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Are you looking for the best sales page WordPress themes for your marketing campaign?


Sales page or landing page WordPress themes help marketers convert visitors into paying customers. Choosing the right theme means you can highlight specific brands or products to avoid distractions and increase sales.

销售页面或登陆页面WordPress主题可帮助营销人员将访问者转化为付费客户。 选择正确的主题意味着您可以突出显示特定的品牌或产品,以避免分散注意力并增加销量。

In this article, we will share some of the best sales page WordPress themes for marketers.


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(Creating a Sales Page Website with WordPress)

A good sales page prominently displays call to action buttons, along with a breakdown of features and unique selling points of your product or service.


To create a sales page website with WordPress, you will need a domain name and a web hosting account.


A domain name is your website’s address on the internet, like google.com or wpbeginner.com. Web hosting is the storage space for your website files. Your web host makes your site available all across the world, 24/7.

域名是您网站在互联网上的地址,例如google.com或wpbeginner.com 。 虚拟主机是您的网站文件的存储空间。 您的虚拟主机使您的网站在全球范围7/24可用。

We recommend using Bluehost. It’s one of the largest hosting companies in the world and an official WordPress hosting partner.

我们建议使用Bluehost 。 它是世界上最大的托管公司之一,也是WordPress的官方托管合作伙伴。

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For WPBeginner users, Bluehost offers a free domain name, free SSL certificate, and a BIG discount on web hosting.

对于WPBeginner用户, Bluehost提供了一个免费域名,免费SSL证书和Web托管大折扣。

After signing up for the hosting, just check out our complete guide on how to make a WordPress website. It will take you step by step through the process of creating your site.

注册托管后,只需查看有关如何制作WordPress网站的完整指南。 它将逐步引导您完成创建网站的过程。

Let’s take a look at some of the best sales page WordPress themes for marketers.


1.阿斯特拉 (1. Astra)

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Astra is one of the most popular WordPress themes on the market. It lets you create custom landing page designs using drag and drop page builders like Beaver Builder.

Astra是市场上最受欢迎的WordPress主题之一。 它使您可以使用Beaver Builder之类的拖放页面构建器来创建自定义登录页面设计。

With fast loading templates, Astra can be the perfect choice to design sales pages. It also integrates with WooCommerce to create a full eCommerce website. This lets you collect online payments using Payhip, Stripe, or other payment gateways.

使用快速加载模板,Astra可以成为设计销售页面的理想选择。 它还与WooCommerce集成以创建完整的电子商务网站。 这使您可以使用Payhip,Stripe或其他付款网关来收集在线付款。

Astra also works seamlessly with tools like OptinMonster if you also plan to use your website for lead generation. This lets you create opt-in popups and forms for your email list and can dramatically boost your conversion rates.

如果您还打算使用您的网站来产生潜在客户,Astra还可以与OptinMonster之类的工具无缝协作 。 这使您可以为电子邮件列表创建选择弹出式窗口和表单,并可以大大提高转换率。

2. Divi (2. Divi)

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Divi is a classic WordPress all-purpose theme and an ultimate page builder plugin. It comes with 1200+ layout templates. If you want to create a sales page from scratch, then it provides a visual editor to add elements, text, and images.

Divi是经典的WordPress通用主题和终极页面构建器插件。 它带有1200多个布局模板。 如果要从头开始创建销售页面,则它提供了可视化编辑器来添加元素,文本和图像。

Divi is highly customizable and lets you change colors, fonts, and backgrounds without knowing any CSS code. You have the full range of Google fonts to choose from, plus elements like dividers and call to action buttons to help you build the perfect sales page on your website.

Divi具有高度可定制性,可让您更改颜色,字体和背景,而无需任何CSS代码。 您可以选择各种Google字体,以及分隔符和号召性用语等元素,以帮助您在网站上构建完美的销售页面。

Divi is also designed for good WordPress SEO, helping you get search engine traffic to your sales page.

Divi也是为出色的WordPress SEO设计的,可帮助您将搜索引擎流量吸引到您的销售页面。

3. OceanWP (3. OceanWP)

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OceanWP is a free WordPress theme designed beautifully to create marketing and sales pages. It offers free and premium ready-made demo templates to set up websites in just a few clicks.

OceanWP是一个免费的WordPress主题,设计精美,可用于创建营销和销售页面。 它提供免费和高级的现成演示模板,只需单击几下即可建立网站。

With powerful extensions, you can quickly add fullscreen backgrounds, social media icons, a registration form, sticky navigation, and more. OceanWP supports RTL languages so you can also create a multilingual website.

借助功能强大的扩展程序,您可以快速添加全屏背景,社交媒体图标,注册表单,粘性导航等。 OceanWP支持RTL语言,因此您也可以创建一个多语言网站 。

4. Hestia专业版 (4. Hestia Pro)

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Hestia Pro is a fantastic WordPress multipurpose theme for any type of website. It has one-page and multi-page templates for small businesses to provide a great user experience.

Hestia Pro是适用于任何类型网站的绝佳WordPress多用途主题。 它具有用于小型企业的一页和多页模板,可提供出色的用户体验。

It has an attractive layout design that supports video embeds in the background and other widgetized areas. You can use the WordPress live customizer to make changes on the pages easily.

它具有引人入胜的布局设计,支持在背景和其他微件化区域中嵌入视频 。 您可以使用WordPress实时定制器轻松在页面上进行更改。

5.超 (5. Ultra)

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Ultra is a powerful and flexible WordPress theme with a built-in visual drag and drop page builder. It also includes several ready-made templates for different niches like agencies, spas, apps, businesses, and so on.

Ultra是一个功能强大且灵活的WordPress主题,具有内置的可视化拖放页面构建器。 它还包括几个针对不同细分市场的现成模板,例如代理商,水疗中心,应用程序,企业等。

With its easy and powerful page builder, the Ultra theme is ideal for creating beautiful sales pages in just a few minutes. It also comes with portfolios, sliders, image galleries, custom widgets, and much more.

通过其简单而强大的页面构建器,Ultra主题非常适合在短短几分钟内创建漂亮的销售页面。 它还带有投资组合,滑块, 图像库 ,自定义小部件等。

6.科恩 (6. Koehn)

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Koehn is a beautifully designed WordPress multipurpose theme. It has a minimalist design which leaves plenty of room to create highly engaging sales page layouts.

Koehn是一个设计精美的WordPress多功能主题。 它具有极简主义的设计,为创建极具吸引力的销售页面布局留有足够的空间。

It offers an easy page setup with drag and drop content widgets. You can use custom widgets for social media icons, content discovery, and multiple layout choices.

它提供了带有拖放内容小部件的简单页面设置。 您可以将自定义窗口小部件用于社交媒体图标 ,内容发现和多种布局选择。

7.万宝龙 (7. Montblanc)

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Montblanc is a stunning sales page WordPress theme that you can easily use on multi-page sites. It’s designed for small businesses, app landing pages, products, or photography websites.

万宝龙是一个令人惊叹的销售页面WordPress主题,您可以轻松地在多页面网站上使用。 它是为小型企业,应用程序着陆页,产品或摄影网站而设计的 。

It features a large fullscreen slider on the homepage with a transparent navigation menu and a custom logo at the top. It comes with homepage layouts, creative header styles, and portfolio templates.

它在首页上设有一个大的全屏滑块,顶部有一个透明的导航菜单和一个自定义徽标。 它带有首页布局,广告素材标题样式和投资组合模板。

8. Parallax Pro (8. Parallax Pro)

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Parallax Pro is built on top of the Genesis theme framework and designed to be a single page theme. As the name suggests, it has beautiful parallax scrolling effects and features a large fullscreen header image.

Parallax Pro建立在Genesis主题框架之上,并被设计为单页主题。 顾名思义,它具有美丽的视差滚动效果,并具有大的全屏标题图像。

The homepage layout is fully widgetized, so you can drag and drop content blocks to set up your sales page. Other features include full WooCommerce support, custom widgets, page templates, and crisp typography.

主页布局已完全小部件化,因此您可以拖放内容块来设置销售页面。 其他功能包括对WooCommerce的全面支持, 自定义窗口小部件 ,页面模板和清晰的版式。

StudioPress is now part of WP Engine, the most popular managed WordPress hosting company. You can get this theme and all 35+ other StudioPress themes when you sign up for WP Engine hosting to build your website.

StudioPress现在是WP Engine(最流行的托管WordPress托管公司)的一部分 。 当您注册WP Engine托管以构建您的网站时,您可以获取此主题以及所有其他35+个StudioPress主题。

Bonus: WPBeginner users also get an additional 20% OFF. Get started with WP Engine today!

奖励: WPBeginner用户还可以获得额外20%的折扣。 立即开始使用WP Engine!

9.靛蓝 (9. Indigo)

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Indigo is an elegant WordPress theme that lets you create beautiful sales page layouts. It comes with drag and drop modules that let you design unique pages to match your needs.

Indigo是一个优雅的WordPress主题,可让您创建漂亮的销售页面布局。 它带有拖放模块,可让您设计独特的页面来满足您的需求。

To make it even easier, Indigo includes demo content and ready-made websites that you can use as a starting point for your projects. It also offers multiple templates, photo galleries, header styles, and unlimited sidebars.

为了使其变得更加容易,Indigo包括演示内容和现成的网站,您可以将其用作项目的起点。 它还提供了多个模板,照片库,标题样式和无限的侧边栏 。

10. OneEngine (10. OneEngine)

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OneEngine is a single-page WordPress theme with a bold and creative design. It has a bright fullscreen header on the top followed by a navigation menu and then content widgets.

OneEngine是一个单页WordPress主题,具有醒目的创意设计。 它的顶部具有明亮的全屏标题,其后是导航菜单,然后是内容小部件。

It includes services, team members, portfolio, and an about section. With the OneEngine theme, it’s easy to create a custom sales page for any product or service.

它包括服务, 团队成员 ,产品组合和About部分。 借助OneEngine主题,可以轻松地为任何产品或服务创建自定义销售页面。

11.日光 (11. Daylight)

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Daylight is an excellent WordPress landing page theme with flexible options to create your sales page using drag and drop.


It includes parallax scrolling, hero images, sliders, and a built-in portfolio section. It is easy to set up and customize with 2 homepage layouts and landing page templates.

它包括视差滚动,英雄图像,滑块和内置的作品集部分。 使用2个首页布局和登录页面模板可以轻松设置和自定义。

12.结构 (12. Struct)

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Struct is designed to be a sales page theme for software, apps, and products. It features a clean and modern layout with large header background and prominent call to action buttons.

Struct被设计为软件,应用程序和产品的销售页面主题。 它具有干净现代的布局,带有大标题背景和醒目的号召性用语按钮 。

Struct has a fully widgetized homepage layout with several custom widgets to add content and social media features. It also includes services, projects, FAQs, testimonials, and slideshows out of the box.

Struct具有完全窗口化的主页布局,带有几个自定义窗口小部件,以添加内容和社交媒体功能。 还包括开箱即用的服务,项目, 常见问题解答 ,推荐和幻灯片。

13.数字下载 (13. Digital Download)

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Digital Download is a premium like free sales page WordPress theme. As you would expect from its name, you can use this theme to sell digital downloads like PDF documents, tutorials, ebooks, etc.

数字下载是一种类似于免费销售页面WordPress主题的高级功能。 正如其名称所期望的那样,您可以使用此主题来销售数字下载,例如PDF文档,教程,电子书等。

It integrates with the Easy Digital Downloads plugin to let you set up an online marketplace in just a few clicks. The theme is fully customizable for colors, font, and layout design.

它与Easy Digital Downloads插件集成在一起,使您只需单击几下即可建立在线市场。 该主题可以完全自定义颜色,字体和布局设计。

14.降临 (14. Advent)

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Advent is a creative WordPress sales page theme for marketers. It includes several user engagement features like a call-to-action block, a subscription form, a contact form, and pricing tables.

Advent是针对营销人员的创意WordPress销售页面主题。 它包括几个用户参与功能,例如号召性用语块,订阅表, 联系表和定价表。

Advent is a great theme for attractively displaying your products as it has a magnifying glass feature for product images. It ships with a separate page builder plugin that lets you create custom sales page layouts as well.

Advent具有吸引人的产品图片的放大镜功能,是展示您的产品的绝佳主题。 它附带了一个单独的页面构建器插件,使您也可以创建自定义销售页面布局。

15.降落 (15. Landing)

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Landing is a WordPress sales page theme that comes with a pre-designed layout. It has a drag and drop page builder to edit existing landing pages and create new ones from scratch.

登陆是WordPress销售页面主题,带有预先设计的布局。 它具有拖放页面构建器,可以编辑现有的登录页面并从头开始创建新的登录页面。

You get multiple header types, so you can design countless sales pages with different styles and layouts. Plus, it includes a portfolio, testimonials, events, and social media integration.

您可以获得多种标题类型,因此您可以设计无数具有不同样式和布局的销售页面。 此外,它还包括作品集,推荐,事件和社交媒体集成。

16.零 (16. Zero)

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Zero is a WordPress sales page theme for agencies, software, apps, and so on. It has a beautifully designed homepage with a layered layout.

零是适用于代理商,软件,应用程序等的WordPress销售页面主题。 它的首页设计精美,分层布局。

With Zero, you get built-in sections to add portfolio, clients, and services sections. Plus, it fully supports WooCommerce, so you can easily start an online store on your site.

使用“零”,您将获得内置部分来添加投资组合,客户和服务部分。 另外,它完全支持WooCommerce,因此您可以轻松地在您的站点上启动在线商店 。

17.转换 (17. Convert)

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Convert is a professional WordPress sales page theme. It has an eye-catching layout with over 30 customizer options for the header section and gives you complete control of the website.

转换是一个专业的WordPress销售页面主题。 它具有醒目的布局,标题部分具有30多个定制程序选项,使您可以完全控制网站。

It has multiple global sections that work smoothly with your favorite page builder like Elementor or Visual Composer to build fully custom layouts. You also get built-in templates for one-column and multi-column pages.

它具有多个全局部分,这些部分可与您最喜欢的页面构建器(例如Elementor或Visual Composer)流畅地构建完全自定义的布局。 您还将获得用于一列和多列页面的内置模板。

18.发射器 (18. The Launcher)

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The Launcher is a free landing page theme for your upcoming product launch. It’s ideal for a product landing page and can also be used as a regular sales page for your products or services.

Launcher是您即将发布的产品的免费着陆页主题。 它是产品登陆页面的理想选择,也可以用作您的产品或服务的常规销售页面。

The Launcher comes with easy customization options, call-to-action buttons, a sticky navigation menu, a clients section, and a pricing table. Plus, it’s fully responsive so that your website will look great on mobile devices.

Launcher带有简单的自定义选项,号召性用语按钮,即时贴菜单,客户部分和价格表。 另外,它具有完全的响应能力,因此您的网站在移动设备上将看起来很棒。

19. Atmosphere Pro (19. Atmosphere Pro)

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Atmosphere Pro is a WordPress business theme built for sales pages. It comes with a beautiful fullscreen header image and a call-to-action button. If you’re an author, it could make a good book landing page theme for selling ebooks.

Atmosphere Pro是为销售页面构建的WordPress商业主题。 它带有漂亮的全屏标题图片和号召性用语按钮。 如果您是作家,则可以很好地成为销售电子书的目标书着陆页主题。

Inside, you will find a spacious layout that offers a great user experience. Atmosphere Pro has large featured images and crisp typography. Plus, the theme is optimized for speed and performance.

在内部,您会发现一个宽敞的布局,可提供出色的用户体验。 Atmosphere Pro具有大型精选图片和清晰的版式。 此外,该主题针对速度和性能进行了优化。

20.美容工作室 (20. Beauty Studio)

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Beauty Studio is a free WordPress sales page theme for salons, spas, and beauty products. It has a full-width header with dark colors that create a powerful first impression on your users.

Beauty Studio是针对沙龙,水疗中心和美容产品的免费WordPress销售页面主题。 它具有深色的全角标题,可为用户带来强大的第一印象。

Other features include call-to-action buttons, custom sidebar areas, social media integration, an image slider, and more. You also get a featured section to display your top products.

其他功能包括号召性用语按钮,自定义侧边栏区域,社交媒体集成, 图像滑块等。 您还将获得一个特色部分,以展示您的热门产品。

21.浮动 (21. Float)

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Float is a beautiful WordPress theme optimized for sales and conversion. It ships with a built-in page builder that lets you create or modify page layouts. It includes eye-catching animations to make your sales page more attractive.

Float是一个漂亮的WordPress主题,针对销售和转化进行了优化。 它带有内置的页面构建器,可让您创建或修改页面布局。 它包括引人注目的动画,使您的销售页面更具吸引力。

It offers parallax scrolling, social media integration, custom backgrounds, unlimited colors, custom widgets, and much more.

它提供视差滚动,社交媒体集成,自定义背景,无限颜色, 自定义小部件等。

22.筛选器 (22. Screenr)

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Screenr is a free one-page WordPress business theme. The homepage has a fullscreen header image, which is followed by widgetized sections to add your content.

Screenr是免费的一页WordPress商业主题。 主页上有一个全屏标题图像,后跟小部件部分以添加您的内容。

It includes custom widgets, custom page templates, and parallax background effects. It’s easy to change different options about your site using the live WordPress customizer.

它包括自定义小部件,自定义页面模板和视差背景效果。 使用实时WordPress定制程序可以很容易地更改网站的不同选项。

23. Digital Pro (23. Digital Pro)

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Digital Pro is a modern WordPress theme for apps, digital media, SAAS, and product websites. It features multiple widgetized areas where you can add shortcodes, a large header image with a call-to-action button, and custom widgets to build your sales page in a few clicks.

Digital Pro是适用于应用程序,数字媒体,SAAS和产品网站的现代WordPress主题。 它具有多个窗口小部件区域,您可以在其中添加短代码,带有号召性用语按钮的大标题图片以及自定义窗口小部件,只需单击几下即可构建销售页面。

It comes with a theme options panel for easy customization. You also get several layout choices, color schemes, and a fully customizable header area.

它带有一个主题选项面板,可轻松自定义。 您还将获得几种布局选择,配色方案和完全可自定义的标题区域。

Digital Pro uses responsive design, so it looks great on all devices and at all screen sizes. It’s a StudioPress theme, so you can get a great deal on it by signing up for WP Engine’s hosting.

Digital Pro使用响应式设计,因此在所有设备和所有屏幕尺寸上均显示出色。 这是StudioPress的主题,因此可以通过注册WP Engine的托管来获得很多好处。

24.模块 (24. Modules)

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Modules is a well-crafted WordPress theme perfect for creating any kind of sales page. It comes with several ready to use elements that you can drag and drop to build custom layouts.

模块是精心设计的WordPress主题,非常适合创建任何类型的销售页面。 它带有几个可立即使用的元素,您可以拖放这些元素来构建自定义布局。

It offers demo websites to set up your sales page quickly. Plus, you get several custom widgets, unlimited sidebars, header styles, video background support, and Google Fonts support.

它提供了演示网站来快速设置您的销售页面。 此外,您还将获得几个自定义小部件,无限制的侧边栏,标题样式,视频背景支持和Google字体支持。

The Modules theme is also coded with WordPress best practices in mind. This means it’s fully compatible with all popular WordPress plugins to help you build the best landing page.

模块主题也考虑了WordPress最佳实践。 这意味着它与所有流行的WordPress插件完全兼容,可帮助您构建最佳的登录页面。

25.单兵 (25. Solopreneur)

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Solopreneur is a premium WordPress theme to create landing pages that convert and help maximize your revenue. It has a minimalist layout design with a logo, navigation menu, and social icons.

Solopreneur是一个高级WordPress主题,用于创建可转换并帮助您最大化收入的登录页面。 它具有带有徽标,导航菜单和社交图标的简约布局设计。

It comes with a widgetized sidebar to add recent posts, a search bar, a comments section, and a newsletter signup form for email marketing. The theme is fully responsive and looks great on all screen sizes and devices.

它带有一个小部件化的侧边栏,用于添加最近的帖子 ,一个搜索栏,一个评论部分以及一个用于电子邮件营销的新闻简报注册表单 。 该主题具有充分的响应能力,并且在所有屏幕尺寸和设备上看起来都很棒。

We hope this article helped you find the best sales page WordPress themes for your projects. You may also want to check out our guide to the best business phone services if you sometimes need to close sales deals over the phone.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适合您项目的最佳销售页面WordPress主题。 如果您有时需要通过电话完成销售交易,则可能还需要查看我们关于最佳商务电话服务的指南。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/11-best-sales-page-wordpress-themes-for-marketers/
