show databases; //显示所有的数据库
create database gc; //创建数据库gc
drop database gc; //删除数据库gc
create database table2; //创建表table2
use table2; //使用表table2 ,然后可以进行表的增删查改
show tables; //显示所有的表
create table account;
show tables;
describe account; //获取表结构信息
drop table account1;
CREATE TABLE account1 (
id bigint(20),
createTime datetime,create
ip varchar(255),
mobile varchar(255),
nickname varchar(255),
passwd varchar(255),
username varchar(255),
avatar varchar(255),
brief text,
job varchar(255),
location varchar(255),
qq varchar(255),
gender int(11),
city varchar(255),
province varchar(255)
) ;
alter table [table_name] add [column_name] [data_type] [not null] [default]
alter table account add c1 int(11) not null default 1;
alter table [table_name] drop [column_name]
alter table account drop c1;
alter table [table_name] change [old_column_name] [new_column_name] [data_type]
1, 只改列名;[old_column_name] !=[new_column_name]
alter table account change city country varchar(255);
2,只改数据类型;[old_column_name]== [new_column_name],data_type改变
alter table account change country country text;alte
修改表名: alter table [table_name] rename [old_column_name]
alter table account rename newaccount;
insert into [table_name] values(值1,值2,.....)
insert into [table_name](列1,列2,......) values(值1,值2,.....)
insert into book values
insert into book(id) values(6)[其他的必须设定默认值]
select * from table_name;//查看全部表数据
select * from account;
select col_name1,col_name2,......from table_name;//查看特定列*
select * from table _name where col_name [运算符] 值
select * from book where title = 't' ;[在book表中在title列下查询并显示值为t的数据行]
where 后面可以通过and与or 运算符组合多个条件筛选;语法如下:
select * from table_name where col1 = xxx and col2 = xx or col3>xx
select * from book where id = 5 and title = 't2' or id<6;[除数字外其他的数据项内容都要加单引号]
//where 的null判断
select * from table_name where col_name is null;
select * from table_name where col_name is not null;
//select distinct(精确的)
select distinct col_name from table_name;
select distinct title from book;
//select 结果按order by排序【asc升序,desc降序排列】
按单一列名排序:select * from table_name [where 子句] order by col_name[asc/desc]
按多列排序:select * from table_name [where 子句] order by col1_name[asc/desc],col1_name[asc/desc]……
//select 结果按limit截取
select * from table_name [where 子句] [order 子句] limit [offset,] rowCount;
需注意的是 limit rowCount = limit 0,rowCount [行从0开始]
//insert into 与select组合【数据迁移】
insert into[表名1] select 列1,列2 from [表2]
insert into book2 select * from book where id<4;
insert into[表名1](列1,列2 ) select 列3,列4 from [表2]
insert into book2(title) select content from book where id=5 ;
修改单列:update 表名 set 列名 = xxx[where 字句]
update book set content = 'nice day' where id=3;
修改多列:update 表名 set 列名1 = xxx,列名2 = xxx……[where 字句]
//高阶where 的in操作符
select * from 表名 where 列名 in(values1,values2……)
select * from book where title in('t','h');
select * from 表名 where 列名 in(select 列名 from表名)
select * from book2 where title in(select title from book where id<4);
注解:列名 in(values,values2……)等同于 列名=values1 or 列名= values2;
select* from 表名 where列名 between 值1 and 值2;
select* from 表名 where列名 not between 值1 and 值2;
//高阶where的like 操作符【字符串模糊匹配】
select * from 表名 where 列名 [not] like pattern【like 后面加单引号】
select * from book where content like 'c%';
pattern:匹配模式,比如 ‘abc’仅仅匹配abc