SUCCESS 1
- typedef enum
- {
- T_0=0, T_1=1, T_2=2, T_INT=3, T_IF=4, T_ELSE=5,
- T_END=12, T_THEN=13, T_ADD=14, T_SUB=15, T_MUL=16, T_DIV=17,
- T_L=18, T_LE=19, T_G=20, T_GE=21, T_NE=22, T_E=23,
- T_ASSIGN=24, T_LPAR=25, T_RPAR=26, T_COM=27, T_SEM=28, T_RETURN=29,
- } Token;
- typedef struct
- {
- Token read;
- struct
- size_t
- } MYLEX;
- MYLEX lex_head,error_temp;
- MYLEX* current;
- Token error_TOKEN=T_0;
- /*初始化信息*/
- /*函数申明*/
- int item(void);
- int Block(void);
- int Factor(void);
- int Variable(void);
- int Function(void);
- int Constant(void);
- int Parameter (void
- int Identifier (void);
- int Main_Program(void);
- int Function_call(void);
- void emergency_exit(void);
- int Read_statement(void);
- int Write_statement(void);
- int Execute_statement(void);
- MYLEX* Advance(MYLEX* read);
- MYLEX* Read_file(MYLEX* read);
- int Relational_operators(void);
- int Assignment_statement(void);
- int Variable_declaration(void);
- int Function_declaration(void);
- int
- int Conditional_statement(void);
- int Arithmetic_expression(void);
- int Declarative_statement(void);
- int Conditional_expression(void);
- int Execute_statement_table(void);
- int
- int Declarative_statement_table(void);
- /*退出*/
- void emergency_exit(void)
- {
- MYLEX* EXIT_TEEMP=lex_head.next;
- current=EXIT_TEEMP;
- while(!current)
- {
- current=EXIT_TEEMP->next;
- free(EXIT_TEEMP);
- }
- exit(0);
- }
- /*错误处理*/
- int
- {
- FILE *error_file=fopen("error.txt","a");
- if(!error_file)
- {
- "can`t open file \n");
- }
- if(error_temp.line<current->line)
- {
- error_temp=*current;
- error_TOKEN=aim;
- "error in line:%d\tTOKEN:%d\texpeced Token is :%d\n",
- error_temp.line,error_temp.read,error_TOKEN);
- }
- fclose(error_file);
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Read_file
- // FullName: Read_file
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:读文件
- // Parameter: void
- //************************************
- MYLEX* Read_file(MYLEX* current)
- {
- current->line=0;
- current->next=NULL;
- current->read=T_0;
- MYLEX* Temp;
- Temp=current;
- FILE* READ_FILE=fopen("GRAMER.txt","r");
- if(!READ_FILE)
- {
- "can`t load file GRAMER.txt, a file like GRAMER.txt is expectd here \n");
- exit(0);
- }
- while(!feof(READ_FILE))
- {
- sizeof(MYLEX));
- Temp=Temp->next;
- if(!Temp)
- {
- "can`t malloc a space for this program!\n");
- emergency_exit();
- }
- Temp->line=0;
- Temp->next=NULL;
- Temp->read=T_0;
- "%d\t%d\n",&(Temp->line),&(Temp->read));
- }
- fclose(READ_FILE);
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Advance
- // FullName: Advance
- // Access: public
- // Returns: Token
- // Qualifier: 前进移向下一个TOKEN
- // Parameter: void
- //************************************
- MYLEX* Advance(MYLEX* current)
- {
- FILE*EAT_FILE=fopen("symtab2.txt","a");
- FILE* LEFT_FILE=fopen("detail.txt","a");
- if((!EAT_FILE)||(!LEFT_FILE))
- {
- "can`t open file");
- emergency_exit();
- }
- MYLEX* Temp=current->next;
- "you have eat the one is :%3d\n\n follow is \n",current->read);
- fprintf(EAT_FILE,
- "\nyou have eat the one is line:%3d\tToken:%3d\n",
- current->line,current->read);
- fprintf(LEFT_FILE,
- "\n\ncurrent eat the one is line:%3d\tToken:%3d\nfollow is\n",
- current->line,current->read);
- for(Temp; Temp!=NULL; Temp=Temp->next)
- {
- "line:%3d \t token=%3d\n",
- Temp->line,Temp->read);
- "line:%3d \t token=%3d\n",
- Temp->line,Temp->read);
- }
- fclose(EAT_FILE);
- fclose(LEFT_FILE);
- if(current==NULL)
- {
- "all work is to be done!,there is an error in your project!\n ");
- emergency_exit();
- }
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: main
- // FullName: main
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier: 主程序
- // Parameter: int agrc
- // Parameter: char * agrv[]
- //************************************
- int main(int agrc, char*agrv[])
- {
- error_temp.line=0;
- error_temp.next=NULL;
- error_temp.read=T_0;
- "\t编译原理实验二\n\tXXXXXXXXX\n\t\t—NEWPLAN\n");
- current=Read_file(&lex_head);
- "pause");
- if(Main_Program())
- {
- "\n\ncongratulation\tsuccessfully!\n\n");
- "del error.txt");
- }
- else
- {
- " sorry you have failed!\n");
- "error in line:%d\tTOKEN:%d\texpeced Token is :%d\n",
- error_temp.line,error_temp.read,error_TOKEN);
- }
- "pause");
- emergency_exit();/*释放空间,函数返回*/
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: match
- // FullName: match
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier: 匹配
- // Parameter: Token read
- // Parameter: Token aim
- //************************************
- int
- {
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Main_Program
- // FullName: Main_Program
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier: 开始主程序
- // Parameter: void
- //************************************
- int Main_Program(void)
- {
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Block
- // FullName: Block
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*分程序*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Block(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- return
- Execute_statement_table()&&match(current->read,T_END))?SUCCESS:(current=Temp,!SUCCESS);
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Declarative_statement_table
- // FullName: Declarative_statement_table
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*说明语句表*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!Declarative_statement())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- /*采用扩展的BNF方法消除左递归*/
- for(;;)
- {
- Temp=current;
- if(!match(current->read,T_SEM))
- break;
- if(!Declarative_statement())
- {
- current=Temp;
- break;
- }
- }
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Declarative_statement
- // FullName: Declarative_statement
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*说明语句*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Declarative_statement(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- return
- (current=Temp,Function_declaration()? SUCCESS:!SUCCESS);
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Execute_statement_table
- // FullName: Execute_statement_table
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*执行语句表*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Execute_statement_table(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!Execute_statement())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- for(;;)
- {
- Temp=current;
- if(!match(current->read,T_SEM))
- break;
- if(!Execute_statement())
- {
- current=Temp;
- break;
- }
- }
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Execute_statement
- // FullName: Execute_statement
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*执行语句*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Execute_statement(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(Read_statement())
- return
- current=Temp;
- if(Write_statement())
- return
- current=Temp;
- if(Conditional_statement())
- return
- current=Temp;
- if(Assignment_statement())
- return
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Variable_declaration
- // FullName: Variable_declaration
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*变量说明*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Variable_declaration(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Function_declaration
- // FullName: Function_declaration
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*函数说明*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Function_declaration(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- return
- match(current->read, T_LPAR)&&Parameter()&&match(current->read, T_RPAR)&&
- match(current->read,T_SEM)&&Function())? SUCCESS:(current=Temp,!SUCCESS);
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Variable
- // FullName: Variable
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*变量*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Variable(void)
- {
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Identifier
- // FullName: Identifier
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*标识符*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Identifier (void)
- {
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Parameter
- // FullName: Parameter
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*参数*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Parameter (void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Function
- // FullName: Function
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*函数体*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Function(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- return
- Execute_statement_table()&&match(current->read,T_END))?SUCCESS:(current=Temp,!SUCCESS);
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Read_statement
- // FullName: Read_statement
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*读语句*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Read_statement(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- return
- match(current->read,T_RPAR))?SUCCESS:(current=Temp,!SUCCESS);
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Write_statement
- // FullName: Write_statement
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*写语句*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Write_statement(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- return
- match(current->read,T_RPAR))?SUCCESS:(current=Temp,!SUCCESS);
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Assignment_statement
- // FullName: Assignment_statement
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*赋值语句*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Assignment_statement(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- return
- Arithmetic_expression())? SUCCESS:(current=Temp,!SUCCESS);
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Conditional_statement
- // FullName: Conditional_statement
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*条件语句*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Conditional_statement(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- return
- match(current->read,T_THEN)&&Execute_statement()&&
- match(current->read,T_ELSE)&&Execute_statement()
- )?SUCCESS:(current=Temp,!SUCCESS);
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Arithmetic_expression
- // FullName: Arithmetic_expression
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*算术表达式*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Arithmetic_expression(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!item())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- for(;;)
- {
- Temp=current;
- if(!match(current->read,T_SUB))
- break;
- if(!item())
- {
- current=Temp;
- break;
- }
- }
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: item
- // FullName: item
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*项*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int item(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!Factor())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- for(;;)
- {
- Temp=current;
- if(!match(current->read,T_MUL))
- break;
- if(!Factor())
- {
- current=Temp;
- break;
- }
- }
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Constant
- // FullName: Constant
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*常数*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Constant(void)
- {
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Conditional_expression
- // FullName: Conditional_expression
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*条件表达式*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Conditional_expression(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- return
- Arithmetic_expression())? SUCCESS:(current=Temp,!SUCCESS);
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Relational_operators
- // FullName: Relational_operators
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*关系运算符*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Relational_operators(void)
- {
- return
- match(current->read,T_GE)||match(current->read,T_E)||match(current->read,T_NE)
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Factor
- // FullName: Factor
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*因子*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Factor(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(Function_call())
- return
- current=Temp;
- if(Variable())
- return
- current=Temp;
- if(Constant())
- return
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Function_call
- // FullName: Function_call
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*函数调用*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Function_call(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- return
- match(current->read,T_RPAR))?SUCCESS:(current=Temp,!SUCCESS);
- }
[cpp] view plain copy
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #define MAX_ID_LENGTH 256
- #define MAX_TABLE_SIZE 2048
- #define SUCCESS 1
- typedef enum
- {
- T_0=0,
- T_1=1,
- T_2=2,
- T_INT=3,
- T_IF=4,
- T_ELSE=5,
- T_WHILE=6,
- T_FOR=7,
- T_READ=8,
- T_WRITE=9,
- T_BEGIN=10,
- T_END=12,
- T_THEN=13,
- T_ADD=14,
- T_SUB=15,
- T_MUL=16,
- T_DIV=17,
- T_L=18,
- T_LE=19,
- T_G=20,
- T_GE=21,
- T_NE=22,
- T_E=23,
- T_ASSIGN=24,
- T_LPAR=25,
- T_RPAR=26,
- T_COM=27,
- T_SEM=28,
- T_RETURN=29,
- T_ERROR=30,
- T_SYMBOL=31,
- } Token;
- typedef struct
- {
- Token read;
- struct
- size_t
- #ifndef SUCCESS
- #define SUCCESS 1
- #endif
- MYLEX lex_head,error_temp;
- MYLEX* current;
- Token error_TOKEN=T_0;
- /*初始化信息*/
- /*函数申明*/
- int item(void);
- int Block(void);
- int Factor(void);
- int Variable(void);
- int Function(void);
- int Constant(void);
- int Parameter (void
- int Identifier (void);
- int Main_Program(void);
- int Function_call(void);
- void emergency_exit(void);
- int Read_statement(void);
- int Write_statement(void);
- int Execute_statement(void);
- MYLEX* Advance(MYLEX* read);
- MYLEX* Read_file(MYLEX* read);
- int Relational_operators(void);
- int Assignment_statement(void);
- int Variable_declaration(void);
- int Function_declaration(void);
- int
- int Conditional_statement(void);
- int Arithmetic_expression(void);
- int Declarative_statement(void);
- int Conditional_expression(void);
- int Execute_statement_table(void);
- int
- int Declarative_statement_table(void);
- void emergency_exit(void)
- {
- MYLEX* EXIT_TEEMP=lex_head.next;
- current=EXIT_TEEMP;
- while(!current)
- {
- current=EXIT_TEEMP->next;
- free(EXIT_TEEMP);
- }
- exit(0);
- }
- int
- {
- FILE *error_file=fopen("error.txt","a");
- if(!error_file)
- {
- "can`t open file \n");
- }
- if(error_temp.line<current->line)
- {
- error_temp=*current;
- error_TOKEN=aim;
- "error in line:%d\tTOKEN:%d\texpeced Token is :%d\n",
- error_temp.line,error_temp.read,error_TOKEN);
- }
- fclose(error_file);
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Read_file
- // FullName: Read_file
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:读文件
- // Parameter: void
- //************************************
- MYLEX* Read_file(MYLEX* current)
- {
- current->line=0;
- current->next=NULL;
- current->read=T_0;
- MYLEX* Temp;
- Temp=current;
- FILE* READ_FILE=fopen("GRAMER.txt","r");
- if(!READ_FILE)
- {
- "can`t load file GRAMER.txt, a file like GRAMER.txt is expectd here \n");
- exit(0);
- }
- while(!feof(READ_FILE))
- {
- sizeof(MYLEX));
- Temp=Temp->next;
- if(!Temp)
- {
- "can`t malloc a space for this program!\n");
- emergency_exit();
- }
- Temp->line=0;
- Temp->next=NULL;
- Temp->read=T_0;
- "%d\t%d\n",&(Temp->line),&(Temp->read));
- }
- fclose(READ_FILE);
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Advance
- // FullName: Advance
- // Access: public
- // Returns: Token
- // Qualifier: 前进移向下一个TOKEN
- // Parameter: void
- //************************************
- MYLEX* Advance(MYLEX* current)
- {
- FILE*EAT_FILE=fopen("symtab2.txt","a");
- FILE* LEFT_FILE=fopen("detail.txt","a");
- if((!EAT_FILE)||(!LEFT_FILE))
- {
- "can`t open file");
- emergency_exit();
- }
- MYLEX* Temp=current->next;
- "you have eat the one is :%3d\n\n follow is \n",current->read);
- fprintf(EAT_FILE,
- "\nyou have eat the one is line:%3d\tToken:%3d\n",
- current->line,
- current->read);
- fprintf(LEFT_FILE,
- "\n\ncurrent eat the one is line:%3d\tToken:%3d\nfollow is\n",
- current->line,
- current->read);
- for(Temp; Temp!=NULL; Temp=Temp->next)
- {
- "line:%3d \t token=%3d\n",
- Temp->line,Temp->read);
- "line:%3d \t token=%3d\n",
- Temp->line,Temp->read);
- }
- fclose(EAT_FILE);
- fclose(LEFT_FILE);
- if(current==NULL)
- {
- "all work is to be done!,there is an error in your project!\n ");
- emergency_exit();
- }
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: main
- // FullName: main
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier: 主程序
- // Parameter: int agrc
- // Parameter: char * agrv[]
- //************************************
- int main(int agrc, char*agrv[])
- {
- error_temp.line=0;
- error_temp.next=NULL;
- error_temp.read=T_0;
- "\t编译原理实验二\n\tXXXXXXXXX\n\tNEWPLAN\n");
- current=Read_file(&lex_head);
- "pause");
- if(Main_Program())
- {
- "\n\ncongratulation\tsuccessfully!\n\n");
- "del error.txt");
- }
- else
- {
- " sorry you have failed!\n");
- "error in line:%d\tTOKEN:%d\texpeced Token is :%d\n",
- error_temp.line,error_temp.read,error_TOKEN);
- }
- "pause");
- emergency_exit();/*释放空间,函数返回*/
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: match
- // FullName: match
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier: 匹配
- // Parameter: Token read
- // Parameter: Token aim
- //************************************
- int
- {
- if(read==aim)
- return
- error(current,aim);
- return
- // return read==aim? SUCCESS : !SUCCESS;
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Main_Program
- // FullName: Main_Program
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier: 开始主程序
- // Parameter: void
- //************************************
- int Main_Program(void)
- {
- if(!Block())
- return
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Block
- // FullName: Block
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*分程序*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Block(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!match(current->read,T_BEGIN))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current= Advance(current);
- if(!Declarative_statement_table())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- if(!match(current->read,T_SEM))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- if(!Execute_statement_table())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- if(!match(current->read,T_END))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Declarative_statement_table
- // FullName: Declarative_statement_table
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*说明语句表*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!Declarative_statement())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- /*采用扩展的BNF方法消除左递归*/
- for(;;)
- {
- if(!match(current->read,T_SEM))
- break;
- Temp=current;
- current =Advance(current);
- if(!Declarative_statement())
- {
- current=Temp;
- break;
- }
- }
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Declarative_statement
- // FullName: Declarative_statement
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*说明语句*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Declarative_statement(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(Variable_declaration())
- {
- return
- }
- else
- {
- current=Temp;
- }
- if(Function_declaration())
- return
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Execute_statement_table
- // FullName: Execute_statement_table
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*执行语句表*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Execute_statement_table(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!Execute_statement())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- for(;;)
- {
- if(!match(current->read,T_SEM))
- break;
- Temp=current;
- current=Advance(current);
- if(!Execute_statement())
- {
- current=Temp;
- break;
- }
- }
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Execute_statement
- // FullName: Execute_statement
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*执行语句*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Execute_statement(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(Read_statement())
- {
- return
- }
- else
- {
- current=Temp;
- }
- if(Write_statement())
- {
- return
- }
- else
- {
- current=Temp;
- }
- if(Conditional_statement())
- {
- return
- }
- else
- {
- current=Temp;
- }
- if(Assignment_statement())
- {
- return
- }
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Variable_declaration
- // FullName: Variable_declaration
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*变量说明*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Variable_declaration(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!match(current->read , T_INT))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current =Advance(current);
- if(Variable())
- return
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Function_declaration
- // FullName: Function_declaration
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*函数说明*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Function_declaration(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!match(current->read, T_INT))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- if(!match(current->read, T_FOUNCTION))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- if(!Identifier())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- if(!match(current->read, T_LPAR))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- if(!Parameter())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- if(!match(current->read, T_RPAR))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- if(!match(current->read,T_SEM))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current =Advance(current);
- if(!Function())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Variable
- // FullName: Variable
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*变量*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Variable(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(! match(current->read,T_SYMBOL))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Identifier
- // FullName: Identifier
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*标识符*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Identifier (void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(! match(current->read,T_SYMBOL))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Parameter
- // FullName: Parameter
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*参数*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Parameter (void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!Variable())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Function
- // FullName: Function
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*函数体*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Function(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!match(current->read, T_BEGIN))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- if(!Declarative_statement_table())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- if(!match(current->read, T_SEM))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- if(!Execute_statement_table())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- if(!match(current->read,T_END))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Read_statement
- // FullName: Read_statement
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*读语句*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Read_statement(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!match(current->read,T_READ))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- if(!match(current->read,T_LPAR))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- if(!Variable())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- if(!match(current->read,T_RPAR))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Write_statement
- // FullName: Write_statement
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*写语句*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Write_statement(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!match(current->read,T_WRITE))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- if(!match(current->read,T_LPAR))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- if(!Variable())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- if(!match(current->read,T_RPAR))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- "current to be got is:line=%d\t %d\n",current->line,current->read);
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Assignment_statement
- // FullName: Assignment_statement
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*赋值语句*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Assignment_statement(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!Variable())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- if(!match(current->read,T_ASSIGN))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current =Advance(current);
- if(Arithmetic_expression())
- return
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Conditional_statement
- // FullName: Conditional_statement
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*条件语句*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Conditional_statement(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!match(current->read,T_IF))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- if(!Conditional_expression())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- if(!match(current->read,T_THEN))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- if(!Execute_statement())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- if(!match(current->read,T_ELSE))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- if(Execute_statement())
- return
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Arithmetic_expression
- // FullName: Arithmetic_expression
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*算术表达式*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Arithmetic_expression(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!item())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- for(;;)
- {
- if(!match(current->read,T_SUB))
- break;
- Temp=current;
- current=Advance(current);
- if(!item())
- {
- current=Temp;
- break;
- }
- }
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: item
- // FullName: item
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*项*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int item(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!Factor())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- for(;;)
- {
- if(!match(current->read,T_MUL))
- break;
- Temp=current;
- current=Advance(current);
- if(!Factor())
- {
- current=Temp;
- break;
- }
- }
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Constant
- // FullName: Constant
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*常数*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Constant(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!match(current->read,T_CONSTANT))
- {
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Conditional_expression
- // FullName: Conditional_expression
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*条件表达式*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Conditional_expression(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!Arithmetic_expression())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- "line = %d,token=%d\n");
- if(!Relational_operators())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- if(!Arithmetic_expression())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Relational_operators
- // FullName: Relational_operators
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*关系运算符*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Relational_operators(void)
- {
- if(match(current->read,T_L))
- {
- current=Advance(current);
- return
- }
- if(match(current->read,T_LE))
- {
- current=Advance(current);
- return
- }
- if(match(current->read,T_G))
- {
- current=Advance(current);
- return
- }
- if(match(current->read,T_GE))
- {
- current=Advance(current);
- return
- }
- if(match(current->read,T_E))
- {
- current=Advance(current);
- return
- }
- if(match(current->read,T_NE))
- {
- current=Advance(current);
- return
- }
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Factor
- // FullName: Factor
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*因子*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Factor(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(Function_call())
- {
- return
- }
- else
- {
- current=Temp;
- }
- if(Variable())
- {
- return
- }
- else
- {
- current=Temp;
- }
- if(Constant())
- {
- return
- }
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- //************************************
- // Method: Function_call
- // FullName: Function_call
- // Access: public
- // Returns: int
- // Qualifier:/*函数调用*/
- // Parameter: Token read
- //************************************
- int Function_call(void)
- {
- MYLEX* Temp=current;
- if(!Identifier())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- if(!match(current->read,T_LPAR))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- if( !Arithmetic_expression())
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- if(!match(current->read,T_RPAR))
- {
- current=Temp;
- return
- }
- current=Advance(current);
- return
- }