An ISO p_w_picpath is an archive file (disk p_w_picpath) of an optical disc using a conventional ISO (International Organization for Standardization) format. ISO p_w_picpath files typically have a file extension of .ISO. The name "ISO" is taken from the ISO 9660 file system used with CD-ROM media, but an ISO p_w_picpath can also contain UDF file system because UDF is backward-compatible to ISO 9660. You can mount an ISO p_w_picpaths via the loop device under Linux. It is possible to specify transfer functions (for encryption/decryption or other purposes) using loop device. But, how do you mount an ISO p_w_picpath under Linux? You need to use mount command as follows: 1) You must login as a root user, if not root user then switch to root user using following command: 2) Create the directory i.e. mount point: 3) Use mount command as follows to mount iso file called disk1.iso: 4) Change directory to list files stored inside an ISO p_w_picpath: A loop device is a pseudo-device that makes a file accessible as a block device. Loop devices are often used for CD ISO p_w_picpaths and floppy disc p_w_picpaths. Mounting a file containing a filesystem via such a loop mount makes the files within that filesystem accessible. They appear in the mount point directory using above commands.
Procedure to mount ISO p_w_picpaths under Linux
$ su -
# mkdir -p /mnt/disk
# mount -o loop disk1.iso /mnt/disk
# cd /mnt/disk
# ls -lMore about loop device
How to: Mount an ISO image under Linux
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