arcade 物理系统
Apple 苹果
Apple Arcade is a new gaming subscription service that will eventually provide access to over 100 games for iPhones, iPads, Macs, and Apple TV devices. It costs $4.99 per month for an entire family, and your first month is free.
Apple Arcade是一项新的游戏订阅服务,最终将为iPhone,iPad,Mac和Apple TV设备提供100多种游戏的访问权限。 整个家庭每个月的费用为$ 4.99,而且您的第一个月免费。
The service is launching initially on iPhone, with iPad, Mac and Apple TV versions following soon after. Here’s what you need to know about the new service.
该服务最初是在iPhone上启动的,此后不久将推出iPad,Mac和Apple TV版本。 这是您需要了解的有关新服务的信息。
(What is Apple Arcade?)
Apple Arcade is a monthly subscription that costs $4.99, with a free trial month to get you started. The service includes exclusive games only available via Apple Arcade, as well as third party titles that are available for purchase on other platforms. You cannot separately purchase games made available through Apple Arcade on the App Store.
Apple Arcade每月订阅费用为4.99美元,并有免费试用月供您入门。 该服务包括只能通过Apple Arcade获得的独家游戏,以及可以在其他平台上购买的第三方游戏。 您不能单独在App Store上购买通过Apple Arcade提供的游戏。
Apple says it will add new games to the service monthly, though like any subscription service you should also expect older games to disappear (and maybe pop up for sale on the App Store instead). There are no adverts, no limitations on play, and you don’t need an internet connection to play games downloaded through Apple Arcade.
苹果表示,它将每月向该服务中添加新游戏,尽管像任何订阅服务一样,您还应该期望旧游戏消失(并且可能会在App Store上弹出出售)。 没有广告,没有游戏限制,您也不需要互联网就可以播放通过Apple Arcade下载的游戏。
The service is not a game streaming service like PlayStation Now or Google Stadia. When you sign up for Arcade, you can download as many games as you can fit on your device and run them natively. It’s more comparable to a service like Netflix.
该服务不是像PlayStation Now或Google Stadia这样的游戏流媒体服务。 注册Arcade时,您可以下载尽可能多的游戏,以适合您的设备并在本地运行它们。 它与Netflix之类的服务更具可比性。
(Is Apple Arcade Good Value?)
Whether or not Apple Arcade represents good value depends entirely on your App Store spending habits. If you spend more than about $5 on games per month, then you may be able to justify the $60 per year you’ll be spending on an Arcade subscription. It’s also important to note that none of the games on Apple Arcade will include microtransactions or free-to-play economies. For $5, you get everything with no extra ads or fees.
Apple Arcade是否代表高价值完全取决于您的App Store消费习惯。 如果您每月在游戏上的花费超过5美元,那么您就可以证明每年在Arcade订阅上花费的60美元是合理的。 同样重要的是要注意,Apple Arcade上的所有游戏都不会包含微交易或免费游戏经济。 只需5美元,您将获得所有东西,而无需支付额外的广告或费用。
You can even dip in and out of Apple Arcade when you have time. If you’ve got some long haul flights coming up then $5 seems like a bargain compared to the cost of a full-priced Nintendo Switch game—or anything else you might find in an airport departure lounge.
有空时,您甚至可以进入和退出Apple Arcade。 如果您要进行长途飞行,那么与全价Nintendo Switch游戏的价格(或在机场候机室可能会发现的其他价格)相比,5美元似乎是很便宜的。
One area where Apple Arcade represents an excellent value is for users of Family Sharing. A single Apple Arcade subscription at $4.99 per month can be shared between a whole household provided you have set up Family Sharing and purchased a subscription.
对于家庭共享的用户来说,Apple Arcade代表极佳价值的领域之一。 如果您已设置家庭共享并购买了订阅,则可以在整个家庭之间共享每月$ 4.99的单个Apple Arcade订阅。
(What Devices Work With Apple Arcade?)
Apple Arcade launched on the iPhone with the release of iOS 13 on September 19, 2019. On September 24, the service will roll out on iPad as part of the iPadOS 13 update, and on the Apple TV via tvOS 13. Apple Arcade will finally arrive on the Mac with the release of macOS Catalina.
Apple Arcade将于2019年9月19日在iOS 13的iPhone上发布。9月24日,该服务将作为iPadOS 13更新的一部分在iPad上推出,并通过tvOS 13在Apple TV上推出。Apple Arcade最终将随MacOS Catalina发行版一起在Mac上发布。
One of the big draws of the service is the ability to start a game on one device and pick it up on another without losing your place.
(How Do You Get Apple Arcade?)
The first thing you’ll need to do before signing up for Apple Arcade is to upgrade your iPhone or iPad to iOS 13 (or iPadOS 13). To do this head to System Preferences > General > Software Update and follow the instructions to update your device. Make sure you have backed up your iPhone before upgrading.
注册Apple Arcade之前,您需要做的第一件事就是将iPhone或iPad升级到iOS 13(或iPadOS 13)。 为此,请转到系统偏好设置>常规>软件更新,然后按照说明更新设备。 升级之前,请确保已备份iPhone 。
With iOS 13 installed, launch the App Store and glance at the tab bar at the bottom of the screen. You will see a new tab titled Arcade. Tap on it, and you’ll be invited to sign up for a free trial of Apple Arcade. Once complete you can peruse the games available to you on the Arcade tab of the App Store.
安装iOS 13后,启动App Store并浏览屏幕底部的标签栏。 您将看到一个名为Arcade的新标签。 点击它,将邀请您注册以免费试用Apple Arcade。 完成后,您可以在App Store的Arcade选项卡上细读可用的游戏。
Apple TV users will need to install the tvOS 13 update then launch the App Store and locate the Arcade tab. Mac users will first need to update to macOS Catalina, then launch the Mac App Store and click on the Arcade tab.
Apple TV用户将需要安装tvOS 13更新,然后启动App Store并找到Arcade选项卡。 Mac用户首先需要更新到macOS Catalina,然后启动Mac App Store并单击Arcade选项卡。
Be aware that your free trial will auto-renew in one month. You can access your subscriptions under Settings > [Your Name] > Subscriptions. Apple Arcade only provides you the option to immediately cancel your free trial, rather than disabling auto-renewal. If you’re only trying and have little intention of buying, make sure you set a reminder to cancel your trial before you are charged.
请注意,您的免费试用版将在一个月内自动续订。 您可以在设置> [您的姓名]>订阅下访问您的订阅。 Apple Arcade仅向您提供立即取消免费试用的选项,而不是禁用自动续订。 如果您只是尝试而几乎没有购买意向,请确保在提醒您设置提醒之前取消试用。
(Can You Play With a Controller?)
You can play with a controller, but you don’t need one. All Apple Arcade games are playable via standard touch controls, and many include support for game controllers too. Using a controller is arguably the best way to enjoy many games since they feel more like “full” console releases rather than stripped-down mobile experiences.
您可以使用控制器,但不需要一个。 所有Apple Arcade游戏都可以通过标准的触摸控件进行播放,其中许多游戏还包括对游戏控制器的支持。 使用控制器可以说是享受许多游戏的最佳方式,因为它们更像是“完整”的控制台版本,而不是精简的移动体验。
You can use existing Made for iPhone (MFi) controllers like the Steelseries Nimbus and the Horipad Ultimate. iOS 13 and tvOS 13 also adds support for non-MFi controllers including Sony’s DualShock 4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One controller.
您可以使用现有的Made for iPhone(MFi)控制器,例如Steelseries Nimbus和Horipad Ultimate 。 iOS 13和tvOS 13还增加了对非MFi控制器的支持,包括索尼的DualShock 4和微软的Xbox One控制器。
(Pairing a DualShock 4 (PS4) Controller)
- Grab your controller and hold down the central “PS” button and the “Share” button until the light on the touchpad (or back of your controller) starts flashing.抓住控制器并按住中央的“ PS”按钮和“共享”按钮,直到触摸板(或控制器背面)上的指示灯开始闪烁。
- Head to Settings > Bluetooth on your iOS device (or Settings > Remotes and Devices > Bluetooth on an Apple TV) and wait for your controller to appear.
- Select your controller to pair it.
(Pairing an Xbox One Controller)
- Turn on the controller by pressing the Xbox button.通过按Xbox按钮打开控制器。
- Press and hold the “Connect” button at the top of the controller for three seconds.
- Head to Settings > Bluetooth on your iOS device (or Settings > Remotes and Devices > Bluetooth on an Apple TV) and wait for your controller to appear.
- Select your controller to pair it.
You can pair your controller with a Mac in the same way if you head to System Preferences > Bluetooth or click on the Bluetooth icon in your Mac’s menu bar.
(Can I Clip My iPhone to My Controller?)
Using a controller and an iPhone is arguably the best way to enjoy Apple Arcade, but there’s a problem. You’ll have to set your iPhone down on a table or perch awkwardly to see the screen while you hold a separate controller. If only there were an easier way…
使用控制器和iPhone可以说是享受Apple Arcade的最佳方式,但是存在一个问题。 您必须将iPhone放在桌子上或笨拙地放在桌子上,才能在拿着单独的控制器时看到屏幕。 如果有更简单的方法……
Fortunately, there are lots of clips you can get to mount your iPhone on top of your controller. Top of the list is the Nyko Smart Clip for the DualShock 4. According to Nyko, the clip has been discontinued, but there are plenty available for just shy of $15 on Amazon. There are cheaper clips available, but the Nyko has the benefit of not blocking any ports (on the phone or controller).
幸运的是,您可以获得许多将iPhone安装在控制器顶部的剪辑。 排在第一位的是用于DualShock 4的Nyko Smart Clip 。据Nyko称,该夹子已经停产,但在亚马逊上有很多售价仅为15美元的产品。 有较便宜的剪辑,但是Nyko的好处是不会阻塞任何端口(在电话或控制器上)。
For Xbox One controllers there’s the cheap-as-chips Dainslef Phone Holder Clamp. It’s got mostly positive reviews for its sub-$10 price point.
对于Xbox One控制器,有便宜的Dainslef电话固定夹。 它的低于10美元的价位大多受到好评。
(What Are the Games Like?)
Apple has promised users “100+ games” to enjoy, which appears to be a figure it’s still working towards at launch. At the time of writing, we counted a total of 63 games, of which only four were truly exclusive to Apple Arcade: Where Cards Fall from Snowman, Projection: First Light by Blowfish, The Enchanted World from Noodlecake, and Red Reign from Ninja Kiwi.
苹果承诺向用户提供“ 100多种游戏”,这似乎是苹果在推出时仍在努力的数字。 在撰写本文时,我们统计了总共63款游戏,其中只有4款是Apple Arcade真正真正的独家游戏:卡从雪人身上掉落,投影:Blowfish的《第一光》,Noodlecake的《魔法世界》和Ninja Kiwi的Red Reign 。
The service has enlisted the help of some big-name publishers like Konami, Sega, Capcom, Bandai Namco, Devolver Digital, and Annapurna Interactive. The service provides a good mix of puzzlers, frantic arcade games, 5-minute time-wasters, and meaningful long-form games in a bid to appeal to a wide range of players.
该服务已获得Konami,Sega,Capcom,Bandai Namco,Devolver Digital和Annapurna Interactive等一些大型发行商的帮助。 该服务将益智游戏,疯狂的街机游戏,5分钟的浪费时间和有意义的长版游戏很好地结合在一起,以吸引广泛的玩家。
Particularly interesting is Where Cards Fall, an Arcade-exclusive puzzle game wrapped up in a coming of age narrative with a gorgeous isometric art style. Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm is the sequel to the App Store’s best Zelda clone, except now it’s better thanks to proper controller support.
特别有趣的是《卡牌掉落》(Where Cards Fall),这是一款街机独有的益智游戏,以时代的叙事和华丽的等距艺术风格包裹着。 Oceanhorn 2:《失落王国的骑士》是App Store最佳Zelda克隆的续集,但现在有了更好的控制器支持才更好。
Sneaky Sasquatch is a cute arcade adventure in which you play the role of an elusive bigfoot and steal food, disguise yourself as a human, and play golf. Big Time Sports invokes the spirit of retro sports games so you can prove to your friends that you’re the best at button mashing.
Sneaky Sasquatch是一个可爱的街机冒险,您可以扮演难以捉摸的大脚怪,偷食物,伪装成人类,打高尔夫球。 Big Time Sports唤起了复古运动游戏的精神,因此您可以向您的朋友证明您最擅长按钮混搭。
What The Golf finally arrives on iOS via Apple Arcade. Think of it as the antidote to every boring golf game you’ve ever played. LEGO Brawls also debuts on the service as a team brawler in which you must build your own unique minifigure and battle for control of iconic LEGO stages with your friends.
What The Golf终于通过Apple Arcade到达iOS。 将其视为您玩过的每一个无聊高尔夫游戏的解毒剂。 LEGO Brawls还将以团队争吵者的身份首次亮相,您必须在其中建立自己独特的人像和与朋友争夺LEGO标志性舞台的控制权。
(Is Apple Arcade Any Good?)
There’s a lot to like about Apple Arcade’s lineup of games. Even though the service hasn’t hit the “100+” number at launch, Apple provides a great variety of high-quality titles that will appeal to a broad range of tastes. This makes the service more enticing as you’re bound to find something you like.
Apple Arcade的游戏阵容有很多让人喜欢的地方。 尽管该服务在发布时并未达到“ 100+”的数字,但苹果提供了各种各样的高品质游戏,它们将吸引广泛的口味。 当您一定要找到自己喜欢的东西时,这会使服务更具吸引力。
Overall we were impressed by what the service had to offer on day one. There’s a good variety of games, and Apple has taken care to hit most of the mobile gaming beats. You’ll find tower defense, meditative puzzles, and quirky platformers alongside more fleshed out experiences in the form of action adventures, shooters, and narrative-driven roleplaying games.
总体而言,我们对第一天所要提供的服务印象深刻。 游戏种类繁多,Apple一直努力打动大多数手机游戏节奏。 您会发现塔式防御,冥想难题和古怪的平台游戏,以及更丰富的体验,包括动作冒险,射击游戏和叙事驱动的角色扮演游戏。
Some of the games we’ve played so far that we can recommend include:
- Patterned: A soothing puzzle game that has you matching puzzle pieces with endlessly repeating patterns. It has to be one of the most mindful games on the service so far. 图案化:一种舒缓的益智游戏,可让您将拼图与无尽重复的图案相匹配。 它必须是迄今为止该服务上最注意的游戏之一。
- Skate City: Probably better without a controller, Skate City is a side-scrolling skating game where you can pull off tricks by flicking either side of the screen. Easy to pick up but devilish to master. Skate City: Skate City是一款侧向滚动的滑冰游戏,可能不需要控制器,您可以通过轻拂屏幕的任一侧来获得技巧。 容易拿起,但难以掌握。
- Assemble With Care: A narrative-driven puzzle game from the developers of Monument Valley that has you fixing everyday items. Manipulate objects with the touch screen to restore them to working order and advance the story. 精心组装:由Monumental开发商开发的叙事驱动益智游戏,可让您修复日常用品。 使用触摸屏操作对象,以使其恢复工作状态并推进故事。
- Neo Cab: Interactive fiction meets survival in this bleak dystopian narrative about one of the last rideshare drivers in a world disrupted by automation. Neo Cab:在这个惨淡的反乌托邦式叙述中,互动小说与生存相遇,这部小说讲述了世界上最后一个被自动化破坏的拼车司机。
It’s still hard to place the audience for Apple Arcade. The service is geared towards just about anyone in the Apple ecosystem, not only those who play games on their iPhone. If you already play a lot of games and you’re
放置Apple Arcade的观众仍然很困难。 该服务适用于Apple生态系统中的几乎所有用户,而不仅仅是那些在iPhone上玩游戏的用户。 如果您已经玩了很多游戏而您
迄今为止最好的游戏订阅?(The Best Game Subscription So Far?)
For $4.99 per month for an entire family, Apple Arcade currently represents one of the cheapest and easiest ways to access a library of games. These games run natively, are offline-friendly, and allow you to switch between devices at will. It’s clear Apple is serious about Arcade both from a technical perspective and in terms of which games are included in the service.
对于整个家庭来说,每月只要$ 4.99,Apple Arcade便是访问游戏库的最便宜,最便捷的方式之一。 这些游戏本机运行,可离线使用,并允许您随意在设备之间进行切换。 显然,从技术角度以及服务中包括哪些游戏方面,苹果公司都对Arcade持认真态度。
But don’t take our word for it, your first month is free so sign up and check out what all the fuss is about. Just remember to cancel your trial before the renewal period if you don’t want to cough up $4.99.
但是请不要相信我们,您的第一个月是免费的,所以注册并查看所有引起大惊小怪的事情。 如果您不想花费$ 4.99,请记住在续订期之前取消试用。
arcade 物理系统