小程序 zoom
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Viral social media posts are alleging that Zoom, a popular video-conferencing tool, lets hosts “monitor what programs users on the call are running.” So, can your boss (or friend) really see what you’re doing while you’re chatting on Zoom? Nope.
病毒式社交媒体帖子指称,流行的视频会议工具Zoom允许主持人“监视通话中用户正在运行的程序”。 因此,当您在Zoom上聊天时,您的老板(或朋友)真的可以看到您在做什么吗? 不。
Zoom does have an “attention tracking” feature that hosts can enable. If the person hosting the call enables it, they can see whether or not you’re paying attention to screen-sharing presentations. But this feature is very limited. Here’s what you need to know:
缩放确实具有主机可以启用的“注意跟踪”功能。 如果主持呼叫的人启用了呼叫,则他们可以查看您是否正在关注屏幕共享演示。 但是此功能非常有限。 这是您需要了解的内容:
Zoom’s attention tracking is off by default unless a host enables it.
The feature tracks attention while someone is using Zoom’s screen-sharing feature. It doesn’t track attention while you’re simply video-chatting.
Zoom only tracks attention. Specifically, it will tell the host if someone hasn’t had the Zoom window in focus on their desktop in the last 30 seconds.
Zoom doesn’t tell the host which application you’re using. The host can only see whether you’ve had the Zoom window in focus on your desktop in the last 30 seconds.
In other words, this feature is intended for people giving visual presentations. If someone is giving a presentation, they can see who’s actually watching and who’s minimized the Zoom window and is doing other things. The host can’t see what those people are doing instead.
换句话说,此功能适用于进行视觉演示的人员。 如果有人在做演示,他们可以看到谁在看,谁在最小化“缩放”窗口,并且在做其他事情。 主持人看不到这些人在做什么。
What the host sees when attention tracking is enabled in Zoom. The gray icon to the left of each person’s name indicates that person hasn’t had the Zoom window in focus in the last thirty seconds. Zoom 在“缩放”中启用注意力跟踪时,主持人会看到什么。 每个人姓名左侧的灰色图标表示该人在过去三十秒内没有聚焦缩放窗口。 放大
(Can You See Whether Attention Tracking is Enabled?)
There is one issue: While the host can choose to enable or disable attention tracking, people on the call aren’t shown whether attention tracking is enabled or not. There’s no warning that you’ll be tracked in this way. We wish Zoom would display a notification or let people on the call see whether it’s enabled. People would feel more comfortable.
有一个问题:尽管主持人可以选择启用或禁用注意跟踪,但是无论是否启用了注意跟踪,都不会显示通话中的人。 没有警告会以这种方式跟踪您。 我们希望Zoom显示通知或让通话中的人看到它是否已启用。 人们会感到更舒适。
Ultimately, attention tracking is extremely limited. Hosts can see very little—they can only see whether you’re actively watching presentations or not. Attention tracking is similar to read receipts that show whether you’ve read messages in apps like Facebook Messenger, Apple’s iMessage, and WhatsApp.
最终,注意力跟踪极为有限。 主持人几乎看不到-他们只能看到您是否正在积极观看演示文稿。 注意跟踪类似于已读回执,显示您是否已在诸如Facebook Messenger, Apple的iMessage和WhatsApp 之类的应用中阅读消息。
Zoom’s official documentation offers more details about attention tracking.
Zoom的官方文档提供了有关注意力跟踪的更多详细信息 。
Hi, attention tracking feature is off by default – once enabled, hosts can tell if participants have the App open and active when the screen-sharing feature is in use. It does not track any aspects of your audio/video or other applications on your window. https://t.co/sWWfrsXe42
嗨,注意力跟踪功能默认情况下处于关闭状态–启用后,主持人可以在使用屏幕共享功能时告诉参与者是否打开了应用程序并处于活动状态。 它不会在窗口上跟踪音频/视频或其他应用程序的任何方面。 https://t.co/sWWfrsXe42
— Zoom (@zoom_us) March 22, 2020
-Zoom(@zoom_us) 2020年3月22日
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/664624/does-zoom-really-monitor-which-apps-youre-using-on-a-call/
小程序 zoom