在Learning OpenCV书中,讲到一个基础数据类型CvMat,其中有一段程序:

1 Example 3-9. Summing all of the elements in a three-channel matrix
 2 float sum( const CvMat* mat ) {
 4   float s = 0.0f;
 5   for(int row=0; row<mat->rows; row++ ) {
 6     const float* ptr = (const float*)(mat->data.ptr + row * mat->step);//获取第row行的首地址
 7     for( col=0; col<mat->cols; col++ ) {
 8       s += *ptr++;
 9     }
10   }
11   return( s );
12 }

  不知是我理解错了,还是书中的注释错了,“Summing all of the elements in a three-channel matrix”,我觉得是对三通道CvMat中的所有数据进行求和,按我之前的编写风格,这个函数应该是这样:

Example 3-9. Summing all of the elements in a three-channel matrix
float sum( const CvMat* mat ) {

float s = 0.0f;
float* ptr=(float*) cvPtr2D(mat, 0, 0); //获取该三通道CvMat的首地址(这一句未经测试),将三通道看成是二通道

for(int row=0; row<mat->rows; row++ ) {
for( col=0; col<mat->cols; col++ ) {
      s += *ptr+*(ptr+1)+*(ptr+2);//将整个CvMat看成一个二维矩阵,则矩阵中每个元素是个三维向量,将它们累加
      ptr += 3;//通道为3,则自加3可到达CvMat矩阵中的下个元素
return( s );


( 1,  2,  3)  (11, 12, 13)  (21, 22, 23)
(31, 32, 33)  (41, 42, 43)  (51, 52, 53)
(61, 62, 63)  (71, 72, 73)  (81, 82, 83)


 CvMat* mat = cvCreateMat(3,3,CV_32FC3);//矩阵元素为三通道浮点数


    float *p = (float*)cvPtr2D(mat, 0, 0);
    for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        *p = (float)i*10;    
        *p = (float)i*10+1;
        *p = (float)i*10+2;


|( 1,  2,  3) | (11, 12, 13)  (21, 22, 23)
|(31, 32, 33) | (41, 42, 43)  (51, 52, 53)
|(61, 62, 63) | (71, 72, 73)  (81, 82, 83)

  即仅仅求了一个3*3 float矩阵的值,严格的说是矩阵中每行第一个元素的三通道元素和。


1 typedef struct CvMat
 2 {
 3 int type;
 4 int step;
 5 int* refcount;
 6 union
 7 {
 8 uchar* ptr;
 9 short* s;
10 int* i;
11 float* fl;
12 double* db;
13 } data;
14 #ifdef __cplusplus
15 union
16 {
17 int rows;
18 int height;
19 };
20 union
21 {
22 int cols;
23 int width;
24 };
25 #else
26 int rows;
27 int cols;
28 #endif
29 } CvMat;


1 #pragma comment(lib,"cxcore.lib")
 2 #include"cv.h"
 3 #include<stdio.h>
 4 void main()
 5 {
 6     //矩阵元素为三通道8位浮点数
 7     CvMat *mat=cvCreateMat(3,3,CV_32FC3 );
 8     printf("rows=%d,cols=%d,height=%d,width=%d,step=%d\n",mat->rows,mat->cols,mat->height,mat->width,mat->step);
10 }


const float* ptr = (const float*)(mat->data.ptr + row * mat->step);//获取第row行的首地址


1 for(int row=0; row<mat->rows; row++ ) {
2       const float* ptr = (const float*)(mat->data.ptr + row * mat->step);//获取第row行的首地址
3       for( col=0; col<mat->cols; col++ ) {
4         s += *ptr+*(ptr+1)+*(ptr+2);
5          ptr += 3;
6       }
7    }
8    return( s );
9  }