[root@node1 hdr]# onstat -c | grep TAPE
Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-10-18 00:00:00
# TAPEDEV - The tape device path for backups. To use standard
# TAPEBLK - The tape block size, in KB, for backups
# TAPESIZE - The maximum amount of data to put on one backup
# positive integral multiple of TAPEBLK.
TAPEDEV /dev/null
# LTAPEDEV - The tape device path for logical logs
# LTAPEBLK - The tape block size, in KB, for backing up logical
# LTAPESIZE - The maximum amount of data to put on one logical
# positive integral multiple of LTAPEBLK.
LTAPEDEV /home/hdr/backups
TAPEDEV | 指定备份设备路径 |
TAPEBLK | 指定备份的块大小(KB) |
TAPESIZE | 指定备份设备的大小(KB) |
LTAPEDEV | 指定逻辑日志备份设备路径 |
LTAPEBLK | 指定逻辑日志备份的块大小(KB) |
LTAPESIZE | 指定逻辑日志备份设备的大小(KB) |
可通过修改参数文件,或使用 onmode -wf 命令,设置GBase 8s的参数。一般情况下除设备路径外其他参数保持默认即可。
[root@node1 hdr]# cd $GBASEDBTDIR
[root@node1 hdr]# mkdir backups
[root@node1 hdr]# chown gbasedbt:gbasedbt backups
[root@node1 hdr]# chmod 777 backups
[root@node1 hdr]# onmode -wf "TAPEDEV=$GBASEDBTDIR/backups"
Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-10-18 00:00:00
Value of TAPEDEV has been changed to /home/hdr/backups.
[root@node1 hdr]# onmode -wf "LTAPEDEV=$GBASEDBTDIR/backups"
Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-10-18 00:00:00
Current value for LTAPEDEV (/home/hdr/backups) was saved in config file.
[root@node1 hdr]# onstat -c | grep TAPEDEV
Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-10-18 00:00:00
# TAPEDEV - The tape device path for backups. To use standard
TAPEDEV /home/hdr/backups
# LTAPEDEV - The tape device path for logical logs
LTAPEDEV /home/hdr/backups
{ -a [-d] |
-c |
-l [-C | -X] [-d] |
-p [-e] [-rename {-f <filename> |
-p <old path> -o <old offset> -n <new path> -o <new offset>...}]
[-t tape_device_path [-v]] [-d] |
-S [-d] |
-r [-rename {-f <filename> |
-p <old path> -o <old offset> -n <new path> -o <new offset>...}]
[-D DBspace_list] [-t tape_device_path [-v]] [-d] |
-s [[-L archive_level][-F]] [-A database_list] [-B database_list]
[-N database_list] [-U database_list] [-t tape_device_path [-v]] [-d] }
-a 自动备份逻辑日志
-c 连续备份逻辑日志
-d 非交互模式,用于从目录备份或恢复
-l 逻辑恢复
-p 物理恢复(-e 用于外部物理恢复)
-r 完全恢复列出的 DBspaces/BLOBspaces
-s 归档整个系统
-A 将以下数据库设置为 ANSI 日志模式
-B 将以下数据库设置为缓冲日志模式
-C 连续逻辑日志恢复
-F 不更新归档信息的备份(对 HDR、克隆等有用)
-N 将以下数据库设置为无日志模式
-S 仅恢复(挽救)逻辑日志
-U 将以下数据库设置为非缓冲日志模式
-X 完成连续逻辑日志恢复并将服务器置于静默模式
-rename 在冷恢复期间重命名数据块
with -rename options :
-f <filename> 包含映射数据块路径名和偏移量列表的文件的路径名
-p 数据块的旧路径名
-o 数据块的旧偏移量
-n 数据块的新路径名
-o 数据块的新偏移量
-t 设置当前备份或恢复的磁带设备路径。对于备份到标准输出或从标准输入恢复,请使用 STDIO。
-v 将信息性消息写入标准错误输出
如下所示,当执行ontape -s进行备份时,服务器将首先提示用户选择备份的级别,接着提示指定备份设备。若服务器不能打开指定设备,则系统将会提示设备必须是在线的,需要重新指定。
[root@node1 hdr]# ontape -s
Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-10-18 00:00:00
Please enter the level of archive to be performed (0, 1, or 2) 0
100 percent done.
File created: /home/hdr/backups/node1_199_L0
Please label this tape as number 1 in the arc tape sequence.
This tape contains the following logical logs:
Program over.
$> ontape -s -B : 修改为缓冲日志模式
$> ontape -s -U : 修改为无缓冲日志模式
$> ontape -s -N : 修改为无日志模式$
$> ontape -s -A : 修改为ansi logging模式,从这个模式无法切换到其他模式,因此一般不使用该项。
ontape -a选项表示备份所有未备份逻辑日志;-c选项表示在逻辑日志写满后自动进行备份,-c选项需要ontape始终处于运行状态,并且需要专门的设备来存储逻辑日志。
[root@node1 hdr]# ontape -a
Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-10-18 00:00:00
Performing automatic backup of logical logs.
File created: /home/hdr/backups/node1_199_Log0000000001
File created: /home/hdr/backups/node1_199_Log0000000002
File created: /home/hdr/backups/node1_199_Log0000000003
Do you want to back up the current logical log? (y/n) y
File created: /home/hdr/backups/node1_199_Log0000000004
Program over.
[root@node1 tmp]# cd $GBASEDBTDIR/tmp
[root@node1 tmp]# touch dbs2
[root@node1 tmp]# chown gbasedbt:gbasedbt dbs2
[root@node1 tmp]# chmod 660 dbs2
[root@node1 tmp]# onspaces -c -d dbs2 -p $GBASEDBTDIR/tmp/dbs2 -o 0 -s 20000
Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-10-18 00:00:00
Verifying physical disk space, please wait ...
Space successfully added.
** WARNING ** A level 0 archive of Root DBSpace will need to be done.
[root@node1 tmp]# ontape -s
Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-10-18 00:00:00
Please enter the level of archive to be performed (0, 1, or 2) 0
100 percent done.
File created: /home/hdr/backups/node1_199_L0
Please label this tape as number 1 in the arc tape sequence.
This tape contains the following logical logs:
Program over.
[root@node1 tmp]# rm -rf dbs2
[root@node1 tmp]# touch dbs2
[root@node1 tmp]# chown gbasedbt:gbasedbt dbs2
[root@node1 tmp]# chmod 660 dbs2
[root@node1 tmp]# ll dbs2
-rw-rw---- 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 0 Sep 15 13:13 dbs2
[root@node1 tmp]# ontape -r -D dbs2
Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-10-18 00:00:00
DBspace 'dbs2' is online; restoring 'dbs2' will bring all chunks
comprising the DBspace OFFLINE and will terminate all active
transactions and queries accessing the DBspace.
OK to continue?y
Restore will use level 0 archive file /home/hdr/backups/node1_199_L0. Press Return to continue ...
Archive Tape Information
Tape type: Archive Backup Tape
Online version: GBase Database Server Version 12.10.FC4G1TL
Archive date: Sun Sep 15 13:10:12 2024
User id: root
Terminal id: /dev/pts/1
Archive level: 0
Tape device: /home/hdr/backups/
Tape blocksize (in k): 32
Tape size (in k): system defined for directory
Tape number in series: 1
Continue restore? (y/n)y
Spaces to restore:1 [dbs2]
Restore a level 1 archive (y/n) y
Ready for level 1 tape
Restore will use level 1 archive file /home/hdr/backups/node1_199_L1. Press Return to continue ...
Archive Tape Information
Tape type: Archive Backup Tape
Online version: GBase Database Server Version 12.10.FC4G1TL
Archive date: Sun Sep 15 13:10:20 2024
User id: root
Terminal id: /dev/pts/1
Archive level: 1
Tape device: /home/hdr/backups/
Tape blocksize (in k): 32
Tape size (in k): system defined for directory
Tape number in series: 1
Restore a level 2 archive (y/n) n
Do you want to restore log tapes? (y/n)y
Roll forward should start with log number 5
Restore will use log backup file /home/hdr/backups/node1_199_Log0000000005. Press Return to continue ...
File /home/hdr/backups/node1_199_Log0000000005 not found, continuing ...
Recommendation: continue the warm restore until log 5 is replayed.
The last log that has been restored is: 0. If you want to stop the
restore at this log, choose commit, otherwise, choose suspend.
If you have not performed a backup that includes the log 5,
perform a backup using the ontape -a command. Continue the suspended
log restore using the ontape -l command.
Do you want to suspend (y), commit (n) or abort (CTRL/C) logical restore?
Program over.
此时dbs2已恢复。恢复完成后,数据库将进入Quiescent模式,通过onmode -m切换至online模式。
在进行冷恢复时,首先需要关闭数据库,然后执行ontape -r命令。
[root@node1 tmp]# ontape -r
Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-10-18 00:00:00
Restore will use level 0 archive file /home/hdr/backups/node1_199_L0. Press Return to continue ...
Archive Tape Information
Tape type: Archive Backup Tape
Online version: GBase Database Server Version 12.10.FC4G1TL
Archive date: Sun Sep 15 13:10:12 2024
User id: root
Terminal id: /dev/pts/1
Archive level: 0
Tape device: /home/hdr/backups/
Tape blocksize (in k): 32
Tape size (in k): system defined for directory
Tape number in series: 1
Spaces to restore:1 [rootdbs]
2 [dbs2]
Archive Information
GBase Database Server Copyright 2001, 2021 General Data Corporation
Initialization Time 09/15/2024 09:56:33
System Page Size 2048
Version 32
Index Page Logging OFF
Archive CheckPoint Time 09/15/2024 13:07:59
number flags fchunk nchunks flags owner name
1 60001 1 1 N BA gbasedbt rootdbs
2 60001 2 1 N BA gbasedbt dbs2
chk/dbs offset size free bpages flags pathname
1 1 0 10240000 5059090 PO-B- /home/hdr/gbase001_dbs/rootdbs
2 2 0 10000 9947 PO-B- /home/hdr/tmp/dbs2
Continue restore? (y/n)y
Do you want to back up the logs? (y/n)y
File created: /home/hdr/backups/node1_199_Log0000000005
Log salvage is complete, continuing restore of archive.
Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-10-18 00:00:00
Restore a level 1 archive (y/n) n
Do you want to restore log tapes? (y/n)y
Roll forward should start with log number 5
Restore will use log backup file /home/hdr/backups/node1_199_Log0000000005. Press Return to continue ...
Rollforward log file /home/hdr/backups/node1_199_Log0000000005 ...
Program over.
冷恢复过程基本与热恢复一致。在冷恢复执行完ontape -r之后将会恢复包含rootdbs和逻辑日志的dbs在内的dbspace。
ontape还支持标准输入和管道输出,可以通过配置TAPEDEV参数为STDIO,或在命令行中执行-t STDIO来指定要使用的管道。由于读或写会被直接转发到UNIX管道,所以可使用任意UNIX命令来进行数据处理。
[root@node1 tmp]# cat $GBASEDBTDIR/backups/backupFile \
> $GBASEDBTDIR/backups/backupFile0 | ontape -r
[root@node1 backups]# ontape -s -L 0 | compress > node1_ontape_0
Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-10-18 00:00:00
[root@node1 backups]# chown gbasedbt:gbasedbt node1_ontape_0
[root@node1 backups]# chmod 660 node1_ontape_0
[root@node1 backups]# ll node1_ontape_0
-rw-rw---- 1 gbasedbt gbasedbt 179 Sep 15 13:43 node1_ontape_0
[root@node1 backups]# zcat node1_ontape_0 | ontape -r
Your evaluation license will expire on 2024-10-18 00:00:00
Restore will use level 0 archive file /home/hdr/backups/node1_199_L0. Press Return to continue ...
Archive Tape Information
Tape type: Archive Backup Tape
Online version: GBase Database Server Version 12.10.FC4G1TL
Archive date: Sun Sep 15 13:43:04 2024
User id: root
Terminal id: /dev/pts/1
Archive level: 0
Tape device: /home/hdr/backups/
Tape blocksize (in k): 32
Tape size (in k): system defined for directory
Tape number in series: 1
Continue restore? (y/n)