一步步教你使用Proguard混淆Java源代码 [url]http://java-server.iteye.com/blog/1166114[/url]

直接使用mvn package可能直接出错,所以先用jar:jar命令得到jar文件,在使用proguard:proguard混淆。
命令在idea的Maven Projects查看。





[color=darkblue]# ----------------------------------

# 通过指定数量的优化能执行

# -optimizationpasses n

# ----------------------------------

-optimizationpasses 3

# ----------------------------------

# 混淆时不会产生形形色色的类名

# -dontusemixedcaseclassnames

# ----------------------------------


# ----------------------------------

# 指定不去忽略非公共的库类

# -dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses

# ----------------------------------


# ----------------------------------

# 不预校验

# -dontpreverify

# ----------------------------------

# -dontpreverify

# ----------------------------------

# 输出生成信息

# -verbose

# ----------------------------------









-dontwarn javax.crypto.**

-keep class javax.crypto.**

-keep class com.rh.hasp.util.** {*;}

#-keep class com.zsoftware.common.constant.** {*;}

-keep public class * extends javax.servlet.Servlet

-keepdirectories **

-keepattributes **

#-keepnames class * implements java.io.Serializable

# ---------保护所有实体中的字段名称----------

-keepclassmembers class * implements java.io.Serializable {



# --------- 保护类中的所有方法名 ------------

-keepclassmembers class * {

public <methods>;



执行:mvn package



[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.3.2:jar (default-jar) @ rh-hasp ---

[INFO] Building jar: /mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/rh-hasp-1.1.jar


[INFO] --- proguard-maven-plugin:2.0.6:proguard (default) @ rh-hasp ---

[INFO] execute ProGuard [-injars, '/mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/rh-hasp-1.1_proguard_base.jar'(!META-INF/maven/**), -outjars, '/mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/rh-hasp-1.1.jar', -include, '/mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/proguard.conf', -libraryjars, '/home/pandy/m2/repository/commons-codec/commons-codec/1.9/commons-codec-1.9.jar', -libraryjars, '/home/pandy/m2/repository/commons-lang/commons-lang/2.6/commons-lang-2.6.jar', -libraryjars, '/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_51/jre/lib/rt.jar', -printmapping, '/mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/proguard_map.txt', -printseeds, '/mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/proguard_seeds.txt']

[INFO] proguard jar: /home/pandy/m2/repository/net/sf/proguard/proguard-base/4.9/proguard-base-4.9.jar

[proguard] ProGuard, version 4.9

[proguard] Reading input...

[proguard] Reading program jar [/mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/rh-hasp-1.1_proguard_base.jar] (filtered)

[proguard] Reading library jar [/home/pandy/m2/repository/commons-codec/commons-codec/1.9/commons-codec-1.9.jar]

[proguard] Reading library jar [/home/pandy/m2/repository/commons-lang/commons-lang/2.6/commons-lang-2.6.jar]

[proguard] Reading library jar [/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_51/jre/lib/rt.jar]

[proguard] Initializing...

[proguard] Note: the configuration refers to the unknown class 'javax.servlet.Servlet'

[proguard] Note: there were 1 references to unknown classes.

[proguard] You should check your configuration for typos.

[proguard] Ignoring unused library classes...

[proguard] Original number of library classes: 19278

[proguard] Final number of library classes: 19278

[proguard] Printing kept classes, fields, and methods...

[proguard] Shrinking...

[proguard] Removing unused program classes and class elements...

[proguard] Original number of program classes: 8

[proguard] Final number of program classes: 8

[proguard] Inlining subroutines...

[proguard] Optimizing...

[proguard] Number of finalized classes: 5

[proguard] Number of vertically merged classes: 0

[proguard] Number of horizontally merged classes: 0

[proguard] Number of removed write-only fields: 3

[proguard] Number of privatized fields: 12

[proguard] Number of inlined constant fields: 0

[proguard] Number of privatized methods: 0

[proguard] Number of staticized methods: 1

[proguard] Number of finalized methods: 45

[proguard] Number of removed method parameters: 0

[proguard] Number of inlined constant parameters: 2

[proguard] Number of inlined constant return values: 0

[proguard] Number of inlined short method calls: 0

[proguard] Number of inlined unique method calls: 13

[proguard] Number of inlined tail recursion calls: 0

[proguard] Number of merged code blocks: 2

[proguard] Number of variable peephole optimizations: 72

[proguard] Number of arithmetic peephole optimizations: 0

[proguard] Number of cast peephole optimizations: 0

[proguard] Number of field peephole optimizations: 1

[proguard] Number of branch peephole optimizations: 36

[proguard] Number of string peephole optimizations: 11

[proguard] Number of simplified instructions: 3

[proguard] Number of removed instructions: 33

[proguard] Number of removed local variables: 2

[proguard] Number of removed exception blocks: 3

[proguard] Number of optimized local variable frames: 25

[proguard] Shrinking...

[proguard] Removing unused program classes and class elements...

[proguard] Original number of program classes: 8

[proguard] Final number of program classes: 8

[proguard] Optimizing...

[proguard] Number of finalized classes: 0

[proguard] Number of vertically merged classes: 0

[proguard] Number of horizontally merged classes: 0

[proguard] Number of removed write-only fields: 0

[proguard] Number of privatized fields: 0

[proguard] Number of inlined constant fields: 0

[proguard] Number of privatized methods: 0

[proguard] Number of staticized methods: 0

[proguard] Number of finalized methods: 0

[proguard] Number of removed method parameters: 1

[proguard] Number of inlined constant parameters: 0

[proguard] Number of inlined constant return values: 0

[proguard] Number of inlined short method calls: 0

[proguard] Number of inlined unique method calls: 0

[proguard] Number of inlined tail recursion calls: 0

[proguard] Number of merged code blocks: 0

[proguard] Number of variable peephole optimizations: 4

[proguard] Number of arithmetic peephole optimizations: 0

[proguard] Number of cast peephole optimizations: 0

[proguard] Number of field peephole optimizations: 0

[proguard] Number of branch peephole optimizations: 1

[proguard] Number of string peephole optimizations: 2

[proguard] Number of simplified instructions: 0

[proguard] Number of removed instructions: 50

[proguard] Number of removed local variables: 1

[proguard] Number of removed exception blocks: 0

[proguard] Number of optimized local variable frames: 1

[proguard] Shrinking...

[proguard] Removing unused program classes and class elements...

[proguard] Original number of program classes: 8

[proguard] Final number of program classes: 8

[proguard] Optimizing...

[proguard] Number of finalized classes: 0

[proguard] Number of vertically merged classes: 0

[proguard] Number of horizontally merged classes: 0

[proguard] Number of removed write-only fields: 0

[proguard] Number of privatized fields: 0

[proguard] Number of inlined constant fields: 0

[proguard] Number of privatized methods: 0

[proguard] Number of staticized methods: 0

[proguard] Number of finalized methods: 0

[proguard] Number of removed method parameters: 0

[proguard] Number of inlined constant parameters: 0

[proguard] Number of inlined constant return values: 0

[proguard] Number of inlined short method calls: 0

[proguard] Number of inlined unique method calls: 0

[proguard] Number of inlined tail recursion calls: 0

[proguard] Number of merged code blocks: 0

[proguard] Number of variable peephole optimizations: 0

[proguard] Number of arithmetic peephole optimizations: 0

[proguard] Number of cast peephole optimizations: 0

[proguard] Number of field peephole optimizations: 0

[proguard] Number of branch peephole optimizations: 0

[proguard] Number of string peephole optimizations: 2

[proguard] Number of simplified instructions: 0

[proguard] Number of removed instructions: 6

[proguard] Number of removed local variables: 0

[proguard] Number of removed exception blocks: 0

[proguard] Number of optimized local variable frames: 0

[proguard] Shrinking...

[proguard] Removing unused program classes and class elements...

[proguard] Original number of program classes: 8

[proguard] Final number of program classes: 8

[proguard] Obfuscating...

[proguard] Printing mapping to [/mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/proguard_map.txt]...

[proguard] Preverifying...

[proguard] Writing output...

[proguard] Preparing output jar [/mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/rh-hasp-1.1.jar]

[proguard] Copying resources from program jar [/mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/rh-hasp-1.1_proguard_base.jar] (filtered)


[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.3.2:jar (default) @ rh-hasp ---

[INFO] Building jar: /mnt/D/work_documents/workspace_ide_linux/rh_hasp_util/target/rh-hasp-1.1-lib.jar

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


这时就已经好了,但是包结构都变了,成了a,b,c,d ....的了
