由于 mysql slowlog 与cloudwatch log集成,因此只需要在控制台配置RDS,将slowlog 将log 直接输出到cloudwatch log 中即可
在 cloudwatch logs 控制台 配置 将cloudwatch logs 输出到 elasticsearch,AWS会自动生成相应的lambda函数,通过Lambda
pg不支持将slowlog导入到cloudwatch 中,因此需要自己实现Lambda函数,函数的大概逻辑是使用boto3下载slowlog,并输入到
elasticsearh中,最后通过Cloudwatch Event 每小时触发一次lambda函数
#/usr/bin/env python #coding utf-8 #put pg slowlog to elasticsearch import re import os import boto3 from datetime import datetime,timedelta from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch,RequestsHttpConnection from requests_aws4auth import AWS4Auth endpoint = 'xxx' # 由于es集群创建的时候没有设置在vpc内,对外暴露的是公网接口,所以请求的时候需要通过access-key进行验证 awsauth = AWS4Auth(os.environ['ACCESS_KEY'], os.environ['SECRET_KEY'], 'us-west-2', 'es') index_name = 'logstash-pg-slowlog-{0}'.format(datetime.now().strftime('%Y.%m.%d')) indexDoc = { "dataRecord" : { "properties" : { "timestamp": { "type" : "date" }, "message" : { "type" : "string", } } } } def get_pg_slowlog(rds_instance_id): client = boto3.client('rds') Marker = '0' additionalDataPending = True logfile_prefix = 'error/postgresql.log.' logfile_name = logfile_prefix+(datetime.now()-timedelta(hours=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H') while additionalDataPending: response = client.download_db_log_file_portion( DBInstanceIdentifier = rds_instance_id, LogFileName = logfile_name, Marker = Marker, NumberOfLines = 4000 ) Marker = response['Marker'] additionalDataPending = response['AdditionalDataPending'] p = r'.*duration.*\n(?:(?:\t){1,}.*\n){0,}' try: content = re.findall(p,response['LogFileData']) yield ''.join(content) except Exception as e: print(f'no slowlog found in file {logfile} [Error]{e}') def connect_es(EndPoint): try: esclient = Elasticsearch( hosts=[{'host':EndPoint, 'port':443}], use_ssl=True, http_auth=awsauth, verify_certs=True, connection_class=RequestsHttpConnection ) print('connect es ok') return esclient except Exception as e: print(f'Unable to connect to{0esEndPoint:{e}') exit(1) def put_slowlog(message): body = { 'message': message, 'timestamp': datetime.now().isoformat() } es_client = connect_es(endpoint) es_client.indices.create( index = index_name, ignore = 400, body = indexDoc ) try: es_client.index( index = index_name, doc_type = 'pg-slowlog', body = body ) print('put slowlog successed') except Exception as e: print(f"put slowlog failed:{e}") def lambda_handler(event, context): rds_list = ['webrdsprod','account-prod']: for rds in rds_list: slow_log = get_pg_slowlog(rds) try: for line in slow_log: put_slowlog(line) except Exception as e: print(f'No Slow Log:{e}')