July 3 勉勉强强看完TT

July 3

梦入少年丛 歌舞匆匆 老僧夜半误鸣钟
惊起西窗眠不得 卷地西风

1. Logistic regression

Some basic logic

source: https://www.vebuso.com/2020/02/linear-to-logistic-regression-explained-step-by-step/


The basic idea behind logits is to use a logarithmic function to restrict the probability values between 0 and 1.

Probit logit 回归_最大熵模型

关于logit和probit,最大的区别就是一个是用log distribution,一个是normal distribution

Logistic assumptions

  • The model is correctly specified.
  • The cases are independent.
  • The independent variables are not linear combinations of each other.


If the probability of Success is P, then the odds of that event is: P / (1-P)

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It’s time…. to transform the model from linear regression to logistic regression using the logistic function.

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We can see from the below figure that the output of the linear regression is passed through a sigmoid function (logit function) that can map any real value between 0 and 1.

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线性函数的值越接近于正无穷,概率接近于1. 越接近负无穷,概率越接近0


Multinomial logistic regression is an expansion of logistic regression in which we set up one equation for each logit relative to the reference outcome

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Multinomial logistic regression is used when you have a categorical dependent variable with two or more unordered levels (i.e. two or more discrete outcomes).

This type of regression is usually performed with software. Essentially, the software will run a series of individual binomial logistic regressions for M – 1 categories (one calculation for each category, minus the reference category).

2. 最大熵模型 maximum entropy model ((MaxEnt)

  • 概率学习模型的一个准则 即熵最大的模型就是最好的模型


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The maximum entropy principle (MaxEnt) states that the most appropriate distribution to model a given set of data is the one with highest entropy among all those that satisfy the constrains of our prior knowledge.

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  • 即为约束最优化问题

ok 那基于我浅薄的数学知识,我又要 回顾一下约束optimization是个什么登西 即 min f(x); s,t h(x) ≤ 0 【s,t 就是subject to的意思 哭泣了我真是数盲 谁能想到有一天我竟然在看这些】


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那就可以引入一个限制因子 λ 把这个问题转化为一个标准的拉格朗日dual problem 或者对偶问题来解决:

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用上辣个拉格朗日乘子定义函数 L (P,w)


假设随机变量 X 有5个取值 {A,B,C,D,E}, 要估计各个值的概率 P(A), P(B), P(C), P(D), p(E).


P(A) + p(B) + p(C) + p(D) + p(E) = 1 P(A)= P(B)= P(C)= P(D)= p(E) = 1/5

为了学习这个例子中的最大熵模型 我们给一个约束条件,例如 P(A) + P(B) = 3/10, 即 P(A) = P(B) = 3/20

为了方便,分别以 y1,y2,y3,y4,y5 表示 A B C D E, 于是最大熵学习的最优化问题是:

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引进拉格朗日乘子 w0, w1, 定义函数:

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3. 模型学习的最优化算法

归结为 以 似然函数为目标函数的最优化问题 通常通过迭代算法求解。

累了 脑子转不动了 我得去看其他的了

Improved iterative scaling, IIS



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