- 启动Arduino并打开“首选项”窗口。
- 输入https://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json
图2.3.1.1 arduino首选项
- 从工具>主板菜单打开Boards Manager并安装esp8266平台(安装后不要忘记从工具>主板菜单中选择ESP8266主板)
图2.3.1.2 ESP8266平台安装
图2.3.1.3 ESP8266红外接收库安装
阿里云iot studio的开通
* IRremoteESP8266: IRrecvDumpV2 - dump details of IR codes with IRrecv
* An IR detector/demodulator must be connected to the input kRecvPin.
* Copyright 2009 Ken Shirriff, http://arcfn.com
* Copyright 2017-2019 David Conran
* Example circuit diagram:
* https://github.com/crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266/wiki#ir-receiving
* Changes:
* Version 1.2 October, 2020
* - Enable easy setting of the decoding tolerance value.
* Version 1.0 October, 2019
* - Internationalisation (i18n) support.
* - Stop displaying the legacy raw timing info.
* Version 0.5 June, 2019
* - Move A/C description to IRac.cpp.
* Version 0.4 July, 2018
* - Minor improvements and more A/C unit support.
* Version 0.3 November, 2017
* - Support for A/C decoding for some protocols.
* Version 0.2 April, 2017
* - Decode from a copy of the data so we can start capturing faster thus
* reduce the likelihood of miscaptures.
* Based on Ken Shirriff's IrsendDemo Version 0.1 July, 2009,
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <IRrecv.h>
#include <IRremoteESP8266.h>
#include <IRac.h>
#include <IRtext.h>
#include <IRutils.h>
// ==================== start of TUNEABLE PARAMETERS ====================
// An IR detector/demodulator is connected to GPIO pin 14
// e.g. D5 on a NodeMCU board.
// Note: GPIO 16 won't work on the ESP8266 as it does not have interrupts.
const uint16_t kRecvPin = 14;
// The Serial connection baud rate.
// i.e. Status message will be sent to the PC at this baud rate.
// Try to avoid slow speeds like 9600, as you will miss messages and
// cause other problems. 115200 (or faster) is recommended.
// NOTE: Make sure you set your Serial Monitor to the same speed.
const uint32_t kBaudRate = 115200;
// As this program is a special purpose capture/decoder, let us use a larger
// than normal buffer so we can handle Air Conditioner remote codes.
const uint16_t kCaptureBufferSize = 1024;
// kTimeout is the Nr. of milli-Seconds of no-more-data before we consider a
// message ended.
// This parameter is an interesting trade-off. The longer the timeout, the more
// complex a message it can capture. e.g. Some device protocols will send
// multiple message packets in quick succession, like Air Conditioner remotes.
// Air Coniditioner protocols often have a considerable gap (20-40+ms) between
// packets.
// The downside of a large timeout value is a lot of less complex protocols
// send multiple messages when the remote's button is held down. The gap between
// them is often also around 20+ms. This can result in the raw data be 2-3+
// times larger than needed as it has captured 2-3+ messages in a single
// capture. Setting a low timeout value can resolve this.
// So, choosing the best kTimeout value for your use particular case is
// quite nuanced. Good luck and happy hunting.
// NOTE: Don't exceed kMaxTimeoutMs. Typically 130ms.
// Some A/C units have gaps in their protocols of ~40ms. e.g. Kelvinator
// A value this large may swallow repeats of some protocols
const uint8_t kTimeout = 50;
#else // DECODE_AC
// Suits most messages, while not swallowing many repeats.
const uint8_t kTimeout = 15;
#endif // DECODE_AC
// Alternatives:
// const uint8_t kTimeout = 90;
// Suits messages with big gaps like XMP-1 & some aircon units, but can
// accidentally swallow repeated messages in the rawData[] output.
// const uint8_t kTimeout = kMaxTimeoutMs;
// This will set it to our currently allowed maximum.
// Values this high are problematic because it is roughly the typical boundary
// where most messages repeat.
// e.g. It will stop decoding a message and start sending it to serial at
// precisely the time when the next message is likely to be transmitted,
// and may miss it.
// Set the smallest sized "UNKNOWN" message packets we actually care about.
// This value helps reduce the false-positive detection rate of IR background
// noise as real messages. The chances of background IR noise getting detected
// as a message increases with the length of the kTimeout value. (See above)
// The downside of setting this message too large is you can miss some valid
// short messages for protocols that this library doesn't yet decode.
// Set higher if you get lots of random short UNKNOWN messages when nothing
// should be sending a message.
// Set lower if you are sure your setup is working, but it doesn't see messages
// from your device. (e.g. Other IR remotes work.)
// NOTE: Set this value very high to effectively turn off UNKNOWN detection.
const uint16_t kMinUnknownSize = 12;
// How much percentage lee way do we give to incoming signals in order to match
// it?
// e.g. +/- 25% (default) to an expected value of 500 would mean matching a
// value between 375 & 625 inclusive.
// Note: Default is 25(%). Going to a value >= 50(%) will cause some protocols
// to no longer match correctly. In normal situations you probably do not
// need to adjust this value. Typically that's when the library detects
// your remote's message some of the time, but not all of the time.
const uint8_t kTolerancePercentage = kTolerance; // kTolerance is normally 25%
// Legacy (No longer supported!)
// Change to `true` if you miss/need the old "Raw Timing[]" display.
#define LEGACY_TIMING_INFO false
// ==================== end of TUNEABLE PARAMETERS ====================
// Use turn on the save buffer feature for more complete capture coverage.
IRrecv irrecv(kRecvPin, kCaptureBufferSize, kTimeout, true);
decode_results results; // Somewhere to store the results
// This section of code runs only once at start-up.
void setup() {
#if defined(ESP8266)
Serial.begin(kBaudRate, SERIAL_8N1, SERIAL_TX_ONLY);
#else // ESP8266
Serial.begin(kBaudRate, SERIAL_8N1);
#endif // ESP8266
while (!Serial) // Wait for the serial connection to be establised.
// Perform a low level sanity checks that the compiler performs bit field
// packing as we expect and Endianness is as we expect.
assert(irutils::lowLevelSanityCheck() == 0);
Serial.printf("\n" D_STR_IRRECVDUMP_STARTUP "\n", kRecvPin);
// Ignore messages with less than minimum on or off pulses.
#endif // DECODE_HASH
irrecv.setTolerance(kTolerancePercentage); // Override the default tolerance.
irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the receiver
// The repeating section of the code
void loop() {
// Check if the IR code has been received.
if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
// Display a crude timestamp.
uint32_t now = millis();
Serial.printf(D_STR_TIMESTAMP " : %06u.%03u\n", now / 1000, now % 1000);
// Check if we got an IR message that was to big for our capture buffer.
if (results.overflow)
Serial.printf(D_WARN_BUFFERFULL "\n", kCaptureBufferSize);
// Display the library version the message was captured with.
Serial.println(D_STR_LIBRARY " : v" _IRREMOTEESP8266_VERSION_ "\n");
// Display the tolerance percentage if it has been change from the default.
if (kTolerancePercentage != kTolerance)
Serial.printf(D_STR_TOLERANCE " : %d%%\n", kTolerancePercentage);
// Display the basic output of what we found.
// Display any extra A/C info if we have it.
String description = IRAcUtils::resultAcToString(&results);
if (description.length()) Serial.println(D_STR_MESGDESC ": " + description);
yield(); // Feed the WDT as the text output can take a while to print.
// Output legacy RAW timing info of the result.
yield(); // Feed the WDT (again)
// Output the results as source code
Serial.println(); // Blank line between entries
yield(); // Feed the WDT (again)
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>//安装esp8266arduino开发环境
static WiFiClient espClient;
#include <AliyunIoTSDK.h>//引入阿里云 IoT SDK
#define BLINKER_PRINT Serial
#include <IRremoteESP8266.h>
#include <IRsend.h>
#define REGION_ID "cn-shanghai"//默认cn-shanghai
#define WIFI_SSID "XXXXXX"//替换自己的WIFI
#define WIFI_PASSWD "XXXXX"//替换自己的WIFI
unsigned long lastMsMain = 0;
const uint16_t kIrLed = 4; // ESP8266 GPIO pin to use. Recommended: 4 (D2).
IRsend irsend(kIrLed); // Set the GPIO to be used to sending the message.
uint16_t power_on[229] = {3118, 3000, 3096, 4402, 658, 1566, 656, 460, 652, 1572, 656, 464, 650, 478, 630, 1596, 630, 1572, 652, 482, 630, 1596, 634, 478, 602, 510, 658, 1566, 660, 458, 654, 478, 632, 1570, 656, 480, 632, 480, 602, 512, 656, 462, 654, 476, 632, 480, 604, 512, 654, 456, 658, 480, 632, 478, 602, 512, 656, 462, 654, 476, 632, 480, 602, 512, 658, 454, 656, 482, 632, 478, 604, 1622, 604, 508, 658, 460, 652, 484, 632, 478, 602, 510, 604, 512, 654, 464, 624, 1600, 650, 480, 630, 482, 602, 512, 654, 464, 650, 460, 654, 478, 602, 510, 654, 464, 652, 480, 630, 482, 602, 510, 654, 464, 648, 464, 648, 484, 602, 510, 656, 460, 650, 1572, 628, 492, 646, 484, 602, 510, 658, 454, 654, 466, 648, 482, 628, 484, 628, 486, 654, 464, 648, 482, 604, 508, 628, 484, 626, 492, 650, 482, 630, 482, 600, 512, 654, 464, 648, 484, 628, 484, 624, 488, 600, 518, 646, 484, 604, 510, 600, 514, 628, 492, 644, 486, 626, 486, 600, 512, 598, 518, 646, 486, 602, 512, 600, 514, 626, 494, 618, 512, 600, 514, 596, 536, 576, 538, 600, 1622, 602, 512, 598, 536, 576, 538, 600, 514, 598, 1624, 600, 512, 600, 1626, 572, 540, 598, 1628, 594, 518, 594, 1630, 594, 1634, 592, 1656, 568, 520, 592, 1632, 568}; // HAIER_AC_YRW02
uint16_t power_off[229] = {3138, 3000, 3094, 4404, 658, 1566, 656, 460, 652, 1570, 656, 464, 648, 480, 604, 1622, 630, 1574, 652, 480, 630, 1596, 630, 482, 604, 510, 654, 1570, 658, 460, 650, 482, 630, 482, 634, 478, 630, 486, 656, 464, 648, 480, 604, 508, 654, 462, 654, 482, 630, 482, 634, 478, 628, 488, 654, 464, 650, 478, 604, 508, 630, 488, 652, 484, 632, 462, 650, 478, 602, 512, 654, 466, 652, 478, 630, 482, 628, 488, 652, 466, 650, 460, 652, 478, 602, 512, 658, 1566, 658, 460, 652, 482, 634, 478, 602, 510, 662, 450, 658, 464, 650, 480, 604, 508, 636, 480, 654, 480, 634, 478, 602, 510, 656, 456, 656, 464, 650, 480, 604, 506, 630, 1596, 626, 488, 656, 464, 650, 480, 630, 482, 628, 482, 658, 460, 652, 480, 628, 484, 602, 510, 654, 464, 650, 480, 632, 480, 630, 482, 656, 462, 652, 480, 628, 484, 602, 510, 656, 462, 648, 484, 628, 484, 628, 482, 654, 462, 650, 484, 628, 484, 600, 510, 656, 462, 650, 482, 628, 484, 628, 482, 628, 488, 654, 466, 646, 482, 600, 512, 652, 464, 652, 480, 630, 482, 630, 482, 624, 1600, 600, 512, 652, 468, 646, 486, 602, 510, 598, 1626, 598, 512, 600, 1608, 620, 510, 626, 486, 624, 490, 626, 1598, 626, 1598, 626, 494, 620, 1618, 604, 1600, 602}; // HAIER_AC_YRW02
uint16_t cold[229] = {3156, 2984, 3098, 4400, 658, 1566, 628, 488, 666, 1558, 666, 454, 682, 446, 638, 1588, 666, 1538, 668, 466, 638, 1586, 648, 466, 554, 558, 662, 1560, 632, 488, 686, 446, 664, 1538, 672, 464, 664, 448, 556, 558, 668, 452, 684, 446, 638, 474, 604, 512, 664, 446, 666, 472, 666, 446, 556, 556, 662, 458, 662, 468, 642, 470, 578, 538, 666, 444, 664, 474, 642, 470, 582, 1644, 636, 476, 628, 488, 662, 472, 664, 448, 606, 506, 634, 480, 666, 454, 672, 1550, 686, 446, 664, 448, 556, 558, 666, 452, 668, 442, 668, 462, 608, 504, 630, 488, 662, 470, 650, 464, 554, 558, 662, 458, 660, 450, 662, 470, 632, 480, 628, 488, 662, 1562, 664, 456, 656, 472, 622, 490, 626, 486, 602, 518, 656, 476, 636, 476, 598, 514, 660, 476, 636, 478, 630, 482, 602, 510, 600, 518, 654, 478, 630, 482, 574, 538, 652, 466, 648, 484, 632, 480, 600, 512, 600, 518, 648, 482, 630, 484, 600, 514, 626, 510, 626, 510, 602, 508, 576, 536, 576, 538, 602, 510, 602, 536, 574, 538, 600, 514, 600, 536, 576, 538, 574, 538, 572, 540, 598, 1626, 598, 540, 568, 544, 568, 544, 592, 522, 592, 1632, 594, 1654, 544, 546, 592, 544, 568, 1656, 570, 544, 568, 1656, 568, 1658, 568, 1658, 568, 1656, 568, 544, 568}; // UNKNOWN C05FDF44
uint16_t warm[229] = {3160, 2980, 3098, 4400, 656, 1568, 658, 460, 660, 1564, 656, 462, 658, 472, 638, 1586, 634, 1568, 654, 480, 636, 1588, 632, 480, 578, 1648, 604, 510, 656, 1566, 632, 486, 662, 1558, 602, 514, 660, 474, 642, 470, 582, 530, 658, 460, 686, 446, 666, 446, 556, 556, 580, 536, 664, 472, 664, 446, 608, 504, 630, 488, 686, 448, 664, 446, 580, 534, 606, 508, 670, 1552, 666, 1558, 660, 460, 662, 470, 664, 448, 556, 556, 662, 450, 656, 466, 682, 1540, 686, 444, 640, 1586, 640, 474, 554, 558, 664, 456, 684, 428, 684, 446, 608, 504, 630, 488, 662, 472, 664, 446, 580, 534, 660, 460, 684, 426, 664, 468, 636, 1588, 632, 480, 602, 514, 672, 446, 682, 448, 636, 476, 628, 484, 602, 518, 668, 462, 642, 470, 576, 538, 666, 454, 658, 472, 636, 476, 602, 510, 576, 542, 658, 476, 636, 476, 576, 538, 656, 464, 652, 478, 636, 478, 600, 512, 598, 518, 654, 478, 632, 482, 576, 536, 628, 490, 650, 482, 628, 484, 600, 514, 600, 516, 650, 482, 628, 486, 600, 514, 624, 494, 646, 484, 602, 534, 576, 536, 576, 536, 604, 1620, 604, 510, 600, 536, 576, 536, 574, 540, 600, 1624, 600, 1626, 572, 540, 598, 1628, 594, 522, 590, 1634, 592, 1656, 570, 544, 568, 1656, 568, 1656, 568, 522, 590}; // UNKNOWN CE4D8E3E
void setup()
//初始化 iot,需传入 wifi 的 client,和设备产品信息
AliyunIoTSDK::bindData("AIR", AIR);
AliyunIoTSDK::bindData("TEM", TEM);
void loop()
if (millis() - lastMsMain >= 2000)//每2秒发送一次
lastMsMain = millis();
//AliyunIoTSDK::send("AIRPIN", Serial.println(AIR));
//wifi 连接
void wifiInit(const char *ssid, const char *passphrase)
WiFi.begin(ssid, passphrase);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.println("WiFi not Connect");
Serial.println("Connected to AP");
void AIR(JsonVariant L)//固定格式,修改参数l
int AIR = L["AIR"];//参数l
if (AIR == 0)
irsend.sendRaw(power_off, 299, 38); // Send a raw data capture at 38kHz.
else if(AIR == 1)
irsend.sendRaw(power_on, 299, 38); // Send a raw data capture at 38kHz.
Serial.printf("收到的AIR是:"); Serial.println(AIR);
void TEM(JsonVariant L)//固定格式,修改参数l
int TEM = L["TEM"];//参数l
if (TEM == 0)
irsend.sendRaw(cold, 299, 38); // Send a raw data capture at 38kHz.
else if(TEM == 1)
irsend.sendRaw(warm, 299, 38); // Send a raw data capture at 38kHz.
Serial.printf("收到的TEM是:"); Serial.println(TEM);
图4.2.2.1 寝室空调图
图4.2.2.2 寝室空调遥控板图
图4.2.2.3 红外接收系统连接图
图4.2.2.4 红外接收程序图
图4.2.2.5 上传
图4.2.2.6 程序上传进度
图4.2.2.7 程序上传成功
图4.2.2.8 打开串口监视器
图4.2.2.9 串口监视器界面
图4.2.2.10 接收红外信号操作
图4.2.2.11 红外键值解码显示
将uint16_t rawData那排数据备份,默认为25℃,5power风,制冷
图4.2.2.12 红外键值保存
图4.2.3.1 公共实例进入
图4.2.3.2 产品界面
图4.2.3.3 新建产品界面
图4.2.3.4 产品创建成功界面
图4.2.3.5 设备界面
图4.2.3.6 添加设备界面
图4.2.3.7 设备添加成功界面
图4.2.3.8 保存三元组
图4.2.3.9 产品功能定义界面
图4.2.3.10 添加自定义功能界面(AIR)
图4.2.3.11 添加自定义功能界面(TEM)
图4.2.3.12 功能定义界面
图4.2.3.13 发布上线操作
图4.2.3.14 确认发布上线操作
图4.2.3.15 发布成功图
图4.2.4.1 项目管理
图4.2.4.2 新建项目操作
图4.2.4.3 新建空白项目操作
图4.2.4.4 空白项目新建界面
图4.2.4.5 设置关联操作
图4.2.4.6 关联产品操作
图4.2.4.7 关联设备操作
图4.2.4.8 进入可视化开发界面
图4.2.4.9 新建可视化移动应用
图4.2.4.10 新建移动应用界面
图4.2.4.11 移动应用开发界面
图4.2.4.12 控件界面(部分)
图4.2.4.13 设计界面
图4.2.4.14 设计界面2
图4.2.4.15 新增交互操作
图4.2.4.16 交互设置界面
图4.2.4.17 配置设备界面
图4.2.4.18 配置设备界面2
图4.2.4.19 配置设备界面3
图4.2.4.20 配置设备界面4
图4.2.4.21 样式界面
图4.2.4.22 数据源配置界面
图4.2.4.23 配置数据源界面2
图4.2.5.1 三元组和WIFI配置
图4.2.5.2 发射管脚设置
图4.2.5.3 解码值设置
图4.2.5.4 红外发射系统连接图
图4.2.5.5 程序上传
图4.2.5.6 程序上传加载
图4.2.5.7 程序上传成功
图4.2.5.8 显示连接成功
图4.2.5.9 设备显示在线图
图4.2.5.10 可视化开发操作
图4.2.5.11 移动应用历史
图4.2.5.12 预览测试界面
图4.2.5.13 红外发射系统位置图