大规模图嵌入框架 PBG,由Facebook开源。

paper: https://mlsys.org/Conferences/2019/doc/2019/71.pdf



读入edgelist,对各node赋予一个vector,通过更新vector,使得connected entities更加接近,unconnected entities距离更远。




  • graph partitioning, so that the model does not have to be fully loaded into memory
  • multi-threaded computation on each machine
  • distributed execution across multiple machines (optional), all simultaneously operating on disjoint parts of the graph
  • batched negative sampling, allowing for processing >1 million edges/sec/machine with 100 negatives per edge

分图,多机多线程,以及negative sample的批处理。


Important components of PBG are:


• A block decomposition of the adjacency matrix into N buckets, training on the edges from one bucket at a time. PBG then either swaps embeddings from each partition to disk to reduce memory usage, or performs distributed execution across multiple machines.

对邻接矩阵分桶,可以用来降低内存压力(将embed swap进disk,用来节省空间),也可以用于分布式计算。


• A distributed execution model that leverages the block decomposition for the large parameter matrices, as well as a parameter server architecture for global parameters and feature embeddings for featurized nodes.


• Efficient negative sampling for nodes that samples negative nodes both uniformly and from the data, and reuses negatives within a batch to reduce memory bandwidth.



• Support for multi-entity, multi-relation graphs with per-relation configuration options such as edge weight and choice of relation operator.



PBG 的 score function


pytorch embeding pytorch embeding bag_人工智能

因此这个打分函数表示是一个relation-specific的打分。可以factorize成gs和gd,使得theta s 和theta d 有semantic meaning。


g (x, theta r) 的几种形式,以及sim(a,b) 的计算方式。

函数 g 将边的类型加入进行考虑,sim计算两个向量的相关性。


pytorch embeding pytorch embeding bag_深度学习_02


由于graph中的edge分布是heavy tailed,因此如何负采样非常关键。


  1. sample negatives strictly according to the data distribution
  2.  sample negatives uniformly



margin-based ranking objective

pytorch embeding pytorch embeding bag_深度学习_03

这个margin-based ranking loss在图中常用,用来force f(e’) - f(e) >= lambda。即,再向量空间中,negative的edge距离更远,而实际的edge距离更近。

f(e) = f(theta s, theta r, theta d) = f(gs, gd),实际上就是经过了relation处理以后的source和dest的距离。






然后,将edge分bucket,对于一条边:s -> d,如果s属于pi,d属于pj,那么,这个边就属于bucket(pi, pj)。可见,bucket的数量是P squared。



  1. link prediction
  2. use embed as node vectors for other attribute prediction





PBG的基本思路是将节点(即entity)划分成不同的partition,这样就不用一次性将图都load进内存。然后,以节点的分片作为参考,对edge也进行分桶(bucket)。这样可以保证同一个bucket中的左右两边的节点(lhs和rhs)只关联某两个entity的分组。同时,neg sample也在这两个分组里进行,从而实现了如DNN那样,每次只读入一个batch,逐批次进行训练。节省了计算空间,原则上只要分的足够小,可以处理任意scale的网络。同时,由于可以切分,从而也可以用于分布式计算。