The WeMo Switch is a cheap and easy-to-use smart outlet that can turn anything with an on/off switch into a smart appliance, allowing you to control it from your smartphone. Plus, it comes with a small handful of automation features, including the ability to set a timer so that it shuts off automatically after a certain amount of time has elapsed.
WeMo Switch是一种便宜且易于使用的智能插座,可以将带有开关的任何东西变成智能设备,从而使您可以从智能手机进行控制。 此外,它还具有少量自动化功能,包括设置计时器的功能,以便在经过一定时间后自动关闭计时器。
This can be done on either the regular WeMo Switch or the newer WeMo Insight Switch, and the process is the same on both. With the timer, whenever you turn on the switch, it will automatically begin counting down and turn off the switch after the set amount of time. When you turn it back on, it will begin the count down process again. This is great if, for example, you tend to fall asleep while reading, and want the light to turn off automatically.
这可以在常规WeMo Switch或更新的WeMo Insight Switch上完成 ,并且两者的过程相同。 使用计时器,只要您打开开关,它就会自动开始递减计数并在设置的时间后关闭开关。 当您重新打开它时,它将再次开始递减计数过程。 例如,如果您在阅读时倾向于入睡,并且想要自动关闭灯,那就太好了。
To start off, open up the WeMo app on your phone and tap on the “Rules” tab at the bottom.
Select “With Auto-off Timer”.
At the top under “Turn Off”, tap on the switch that you want to apply the timer to (if you have multiple WeMo Switches).
Next, set how long the timer will run before the WeMo Switch shuts off. There are predetermined times that you can select, but you can also choose “Custom” and tap on “Set”.
接下来,设置计时器在WeMo Switch关闭之前将运行多长时间。 您可以选择预定的时间,但也可以选择“自定义”并点击“设置”。
If you choose a custom time, use your finger to scroll the dial to the specific time you want to set and then tap on “Save”.
Next, under “When”, tap on “All Day, Daily”.
From here, you can choose when you want the timer enabled by picking certain days of the week, as well as even a time window. You can also just leave it as is to have the timer enabled at all times.
在这里,您可以通过选择一周中的某些天以及一个时间窗口来选择何时启用计时器。 您也可以将其保留为始终启用计时器。
After you set that up, tap on “Done” in the top-right corner.
Under “Rule Name”, you can give the timer a custom name if you want. Then tap “Save” in the top-right corner of the screen.
如果需要,可以在“规则名称”下为计时器指定一个自定义名称。 然后点击屏幕右上角的“保存”。
After that, the timer will appear in your list of rules.
To delete it at any point, just swipe to the left and hit delete.
You can also tap on the rule to open up more details about it, and then tap on “Delete Rule”. You can also quickly disable and re-enable the rule from this screen.
您还可以点击规则以打开有关该规则的更多详细信息,然后点击“删除规则”。 您也可以从此屏幕快速禁用和重新启用规则。
Unfortunately, there’s really no easy way to just set up a one-time quick timer and tell your WeMo Switch to shut off after 15 minutes (or whatever time you want). Instead, you have to set up a rule and customize it. But after you initially set it up, it’s easy to turn it on and off whenever you need to.
不幸的是,实际上没有简单的方法来设置一次性快速计时器并告诉您的WeMo Switch在15分钟(或您想要的任何时间)后关闭。 相反,您必须设置一个规则并对其进行自定义。 但是,在最初设置它之后,很容易在需要时将其打开和关闭。
Title Image by malija/Bigstock, Dxinerz-Pvt-Ltd/Bigstock, Belkin
标题图片作者malija / Bigstock, Dxinerz-Pvt-Ltd / Bigstock,贝尔金