iOS 设置appicon iOS 设置alook为默认浏览器_ios


iOS 设置appicon iOS 设置alook为默认浏览器_selenium_02

Khamosh Pathak Khamosh Pathak

Apple doesn’t let you change the default browser on your iPhone or iPad. If you tap a link, it will open in the Safari app. Instead of doing the copy-paste dance, use this shortcut to automatically open links in Chrome.

Apple不允许您更改iPhone或iPad上的默认浏览器。 如果您点击一个链接,它将在Safari应用程序中打开。 使用此快捷方式可以自动在Chrome中打开链接,而无需执行复制粘贴操作。

If you’re not aware, Shortcuts is the built-in automation tool available on the iPhone and iPad (found on iOS 13, iPadOS 13, and higher). Don’t let the automation word scare you. You don’t need to create any automation yourself. You can use automation shortcuts created by someone else, which is exactly what we’re going to be doing today.

如果您不知道,“ 快捷方式”是iPhone和iPad(可在iOS 13,iPadOS 13和更高版本上找到)上的内置自动化工具。 不要让自动化一词吓到您。 您无需自己创建任何自动化。 您可以使用其他人创建的自动化快捷方式,这正是我们今天要做的。

We’ll be using the “Open In Chrome” shortcut. But as it’s not available in the Shortcuts Gallery, you’ll have to download and add it first. And to do that, you’ll need to enable the “Untrusted Shortcuts” feature. Apple blocks shortcuts downloaded from the internet by default on privacy grounds.

我们将使用“在Chrome中打开”快捷方式。 但是由于它在“快捷方式库”中不可用,因此您必须先下载并添加它。 为此,您需要启用“不受信任的快捷方式”功能。 苹果计算机默认会出于隐私原因阻止从Internet下载的快捷方式。

To enable the Untrusted Shortcuts feature, open the “Settings” app on your iPhone or iPad and then go to the “Shortcuts” section. Here, tap the toggle next to the “Allow Untrusted Shortcuts” option.

要启用不受信任的快捷方式功能 ,请在iPhone或iPad上打开“设置”应用程序,然后转到“快捷方式”部分。 在这里,点击“允许不受信任的快捷方式”选项旁边的切换按钮。

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From the popup, tap the “Allow” button and enter your device’s lock screen passcode to confirm.


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Now we can be on our way to installing the shortcut.


First, open the Open in Chrome shortcut’s iCloud link in Safari. Once the page loads, tap the “Get Shortcut” button.

首先,在Safari中打开“在Chrome中打开”快捷方式的iCloud链接。 页面加载后,点击“获取快捷方式”按钮。

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This will open the shortcut in the “Shortcuts” app. Swipe down and tap the “Add Untrusted Shortcut” button.

这将在“快捷方式”应用中打开快捷方式。 向下滑动,然后点击“添加不受信任的快捷方式”按钮。

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You’ll see that the shortcut will be added to the end of your Library. There’s nothing more to do in the Shortcuts app.

您会看到该快捷方式将添加到库的末尾。 在“快捷方式”应用程序中无需执行任何其他操作。

To see the shortcut in action, open an app or a page (such as Twitter) and then tap and hold on a link you want to open in Chrome.


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Next, tap the “Share” button from the popup menu.


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If you’re already on the page in Safari that you want to open in Chrome, tap the Share button from the bottom toolbar.


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Now, swipe up in the Share sheet and scroll past the apps section. In the Actions section, tap the “Open In Chrome” shortcut that we just added.

现在,在“ 共享”表中向上滑动并滚动到“应用程序”部分。 在“操作”部分中,点击我们刚刚添加的“在Chrome中打开”快捷方式。

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When you select the button, you’ll see the Shortcuts UI for a split second and then the page will load up in Google Chrome.

选择按钮后,您会很快看到“快捷方式”界面,然后该页面将加载到Google Chrome中。

Want to explore Shortcuts even further? Here’s how to set up a shortcut to quickly open a Settings page on your iPhone and iPad and here’s how to create real automations that get triggered at a certain time or when you open an app.

是否想进一步探索快捷方式? 这是设置快捷方式以在iPhone和iPad上快速打开“设置”页面的方法,也是创建在特定时间或打开应用程序时触发的真正自动化方法的方法。

