export default class EntryAbility extends FlutterAbility {
configureFlutterEngine(flutterEngine: FlutterEngine) {
flutterEngine.getPlugins()?.add(new ExamOhosUtilsPlugin());
2.编写工具插件类 ExamOhosUtilsPlugin
/** ExamOhosUtilsPlugin **/
export default class ExamOhosUtilsPlugin implements FlutterPlugin, MethodCallHandler {
private channel: MethodChannel | null = null;
private WXApi:wxopensdk.WXApi| null = null;
private context:common.UIAbilityContext|null = null ;
constructor() {
getUniqueClassName(): string {
return "ExamOhosUtilsPlugin"
onAttachedToEngine(binding: FlutterPluginBinding): void {
this.context = binding.getApplicationContext() as common.UIAbilityContext;
this.channel = new MethodChannel(binding.getBinaryMessenger(), "exam_ohos_utils");
onDetachedFromEngine(binding: FlutterPluginBinding): void {
if (this.channel != null) {
onMethodCall(call: MethodCall, result: MethodResult): void {
console.log("onMethodCall==>" ,call.method);
if (call.method == "getPlatformVersion") {
result.success("OpenHarmony ^ ^ ")
} else {
3.flutter 创建调用工具类
class ExamOhosUtils {
Future<String> getPlatformVersion() {
return ExamOhosUtilsPlatform.instance.getPlatformVersion();
/// An implementation of [ExamOhosUtilsPlatform] that uses method channels.
class MethodChannelExamOhosUtils extends ExamOhosUtilsPlatform {
/// The method channel used to interact with the native platform.
final methodChannel = const MethodChannel('exam_ohos_utils');
Future<String> getPlatformVersion() async {
final version =
await methodChannel.invokeMethod<String>('getPlatformVersion');
return version;
abstract class ExamOhosUtilsPlatform extends PlatformInterface {
/// Constructs a ExamOhosUtilsPlatform.
ExamOhosUtilsPlatform() : super(token: _token);
static final Object _token = Object();
static ExamOhosUtilsPlatform _instance = MethodChannelExamOhosUtils();
/// The default instance of [ExamOhosUtilsPlatform] to use.
/// Defaults to [MethodChannelExamOhosUtils].
static ExamOhosUtilsPlatform get instance => _instance;
/// Platform-specific implementations should set this with their own
/// platform-specific class that extends [ExamOhosUtilsPlatform] when
/// they register themselves.
static set instance(ExamOhosUtilsPlatform instance) {
PlatformInterface.verifyToken(instance, _token);
_instance = instance;
Future<String> getPlatformVersion() {
throw UnimplementedError('platformVersion() has not been implemented.');
ExamOhosUtils().aliPayAuth("").then((value) {
print(value) ;
}) ;