技术选择 (先考虑最简单的版本)
SpringBoot + Redis + IDEA + hutool + guava
使用技巧 :
责任链设计模式 + redis increment 操作实现原子性 + 策略模式 + (考虑实现幂等操作后面完善)
2、redis increment 实现原子性增加
1、IDEA 新建 SpringBoot 工程
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<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>
需要包含 handler 处理类和业务处理标记
public interface AbstractChainHandler<T> extends Ordered {
* 执行责任链逻辑
* @param requestParam 责任链执行入参
void handler(T requestParam);
* @return 责任链组件标识
String mark();
- 注意:由于责任链模式中每一个具体的 handler 都有特定的执行顺序,所以我们可用去继承 Spring 为我们提供的顺序接口 Ordered 来保证业务的正常运行
public interface StarChainFilter<T extends StarCommond> extends AbstractChainHandler<StarCommond> {
* @return 责任链组件标识
default String mark() {
return TypeMarkEnum.START_FILTER_CHAIN.name();
public class StarParamNotNullChainHandler implements StarChainFilter<StarCommond>{
public int getOrder() {
return 0;
public void handler(StarCommond requestParam) {
if (StrUtil.isEmpty(requestParam.getUserId())) {
throw new RuntimeException("User id input is empty");
else if (StrUtil.isEmpty(requestParam.getBookId())) {
throw new RuntimeException("Book ID cannot be empty");
else if (ObjectUtil.isEmpty(requestParam.getCode())) {
throw new RuntimeException("The input number cannot be empty");
public class StarNotNegativeChainHandler implements StarChainFilter<StarCommond>{
private RedisTemplate redisTemplate;
public String buildKey(StarCommond requestParam) {
return CacheUtil.buildKey(requestParam.getBookId() , requestParam.getUserId() , "like");
public void handler(StarCommond requestParam) {
String key = buildKey(requestParam);
if (checkExistOrCreate(key)) {
final Integer starNum = (Integer)redisTemplate.opsForValue().get(key);
final String action = StarEnum.matchStatusByCode(requestParam.getCode());
if (action.equals(StarEnum.DOWN.name())) {
if (starNum <= 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Have a pity that the current number of likes is less than 0");
public Boolean checkExistOrCreate(String key) {
Boolean hasKey = redisTemplate.hasKey(key);
if (!hasKey) {
redisTemplate.opsForValue().set(key , 0);
return Boolean.FALSE;
return Boolean.TRUE;
public int getOrder() {
return 1;
- 注意:业务逻辑检查缓存 key 是否存在,根据具体的操作行为来执行我们的业务逻辑,如果是踩需要判断此时如果数据是 <= 0 那么抛出异常此次操作无效
4、编写抽象责任链上下文并委托给 Spring 进行管理
public final class AbstractChainContext<T> implements CommandLineRunner {
private final Map<String, List<AbstractChainHandler>> abstractChainHandlerContainer = Maps.newHashMap();
public void handler(String mark, T requestParam) {
List<AbstractChainHandler> abstractChainHandlers = abstractChainHandlerContainer.get(mark);
if (CollUtil.isEmpty(abstractChainHandlers)) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("[%s] Chain of Responsibility ID is undefined.", mark));
abstractChainHandlers.forEach(each -> each.handler(requestParam));
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
Map<String, AbstractChainHandler> chainFilterMap = SpringUtil
chainFilterMap.forEach((beanName, bean) -> {
List<AbstractChainHandler> abstractChainHandlers = abstractChainHandlerContainer.get(bean.mark());
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(abstractChainHandlers)) {
abstractChainHandlers = new ArrayList();
List<AbstractChainHandler> actualAbstractChainHandlers = abstractChainHandlers.stream()
abstractChainHandlerContainer.put(bean.mark(), actualAbstractChainHandlers);
- 1、通过实现 CommandLineRunner 能保证在 SpringBoot 启动时初始化我们的 handler 数据
- 2、通过 Hutool 为我们的提供的 SpringUtil 工具类来获取对应的 Spring 管理的 bean
public class StartRepository {
private RedisTemplate redisTemplate;
private AbstractChainContext<StarCommond> abstractChainContext;
* 点赞 or 踩
* @param userId 用户 ID
* @param bookId 书籍 ID
* @param mark 标识
public void startActive(StarCommond starCommond , String mark) {
* 参数校验
abstractChainContext.handler(mark , starCommond);
* 点赞
int value = starCommond.getCode() == StarEnum.UP.getCode() ? 1 : -1;
// 构建缓存 Key
String key = CacheUtil.buildKey(starCommond.getBookId() , starCommond.getUserId() , "like");
redisTemplate.opsForValue().increment(key, value);
public class StartApplicationTest {
private StartRepository startRepository;
private static final Faker faker = new Faker();
public void testStarFunction() {
String userId = String.valueOf(faker.random().nextInt(5));
String bookId = String.valueOf(faker.random().nextInt(5));
StarCommond starCommond = new StarCommond(userId , bookId , 0);
// 校验
startRepository.startActive(starCommond , TypeMarkEnum.START_FILTER_CHAIN.name());