
Sections: 部分:

Learn about features and how to use them 了解特性以及如何使用它们

Meet Vector again and again 一次又一次地遇到矢量

See what Vector is thinking 看看 Vector 在想什么

View and export pictures taken by Vector 查看和导出由 Vector 拍摄的图片

Update settings 更新设置

Connect to another Vector 连接到另一个 Vector

The key thing you’ll need the app for is setting up Vector, getting him connected to your home WiFi network for the first time.

你需要这个应用程序的关键是设置 Vector,让他第一次连接到你的家庭 WiFi 网络。


Once the app gets Vector going, you’ll want to keep it around for things like seeing what he’s doing, checking the photos you have him take, reviewing the people he’s met, or getting suggestions on how to use a voice command.



The Vector app is there to help you when you need help with Vector. See below for what you can use the app for after getting started.


Sections: 部分:

Learn about features and how to use them  ||  Meet Vector again and again  ||  See what Vector is thinking  ||  View and export pictures taken by Vector  ||  Update Settings  ||  Connect to another Vector

了解特性和如何使用它们 | | 一次又一次 | | 了解 Vector 的想法 | | 查看和导出由 Vector | | 更新设置 | | 连接到另一个 Vector 拍摄的图片

Learn about features and how to use them 了解特性以及如何使用它们

  • Voice Commands and Utilities 语音命令和实用程序
  • Q&A Mode 问答模式
  • Vector gives you examples in the app of what you can ask him to do 向量给你的应用程序中的例子,你可以要求他做什么
  • View tutorials in-app or tap “More videos” to go to YouTube for more tutorials 查看教程在应用程序或点击“更多的视频”到 YouTube 的更多教程

Meet Vector again and again 一次又一次地遇到矢量


Delete any faces Vector has already scanned. Re-enroll yourself so he can recognise you better. Update your name.


See what Vector is thinking 看看 Vector 在想什么


android vector 是什么图片 vectorapp_应用程序

View and export pictures taken by Vector 查看和导出由 Vector 拍摄的图片

  • For further information, see  如需进一步资料,请参阅this FAQ 常见问题.

Update settings 更新设置

Open the Vector app and go to Settings in order to:


  • Update your Account 更新你的帐户
  • Check Cube status 检查多维数据集状态
  • Allows you to force a software update if Vector does not update automatically 如果 Vector 不自动更新,则允许您强制进行软件更新
  • Check networks 检查网络
  • Change Vector’s eye colour 改变矢量眼睛的颜色
  • Turn the volume up or down 把音量调高或调低

Open the Vector app and go to Settings then tap Preferences in order to:

打开 Vector 应用程序,进入 Settings,然后点击 Preferences,以便:

  • Change Vector’s location 改变 Vector 的位置
  • Change the time zone 改变时区
  • Select if you prefer units in the metric or imperial system... or a mix of both 如果你喜欢公制或英制的单位,可以选择... ... 或者两者的混合
  • Change the language (remember, it’s best to choose depending on your accent, not on your physical location) 改变语言(记住,最好的选择取决于你的口音,而不是你的物理位置)


Any changes in the Settings are sent from the App to the robot and from the robot to the Cloud (excluding photos, and volume and eye colour). See this FAQ for further information about resetting, erasing or restoring Vector.

设置的任何变化都会从应用程序发送到机器人,从机器人发送到云端(不包括照片、音量和眼睛颜色)。有关重置、擦除或还原 Vector 的更多信息,请参见此 FAQ。

Connect to another Vector 连接到另一个 Vector


If you have more than one Vector, disconnect from one via the app in “Settings” before connecting to another. See this FAQ for further details.

如果你有多个 Vector,在连接到另一个之前通过“设置”中的应用程序断开连接。详情请参阅此常见问题解答。