airtest mac 连接不上adb airpods无法连接mac_mac


Ivan_Shenets / Shutterstock

AirPods work seamlessly with the iPhone and iPad. But the process on the Mac is not at all transparent. Wondering how to connect and use your earbuds on your Mac with ease? We’ve got you covered.

AirPods可与iPhone和iPad无缝协作。 但是,Mac上的过程并非完全透明。 想知道如何轻松地在Mac上连接和使用耳塞吗? 我们已经覆盖了您。

If this is the first time you’re using your brand new earbuds, you’ll have to pair them with your Mac first. Once paired, Apple will sync the details with all of the devices on your iCloud account. This means you only have to pair your AirPods or AirPods Pro once.

如果这是您第一次使用全新的耳塞,则必须先将它们与Mac配对。 配对后,Apple会将详细信息与iCloud帐户上的所有设备同步。 这意味着您只需配对一次AirPods或AirPods Pro 。

If you’ve already paired your headphone with your iPhone or iPad, they will show up in your Mac’s Volume Control and Bluetooth menus (as long as you’re using the same Apple ID on your Mac, and you have Handoff enabled). You can also use your AirPods with Android and Windows computers.

如果您已经将耳机与iPhone或iPad配对,则它们将显示在Mac的“音量控制”和“蓝牙”菜单中(只要您在Mac上使用相同的Apple ID,并且启用了“ 切换”功能)。 您还可以将AirPods与Android和Windows计算机一起使用。

Simply open the charging case near your Mac (with your computer’s Bluetooth setting enabled), and click on the “Bluetooth” icon from the menu bar. Here, select your “AirPods,” and click on the “Connect” button to connect them to your Mac.

只需打开Mac附近的充电盒(启用计算机的蓝牙设置),然后单击菜单栏中的“蓝牙”图标。 在这里,选择“ AirPods”,然后单击“连接”按钮以将它们连接到Mac。

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But this process doesn’t always work. If you don’t see your AirPods in this menu, or if they’re not connecting, you’ll have to manually pair them to your Mac.

但是此过程并不总是有效。 如果您在此菜单中没有看到AirPods,或者它们未连接 ,则必须手动将它们与Mac配对。

To do this, click on the “Apple” logo from the menu bar and then select the “System Preferences” option.

为此,请单击菜单栏中的“ Apple”徽标,然后选择“系统偏好设置”选项。

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Here, go to the Bluetooth menu and make sure that Bluetooth is enabled.


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Flip open the charging case near your Mac.


Now, press and hold the physical “Setup” button at the back of the device’s case (it’s the small circular button) until the status light flashes white. This means the AirPods are in pairing mode.

现在,按住设备外壳背面的物理“设置”按钮(这是圆形的小按钮),直到状态指示灯闪烁白色。 这意味着AirPods处于配对模式。

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Apple 苹果

In just a second or two, you should see the AirPods in the Devices list on your Mac. Here, click on the “Connect” button next to the device’s name.

只需一两秒钟,您应该会在Mac上的“设备”列表中看到AirPods。 在这里,单击设备名称旁边的“连接”按钮。

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If your device support the Hey Siri functionality, you’ll be asked if you want to enable it. Click on the “Enable” button if you want to turn it on.

如果您的设备支持Hey Siri功能,则会询问您是否要启用它。 如果要打开它,请单击“启用”按钮。

And that’s it. Your AirPods or AirPods Pro are now connected to your Mac. Click on the “Options” button next to the headphone listing to change the settings any time your headphones are connected to your computer.

就是这样。 现在,您的AirPods或AirPods Pro已连接到Mac。 每次将耳机连接到计算机时,单击耳机列表旁边的“选项”按钮即可更改设置。

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Here, you can configure the double-tap actions, disable Automatic Ear Detection, noise cancellation settings for AirPods Pro, and choose which microphone to use.

在这里,您可以配置两次轻按操作,禁用AirPods Pro的自动耳朵检测,噪音消除设置,并选择要使用的麦克风。

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Now that your AirPods are connected, just take the earbuds out of the case and put them in your ears. You’ll hear the familiar connection chime that will tell you that your Mac has switched the audio output to your headphones.

现在您的AirPods已连接,只需将耳塞从保护套中取出并放在耳中即可。 您会听到熟悉的提示音,告诉您Mac已将音频输出切换到耳机。

If your AirPods are paired but not connected, you can click on the “Volume Control” button from the menu bar and choose your earbuds to switch to them.


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You can monitor your AirPods battery and connection status from the Bluetooth menu in the menu bar. Here, click on the “Disconnect” button if you want to stop using AirPods on your Mac, or if you want to switch to a different device.

您可以从菜单栏中的蓝牙菜单监视AirPods电池和连接状态。 如果要停止在Mac上使用AirPods,或者要切换到其他设备,请在此处单击“断开连接”按钮。

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Once you start using your AirPods periodically with your Mac, you’ll realize that the connection process isn’t as smooth as it could be. If you want it to be closer to what it is on the iPhone or iPad (you usually don’t even need to tap a button), you can use a third-party app to get an iPhone-like AirPods experience on the Mac.

一旦开始在Mac上定期使用AirPods,您将意识到连接过程并不尽如人意。 如果您希望它更接近iPhone或iPad上的设备(通常甚至不需要点击按钮),则可以使用第三方应用程序在Mac上获得类似iPhone的AirPods体验 。

Using AirBuddy ($5.00), you’ll be able to see the connection status of your headphones by opening the device’s charging case near your Mac. You’ll also be able to connect your AirPods with a single click.

使用AirBuddy ($ 5.00),您可以通过在Mac附近打开设备的充电盒来查看耳机的连接状态。 您还可以单击以连接AirPods。

You can also use the ToothFairy app ($4.99) to connect to your AirPods with just a click from the menu bar (or using a keyboard shortcut).

您还可以使用ToothFairy应用程序($ 4.99),只需从菜单栏单击(或使用键盘快捷键)即可连接到AirPods。
