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Calling all web designers: We’ve got some good news for you.


New startups are appearing around the globe thanks to opportunities created through the new global economy. The good news is this:

得益于新的全球经济带来的机遇,新的创业公司正在全球范围内出现。 好消息是:

New startups lead to a growing need for more business websites. In turn, this means more work for web designers.

新的创业公司导致对更多商业网站的需求不断增长。 反过来,这意味着网页设计师需要做更多的工作。

These aren’t isolated neighborhood businesses either. Their outreach is global and digital. They need websites that are optimized for conversions and flexible. So, here’s your chance. You can serve these new entrepreneurs by creating great websites for them.

这些也不是孤立的社区企业。 他们的服务范围是全球性的和数字化的。 他们需要针对转化进行了优化且具有灵活性的网站。 所以,这是您的机会。 您可以通过为他们创建出色的网站来为这些新企业家提供服务。

How do you go about it?


Below are 5 simple steps to create eye-catching, high-converting websites, with helpful examples.


(5 Steps to Building Astonishing Business Startup Websites)

(Step 1: Choose a mesmerizing color palette)

There are 3 simple rules to follow when choosing a color palette for a business startup website:


  • You want a color palette that instantly attracts attention
  • It needs to be on-brand
  • It needs to visually support the message you’re trying to get across

Over‘s bold color touches instantly attract attention.


This pre-built website, included in the Be Theme library, offers another example of an attention-grabbing color palette.


Forest does an excellent job at aligning its color palette with its brand — earth tones such as greens and browns are throughout. These palettes contribute to a visually memorable website.

Forest在使调色板与品牌保持一致方面做得非常出色-诸如绿色和棕色之类的泥土色调无处不在。 这些调色板有助于打造一个令人难忘的网站。

FlightCard‘s subtle and cold color palette is a perfect choice for reinforcing its message: boarding passes have become so easy to use that you barely pay attention to them.


And if you’re in need of a color palette that will appeal to a larger audience, BeApp2 can serve you perfectly well.

而且,如果您需要能够吸引更多受众的调色板, 那么BeApp2可以为您提供完美的服务。

(Step 2: Display crystal-clear product pics)

This shouldn’t be difficult to figure out. People want to know exactly what they are being offered. It has little to do with the color of the icons you’re using.

这应该不难发现。 人们想确切地知道他们提供了什么。 它与您使用的图标的颜色无关。

A business startup has to present its products with flair and dignity. Its product pics need to give it an extra edge over huge businesses that have budgets to match.

一家创业公司必须展示其产品的品味和尊严。 它的产品图片需要使其在预算匹配的大型企业中更具优势。

Pennies proudly displays what its award-winning app looks likes on a smartphone. Just by looking at the page you can tell how easy it is to use and even figure out how the color codes work.

Pennies自豪地在智能手机上显示其屡获殊荣的应用程序的外观。 仅通过查看页面,您就可以知道使用起来很容易,甚至可以弄清楚颜色代码是如何工作的。

You can create a similar website with BeWallet. This pre-built website was designed from scratch for financial service startups. There’s a huge audience of them in dire need of a better website.

您可以使用BeWallet创建类似的网站。 这个预先建立的网站是专为金融服务初创公司设计的。 他们中有大量的观众迫切需要一个更好的网站。

Or, you could choose a more general pre-built website like BeSoftware to display a new business startup’s crystal-clear pics.


JibJab takes things a step further. Its before and after approach is a persuasive and simple tactic to show what the startup offers.

JibJab使事情更进一步。 它的前后方法是一种有说服力的简单策略,可以显示初创公司提供的服务。

(Step 3: Show visitors how the startup serves them)

The key here is to help visitors imagine themselves as actual customers by showing how the startup will serve them.


PeekCalendar has placed a video in the hero section. It shows how people can benefit from the new business.

PeekCalendar已在英雄部分放置了一个视频。 它显示了人们如何从新业务中受益。

BeApp3 allows you to incorporate product pics and a video to show how the new startup will benefit people using its products and services.


BePay has a Watch Video CTA button right above the fold that encourages your visitors to immediately view a product demo.


CutestPaw will soften up the hardest heart. Its entire how-to is cleverly rolled up into one single image: a hero shot showing how the new business will meet users’ specific needs.

CutestPaw将软化最坚硬的心脏。 它的整个操作方法巧妙地汇总到一个图像中:一张英雄照片,显示新业务将如何满足用户的特定需求。

(Step 4: Use whitespace)

You can overuse whitespace, but often the more there is, the better. Whitespace is the #1 visual design element for a startup website. You want to be able to work with as much space as possible to highlight your main messages and product shots.

您可以过度使用空格,但是通常空格越多越好。 空白是启动网站的#1视觉设计元素。 您希望能够使用尽可能多的空间来突出显示您的主要信息和产品图片。

Tha Fly Nation‘s clean, airy design is pleasing to the eye and allows it to focus on the most important elements.

Tha Fly Nation干净,通风的设计令人赏心悦目,并使其专注于最重要的元素。

You can create a similar startup website with BeProduct4 or BeHosting2. These are pre-built websites where blank space is used to enhance user experience and emphasize the critical elements on the page.

您可以使用BeProduct4BeHosting2创建类似的启动网站。 这些是预建的网站,其中的空白用于增强用户体验并强调页面上的关键元素。

SpellTower is perhaps the most extreme when it comes to whitespace. It is part of their brand and its minimalist design drives the message home.

对于空白, SpellTower也许是最极端的。 它是其品牌的一部分,其简约的设计将信息传达到了家中。

(Step 5: Design CTAs that grab users by the eyeballs)

An easy-to-locate CTA button doesn’t always cut it. If you want to convert visitors into users, you want a CTA button that’s impossible to ignore – big, bright, and bold. It’s so bright that a visitor feels compelled to click on it!

易于定位的CTA按钮并不总是可以将其剪切掉。 如果要将访客转换为用户,则需要一个不能忽略的CTA按钮-大,亮和粗体。 太明亮了,访客被迫点击它!

Wire‘s CTA button clearly stands out above the fold. It has a bold color, it’s big enough to draw your attention once you’ve read the headline, and it’s centered on the page so it acts as a “gate” that must be clicked to move forward.

Wire的CTA按钮清晰可见。 它具有加粗的颜色,足够大,足以在您阅读标题后引起您的注意,并且它位于页面的中心,因此它充当了“门”的作用,必须单击该门才能前进。

BeERP uses the same bright-green button for its main CTA (the one you want your visitors to click). A secondary, plain button is to the right.

BeERP的主CTA使用相同的亮绿色按钮(您希望访问者单击的按钮)。 第二个普通按钮在右侧。

You can also direct attention to your CTA by having it match other elements on the page. A great example is BeKids. Here, the blue CTA button matches the visual elements in the hero section.

您还可以通过使CTA与页面上的其他元素匹配来直接关注CTA。 一个很好的例子是BeKids 。 此处,蓝色的CTA按钮与英雄部分中的视觉元素匹配。


Follow these surefire steps so you can present your client with a website that is both eye-catching and built for conversion. Websites that feature stunning visuals and clever uses of white space create the kind of visitors a startup needs.

请遵循这些surefire步骤,以便为您的客户提供一个引人注目的网站,并为转换而构建。 具有令人惊叹的视觉效果和巧妙地使用空白空间的网站可以创建初创企业所需的访问者。

If you’re fortunate to grab a good share of new business, you could easily find yourself overloaded. In this case, you can safely use websites that have been built from the ground up specifically for businesses.

如果您幸运地抢占了很多新业务,那么您很容易会发现自己超负荷了。 在这种情况下,您可以安全地使用专门为企业而建立的网站。

You’ll find the most generous gallery on Be Theme and its library of over 450+ pre-built websites to choose from. Pre-built websites you can customize to your liking.

您将在Be Theme上找到最慷慨的画廊,以及超过450多个预建网站的库供您选择。 您可以根据自己的喜好自定义预建网站。

These pre-built websites are functional, visually impressive, and feature interactive elements, stunning effects, and intuitive navigation. Simply personalize the one you select to fit your business or that of your client, and you’re good to go!

这些预建网站功能齐全,视觉效果令人印象深刻,并具有互动元素,惊人的效果和直观的导航。 只需个性化您选择的一种以适合您的业务或您的客户的业务,就可以了!
