这是 Transformer系列 的第五篇。
GPT是单向语言模型,BERT(Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)[1]用Masked语言模型缓解了单向限制,基本思想是完形填空[2]。MLM随机遮住一些token,目标函数是根据上下文预测遮住的词。
BERT是一个多层双向Transformer encoder。
是hidden size,
是attention头数。双向LSTM是正向加反向的拼接,双向Transformer encoder也是正向和反向的拼接。
词表大小是30000,词嵌入是WordPiece[3]嵌入,意思是用subword作为词表里的“词”。句子的第一个token总是[CLS]。这个token的最终隐状态是整个句子的最终表示。对于句对,首先把中间加一个[SEP] token,然后为每个token分配一个嵌入来标记它属于句A还是句B。把输入嵌入记为
Masked LM
之前的语言模型都是单向的,而双向的会使得每个词间接地看到自己,这样就能轻而易举地预测[5]. 单向的意思是只考虑左边或右边的上下文,双向的意思是考虑的两边的上下文。为了训练一个双向表示,我们随机遮住一些词,然后预测遮住的词。遮住的词用特殊的token [MASK]表示,然后用transformer encoder进行attention操作,得到每个词的隐状态向量,也就是attention向量。然后用这个隐状态加上softmax去预测被遮住的词。如果预测正确率高,就说明模型完形填空能力强。实验中遮词比例是15%。
Next Sentence Prediction (NSP)
Fine-tuning BERT
- sentence pairs in paraphrasing
- hypothesis-premise pairs in entailment
- question-passage pairs in question answering
- a degenerate text- pair in text classification or sequence tagging
[1] BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding
[2] "Cloze Procedure": A New Tool For Measuring Readability。CLOZE PROCEDURE,完形填空之意。cloze一词源于closure, closure是一个心理学术语,指人类在看到残缺圆形的时候会把它看成完整的。人可以补全这个圆,是因为他对这个图案太熟悉了。这个原理也可以应用到语言上,对于"Chickens cackle and ___ quack",几乎所有人都会填ducks。A cloze unit may be defined as: Any single occurrence of a successful attempt to reproduce accurately a part deleted from a "message" (any language product) by deciding, from the context that remains, what the missing part should be. Cloze procedure may be defined as: A method of intercepting a message from a "transmitter" (writer or speaker), mutilating its language patterns by deleting parts, and so administering it to "receivers" (readers or listeners) that their attempts to make the patterns whole again potentially yield a considerable number of cloze units. 完形填空的主要贡献来自于total language context和dispositional mechanisms. The total context of any language behavior includes everything that tends to motivate, guide, assist or hinder that behavior. It includes verbal factorsgrammatical skills and multitudes of symbols-and non-verbal ones such as fears, desires, past experience and intelligence. Osgood relates the "redundancies" and "transitional probabilities" of language to the development of "dispositional mechanisms" that play a large part in both transmitting and receiving messages. Redundancy-"Man coming" means the same as "A man is coming this way now." Transitional Probabilities - Some words are more likely than others to appear in certain patterns or sequences. "Merry Christmas" is a more probable combination than "Merry birthday." Some transitions from one word to the next are more probable than others.
[3] 一文读懂BERT中的WordPiece 。wordpiece就是subword,主要实现方式是BPE(Byte-pair encoding)。
[4] Why BERT has 3 Embedding Layers and Their Implementation Details. (1)Token嵌入是token id经过词向量矩阵后的向量。(2)Segment嵌入用来标记token在句对中属于句A还是句B。句A的token(包括[CLS]和[SEP])的segment嵌入是全0向量,维度跟token嵌入相同。句B是全1向量。(3)位置嵌入是一个(max_len,emb_size)的look-up矩阵,不同句子相同位置的位置向量相同。