- abstract
- Intro
- Motion Planning Framework
- System Dynamics
- System Representation via Ordinary Differential Equations
- Hybrid System Representation
- Obstacle-Free Guidance System
- Environment Characterization
- Problem Formulation
- Motion Planning in the Presence of Obstacles
- Overview of the Algorithm
这篇文章的场景是 kinodynamic motion planning。
- dynamic system
- randomized path planning
- agile
We have to take into account the additional constraints on the vehicle’s motion arising from its dynamics or from nonholonomic constraints (that is, nonintegrable constraints on the state and its derivatives). - kinematic planner
a planner using kinematic model
这篇文章就是提出了 a randomized path planning architecture for dynamicla systems in the presence of fixed and moving obstacles.
提出的这个方法可以解决车辆的动力学约束,并且它提供了一种low level contro和motion planning之间的解耦。同时这个算法强调实时性。
这句话是什么意思:The path planning algorithm retains the convergence properties of its kinematic counterparts.
这个算法中的动力学模型可以用 ODE 或者 higher-level, hybrid representation 来表示。
仿真展示了一个 ground robot 和 一个 helicopter 的结果.
在这篇文章的年代,motion planning大致可以分为三种:1.cell decomposition methods 2.roadmap methods 3.artificial potential fields methods。
- cell decomposition method
这种方法就是把 configuration space 分割成 一些regions,在每个region中,都能很容易的找到collision-free paths,然后motion planning的问题就转化成了 找到 a sequence of neighboring cells,including the initial and final conditions. - roadmap methods
这种方法就是建立一个graph,graph中的node就是span the free configuration space,graph中的edge就是 collision-fee path。因此,motion planning问题就转化为了 首先将initial configuration和goal configuration连接进roadmap,然后选择a sequence of paths on the roadmap。 - artifitial potential field methods
运动规划的算法可以根据两方面评价:completeness 和 computational complexity.
completeness的定义: The algorithm returns a valid solution to the motion-planning problem if one exists and returns failure if and only if the problem is not feasible.
如果一个kinematic planner的输出被作为一个tracking controller的输入,这是会出问题的。因此我们需要把问题描述为kinodynamic motion planning。
但是目前kinodynamic planner的时间复杂度是和state space的维度成指数关系。所以高维度的state space是解不了的。
然后介绍了一篇工作:Randomized Kinodynamic Motion Planning with Moving Obstacles。
受这篇文章启发,这篇文章a new randomized, incremental motion-planning algorithm。(这个incremental怎么理解?)
这个incremental好像指定就是incremental roadmap building algorithm, 这个算法可以
Motion Planning Framework
这一部分就是介绍了formulate the path-planning algorithm所用的元素。the path-planning algorithm 提前假设有a closed-loop architecture,它的作用就是the vehicle from any state to any configuration at rest。这个closed-loop architecture就是本文的一个创新点。之前的文章都是an open-loop system,而这篇文章的basic dynamical system is a closed-loop one。
System Dynamics
System Representation via Ordinary Differential Equations
Hybrid System Representation
Obstacle-Free Guidance System
Environment Characterization
Problem Formulation
Motion Planning in the Presence of Obstacles
Overview of the Algorithm
我们从一个初始条件开始,递增的建立一颗由feasible trajectory组成的树,建立这个树的目的是有效率的探索the reachable set。
( 何为tree?
tree是一种没有环的有向图。在tree中,所有的节点,除了根节点,有且仅有一条incoming edge。)
RRT is the first incremental randomized motion-planning algorithm. The original RRT 粗略的提供了上面两个问题的答案。
虽然RRT非常有效率,它在the general case of a dynamical system并不合适。
[37] 提出了一种不同的方法,主要步骤如下:(1)随机选取一个节点来expand (2)apply a random control input for an interval 。即使存在可移动的障碍物,这种方法也被证明了概率完备性。同时,算法的performance bound也被证明了,假设是at each iteration the reachable set of the set of current milestones (nodes in the tree) is explored uniformly. 但是,这个假设在一般情况下是不成立的。