by javinpaul
Hello everybody, today is the world of online courses. Everyone is talking about learning from online training, Youtube, free courses on Coursera and other websites, which is great as online courses to help you to learn faster, but, I believe books should still be an important part of your learning, as they provide the most in-depth knowledge and often written by authority on the subject matter.
大家好,今天是在线课程的世界。 每个人都在谈论从在线培训,Youtube, Coursera和其他网站上的免费课程中学习,这非常有用 ,它可以帮助您更快地学习在线课程,但是,我相信书应该仍然是您学习的重要组成部分,因为它们提供了最深入的知识,通常由权威机构撰写。
If you are learning Java Programming, then be ready to be introduced to some of the most awesome books to learn and master Java Programming in this article.
如果您正在学习Java编程 ,那么可以准备将它们引入到一些最出色的书中,以学习和掌握Java编程。
Whenever a Programmer starts learning the Java programming language, the first question they ask is, “Which book should I refer to learn Java?” or “What is the best book to learn Java for beginners?” or “Can you tell me some good books to learn Java?” That, itself, says how important Java books are for programmers, especially beginners.
每当程序员开始学习Java编程语言时,他们会问的第一个问题是:“ 我应该参考哪本书来学习Java? ”或“对于初学者来说,学习Java的最佳书是什么?” 或“您能告诉我一些好书来学习Java吗?” 这本身就说明了Java书籍对程序员,尤其是初学者的重要性。
Despite having so many free resources available in Java, like tutorials, online courses, tips, blogs, and code examples, Java books have their own place because:
尽管Java提供了许多免费资源,例如教程 , 在线课程 ,技巧, 博客和代码示例,但是Java书籍之所以占有一席之地,是因为:
- They are written by programmers who are an authority in the subject
- They cover the subject with more details and explanation.
These Java books are my personal favorites, and whenever I get some time, I prefer to read them to refresh my knowledge. Though I have read many of them already (I have read Effective Java at least four times so far), I always want to learn something new and my quest for great books never ends.
这些Java书籍是我个人的最爱,每当我有空的时候,我都喜欢阅读它们来刷新我的知识。 尽管我已经读过许多书(到目前为止,我至少读过四本《 Effective Java》 ),但我始终想学习新的东西,而我对优秀书籍的追求永无止境。
These books are some of the best available today and are equally useful for beginners, intermediate, and advanced Java programmers.
It doesn’t matter whether you are completely new to Java or have been programming in Java for some time, you will learn a lot of new things through these books.
Having said that, not all books are equally suitable for all programmers. For beginners, Head First Java is still the best book to get started, and for the advanced Java developer, Effective Java is a nice book to start with.
话虽如此,并不是所有的书都同样适合所有程序员。 对于初学者来说, Head First Java 仍然是入门的最佳书,对于高级Java开发人员而言, Effective Java是一本不错的书。
(10 Best Books to Learn Java Programming)
Here is my collection of Java books that I suggest to every programmer who wants to learn Java. It contains books for both beginners and experienced programmers.
这是我收集的Java书籍的集合,我建议所有想要学习Java的程序员。 它包含面向初学者和经验丰富的程序员的书籍。
These books cover a variety of areas, including core Java fundamentals, the Java collection framework, multithreading and concurrency, JVM internals and performance tuning, design patterns, etc.
这些书涵盖了各个领域,包括Java的核心基础知识,Java收集框架, 多线程和并发性 , JVM内部和性能调优, 设计模式等。
(1. Head First Java)
Many people will think that this is dated book, but to be honest Head First Java is the best book for any programmer who is new in both programming and Java. The head-first way of explanation is quite phenomenal and I really enjoyed their book.
许多人会认为这是一本过时的书,但是老实说, Head First Java对于任何在编程和Java上都是新手的程序员来说都是最好的书。 从头到尾的解释方式非常出色,我真的很喜欢他们的书。
Head First Java covers the essential Java programming knowledge about class, object, thread, collection, and language features, like Generics, Enums, variable arguments, or auto-boxing.
Head First Java涵盖了有关类,对象,线程,集合和语言功能(如泛型 , 枚举 , 可变参数或自动装箱)的基本Java编程知识。
They also have some advanced section on Swing, networking, and Java IO, which makes them a complete package for Java beginners. This should be your first Java book you look at if you’re starting from scratch.
他们还有关于Swing,网络和Java IO的一些高级部分,这使它们成为Java初学者的完整软件包。 如果您是从头开始的话,这应该是您看的第一本Java书籍。
If you prefer online courses over books, then you can also check out Udemy’s Complete Java MasterClass course.
如果您更喜欢在线课程而不是书籍,那么您也可以查看Udemy的Complete Java MasterClass课程。
Disclaimer: this is not a free course, and I will receive compensation if you buy this course from Udemy or if you use any links to books listed here from Amazon.
(2. Head First Design Patterns)
The Head First Design Pattern is another top class Java book from the Head-First lab.
Head First设计模式是Head-First实验室的另一本顶级Java书籍。
When I started reading this book back in 2006, I didn’t think much about design patterns, how they solve common problems, how to apply a design pattern, what benefits they provide, and all sort of basic things. But after reading this Java book, I have benefited immensely.
当我在2006年开始阅读本书时,我并没有对设计模式,它们如何解决常见问题,如何应用设计模式,它们提供的好处以及各种基本知识进行了很多思考。 但是读完这本Java书籍后,我受益匪浅。
The first chapter on Inheritance and Composition, which is simply fantastic and promotes improved practices by introducing a problem and then the solution.
This book also contains helpful bullet points, exercises, and memory maps, which help you to understand design patterns quickly.
If you want to learn core Java design patterns and object-oriented design principles, this is the first Java book you should check out.
If you are looking for a course on GOF or object-oriented design patterns, I suggest you check out Design Pattern Library, one of the best courses I have attended on design patterns so far.
如果您正在寻找有关GOF或面向对象设计模式的课程,建议您查看Design Pattern Library ,这是迄今为止我参加过的有关设计模式的最佳课程之一。
One point of good news about this book is that the new edition is updated for Java SE 8, which will teach you how to develop classic GOF design pattern using Java 8 features, like lambda expressions, and streams.
关于这本书的好消息是,该新版本针对Java SE 8进行了更新,它将教您如何使用Java 8功能(例如lambda表达式和流)开发经典的GOF设计模式。
(3. Effective Java)
Effective Java is one of the top Java books in my record and one of the most enjoyable. I have high regard for Joshua Bloch, the author, for his contribution to the Java collection framework and Java Concurrency package.
有效的Java是我记录中的顶级Java书籍之一,也是最令人愉快的书籍之一。 我非常感谢作者Joshua Bloch对Java收集框架和Java Concurrency软件包的贡献。
Effective Java is best for a seasoned or experienced programmer who is well versed in Java programming. It’s great for programmers who want to share their skill by following programming best practices and who are eager to listen to someone who contributed to the Java development kit (JDK).
对于那些精通Java编程的经验丰富或经验丰富的程序员,有效的Java是最好的选择。 对于希望通过遵循编程最佳实践来分享技能并渴望倾听为Java开发工具包(JDK)做出贡献的人的程序员而言 ,这非常有用。
Effective Java consists of a collection of Java programming best practices, ranging from static factories, serialization, equals, and hashcode to generics, enums, varargs, and reflection.
有效的Java包含Java编程最佳实践的集合,从静态工厂 , 序列化 , equals和哈希码到泛型,枚举,变量和反射。
This Java programming book covers almost every aspect of Java in a slightly different way than you are used to.
A new edition was released last year that introduced features in the JDK 7, 8, and 9, which was released last year in September. It also has a full chapter on lambdas.
去年发布了新版本,引入了去年9月发布的JDK 7、8和9的功能。 它也有关于lambda的整章。
(4. Java Concurrency in Practice)
Java Concurrency in Practice is another classic from Joshua Bloch, Doug Lea, and team. This is the best Java book on concurrency and multi-threading — one of the must-reads for core Java developers.
Java Concurrency in Practice是Joshua Bloch,Doug Lea和团队的另一个经典著作。 这是有关并发和多线程的最佳Java书籍,这是Java核心开发人员必读的书。
The strengths of Concurrency Practice in Java include:
1) This book is very detailed and captures minor details of multi-threading and concurrency
2) Instead of focusing on core Java classes, this book focuses on concurrency issues and problems, like deadlock, starvation, thread-safety, race conditions, and present ways to solve them using Java concurrency classes.
2)本书不关注核心Java类,而是关注并发问题和问题,例如死锁 ,饥饿,线程安全,竞争条件,并提出了使用Java并发类解决问题的方法。
This book is an excellent resource to learn and master Java concurrency packages and classes, like CountDownLatch, CyclicBarrier, BlockingQueue, or Semaphore. This is the biggest reason I like to read this Java book and read it again and again.
本书是学习和掌握Java并发包和类(例如CountDownLatch , CyclicBarrier , BlockingQueue或Semaphore )的绝佳资源。 这是我喜欢阅读Java书籍并一次又一次阅读的最大原因。
3) One more strong point of concurrency practice in Java is the no-nonsense examples; the examples in this book are clear, concise, and intelligent.
3)Java的并发实践的另一个强项是无用的例子; 本书中的示例清晰,简洁,智能。
4) This book is also good at explaining what is wrong and why it's wrong and how to make it right, which is essential for any Java book to succeed.
In short, this is one of the best books to learn concurrency and multi-threading in Java. The content is definitely advanced from a beginner’s perspective, but surely, this is a must-read book for experienced Java programmers.
简而言之,这是学习Java并发和多线程的最佳书籍之一。 从初学者的角度来看,内容肯定是高级的,但是,对于有经验的Java程序员来说,这当然是一本必读的书。
(5. Java Generics and Collections)
The Java Generics and Collection by Naftalin and Philip Wadler from O’Reilly is another good book on Java, which I initially forgot to include in my list but am including it now as requested by many readers.
O'Reilly的Naftalin和Philip Wadler撰写的Java Generics and Collection是关于Java的另一本好书,我最初忘了将其包括在清单中,但现在应许多读者的要求将其包括在内。
I like this book because of its content on generics and collections, which are core areas of the Java language.
Having a strong knowledge of Java collections and Generics is expected from an experienced programmer, and these books help in that area.
It explains each collection interface like Set, List, Map, Queue, and their implementation, comparing how well they perform in a different situation.
它解释了每个集合接口(如Set , List , Map ,Queue)及其实现,并比较了它们在不同情况下的性能。
I really loved their comparison chart at the end of each chapter, which gives you a good idea about when to use a particular Java collection class, like ArrayList, HashMap, or LinkedHashMap.
我真的很喜欢它们在每章结尾处的比较表,它使您对何时使用特定的Java集合类(如ArrayList , HashMap或LinkedHashMap有一个很好的了解。
(6. Java Performance From Binu John)
This is another good book that teaches about JVM internals, garbage collection, JVM tuning, profiling. etc, and I highly recommend every senior Java developer read this book. This is also one of my personal favorites.
这是另一本很好的书,讲述了JVM内部,垃圾回收,JVM调优和性能分析。 等等,我强烈建议每个Java高级开发人员都读这本书 。 这也是我个人的最爱之一。
As we are moving gradually, we started from a beginners level to intermediate and now the senior level.
The Java Performance is all about performance monitoring, profiling, and tools used for Java performance monitoring.
Java Performance就是关于性能监控,性能分析以及用于Java性能监控的工具。
This is not a usual programming book. Instead, it provides details about JVM, Garbage Collection, Java heap monitoring, and profiling application.
这不是一本普通的编程书。 相反,它提供了有关JVM , 垃圾收集 , Java堆监视和分析应用程序的详细信息。
I loved their chapter on the JVM overview, and it’s a must read to learn more about JVM in simple language.
Both beginners and an intermediate programmer can benefit from this book, but it’s good to have some Java experience under your belt before reading it. So far, this is the best Java book on performance monitoring.
初学者和中级程序员都可以从这本书中受益,但是在阅读本书之前一定要有一些Java经验是有益的。 到目前为止,这是关于性能监控的最佳Java书籍。
This is another must-read Java book if you are serious about performance.
There are a couple of new books available in Java, which cover JDK 1.7. To find out latest book on Java performance like Java Performance, The Definitive Guide by Scott Oaks, which is certainly worth checking out before buying this book.
Java中有几本新书,涉及JDK 1.7。 要查找有关Java性能的最新书籍,例如Java Performance,Scott Oaks撰写的The Definitive Guide,在购买本书之前当然值得一试。
If you need some guidance on solving memory and CPU issues, I suggest you to also take a look at Understanding and Solving Java Memory Problems course by Richard Warburton.
如果您需要一些有关解决内存和CPU问题的指导,建议您也阅读Richard Warburton的“ 理解和解决Java内存问题”课程。
(7. Java Puzzlers)
Java Puzzlers is another book worth reading from Joshua Bloch, this time with Neal Gafter. This book is about corner cases and pitfalls in the Java programming language.
《 Java Puzzlers》是另一本值得约书亚·布洛赫(Joshua Bloch)读的书,这次是尼尔·古夫特(Neal Gafter)的书。 本书是关于Java编程语言中的极端情况和陷阱的。
Java is safer and more secure than C++, and the JVM does a good job to free the programmer from error-prone memory allocation and deallocation. But still, Java has corner-cases that can surprise even the experienced Java programmer.
Java比C ++更安全,更安全,并且JVM很好地完成了使程序员摆脱易于出错的内存分配和释放的工作。 但是,Java仍然处于困境,即使是经验丰富的Java程序员也可能会感到惊讶。
This Java book presents such Java pitfalls and explains them in greater detail. This is a good Java book if you love puzzles — you can even include many of these in core Java interviews to check their Java knowledge.
这本Java书籍介绍了此类Java陷阱,并对其进行了更详细的说明。 如果您喜欢难题,这是一本不错的Java书籍-您甚至可以在Java核心访谈中包括其中的许多内容,以检查他们的Java知识。
I don’t rate it as high as Effective Java and Java Concurrency in Practice, but you can still give it a go, particularly to check your knowledge about Java and its corner cases, which will help you to answer some of the tricky Java questions from interviews.
在实践中,我没有将它评为“ 有效Java和Java并发”那么高,但是您仍然可以尝试一下,特别是检查您对Java及其关键案例的了解,这将帮助您回答一些棘手的Java问题。采访中
In order to get most of this Java book, try to solve puzzles by yourself and then look into explanations to make your knowledge more concrete.
(8. Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design)
Another good book on Java programming and design principles from the Head-First series. Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design can be read in conjunction with Head First Design Patterns.
Head-First系列中有关Java编程和设计原理的另一本好书 。 可以将Head First面向对象的分析和设计与Head First设计模式一起阅读。
This book focuses on object-oriented design principles, like favor Composition over inheritance, programming for interface rather than implementation, DRY, etc.
本书侧重于面向对象的设计原理,例如偏爱继承而不是继承 ,针对接口而不是实现进行编程,DRY等。
One part of learning Java is writing good code and following the best practices, and this book is great in educating programmers about them.
Knowledge gained from this book is applicable to many object-oriented programming languages and will, overall, improve your understanding of code and OOP design principles.
(9. Thinking in Java)
Thinking in Java is written by Bruce Eckel, who is also the author of Thinking in C++ and uses his unique style to teach the Java concept.
用Java思维是由Bruce Eckel撰写的,他也是C ++思维的作者,并使用他独特的风格来教授Java概念。
Many would agree that this is one of the best Java books, with a strength being that is points to intelligent examples. This is one of the complete books in Java and can be used as a reference as well.
许多人都同意这是最好的Java书籍之一,其优点是可以指出一些聪明的例子。 这是Java完整的书籍之一,也可以用作参考。
There is a chapter on Java memory mapped IO from Thinking in Java, which is my favorite.
我最喜欢的一本书是《 Thinking in Java》中有关Java内存映射IO的一章。
If you don’t like the Head-First teaching style, but you need a beginners Java book with a plain example style, Thinking in Java is a good choice.
如果您不喜欢Head-First教学风格,但是需要一本具有简单示例风格的Java初学者书籍,那么“ Thinking in Java”是一个不错的选择。
It is detailed, mature, and frequently updated, but, if you need more choices, you can check out these core Java books for beginners, as well.
它详细,成熟并且经常更新,但是,如果您需要更多选择,还可以为初学者阅读这些核心Java书籍 。
10.非常不耐烦的Java SE 8 (10. Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient)
This is one of the best books to learn Java 8. It is also my general purpose Java 8 books. If you have less time and you want to learn all important things about Java 8, this is the book to refer to.
这是学习Java 8的最佳书籍之一。也是我的通用Java 8书籍。 如果您有较少的时间,并且想学习有关Java 8的所有重要知识,请参考这本书。
I don’t have to remind you about Cay. S. Horstmann’s writing skill, one of the best authors in Java and right up there with Joshua Bloch. I have found both of them highly readable.
我不必提醒您有关Cay的信息。 S. Horstmann的写作技巧,Java最好的作家之一,与Joshua Bloch在一起。 我发现它们都具有很高的可读性。
You won’t feel bored, which programmers often do when they read technical books. It explains about lambda expression, Streams, functional interface, method references, new Java Date Time API and several other small enhancement like joining Strings, repeatable annotations, etc. In short, one of the best book to learn Java hands down.
您不会感到无聊,程序员在阅读技术书籍时通常会这样做。 它解释了有关lambda表达式 , Streams , 函数接口 , 方法引用 , 新的Java Date Time API以及其他一些小的增强功能,例如连接字符串,可重复的批注等。简而言之,这是学习Java的最佳书籍之一。
(Wrapping up)
This was my list of top Java programming books. I have read all the books, some of them I am still reading and a couple of them, like Effective Java and the Head-First series, I have read a couple of times. Many programmers ask me which books they should start with and which Java book they should read now. I hope you found some good books in this collection. Happy reading!
这是我的Java顶级编程书籍清单。 我已经阅读了所有书籍,其中一些仍在阅读中,还有一些,例如Effective Java和Head-First系列,我已经阅读了几次。 许多程序员问我应该从哪本书开始以及现在应该阅读哪本Java本书。 希望您在本馆藏书中找到一些好书。 祝您阅读愉快!
Other Useful Resources to Learn Java Programming 10 Things Java Programmer Should Learn in 201910 Tools Every Java Developer Should Know10 Reasons to Learn Java Programming languages10 Frameworks Java and Web Developer should learn in 201910 Tips to become a better Java Developer in 2019Top 5 Java Frameworks to Learn in 201910 Testing Libraries Every Java Developer Should Know
其他有用资源学习Java编程 的10件事Java程序员应该学会在2019年 10个工具每个Java开发者都应该知道 的10大理由学习Java编程语言的 10框架的Java和Web开发人员应在2019年学会 的10个技巧,成为一个更好的Java开发者在2019年 热门2019年要学习的5个Java框架 10个Java开发人员应该知道的测试库
(Closing Notes)
Thanks for reading this article so far. You might be thinking that there is so much stuff to learn, so many courses to join, but you don’t need to worry.
感谢您到目前为止阅读本文。 您可能会认为有太多的东西要学习,有太多的课程可以参加,但是您不必担心。
There is a good chance that you may already know most of the stuff, and there are also a lot of useful free resources which you can use — I have also linked to them here and there along with the other resources, which are certainly not free, but worth of money.
I am a particular fan of Udemy courses as they are very affordable and provide a lot of values in a very small amount, but you are free to choose the course you want.
At the end of the day, you should have enough knowledge and experience from using the resources mentioned here.
Good luck with your Java journey! It’s certainly not going to be easy, but by following this roadmap and guide, you are one step closer to becoming the Java Developer you always wanted to be
祝您Java之旅顺利! 当然,这并非易事 ,但是通过遵循此路线图和指南,您距离成为您一直希望成为的Java开发人员仅一步之遥。
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