







go get


git clone CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -i -o shhgit


docker run -v $(pwd)/config.yaml:/config.yaml:ro eth0izzle/shhgit



默认配置下,Shhgit能够以前者,也就是公共模式运行,并且需要访问公共GitHub API。此时,我们将需要一个令牌和访问权限,无论使用哪一种令牌,API的速率限制为每个账户每小时5000次请求。提供的账户唯一令牌越多,处理事件的速度就越快。大家可以按照这篇【文档】来生成一个灵台,并且不需要任何权限。接下来,将其写入config.yaml文件中的github_access_tokens域。

跟其他工具不同的是,我们不需要给Shhgit传递目标,我们只需要运行“$ shhgit”就可以获取所有匹配120种自带规则的GitHub commit并寻找敏感数据/文件了。



--clone-repository-timeout        Maximum time it should take to clone a repository in seconds (default 10)--config-path        Searches for config.yaml from given directory. If not set, tries to find if from shhgit binary's and current directory--csv-path        Specify a path if you want to write found secrets to a CSV. Leave blank to disable--debug        Print debugging information--entropy-threshold        Finds high entropy strings in files. Higher threshold = more secret secrets, lower threshold = more false positives. Set to 0 to disable entropy checks (default 5.0)--local        Specify local directory (absolute path) which to scan. Scans only given directory recursively. No need to have Github tokens with local run.--maximum-file-size        Maximum file size to process in KB (default 512)--maximum-repository-size        Maximum repository size to download and process in KB) (default 5120)--minimum-stars        Only clone repositories with this many stars or higher. Set to 0 to ignore star count (default 0)--path-checks        Set to false to disable file name/path signature checking, i.e. just match regex patterns (default true)--process-gists        Watch and process Gists in real time. Set to false to disable (default true)--search-query        Specify a search string to ignore signatures and filter on files containing this string (regex compatible)--silent        Suppress all output except for errors--temp-directory        Directory to store repositories/matches (default "%temp%\shhgit")--threads        Number of concurrent threads to use (default number of logical CPUs)配置


github_access_tokens: # provide at least one token  - 'token one'  - 'token two'webhook: '' # URL to a POST webhook.webhook_payload: '' # Payload to POST to the webhook URLblacklisted_extensions: [] # list of extensions to ignoreblacklisted_paths: [] # list of paths to ignoreblacklisted_entropy_extensions: [] # additional extensions to ignore for entropy checkssignatures: # list of signatures to check  - part: '' # either filename, extension, path or contents    match: '' # simple text comparison (if no regex element)    regex: '' # regex pattern (if no match element)    name: '' # name of the signature



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