


rdb的格式的详细格式可参考 官网,其中最主要的格式如下所示,

----------------------------# RDB is a binary format. There are no new lines or spaces in the file.
52 45 44 49 53              # Magic String "REDIS"
30 30 30 37                 # 4 digit ASCCII RDB Version Number. In this case, version = "0007" = 7
FE 00                       # FE = code that indicates database selector. db number = 00
----------------------------# Key-Value pair starts
FD $unsigned int            # FD indicates "expiry time in seconds". After that, expiry time is read as a 4 byte unsigned int
$value-type                 # 1 byte flag indicating the type of value - set, map, sorted set etc.
$string-encoded-key         # The key, encoded as a redis string
$encoded-value              # The value. Encoding depends on $value-type
FC $unsigned long           # FC indicates "expiry time in ms". After that, expiry time is read as a 8 byte unsigned long
$value-type                 # 1 byte flag indicating the type of value - set, map, sorted set etc.
$string-encoded-key         # The key, encoded as a redis string
$encoded-value              # The value. Encoding depends on $value-type
$value-type                 # This key value pair doesn't have an expiry. $value_type guaranteed != to FD, FC, FE and FF
FE $length-encoding         # Previous db ends, next db starts. Database number read using length encoding.
...                         # Key value pairs for this database, additonal database
FF                          ## End of RDB file indicator
8 byte checksum             ## CRC 64 checksum of the entire file.


  1. 首先,写入redis,然后接下来四个字节就是rdb的版本号。
  2. 如果读到的是FE,则是数据库编号。
  3. 解析数据库中每一个的key-value,每一对的key-value的形式可能有三种形式,第一,没有过期时间的就时间是value-type,然后再就是编码的key,接着就是编码的value,第二,有过期时间为秒的,过期时间为秒的则是头四位是时间,接下来是value-type,然后是key,最后是value,第三,有过期时间为毫秒的,过期时间为头八位是时间,接下来是value-type,然后是key,最后是value。
  4. 如果还有其他数据库则继续重复从第二步开始。
  5. 最后读到的是FF,这标致这rdb文件结束,最后八位就是一个checksum的标识符。




int rdbSaveRio(rio *rdb, int *error, int flags, rdbSaveInfo *rsi) {
    dictIterator *di = NULL;
    dictEntry *de;
    char magic[10];
    int j;
    uint64_t cksum;
    size_t processed = 0;

    if (server.rdb_checksum)                                                // 检查是否配置了rdb_checksum 这个功能在redis5之后才有
        rdb->update_cksum = rioGenericUpdateChecksum;
    snprintf(magic,sizeof(magic),"REDIS%04d",RDB_VERSION);                  // 编写魔术 redis和版本号 
    if (rdbWriteRaw(rdb,magic,9) == -1) goto werr;                          // 写入rdb文件中
    if (rdbSaveInfoAuxFields(rdb,flags,rsi) == -1) goto werr;               // 添加aux字段值,该添加内容没有再rdb文档中说明

    for (j = 0; j < server.dbnum; j++) {                                    // 编写每个数据库的内容到rdb文件中
        redisDb *db = server.db+j;
        dict *d = db->dict;                                                 // 如果数据库大小为0, 则跳过该数据库
        if (dictSize(d) == 0) continue;
        di = dictGetSafeIterator(d);                                        // 获取迭代器

        /* Write the SELECT DB opcode */
        if (rdbSaveType(rdb,RDB_OPCODE_SELECTDB) == -1) goto werr;          // 想rdb中写入数据库的标识
        if (rdbSaveLen(rdb,j) == -1) goto werr;                             // 并写入当前数据库

        /* Write the RESIZE DB opcode. We trim the size to UINT32_MAX, which
         * is currently the largest type we are able to represent in RDB sizes.
         * However this does not limit the actual size of the DB to load since
         * these sizes are just hints to resize the hash tables. */
        uint64_t db_size, expires_size;
        db_size = dictSize(db->dict);
        expires_size = dictSize(db->expires);
        if (rdbSaveType(rdb,RDB_OPCODE_RESIZEDB) == -1) goto werr;          // 写入resize db 的标志位
        if (rdbSaveLen(rdb,db_size) == -1) goto werr;                       // 写入大小
        if (rdbSaveLen(rdb,expires_size) == -1) goto werr;                  // 写入过期的大小

        /* Iterate this DB writing every entry */
        while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {                                // 遍历每一个数据库
            sds keystr = dictGetKey(de);                                    // 获取key的string 
            robj key, *o = dictGetVal(de);                                  // 获取value
            long long expire;

            expire = getExpire(db,&key);                                    // 获取过期时间,如果没有则不会写入rdb文件中
            if (rdbSaveKeyValuePair(rdb,&key,o,expire) == -1) goto werr;    // 写入过期时间

            /* When this RDB is produced as part of an AOF rewrite, move
             * accumulated diff from parent to child while rewriting in
             * order to have a smaller final write. */
            if (flags & RDB_SAVE_AOF_PREAMBLE &&
                rdb->processed_bytes > processed+AOF_READ_DIFF_INTERVAL_BYTES)      // 当在重写aof文件的时候,移动不同的到文件中,以达到写的rdb文件最为近似
                processed = rdb->processed_bytes;
        dictReleaseIterator(di);                                            // 释放该迭代器
        di = NULL; /* So that we don't release it again on error. */

    /* If we are storing the replication information on disk, persist
     * the script cache as well: on successful PSYNC after a restart, we need
     * to be able to process any EVALSHA inside the replication backlog the
     * master will send us. */
    if (rsi && dictSize(server.lua_scripts)) {
        di = dictGetIterator(server.lua_scripts);
        while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
            robj *body = dictGetVal(de);
            if (rdbSaveAuxField(rdb,"lua",3,body->ptr,sdslen(body->ptr)) == -1)   // 写入lua_scripts 相关的内容
                goto werr;
        di = NULL; /* So that we don't release it again on error. */

    /* EOF opcode */
    if (rdbSaveType(rdb,RDB_OPCODE_EOF) == -1) goto werr;          // 写入EOF到最后一位

    /* CRC64 checksum. It will be zero if checksum computation is disabled, the
     * loading code skips the check in this case. */
    cksum = rdb->cksum;                                            // 获取cksum
    if (rioWrite(rdb,&cksum,8) == 0) goto werr;                    // 写入cksum值,八位 再在导入的时候会检查该值
    return C_OK;

    if (error) *error = errno;
    if (di) dictReleaseIterator(di);
    return C_ERR;


int rdbSaveLen(rio *rdb, uint64_t len) {                // 保存长度
    unsigned char buf[2];
    size_t nwritten;

    if (len < (1<<6)) {                                     // 查看长度没有超过了64
        /* Save a 6 bit len */
        buf[0] = (len&0xFF)|(RDB_6BITLEN<<6);               // 使用6位来保存该长度
        if (rdbWriteRaw(rdb,buf,1) == -1) return -1;
        nwritten = 1;
    } else if (len < (1<<14)) {                             // 查看长度是否大于64小于16384
        /* Save a 14 bit len */
        buf[0] = ((len>>8)&0xFF)|(RDB_14BITLEN<<6);         // 使用14位来保存长度信息
        buf[1] = len&0xFF;
        if (rdbWriteRaw(rdb,buf,2) == -1) return -1;
        nwritten = 2;
    } else if (len <= UINT32_MAX) {                         // 如果长度超过16384 小于32位 使用32位保存长度
        /* Save a 32 bit len */
        buf[0] = RDB_32BITLEN;
        if (rdbWriteRaw(rdb,buf,1) == -1) return -1;
        uint32_t len32 = htonl(len);
        if (rdbWriteRaw(rdb,&len32,4) == -1) return -1;
        nwritten = 1+4;
    } else {
        /* Save a 64 bit len */
        buf[0] = RDB_64BITLEN;                              // 使用64位来保存长度
        if (rdbWriteRaw(rdb,buf,1) == -1) return -1;
        len = htonu64(len);
        if (rdbWriteRaw(rdb,&len,8) == -1) return -1;
        nwritten = 1+8;
    return nwritten;


ssize_t rdbSaveRawString(rio *rdb, unsigned char *s, size_t len) {
    int enclen;
    ssize_t n, nwritten = 0;

    /* Try integer encoding */
    if (len <= 11) {                                                            // 如果长度小于11则写整形
        unsigned char buf[5];
        if ((enclen = rdbTryIntegerEncoding((char*)s,len,buf)) > 0) {           // 保存整形编码
            if (rdbWriteRaw(rdb,buf,enclen) == -1) return -1;                   // 写入对应的数据
            return enclen;

    /* Try LZF compression - under 20 bytes it's unable to compress even
     * aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so skip it */
    if (server.rdb_compression && len > 20) {                                   // 如果长度大于20 并且配置了可压缩
        n = rdbSaveLzfStringObject(rdb,s,len);                                  // 使用lzf压缩算法压缩
        if (n == -1) return -1;
        if (n > 0) return n;
        /* Return value of 0 means data can't be compressed, save the old way */

    /* Store verbatim */
    if ((n = rdbSaveLen(rdb,len)) == -1) return -1;                             // 11 到20之间则直接保存
    nwritten += n;
    if (len > 0) {
        if (rdbWriteRaw(rdb,s,len) == -1) return -1;                            // 写入数据 
        nwritten += len;
    return nwritten;



int rdbSaveKeyValuePair(rio *rdb, robj *key, robj *val, long long expiretime) {
    int savelru = server.maxmemory_policy & MAXMEMORY_FLAG_LRU;             // 是否是lru格式
    int savelfu = server.maxmemory_policy & MAXMEMORY_FLAG_LFU;             // 是否是lfu格式

    /* Save the expire time */
    if (expiretime != -1) {                                                 // 是否有过期时间
        if (rdbSaveType(rdb,RDB_OPCODE_EXPIRETIME_MS) == -1) return -1;     // 保存过期时间类型
        if (rdbSaveMillisecondTime(rdb,expiretime) == -1) return -1;        // 保存过期时间

    /* Save the LRU info. */
    if (savelru) {
        uint64_t idletime = estimateObjectIdleTime(val);
        idletime /= 1000; /* Using seconds is enough and requires less space.*/
        if (rdbSaveType(rdb,RDB_OPCODE_IDLE) == -1) return -1;
        if (rdbSaveLen(rdb,idletime) == -1) return -1;

    /* Save the LFU info. */
    if (savelfu) {
        uint8_t buf[1];
        buf[0] = LFUDecrAndReturn(val);
        /* We can encode this in exactly two bytes: the opcode and an 8
         * bit counter, since the frequency is logarithmic with a 0-255 range.
         * Note that we do not store the halving time because to reset it
         * a single time when loading does not affect the frequency much. */
        if (rdbSaveType(rdb,RDB_OPCODE_FREQ) == -1) return -1;
        if (rdbWriteRaw(rdb,buf,1) == -1) return -1;

    /* Save type, key, value */
    if (rdbSaveObjectType(rdb,val) == -1) return -1;                        // 保存val的类型
    if (rdbSaveStringObject(rdb,key) == -1) return -1;                      // 保存key
    if (rdbSaveObject(rdb,val) == -1) return -1;                        // 保存val的内容
    return 1;


