android SoundPool没有声音 安卓 sound sleeper_游戏

windows 睡眠倒计时

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If you listen to music on your phone or tablet as you fall asleep, you might appreciate being able to set a sleep timer so it doesn’t play all night and wear your battery down.


Many people listen to audio (or watch videos) while they’re lying in bed, often drifting off to sleep in the process. Whether it’s a favorite podcast, an audiobook, or Pandora, it can be a soothing way to end a long, tiring day.

许多人躺在床上时会听音频(或观看视频),在此过程中通常会流连入睡。 无论是最喜欢的播客,有声读物还是Pandora,它都是结束漫长而累人的一天的舒缓方式。

Sleep timers are nothing new and have been featured on televisions and stereos for many years. If you’re accustomed to falling asleep at night in your favorite comfy chair and wake up hours later with the TV or radio on, then setting a timer to put the device to sleep after a certain term saves power and money.

睡眠定时器并不是什么新鲜事物,并且已经在电视和立体声音响中使用了很多年。 如果您习惯于在自己喜欢的舒适椅子上晚上入睡,然后在电视或收音机打开的情况下数小时后醒来,则可以设置一个计时器,使该设备在一定期限后进入睡眠状态,以节省电能和金钱。

It’s no different now with our phones and tablets, which we tend to use in place of stereos and TVs, and being able to have your device put itself to sleep is definitely a great feature to have.


(Setting a Sleep Timer on iPhone or iPad)

iOS devices have sleep timer functionality built right into the Clock app. Many users may not even be aware of this.

iOS设备在Clock应用程序中内置了睡眠计时器功能。 许多用户甚至可能没有意识到这一点。

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Tap the button immediately below the timer (with the musical note) and scroll until you select “Stop Playing”.


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Now with “Stop Playing” selected, whatever is playing through your iPhone or iPad’s speaker (or headphones) will be stopped once the timer runs down.


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This feature works with literally anything you use to listen to be it music or other audio, as well as video, so if you’re watching Netflix and know you’ll zonk out in or around an hour, you can just set the timer.


(Setting a Sleep Timer on Android)

Android is a literal mixed bag when it comes to functionality. Chances are if it isn’t the core system aka pure Android, then your handset manufacturer might have included this type of feature into their version of Android. Otherwise, you’re looking at using an app.

就功能而言,Android实在是一团糟。 如果不是核心系统(也就是纯Android),那么您的手机制造商可能已将这种类型的功能包含在其Android版本中。 否则,您正在考虑使用应用程序。

If you do a quick search for “sleep timer” in the Google Play store, you’ll find results that immediately fit the bill. We tried both apps pictured below and preferred the second one, but we recommend you find the sleep timer app that best fits your needs and tastes.

如果您在Google Play商店中快速搜索“睡眠计时器” ,则会发现符合要求的结果。 我们尝试了下图所示的两个应用,并推荐使用第二个 ,但我们建议您找到最适合您的需求和品味的睡眠计时器应用。

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For this particular app, we were required to give it administrator privileges to lock the screen when it puts the device to sleep.


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Thereafter, you can pick the duration before it puts your tablet or phone to sleep.


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If you need to cancel or want to add time, you can access those functions from the notification bar.


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There are also some pretty useful settings, though the useful battery saving features are only available in the unlocked version, which costs one dollar.


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Nevertheless, for the essential function – putting your device to sleep after a certain term – it does exactly as ordered.


So, the next time you find yourself listening to your favorite Game of Thrones podcast in bed or drifting off to something peaceful and meditative, remember you can set up a sleep timer and have it turn off shortly after you normally fall asleep.


If you would like to share your thoughts with us, or have an alternative sleep timer Android app to recommend, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.



windows 睡眠倒计时