1. 背景


1.1 SIM卡


1.2 IMSI号

在SIM卡中,存储了大量的数据,其中就有IMSI号。IMSI号是一串十进制数,通常是15位(本文简单地假定为15位)。在SIM卡中存储这个IMSI信息的格式,在3GPP TS31.102协议中有具体的规定。截图如下:

如何设置es 的id自增_校验码

如何设置es 的id自增_校验码_02

如何设置es 的id自增_码流_03


1.3 奇偶校验码




2. 奇偶校验算法

2.1 问题简化


/* return: 
           0x00: All the number of the 1-bit is even.
           0x01: All the number of the 1-bit is odd.
unsigned char even_parity(const unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int len);

2.2 最自然&简单的算法



#include <stdio.h>

/* return: 
           0x00: All the number of the 1-bit is even.
           0x01: All the number of the 1-bit is odd.
unsigned char even_parity(const unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int len)
    unsigned int i, j;
    unsigned char check_bit = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
            check_bit ^= (buffer[i] >> j) & 0x01;

    return check_bit;

/* For simplity, the gtest is not used here. */
void my_assert(const char* testcase_name, int value)
    if (value) {
        printf("PASS: %s\n", testcase_name);
    } else {
        printf("FAIL: %s\n", testcase_name);

void test() 
    unsigned char test_data1[] = {0x00};
    unsigned char expect1 = 0;

    unsigned char test_data2[] = {0x80};
    unsigned char expect2 = 1;

    unsigned char test_data3[] = {0x00, 0x80};
    unsigned char expect3 = 1;

    unsigned char test_data4[] = {0x00, 0xc0};
    unsigned char expect4 = 0;

    my_assert("testcase1", expect1 == even_parity(test_data1, sizeof(test_data1)));
    my_assert("testcase2", expect2 == even_parity(test_data2, sizeof(test_data2)));
    my_assert("testcase3", expect3 == even_parity(test_data3, sizeof(test_data3)));
    my_assert("testcase4", expect4 == even_parity(test_data4, sizeof(test_data4)));

int main()

    return 0;


PASS: testcase1
PASS: testcase2
PASS: testcase3
PASS: testcase4

2.3 比特运算改成字节运算


unsigned char even_parity(const unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int len)
    unsigned int i, j;
    unsigned char check_bit = 0;
    unsigned char temp = 0x00;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        temp ^= buffer[i];

    for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
        check_bit ^= (temp >> j) & 0x01;

    return check_bit;

2.4 进一步消除循环


unsigned char even_parity(const unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int len)
    unsigned int i, j;
    unsigned char temp = 0x00;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        temp ^= buffer[i];

    /* temp: B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 */
    temp = (temp & 0x0F) ^ (temp >> 4);  /* B7B6B5B4 ^ B3B2B1B0*/
    temp = (temp & 0x03) ^ (temp >> 2);  /* B3B2 ^ B1B0*/
    temp = (temp & 0x01) ^ (temp >> 1);  /* B1 ^ B0*/

    return temp;

2.5 小结
