


Apple 苹果

Smart TVs are now integrating Apple’s AirPlay 2 technology. That was one of the big stories of CES 2019, where many TV manufacturers simultaneously announced AirPlay was coming to their TVs. Some are even updating existing TVs with AirPlay.

智能电视现在正在整合Apple的AirPlay 2技术。 那是CES 2019的重要故事之一,许多电视制造商同时宣布AirPlay即将出现在他们的电视上。 有些甚至使用AirPlay更新现有的电视。

(What Is AirPlay 2?)

Apple’s AirPlay 2 standard lets you use Apple devices to control media playback, stream audio, mirror your screen, or do other similar things. It’s built into Apple devices like the iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Think of it a bit like Apple’s version of Chromecast.

Apple的AirPlay 2标准允许您使用Apple设备来控制媒体播放,流音频,镜像屏幕或执行其他类似操作。 它内置在iPhone,iPad和Mac等Apple设备中。 认为它有点像苹果的Chromecast版本。

Previously, you could use AirPlay with your TV—but only if you purchased an Apple TV and connected it to your TV. There are unofficial AirPlay receiver software programs you can run on a PC or Mac connected to your TV, but nothing official. Now, AirPlay will be integrated into many smart TVs from many manufacturers.

以前,您可以在电视上使用AirPlay,但前提是您购买了Apple TV并将其连接到电视。 您可以在连接到电视的PC或Mac上运行非官方的AirPlay接收器软件程序 ,但没有官方的程序。 现在,AirPlay将被集成到许多制造商的许多智能电视中。

This isn’t a replacement for Google’s Chromecast. We saw TVs that had both Chromecast and AirPlay integrated. You can use whichever your devices work best with. Choice is great!

这不能替代Google的Chromecast 。 我们看到了同时集成了Chromecast和AirPlay的电视。 您可以使用最适合您的设备。 选择很棒!

AirPlay isn’t officially supported on Windows, but VideoLAN has announced plans to integrate AirPlay support into a future version of the popular VLC Media Player. VLC already has built-in support for Chromecasting, too.

Windows尚未正式支持AirPlay,但VideoLAN已宣布计划将AirPlay支持集成到流行的VLC Media Player的未来版本中。 VLC也已经内置了对Chromecasting的支持 。

(What Can I Use It For?)

Here are some things you can do with AirPlay:


Browse for something to watch on Netflix, iTunes, or another service on your iPhone and send it to your TV, using your iPhone to control playback. The TV will stream the content from the cloud.

Show photos and videos from your iPhone on the TV, controlling the presentation on your phone.

Play music (or any other audio) on your TV and synchronize it to multiple AirPlay 2-compatible speakers elsewhere in your home. 在电视上播放音乐(或任何其他音频),并将其同步到家中其他地方的多个兼容AirPlay 2的扬声器 。

Mirror your iPhone, iPad, or Mac’s screen to your TV. 将iPhone,iPad或Mac的屏幕镜像到电视。

(How Can I Use AirPlay on a TV?)

We saw AirPlay on smart TVs in action at CES 2019, and it will come to consumer TVs soon.

我们在CES 2019上看到了在智能电视上运行AirPlay的情况,它将很快在消费电视上出现。

When you have a TV that supports AirPlay integration, that TV will appear as an AirPlay device on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. You can select your smart TV just like you’d select an Apple TV, HomePod, or other AirPlay-enabled devices.

当您有一台支持AirPlay集成的电视时,该电视将在您的iPhone,iPad或Mac上作为AirPlay设备出现。 您可以选择智能电视,就像选择Apple TV , HomePod或其他支持AirPlay的设备一样。

In other words, it’s just like using AirPlay with an Apple TV today, but you don’t need any extra hardware.

换句话说,这就像今天在Apple TV上使用AirPlay一样,但是您不需要任何额外的硬件。


We also saw TVs that integrated information about AirPlay right into their home screen. You can select the “AirPlay” option on your TV’s home screen to see instructions describing how to use AirPlay with your TV.

我们还看到了将AirPlay信息集成到其主屏幕的电视。 您可以在电视主屏幕上选择“ AirPlay”选项,以查看说明如何在电视上使用AirPlay的说明。

(What About HomeKit and iTunes?)

Some TVs are also integrating HomeKit support, which will let you use Siri to control your TV like any other another smart home device. Other TVs are integrating a built-in iTunes Movies & TV Shows app so you can watch iTunes videos on your TV without any Apple devices.

某些电视还集成了HomeKit支持,使您可以像使用其他任何智能家居设备一样使用Siri来控制电视。 其他电视集成了内置的iTunes电影和电视节目应用程序,因此您可以在电视上观看iTunes视频,而无需任何Apple设备。

Different TV manufacturers are choosing to support different features. Some TVs have AirPlay and HomeKit but no built-in iTunes, while other TVs have AirPlay and iTunes with no built-in HomeKit.

不同的电视制造商选择支持不同的功能。 某些电视具有AirPlay和HomeKit,但没有内置iTunes,而其他电视具有AirPlay和iTunes,但没有内置HomeKit。

Specifically, we know that Samsung TVs will get AirPlay 2 and iTunes, but not HomeKit. LG and Vizio TVs will get AirPlay 2 and HomeKit, but not iTunes. However, you can always stream video content from iTunes to your TV using AirPlay 2.

具体来说,我们知道三星电视将获得AirPlay 2和iTunes,但不会获得HomeKit。 LG和Vizio电视将获得AirPlay 2和HomeKit,但不会获得iTunes。 但是,您始终可以使用AirPlay 2将视频内容从iTunes流传输到电视。

(What TVs Will Support AirPlay?)

Upcoming TVs from LG, Samsung, Sony, and Vizio will come with AirPlay 2 built in. Here’s the full list of TVs, from Apple’s website:

LG,三星,索尼和Vizio即将推出的电视都将内置AirPlay2。以下是电视的完整列表,可从苹果公司的网站获取 :

  • LG OLED (2019)
  • LG NanoCell SM9X series (2019)
  • LG NanoCell SM8X series (2019)
  • LG UHD UM7X series (2019)
  • Samsung QLED Series (2019 and 2018)
  • Samsung 8 Series (2019 and 2018)
  • Samsung 7 Series (2019 and 2018)
  • Samsung 6 Series (2019 and 2018)
  • Samsung 5 Series (2019 and 2018)
  • Samsung 4 Series (2019 and 2018)
  • Sony Z9G Series (2019)
  • Sony A9G Series (2019)
  • Sony X950G Series (2019)
  • Sony X850G Series (2019 85″, 75″, 65″ and 55″ models)
  • Vizio P-Series Quantum (2019 and 2018)
  • Vizio P-Series (2019, 2018 and 2017)
  • Vizio M-Series (2019, 2018 and 2017)
  • Vizio E-Series (2019, 2018 and 2017)
  • Vizio D-series (2019, 2018 and 2017)

Vizio has also announced plans to update 2016 4K UHD SmartCast TVs with AirPlay 2, although this isn’t listed on Apple’s website:

Vizio还宣布了计划用AirPlay 2更新2016年4K UHD SmartCast电视,尽管苹果网站上未列出:

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have confirmed that all 2016 4K UHD SmartCast Displays will support the Apple integration. -A

谢谢你让我们注意到这一点。 我们已经确认,所有2016年4K UHD SmartCast显示器都将支持Apple集成。 -一种

— VIZIO Support (@VIZIOsupport) January 8, 2019

— VIZIO支持(@VIZIOsupport) ,2019年1月8日

Vizio told us that there will be a beta program in the US and Canada, where registered testers can receive this software update in Q1 2019. Following that, in Q2 2019, the update will be made available to everyone. If you have a Vizio TV that supports it, you’ll just turn on your TV one day and see a message saying it now supports AirPlay.

Vizio告诉我们,美国和加拿大将有一个Beta版计划 ,已注册的测试人员可以在2019年第一季度收到此软件更新。此后,在2019年第二季度,该更新将向所有人开放。 如果您拥有支持它的Vizio电视,则只需打开电视一天,然后看到一条消息,说它现在支持AirPlay。

