
  • 1 transformer图解分析(论文)
  • 1.1 论文中的模型图
  • 1.2 分模块解释
  • 1.2.1 单词、位置编码模块
  • 1.2.2 Encoder模块
  • 1.2.3 Decoder模块
  • 1.2.4 输出全连接层
  • 2 transformer代码分析
  • 2.1 模型代码分析
  • 2.1.1 Embedding(单词、位置编码)
  • 2.1.2 Multi-Head-Attention(多路注意力)
  • 2.1.3 Feed-Forward(全连接层)
  • 2.1.4 Layer-Normalization(层标准化)
  • 2.1.5 总模块(联合上述代码)
  • 2.2 训练代码分析
  • 2.3 预测代码分析
  • 2.4 超参数代码分析

1 transformer图解分析(论文)

1.1 论文中的模型图

自注意力机制自编码器和MLP结合Python实现 注意力机制 代码_深度学习

1.2 分模块解释

1.2.1 单词、位置编码模块

自注意力机制自编码器和MLP结合Python实现 注意力机制 代码_全连接_02

Input Embedding 和 Output Embedding


Positional Encoding



将单词的编码与位置的编码经过叠加,这里本人猜想也可以采用各种叠加方式,例如权重等等,在下方代码中只采用了简单的线性求和方式。 然后将叠加后的矩阵复制成三份,输入到(下方Mutil-Head-Attention)多路注意力模块中。

1.2.2 Encoder模块

自注意力机制自编码器和MLP结合Python实现 注意力机制 代码_transformer_03

Muliti-Head Attention

这一块进行多注意力机制的构造,在此模块中,在上一层模块中的输出复制三份,然后喂入到三个全连接层(相当于和三个矩阵进行相乘),形成query, key, value, 然后将query与key进行点积操作,过softmax形成对于每一个单词value的注意力权重,然后分别与value相乘求和。

Feed Forward


Add & Norm



注意看左方的(N×)表示此Encoder模块按照(Multi-Head Attention ->Normal->Feed Forward->Normal)的顺序总共重复N次,在原论文中重复了6次。

1.2.3 Decoder模块

自注意力机制自编码器和MLP结合Python实现 注意力机制 代码_深度学习_04

Multi-Head Attention


Masked Multi-Head Attention


Add & Norm


Feed Forward


1.2.4 输出全连接层

自注意力机制自编码器和MLP结合Python实现 注意力机制 代码_深度学习_05


2 transformer代码分析

2.1 模型代码分析

2.1.1 Embedding(单词、位置编码)

## 定义编码的类
class embedding(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, padding_is=True):
        :param input_dim:  输入维度
        :param output_dim:  输出维度
        :param padding_is:
        super(embedding, self).__init__()
        self.padding_is = True
        self.input_dim = input_dim
        self.output_dim = output_dim
        self.embed = torch.nn.Embedding(self.input_dim, self.output_dim)

    def forward(self, x):
        ### 将输入的维度 转化为 输出维度
        output = self.embed(x)
        return output

2.1.2 Multi-Head-Attention(多路注意力)

### 多路注意力机制
class multiple_head_attention(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,num_units, num_heads= 8, dropout_rate=0, masked=False):
        :param num_units:
        :param num_heads: 多注意力机制
        :param dropout_rate: 舍弃率
        :param masked:  是否是解码处mask_attention
        super(multiple_head_attention, self).__init__()
        self.num_units = num_units
        self.num_heads = num_heads
        self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate
        self.masked = masked
        ## 定义Q K V层 此处使用三个全连接层 输入为num_units 输出也为num_units
        self.Q = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.num_units, self.num_units), nn.ReLU())
        self.K = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.num_units, self.num_units), nn.ReLU())
        self.V = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.num_units, self.num_units), nn.ReLU())

        self.output_dropout = nn.Dropout(p=self.dropout_rate)  # 定义舍弃层

        self.normalization = layer_normalization(self.num_units)  ### 定义标准化方式  使用的是layer_normalization

    def forward(self, queries, keys, values):

        ## q,k,v的生成  三个全连接层
        q = self.Q(queries)
        k = self.K(keys)
        v = self.V(values)

        ## 数据变换 因为是多路的出现
        ##---------------------------------------------- 代码中这一块多路注意力
        ## 现将上述得到的 q k v 在dim=2维度上进行拆分 拆成多路(?)部分   然后再在dim=0维度上进行拼接
        ## [512, 10, 512 ]->[512, 10, 64]*8 ->[4096, 10, 64]
        q_ = torch.cat(torch.chunk(q, self.num_heads, dim=2), dim=0)
        k_ = torch.cat(torch.chunk(k, self.num_heads, dim=2), dim=0)
        v_ = torch.cat(torch.chunk(v, self.num_heads, dim=2), dim=0)

        ### 将k_进行(1,2)维度上的转置  进行
        ## 然后进行q与k进行计算注意力
        outputs = torch.bmm(q_, k_.permute(0, 2, 1))

        ## 然后将值进行缩放  与原论文保持一致
        outputs = outputs / (k_.size()[-1] ** 0.5)

        ## 在这里 如果解码器有masked的话
        if self.masked:  ##True
            diag_vals = torch.ones(*outputs[0, :, :].size()).cuda() ## 产生一个二维的矩阵,就是output的后两个维度的size
            tril = torch.tril(diag_vals, diagonal=0)   ## 返回一个下三角矩阵  全1
            masks = Variable(torch.unsqueeze(tril, 0).repeat(outputs.size()[0], 1, 1)) ## 在tril添加上output的第一个维度
            padding = Variable(torch.ones(*masks.size()).cuda() * (-2 ** 32 + 1))   ##与masks 同维度  负无穷大
            condition = masks.eq(0.).float() ## masks变上三角
            outputs = padding * condition + outputs * (1. - condition)   ## 进行masks了

        # Activation
        outputs = F.softmax(outputs, dim=-1)  # (h*N, T_q, T_k)   在维度2上进行softmax

        # Dropouts 舍弃层
        outputs = self.output_dropout(outputs)  # (h*N, T_q, T_k)

        ## 注意力与value进行加权
        outputs = torch.bmm(outputs, v_)
        ## 还原回原来的## [512, 10, 512 ]->[512, 10, 64]*8 ->[4096, 10, 64] 反向
        outputs = torch.cat(torch.chunk(outputs, self.num_heads, dim=0), dim=2)

        ## 残差结构
        outputs += queries

        # Normalize 标准化
        outputs = self.normalization(outputs)  # (N, T_q, C)

        return outputs

2.1.3 Feed-Forward(全连接层)

### 全连接层
class feedforward(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, inputs_channels, num_units=[2048, 512]):
        :param inputs_channels:
        :param num_units:
        super(feedforward, self).__init__()
        self.inputs_channels = inputs_channels
        self.num_units = num_units

        ## 有两种方法实现全连接操作 一种是卷积操作  另一种则是线性层
        # 这里我选用线性层 linear
        self.layer1 = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(self.inputs_channels, self.num_units[0]), nn.ReLU())
        self.layer2 = nn.Linear(self.num_units[0], self.num_units[1])

        self.normalization = layer_normalization(self.inputs_channels)  ## 定义标准化

    def forward(self, inputs):
        outputs = self.layer1(inputs)
        outputs = self.layer2(outputs)
        outputs += inputs

        outputs = self.normalization(outputs)

        return outputs

2.1.4 Layer-Normalization(层标准化)

### 层标准化
class layer_normalization(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, features, epsilon=1e-8):
        super(layer_normalization, self).__init__()
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.gamma = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(features))
        self.beta = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(features))

    def forward(self, x):
        mean = x.mean(-1, keepdim=True)
        std = x.std(-1, keepdim=True)

        return self.gamma * (x - mean) / (std + self.epsilon) + self.beta

2.1.5 总模块(联合上述代码)

class scl_models(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, enc_voc, dec_voc):
        super(scl_models, self).__init__()
        self.enc_voc = enc_voc
        self.dec_voc = dec_voc

        ### 定义编码部分
        self.enc_embedding = embedding(enc_voc, hp.hidden_units)  ## 定义单词编码
        self.enc_pos_embedding = embedding(hp.maxlen, hp.hidden_units) ## 定义位置编码

        self.enc_dropout = nn.Dropout(hp.dropout_rate)  ##定义舍弃

        for i in range(hp.num_blocks):## 循环多少次多路注意力以及feedforward
            self.__setattr__('enc_attention_%d' % i, multiple_head_attention(num_units=hp.hidden_units,
            self.__setattr__('enc_feed_forward_%d' % i, feedforward(hp.hidden_units,
                                                                   [4*hp.hidden_units, hp.hidden_units]

        #### 定义解码部分
        self.dec_embedding = embedding(enc_voc, hp.hidden_units)  ## 定义单词编码
        self.dec_pos_embedding = embedding(hp.maxlen, hp.hidden_units)  ## 定义位置编码

        self.dec_dropout = nn.Dropout(hp.dropout_rate)  ##定义舍弃

        for i in range(hp.num_blocks):  ## 循环多少次多路注意力以及feedforward
            self.__setattr__('dec_attention_%d' % i, multiple_head_attention(num_units=hp.hidden_units,
            self.__setattr__('dec_attention2_%d' % i, multiple_head_attention(num_units=hp.hidden_units,
            self.__setattr__('dec_feed_forward_%d' % i, feedforward(hp.hidden_units,
                                                                    [4 * hp.hidden_units, hp.hidden_units]
            ## 定义线性层self.dec_voc 词的个数
            self.logits_layer = nn.Linear(hp.hidden_units, self.dec_voc)

            self.label_smoothing = label_smoothing()

    def forward(self, x, y):
        ## 在每一个句子的开头添加一个开始符号
        self.decoder_inputs = torch.cat([Variable(torch.ones(y[:, :1].size()).cuda() * 2).long(), y[:, :-1]], dim=-1)
        ## 将句子的单词进行编码
        self.enc = self.enc_embedding(x)
        ## 对位置进行编码 然后与单词编码相加
        self.enc += self.enc_pos_embedding(Variable(torch.unsqueeze(torch.arange(0, x.size()[1]), 0).repeat(x.size(0), 1).long().cuda()))

        #### blocks  (编码器多头注意力以及全连接层)
        for i in range(hp.num_blocks):
            self.enc = self.__getattr__('enc_attention_%d' % i)(self.enc, self.enc, self.enc)
            self.enc = self.__getattr__('enc_feed_forward_%d' % i)(self.enc)

        ## 解码器部分
        self.dec = self.dec_embedding(self.decoder_inputs)
        self.dec += self.dec_pos_embedding(Variable(torch.unsqueeze(torch.arange(0, self.decoder_inputs.size()[1]), 0).repeat(self.decoder_inputs.size(0), 1).long().cuda()))
        self.dec = self.dec_dropout(self.dec)

        for i in range(hp.num_blocks):
            self.dec = self.__getattr__('dec_attention_%d' % i)(self.dec, self.dec, self.dec)
            self.dec = self.__getattr__('dec_attention2_%d' % i)(self.dec, self.enc, self.enc)
            self.dec = self.__getattr__('dec_feed_forward_%d' % i)(self.dec)

        self.logits = self.logits_layer(self.dec)

        ## 经过softmax函数后又拉成二维,得到的就是每一个单词的每一种类的概率数
        self.probably = F.softmax(self.logits, dim=-1).view(-1, self.dec_voc)
        _, self.preds = torch.max(self.logits, -1)  ## 通过上边的全连接层 得到最大值
        ## 用来判断本句话的位置是否有单词   然后拉直为一维数组
        self.istarget = (1. - y.eq(0.).float()).view(-1)
        ## 计算准确度
        self.acc = torch.sum(self.preds.eq(y).float().view(-1) * self.istarget) / torch.sum(self.istarget)

        # Loss
        self.y_onehot = torch.zeros(self.logits.size()[0] * self.logits.size()[1], self.dec_voc).cuda()
        self.y_onehot = Variable(self.y_onehot.scatter_(1, y.view(-1, 1).data, 1))
        self.y_smoothed = self.label_smoothing(self.y_onehot)
        self.loss = - torch.sum(self.y_smoothed * torch.log(self.probably), dim=-1)

        self.mean_loss = torch.sum(self.loss * self.istarget) / torch.sum(self.istarget)

        return self.mean_loss, self.preds, self.acc

2.2 训练代码分析

de2idx, idx2de = load_de_vocab()   ## ctrl+鼠标左键 点击函数  查看注释
en2idx, idx2en = load_en_vocab()
enc_voc = len(de2idx)  ### 有多少单词映射idx
dec_voc = len(en2idx)  ### 有多少单词映射idx
writer = SummaryWriter()

X, Y = load_train_data()     ## 得到处理后的二维数据  全部编码成了idx 数字
num_batch = len(X) // hp.batch_size  ### batch_size一批的大小  num_batch 总数据一共分为了多少批

model = scl_models(enc_voc, dec_voc) ### 初始化自定义模型
model.train() ## 将模型设置为训练状态
model.cuda() ## 将模型部署到GPU上

## 查看是够有训练模型的文件夹 ## 如果没有文件夹则新建一个文件夹
if not os.path.exists(hp.model_dir):

## 查看之前是否训练过模型
if hp.preload is not None and os.path.exists(hp.model_dir + '/history.pkl'):
    with open(hp.model_dir + '/history.pkl') as history_file:
        history = pickle.load(history_file)
    history = {'current_batches': 0}

current_batches = history['current_batches']  ## 取出batches
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr= hp.lr, betas=[0.9, 0.99], eps=1e-8)  ## 定义优化器

#### 如果有模型,则加载模型的参数
model_pth_path = os.path.join(hp.model_dir,'optimizer.pth')
if hp.preload is not None and os.path.exists(model_pth_path):

if hp.preload is not None and os.path.exists(hp.model_dir + '/model_epoch_%02d.pth' % hp.preload):
    model.load_state_dict(torch.load(hp.model_dir + '/model_epoch_%02d.pth' % hp.preload))

startepoch = int(hp.preload) if hp.preload is not None else 1

for epoch in range(startepoch, hp.num_epochs + 1):
    current_batch = 0
    for index, current_index in get_batch_indices(len(X), hp.batch_size):
        tic = time.time()
        x_batch = Variable(torch.LongTensor(X[index]).cuda())
        y_batch = Variable(torch.LongTensor(Y[index]).cuda())
        toc = time.time()
        tic_r = time.time()
        loss, _, acc = model(x_batch, y_batch)
        toc_r = time.time()
        current_batches += 1
        current_batch += 1
        if current_batches % 10 == 0:
            writer.add_scalar('./loss', loss.data.cpu().numpy().item(), current_batches)
            writer.add_scalar('./acc', acc.data.cpu().numpy().item(), current_batches)
        if current_batches % 5 == 0:
            print('epoch %d, batch %d/%d, loss %f, acc %f' % (epoch, current_batch, num_batch, loss.item(), acc.item()))
            print('batch loading used time %f, model forward used time %f' % (toc - tic, toc_r - tic_r))
        if current_batches % 100 == 0:
            writer.export_scalars_to_json(hp.model_dir + '/all_scalars.json')
    with open(hp.model_dir + '/history.pkl', 'wb') as out_file:
        pickle.dump(history, out_file)
    checkpoint_path = hp.model_dir + '/model_epoch_%02d' % epoch + '.pth'
    torch.save(model.state_dict(), checkpoint_path)
    torch.save(optimizer.state_dict(), hp.model_dir + '/optimizer.pth')

2.3 预测代码分析

X, Sources, Targets = load_test_data()
de2idx, idx2de = load_de_vocab()
en2idx, idx2en = load_en_vocab()
enc_voc = len(de2idx)
dec_voc = len(en2idx)

# load model
model = scl_models(enc_voc, dec_voc)
model.load_state_dict(torch.load(hp.model_dir + '/model_epoch_%02d' % hp.eval_epoch + '.pth'))
print('Model Loaded.')
# Inference
if not os.path.exists('results'):
with codecs.open('results/model%d.txt' % hp.eval_epoch, 'w', 'utf-8') as fout:
    list_of_refs, hypotheses = [], []
    for i in range(len(X) // hp.batch_size2):
        # Get mini-batches
        x = X[i * hp.batch_size2: (i + 1) * hp.batch_size2]
        sources = Sources[i * hp.batch_size2: (i + 1) * hp.batch_size2]
        targets = Targets[i * hp.batch_size2: (i + 1) * hp.batch_size2]

        # Autoregressive inference
        x_ = Variable(torch.LongTensor(x).cuda())
        preds_t = torch.LongTensor(np.zeros((hp.batch_size2, hp.maxlen), np.int32)).cuda()
        preds = Variable(preds_t)
        for j in range(hp.maxlen):

            _, _preds, _ = model(x_, preds)
            preds_t[:, j] = _preds.data[:, j]
            preds = Variable(preds_t.long())
        preds = preds.data.cpu().numpy()

        # Write to file
        for source, target, pred in zip(sources, targets, preds):  # sentence-wise
            got = " ".join(idx2en[idx] for idx in pred).split("</S>")[0].strip()
            fout.write("- source: " + source + "\n")
            fout.write("- expected: " + target + "\n")
            fout.write("- got: " + got + "\n\n")

            # bleu score
            ref = target.split()
            hypothesis = got.split()
            if len(ref) > 3 and len(hypothesis) > 3:
        # Calculate bleu score
        score = corpus_bleu(list_of_refs, hypotheses)
        fout.write("Bleu Score = " + str(100 * score))

2.4 超参数代码分析

class Hyperparams:

    source_train = 'data/train.tags.de-en.de'               ### 训练集的x地址
    target_train = 'data/train.tags.de-en.en'               ### 训练集的目标值地址
    source_test = 'data/IWSLT16.TED.tst2014.de-en.de.xml'
    target_test = 'data/IWSLT16.TED.tst2014.de-en.en.xml'

    # training
    batch_size = 512  # alias = N
    batch_size2 = 32  # alias = N
    lr = 0.0001  # learning rate. In paper, learning rate is adjusted to the global step.
    logdir = 'logdir'  # log directory

    model_dir = './models/'  # saving directory   保存模型的文件夹

    # model
    maxlen = 10  # Maximum number of words in a sentence. alias = T.    每一句话的最大长度值
    # Feel free to increase this if you are ambitious.
    min_cnt = 20  # words whose occurred less than min_cnt are encoded as <UNK>.
    hidden_units = 512  # alias = C
    num_blocks = 6  # number of encoder/decoder blocks
    num_epochs = 200  # epoch
    num_heads = 8   # attention numbers
    dropout_rate = 0.1

    eval_epoch = 135  # epoch of model for eval
    preload = 20  # epcho of preloaded model for resuming training  ## 重新开始训练的轮数