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PDFs are something of a necessary evil. Sure, they’re a handy way to preserve any document in the style you intended, and can be read on virtually any device…but if your device doesn’t have a good built-in PDF reader, finding one can be a pain.
PDF是必不可少的。 当然,它们是一种方便的方式来保存您想要的样式的任何文档,并且几乎可以在任何设备上阅读…但是,如果您的设备没有内置的良好PDF阅读器,那么找到一个可能会很麻烦。
It’s no different on an iPhone or iPad. The default method to read PDF files on these devices is using iBooks, which was included as a preloaded app beginning with iOS 8. Sure, you can view PDFs in Safari, but you won’t have very many additional options. And while iBooks is sufficient and has some nice features, there are other apps that make reading PDFs downright luxurious, and these can all be downloaded from the App Store.
在iPhone或iPad上没有什么不同。 在这些设备上阅读PDF文件的默认方法是使用iBooks,它是从iOS 8开始作为预加载的应用程序提供的。当然,您可以在Safari中查看PDF,但是您没有太多其他选择。 尽管iBooks足够了并且具有一些不错的功能,但是还有其他一些应用程序可以使阅读PDF变得非常豪华,这些都可以从App Store下载。
(Use iBooks Instead of Safari for Basic Reading)
When you open a PDF file in Safari, you can read it like other web content, but you also have the option to open it in iBooks, which will appear in the upper-right corner of the page. If you have other PDF readers installed, then you could tap “Open in…” instead.
在Safari中打开PDF文件时,您可以像阅读其他Web内容一样阅读它,但也可以选择在iBooks中打开它,该文件将显示在页面的右上角。 如果您安装了其他PDF阅读器,则可以点击“在...中打开”。
Reading PDFs in iBooks provides three main features. First, you can adjust the brightness.
在iBooks中阅读PDF具有三个主要功能。 首先,您可以调节亮度。
If you tap the magnifying glass icon, you can search for any word or page number.
Finally, if you want to mark your place in a document or save a particularly interesting location, you can tap the bookmark feature.
If you tap the icon with the three lines in the upper-left corner, you’ll see all the pages in the document including the ones you have bookmarked.
Here you see what we mean by this, note, if you wanted to see just the pages you’ve bookmarked, you could just tap the bookmark icon.
iBooks is great for basic PDF reading. It has enough rudimentary features to make it a lot better than Safari. Still, if you want something with more advanced features, such as text-to-speech or markup capabilities, then you will want to look to other options.
iBooks非常适合基本的PDF阅读。 它具有足够的基本功能,使其比Safari更好。 不过,如果您想要具有更高级功能(例如文本到语音或标记功能)的东西,那么您将需要寻找其他选项。
(Use Foxit if You Like Features)
One such option (and probably the best) is Foxit Reader, available in the App Store for free. Foxit is a full-featured PDF reader that puts iBooks to shame.
福昕阅读器是其中一种(也许是最好的)选择,可在App Store中免费获得。 福昕(Foxit)是功能齐全的PDF阅读器,它使iBooks蒙羞。
Aside from giving you the ability to change brightness and search for text, Foxit also has a wide range of view modes.
Best of all, many of these views can be used together. For example, in the following screenshot, we’ve enable night mode, crop mode, and shown the document as one continuous page.
最好的是,其中许多视图可以一起使用。 例如,在以下屏幕截图中,我们启用了夜间模式,裁剪模式,并将文档显示为连续的一页。
One of the best features found in FoxIt, however, is the text-to-speech feature. Simply tap on the speaker icon, and FoxIt will read the document to you. This could go a long way towards helping you be more productive. Say for example you boss sends you a long document he or she wants you to go over. You could then just have Foxit read it to you in the car ride home.
但是,FoxIt中最好的功能之一就是文本到语音功能。 只需点击扬声器图标,FoxIt就会为您阅读文档。 这可能有助于您提高工作效率。 举例来说,您的老板给您发送了一份长文件,他或她希望您过去。 然后,您可以在驾车回家时让福昕阅读给您看。
You can also read pages as a single column rather than having to pinch to zoom, which is another killer feature. When you tap the button shown in the following screenshot, the entire document will zoom to a single column making it far easier to read.
您还可以将页面读为单列,而不必进行缩放,这是另一个杀手级功能。 当您点击以下屏幕快照中显示的按钮时,整个文档将缩放到单个列,使其更易于阅读。
Then, tap the options at the bottom of the viewer to enlarge or decrease the size of the text as well as advance to the next page or go back to the previous.
Finally, there’s markup mode, which will unveil a host of cool options, too many to list here, but for example, you can mark certain parts of a document, highlight passages, and add notes.
FoxIt offers additional in-app purchases, most notably the ability to add cloud drive support for some of the most popular services.
There’s much more to Foxit so we urge you to check it out if you’re looking for something chock full of features without charging you a nickel.
(Create and Convert PDFs with Adobe Acrobat)
Finally, there’s always the old familiar Adobe Acrobat, which is also available in the App Store for free, but doesn’t have nearly the same feature set as Foxit. That said, it does allow you to create PDFs, export them to other file formats, and convert photos to PDF, which is something you can’t do with iBooks or Foxit, unless you pay for the “Create PDF for iPhone” addon.
最后,总是有旧的熟悉的Adobe Acrobat,它也可以在App Store中免费获得,但功能却几乎与Foxit相同。 也就是说,它确实允许您创建PDF,将其导出为其他文件格式,以及将照片转换为PDF,这是iBooks或Foxit无法做到的,除非您为“为iPhone创建PDF”附加组件付费。
Acrobat provides the ability to bookmark pages, change the view mode, add text markup, search, and more. The markup features are good, but not as extensive as Foxit’s.
Acrobat提供了对页面添加书签,更改视图模式,添加文本标记,搜索等功能。 标记功能不错,但不如Foxit广泛。
You can also open PDFs from the Adobe cloud or you can add your Dropbox account to open and save PDFs located there.
Acrobat is suitable for users who are looking for something between the feature-rich Foxit and iBooks. You can still add markup and bookmark locations but you won’t have the luxury of text-to-speech or the nice full-screen column view.
Acrobat适合在功能丰富的Foxit和iBooks之间寻找东西的用户。 您仍然可以添加标记和书签位置,但是您将无法享受文本到语音转换或漂亮的全屏列视图的便利。
However you choose to read PDFs on your iPhone or iPad, whether it’s using Safari, iBooks, Foxit, or Acrobat, the fact is you have options, and in fact, there are even more readers available in the App Store for you to explore. So, if you’re not exactly thrilled with reading PDFs on your iPhone or iPad because of iBook’s limited features, do yourself a favor and check out Foxit Reader or Adobe Acrobat.
但是,无论您是使用Safari,iBooks,Foxit还是Acrobat,都选择在iPhone或iPad上阅读PDF,事实是您可以选择,实际上,App Store中还有更多读者可以浏览。 因此,如果您由于iBook的功能有限而对在iPhone或iPad上阅读PDF感到不满意,请帮自己一个忙,并查看Foxit Reader或Adobe Acrobat。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/244254/how-to-read-pdf-files-on-your-iphone-or-ipad/
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