(1)cat 命令
#cat [文件名]:显示文件的所有内容。
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# cat file
this is frist line.
this is second line.
this is third line.
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# cat -n file
1 this is frist line.
2 this is second line.
3 this is third line.
#cat -b 只对非空行编号
#cat -s 将连续的多个空行替换为1行
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# cat -bs file1
1 this is fourth line in file1.
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# cat file file1
this is frist line.
this is second line.
this is third line.
this is fourth line in file1.
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# cat file > file2
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# cat file2
this is frist line.
this is second line.
this is third line.
(2)more 命令
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# more file
this is frist line.
this is second line.
this is third line.
this is fourt line.
this is fifth line.
this is twenty-seventh line.
this is twenty-eighth line.
this is twenty-ninth line.
# -c或 -p 先清屏后显示内容
# -n 一次显示的行数
# +n 从第n行开始显示
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# more -p10 file
this is frist line.
this is second line.
this is third line.
this is fourt line.
this is fifth line.
this is sixth line.
this is seventh line.
this is eighth line.
this is ninth line.
this is tenth line.
this is eleventh line.
this is twelfth line.
this is thirteenth line.
this is fourteenth line.
this is fifteenth line.
this is sixteenth line.
this is seventeenth line.
this is eighteenth line.
this is nineteenth line.
this is twentieth line.
this is twenty-frist line.
this is twenty-second line.
this is twenty-third line.
this is twenty-fourth line.
this is twenty-fifth line.
this is twenty-sixth line.
this is twenty-seventh line.
this is twenty-eighth line.
this is twenty-ninth line.
this is thirtieth line.
# -s 将连续多个空行替换为1个空行
(3)head 命令
# 显示文件的前几行
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# head file
this is frist line.
this is second line.
this is third line.
this is fourt line.
this is fifth line.
this is sixth line.
this is seventh line.
this is eighth line.
this is ninth line.
this is tenth line.
#-k 或 -n k显示文件前 k行内容
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# head -3 file
this is frist line.
this is second line.
this is third line.
#-c k 显示文件前k个字节的内容
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# head -c10 file
this is fr
#-v 显示文件名
(4)tail 命令
# 显示文件的末尾几行
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# tail file
this is twenty-frist line.
this is twenty-second line.
this is twenty-third line.
this is twenty-fourth line.
this is twenty-fifth line.
this is twenty-sixth line.
this is twenty-seventh line.
this is twenty-eighth line.
this is twenty-ninth line.
this is thirtieth line.
#-k 或 -n k显示文件最后 k行内容
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# tail -3 file
this is twenty-eighth line.
this is twenty-ninth line.
this is thirtieth line.
#-c k 显示文件最后k个字节的内容
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# tail -c10 file
eth line.
#-f 监听文件新增加的内容
(5)touch 命令
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# stat file
File: file
Size: 719 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 regular file
Device: a1h/161d Inode: 16093 Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root)
Access: 2021-09-12 09:40:38.891634000 +0000
Modify: 2021-09-12 09:40:37.531634000 +0000
Change: 2021-09-12 09:40:37.531634000 +0000
Birth: -
# touch 创建文件:若文件不存在将被创建,若存在则修改文件的3个时间参数
#-a 只修改文件的访问时间
#-c 修改文件的3个时间参数,若文件不存在则不会创建
#-m 只修改文件的数据修改时间
#-t 自定义事件
(6)grep 命令
# -F 字符串查找模式
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# grep -F twenty file
this is twenty-frist line.
this is twenty-second line.
this is twenty-third line.
this is twenty-fourth line.
this is twenty-fifth line.
this is twenty-sixth line.
this is twenty-seventh line.
this is twenty-eighth line.
this is twenty-ninth line.
# -E 正则表达式查找模式
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# grep -E [abc] file
this is second line.
this is twenty-second line.
# -c 列出文件中包含模式的行数
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# grep -F twenty -c file
# -i 忽略字母大小写
# -n 行首列出行号
# -v 列出没有匹配模式的行
(7)sed 命令
# sed常用编辑指令:
# p 打印匹配行
# d 删除指定行
# a 在匹配行后追加
# i 在匹配行前追加
# c 整行替换
# r 读取文件内容
# w 将文本写入文件
# 字符串替换(匹配正则表达式)
# -n 只显示匹配处理的行(否则会输出所有)。
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# sed -n '1,2p' file
this is frist line.
this is second line.
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# sed '1d' file
this is second line.
this is third line.
this is fourt line.
this is fifth line.
this is sixth line.
this is thirtieth line.
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# sed '2a abc' file
this is frist line.
this is second line.
this is third line.
this is thirtieth line.
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# sed '1c abc' file
this is second line.
this is third line.
this is thirtieth line.
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# sed 's/frist/1st/' file
this is 1st line.
this is second line.
this is third line.
this is thirtieth line.
(8)awk 命令
# 数据字段的变量代表的含义:
# $0 : 整个文本行
# $n : 文本行的第n个数据字段
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# cat file
frist line of this text.
second line of this text.
third line of this text.
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# awk '{print $2}' file
# 使用分号分割多条命令
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# echo "this is a apple"|awk '{$4 = "peacth";print $0}'
this is a peacth
# 使用BEGIN和END在awk处理数据前后执行
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# awk 'BEGIN {print "The File Contents:"}
> {print $0} END {print "END of File"}' file
The File Contents:
frist line of this text.
second line of this text.
third line of this text.
END of File
(9)cp 命令
# -i 若目标文件已存在,询问是否覆盖
# -p 复制后保留源文件的属性,包括所有者、所有组、权限和时间
# -r 递归复制,用于复制目录
# -l 把目标文件建立为源文件的硬链接文件
# -s 把目标文件建立为源文件的软链接文件
# -u 若目标文件与源文件有差异,则更新目标文件,此选项可用于文件的升级和备用
# -a 相当于-d、-p、-r选项的集合
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# cp -i file file1
cp: overwrite 'file1'? n
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# mkdir files
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# cp -r files files1
(10)rm 命令
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# rm file2
rm: remove regular file 'file2'? y
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# rm -r files
rm: remove directory 'files'? y
# -f 强制删除,系统不会询问
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# rm -rf files1
(11)mv 命令
# -f 若目标文件存在,则强制覆盖,不会询问
# -i 若目标文件存在,则询问
# -n 若目标文件存在,则不覆盖移动
# -v 显示目录或文件的移动过程
# -u 若目标文件存在,但源文件更新,则对目标文件升级
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# mv file /tmp
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg anaconda-post.log file1 file3 original-ks.cfg
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls /tmp
file ks-script-esd4my7v ks-script-eusq_sc5
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# mv file1 file2
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls
anaconda-ks.cfg anaconda-post.log file2 file3 original-ks.cfg
(12)sort 命令
# -f 忽略大小写
# -b 忽略每行前面的空白
# -n 以数值型进行排序
# -r 反向排序
# -u 删除重复行,就是uniq命令
# -t 指定分隔符,默认为制表符
# -k [n,m] 按照指定的字段范围排序
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# echo -e 'b c b d\na c b c\nc b d a' > file4
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# sort file4
a c b c
b c b d
c b d a
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# sort -k4,4 file4
c b d a
a c b c
b c b d
(1)mkdir 命令
# -m 手动配置所创建目录的权限
# -p 递归创建目录
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# mkdir files/files_admin/file1
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘files/files_admin/file1’: No such file or directory
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# mkdir -p files/files_admin/file1
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls -R files
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# rmdir files
rmdir: failed to remove 'files': Directory not empty
(3)cd 命令
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 bin]# cd /usr/local/share
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 bin]# cd ../local/share
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 bin]# cd
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]#
(4) pwd命令
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# pwd
(5)ls 命令
# -a 显示全部文件,包含隐藏文件
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls -a
. anaconda-ks.cfg .bash_history .bash_profile .cshrc file3 files .tcshrc
.. anaconda-post.log .bash_logout .bashrc file2 file4 original-ks.cfg .viminfo
# -A 显示全部文件,包含隐藏文件,但不包括“.”和“..”这两个目录
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls -A
anaconda-ks.cfg .bash_history .bash_profile .cshrc file3 files .tcshrc
anaconda-post.log .bash_logout .bashrc file2 file4 original-ks.cfg .viminfo
# -d 仅列出目录本身,而不列出目录内的文件数据
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls -d
# -f 不排序直接列出结果
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls -f
.bash_profile original-ks.cfg anaconda-ks.cfg .bashrc .. file3 .bash_history file4
anaconda-post.log .cshrc .bash_logout .tcshrc . file2 .viminfo files
# -r 将排序结果反向输出
# -R 连同子目录内容一起列出来
# -S 按文件容量大小排序
# -t 以时间排序
# -F 在文件或目录后加上文件类型的指示符号,"*"代表可执行文件,"/"代表目录,"="代表socket文件,"|"代表FIFO文件
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls -F
anaconda-ks.cfg anaconda-post.log file2 file3 file4 files/ original-ks.cfg
# -h 以易读的方式显示文件或目录大小
# -i 显示inode信息
# -l 使用长格式列出文件和目录信息
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls -l
total 28
-rw------- 1 root root 2328 Dec 4 2020 anaconda-ks.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 435 Dec 4 2020 anaconda-post.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 33 Sep 12 09:33 file2
-rw-r--r-- 2 root root 719 Sep 10 18:00 file3
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 24 Sep 12 12:34 file4
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 12 12:40 files
-rw------- 1 root root 2026 Dec 4 2020 original-ks.cfg
# -n 以GID和UID分别代替群组名和文件用户名显示出来
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls -n
total 28
-rw------- 1 0 0 2328 Dec 4 2020 anaconda-ks.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 435 Dec 4 2020 anaconda-post.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 33 Sep 12 09:33 file2
-rw-r--r-- 2 0 0 719 Sep 10 18:00 file3
-rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 24 Sep 12 12:34 file4
drwxr-xr-x 3 0 0 4096 Sep 12 12:40 files
-rw------- 1 0 0 2026 Dec 4 2020 original-ks.cfg
# --full-time 以完整的时间模式输出
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls --full-time
total 28
-rw------- 1 root root 2328 2020-12-04 17:37:38.000000000 +0000 anaconda-ks.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 435 2020-12-04 17:37:38.000000000 +0000 anaconda-post.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 33 2021-09-12 09:33:12.411634000 +0000 file2
-rw-r--r-- 2 root root 719 2021-09-10 18:00:00.000000000 +0000 file3
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 24 2021-09-12 12:34:08.441634000 +0000 file4
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2021-09-12 12:40:41.171634000 +0000 files
-rw------- 1 root root 2026 2020-12-04 17:37:38.000000000 +0000 original-ks.cfg
(6)ln 命令
# -s 创建文件软链接,不加-s则创建文件硬链接
#硬链接 修改一个文件
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# echo '123' >> file1
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ln file1 test
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# echo '456' >> test
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# cat test
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# cat file1
#软链接 删除源文件
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ln -s file2 test2
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# rm -f file2
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# cat test2
cat: test2: No such file or directory
字符 | 含义 |
- | 普通文件 |
d | 目录 |
l | 链接文件 |
b | 块设备文件 |
c | 字符设备文件 |
rwx 权限对文件和目录的作用
(1)chmod 命令
权限与数字的对应关系:r -> 4, w -> 2, x -> 1
# -R 递归修改子目录中文件的所有权限
# u 文件所有者
# g 文件所属组
# o 其他用户
# a 相当于u g o
# + 增加权限
# - 删除权限
# = 设定权限
# 将file的权限设置为rwxr-xr-x(755)
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# chmod u=rwx,go=rx file(chmod 755 file)
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls -l file
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 76 Sep 13 06:04 file
# 增加file文件每种用户的w权限
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls -l file
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 76 Sep 13 06:04 file
(2)umask 命令
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# umask
umask的值由4个八进制数组成,第一个表示文件所具有的特殊权限(SetUID、SetGID、Sticky BIT)。
文件(或目录)的真正初始权限 = 文件(或目录)的最大默认权限 - umask 权限
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# touch newfile
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls -l newfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Sep 13 09:29 newfile
#新建目录的初始权限:(777) - (022)= (755)drwxr-xr-x
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls -ld newfiles
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 13 09:31 newfiles
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# umask 044
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# umask
(3)chown 命令
# 修改文件所有者为max
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls -l file
-rwxr--r-- 1 root root 76 Sep 13 06:04 file
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# chown max file
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls -l file
-rwxr--r-- 1 max root 76 Sep 13 06:04 file
# 普通用户仅能修改自己文件的权限
[max@6c810f7f0bd8 root]$ chmod 775 newfile
chmod: cannot access 'newfile': Permission denied
(4)chgrp 命令
# -R 递归修改目录中的所有文件及子目录
# 修改文件的所属组为group1
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# groupadd group1
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# chgrp group1 file
[root@6c810f7f0bd8 ~]# ls -l file
-rwxr--r-- 1 max group1 76 Sep 13 06:04 file