Day 1 计算机硬件组成 Computer hardware composition

一 PC与服务器 PC and servers

A desktop computer system typically runs a user-friendly operating system and desktop applications to facilitate desktop-oriented tasks. In contrast, a server manages all network resources. Servers are often dedicated (meaning it performs no other task besides server tasks)



服务器的特点 Features of servers

  • The ability to update hardware and software without a restart or reboot.
  • Advanced backup capability for frequent backup of critical data.
  • Advanced networking performance.
  • Automatic (invisible to the user) data transfer between devices.
  • High security for resources, data and memory protection.
  • 不需要重新启动或重新启动就可以更新硬件和软件。
  • 先进的备份能力,频繁备份的关键数据。
  • 先进的网络性能。
  • 设备之间自动(对用户不可见)数据传输。
  • 资源、数据和内存保护的高安全性。

二 服务器分类 Server classification

按尺寸 By size

可分为1u , 2u, 4u

The classification by size can be divided into 1u , 2u, 4u

1u = 1.75 inches = 4.45 cm

按外形 By shape


it can be divided into tower server, rack server and blade server

The main difference between rack server & blade server is A Rack Server is an independent server installed in the case, while Blade Servers need to work with each other in one chassis.


机架式服务器 Rack Server
  • Rack server acts as the lone ridersingle powerful system. Rack servers could perform powerfully to run high-end applications.
  • Rack servers are convenient to fitconsumes less amount of physical space.
  • Rack servers are usually equipped with internal fans, increasing airflows which makes it’s cooling more easier.
  • Rack servers can be highly efficienthuge chassis.





刀片服务器 Blade Server
  • Blade servers can enable their massive chassis to supply powerreduces total power consumption for each blade server.
  • Blade servers promote Hot-swappableredundancyeasily.
  • Blade servers require only one cablereducesblade server.
  • Blade servers require minimal spacehigh processing power.
塔式服务器 Tower Server

A tower server is a computer intended for use as a server and built in an upright cabinet that stands alone. The cabinet, called a tower, is similar in size and shape to the cabinet for a tower-style personal computer. This is in contrast to rack server s or blade server s, which are designed to be rack-mounted


三 服务器品牌 Server brand

HP 惠普

四 去IOE 运动 Take off IOE

I=IBM (minicomputer)

O=Oracle (datebase)

E=EMC (memory device)




五 电脑和服务器的主要构成

主机 host machine

内存 Internal storage
中央处理器 CPU Central Processing Unit
主板 Main board

外设 device

存储 storage
磁盘 disk
光盘 optical disk
闪存 flash memory
输入设备 Input device
键盘 keyboard

鼠标 mouse

扫描仪 scanister

摄像头 webcam

输出设备 Output device
显示卡 display card

显示器 display

音箱 loudspeaker box

打印机 printer

服务器组成 Server composition

机箱 Case
电源 Power supply - the heart
不间断电源 UPS uninterruptible power system
中央处理器 CPU - the brain
风扇 fan

A fan on top of a computer processor. It helps pull and blow hot air off the processor, helping keep it cooler.

硬盘 Hard disk

机械硬盘 HDD hard disk drive

固态硬盘 SSD solid state drive

硬盘接口 hard disk interface



磁盘阵列 Raid Redundant Arrays of Independent disks
Raid 0

It's also known as "disk striping." With RAID 0, data is written across multiple disks. This means the work that the computer is doing is handled by multiple disks rather than just one, increasing performance because multiple drives are reading and writing data, improving disk I/O. A minimum of two disks is required.


Raid 1

A popular disk or solid state drive (SSD) subsystem that increases safety by writing the same data on two drives. Called "mirroring," RAID 1 does not increase performance. However, if one drive fails, the second drive is used, and the failed drive is manually replaced.

通过在两个驱动器上写入相同的数据来提高安全性。被称为“镜像”的 raid1 不会提高性能。但是,如果一个驱动器出现故障,则使用第二个驱动器,并手动替换出现故障的驱动器。

Raid 5

RAID 5RAIDRAIDRAID. RAID 5 requires roughly one free drive worth of space to store the parity

raid5是使用RAID奇偶校验的独特版本。这种技术使用奇偶校验信息或奖励数据来计算任何丢失的信息。奇偶校验分布在RAID中的所有驱动器中。RAID 5需要大约一个自由驱动器的空间来存储奇偶校验

Raid 10

RAID 10, also known as RAIDRAID configuration that combines disk mirroring and disk striping to protect data. It requires a minimum of four disks and stripes data across mirrored pairs. As long as one disk in each mirrored pair is functional, data can be retrieved


六 计算机体系三层结构与优化

The three-layer structure and optimization of computer system

应用程序 application program

操作系统 operating system

计算机硬件 computer hardware

运维的职责 duty of operation and maintenance

监控 monitor
备份 backups
优化 optimize


Day 1 exercise


What server models have you used?How is the configuration?

Dell r720 2u 双路,4个SAS硬盘 32G

1个CPU 4核 16G



The difference between programs, processes and daemon processes





5.进程和程序不是一一对应的: 一个程序可对应多个进程即多个进程可执行同一程序; 一个进程可以执行一个或几个程序



Web solutions that enhance the user experience


4. buffer与cache区别

The difference between buffer and cache

A buffer iscache isis very slow compared to accessing (real) memory.


5.描述Raid 0 1的特点

Describe the characteristics of Raid 0 1

Raid 0- disk striping 条带化


Fast speed, no redundancy, no loss of capacity

Raid 1 mirroring 镜像


100% redundancy, half capacity loss,the most secure