

select dname from dept;

–(2)查询EMP表显示所有雇员名及其全年收入(月收入=工资+补助),处理NULL行,并指定列别名为"年收入"。(NVL(comm,0) comm取空值时用0替代)

select e.ename,(e.sal+nvl(null,0))*12 年收入 from emp e ;


select d.deptno from emp e,dept d where d.deptno=e.deptno(+) group by d.deptno having count(e.deptno)=0; 
select d.deptno from emp e  right join dept d  on  d.deptno=e.deptno group by d.deptno having count(e.deptno)=0;



select e.ename,e.sal from emp e where e.sal>2850 ;


select e.*,e.ename ,e.sal from emp e where e.sal<1500  or e.sal>2850;


select e.ename,e.deptno from emp e where e.empno=7566;
select e.ename,d.deptno from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno(+) and e.empno=7566;
select e.ename,d.deptno from emp e  join dept d on d.deptno=e.deptno and e.empno=7566;


select e.ename,e.sal from emp e where  (e.deptno=10 or  e.deptno=30) and e.sal>1500;
select e.ename,e.sal from emp e where e.deptno in(10,30) and e.sal>1500;


select e.ename,e.sal from emp e where e.ename like '_A%';


select e.ename,e.comm from emp e where e.comm is not null;


– (1)查询EMP表显示所有雇员名、工资、雇佣日期,并以雇员名的升序进行排序。

select e.ename,e.sal,e.hiredate from emp e order by e.ename;

– (2)查询EMP表显示在1981年2月1日到1981年5月1日之间雇佣的雇员名、岗位及雇佣日期,并以雇佣日期进行排序。

select e.ename,e.job,e.hiredate from emp e  where e.hiredate>='1-2月-81' and e.hiredate<='1-5月-81' order by e.hiredate desc;
select e.ename,e.job,e.hiredate from emp e where e.hiredate between to_date('19810201','yyyy-mm-dd') and to_date('19810501','yyyy-mm-dd') 
 order by e.hiredate;


select e.ename,e.sal,e.comm from emp e  where e.comm is not null order by e.sal,e.comm desc;



select d.deptno from emp e right join dept d on d.deptno=e.deptno group by d.deptno having count(e.deptno) >0;


select e.ename from emp e where e.sal>(select max(sal) from emp where ename='SMITH');


select e.ename,p.ename from emp e ,emp p where e.mgr = p.empno(+);


select e.ename,e.hiredate,p.ename,p.hiredate from emp e ,emp p where e.mgr = p.empno(+) and e.hiredate < p.hiredate ;


select d.deptno,d.dname,e.ename from emp e right join dept d on d.deptno=e.deptno;
select e.ename ,d.deptno,d.dname from emp e full join dept d  on e.deptno=d.deptno;


select e.ename,d.dname from  emp e ,dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno and e.job = 'CLERK';
select  e.ename,d.dname,d.deptno from emp e  join dept d on e.job='CLERK' and e.deptno=d.deptno;


select e.job,min(e.sal) from emp e group by e.job having min(e.sal)>1500;


select e.ename ,d.dname from emp e ,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno and d.dname='SALES';
select e.ename,d.dname,d.loc from emp e natural join dept d where d.dname='SALES';


select e.*,e.ename  from emp e where (e.sal+nvl(e.comm,0))>(select avg(sal) from emp);


select e.job,e.ename from emp e where e.job in(select job from emp where ename='SCOTT' ) and e.ename<>'SCOTT' ;


select a.*, a.ename,a.sal from emp a where a.sal in (select  e.sal from emp e where e.deptno=30 ) and (a.deptno<>30 or a.deptno is  null);
select  e.ename,e.sal,e.deptno from emp e where exists (select 1 from emp p where e.sal = p.sal and p.deptno = 30)  and (e.deptno<>30 or e.deptno is null);


select e.* from emp e where e.sal > all(select distinct  sal from emp where deptno=30 ) ;
select e.* from emp e where e.sal>(select max(sal) from emp where emp.deptno=30);


select d.deptno,count(e.empno) from emp e right outer join dept d on d.deptno=e.deptno group by d.deptno;
select d.deptno ,d.dname,count(e.deptno) from dept d left join emp e on d.deptno=e.deptno group by d.deptno,e.deptno,d.dname;
select d.deptno,d.dname, count(e.deptno),d.loc 
from dept d left outer join emp e on e.deptno=d.deptno
group by d.deptno,d.dname,d.loc;


select e.ename,d.dname,e.sal from dept d ,emp e  where e.deptno = d.deptno(+);


select d.deptno,d.dname,d.loc,count(e.deptno) from dept d left join emp e on e.deptno=d.deptno group by d.deptno,d.dname,d.loc;


select  job,min(sal) from emp group by emp.job;


select e.deptno,min(e.sal) from emp e where job='MANAGER' group by e.deptno;


select e.ename,(e.sal+nvl(e.comm,0))*12 年薪 from emp e  order by 年薪;



select e.*  from emp e  where  e.hiredate=last_day(e.hiredate)-2;


select e.ename  from emp e where extract (year from e.hiredate)
select ename from emp where months_between(sysdate,hiredate)>144;
select e.* from emp e where e.hiredate


select initcap(lower(e.ename)) from emp e;


select e.ename from emp e where length(e.ename)=5;


select e.ename from emp e where upper(e.ename) not like  '%R%';


select substr(e.ename,0,3) from emp e;


select replace(e.ename,'A','a') from emp e;


select e.ename ,e.hiredate from emp e where 2013-extract(year from e.hiredate)>=32;
select e.ename,e.hiredate from emp e where months_between(sysdate,e.hiredate)>120;
select e.* from emp e where e.hiredate<=trunc(sysdate)-(INTERVAL '10' YEAR);
--trunc(sysdate)+(INTERVAL '1' YEAR),


select * from emp  order by ename;


select e.ename,e.hiredate from emp e order by e.hiredate ;


select e.ename,e.job,e.sal from emp e order by e.job,e.sal;


select e.ename ,e.hiredate,extract(MONTH from e.hiredate) month from emp e order by month,e.hiredate;


select trunc(e.sal/30,0) from emp e;


select e.ename from emp e where extract(month from e.hiredate)=2;
select e.*, e.ename from emp e where to_char(trunc(e.hiredate,'month'),'MM')=2;
select e.*, e.ename from emp e where to_char(trunc(e.hiredate,'month'),'MM')='02';
select e.*, e.ename from emp e where to_char(e.hiredate,'MM')='02';


select extract(day from e.hiredate)+(2013-extract(year from e.hiredate))*365 from emp e;
select trunc(sysdate-hiredate,0) from emp;
select e.*,ceil(sysdate-e.hiredate) "入职天数"  from emp e ;


select e.ename from emp e where upper(e.ename) like '%A%';

–17.以年月日的方式显示所有员工的服务年限. (大概)

select to_char(to_date('0001-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')+(sysdate-hiredate)-365-1,'yyyy-mm-dd') from emp;



select e.job,sum(e.sal)  from emp e group by e.job
union all
select d.deptno||'',nvl(sum(e.sal),0) from emp e right outer join dept d on d.deptno=e.deptno group by d.deptno 
union all
select '', sum(e.sal)  from emp e


select e.job,sum(e.sal) from emp e group by e.job
union all
select '',sum(e.sal) from emp e ;

–3. 用一个查询语句,实现查询各个部门的总工资和各个岗位的总工资

select e.deptno||'',sum(e.sal) from emp e group by e.deptno
union all
select e.job, sum(e.sal) from emp e group by e.job;
select d.deptno||'',nvl(sum(e.sal),0) from emp e right outer join dept d on d.deptno=e.deptno group by d.deptno 
union all
select e.job ,sum(e.sal) from emp e group by e.job;

–4. 通过查询显示每个员工的姓名和工资等级

select e.ename,s.grade from emp e join salgrade s on e.sal>=s.losal and e.sal<=s.hisal;
select e.*,s.grade from emp e ,salgrade s where e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal;


select e.ename,d.deptno,d.dname from emp e   join dept d on e.deptno=d.deptno order by d.deptno;
select e.ename,d.dname from emp e, dept d where e.deptno = d.deptno order by d.dname;

–6. 查询每个员工的姓名和他的上司的名字

select e.ename,p.ename from emp e inner join emp p on e.mgr=p.empno;


select c.* from(select b.* ,rownum r from (select a.* from  emp a order by a.sal desc) b ) c where c.r>=6 and c.r<=10;
select rowid , emp.* from emp

–(1) 查询20号部门的所有员工信息。

select * from emp e where e.deptno=20;

–(2) 查询奖金(COMM)高于工资(SAL)的员工信息。

select * from emp where comm>sal;

–(3) 查询奖金高于工资的20%的员工信息。

select * from emp where comm>sal*0.2;

–(4) 查询10号部门中工种为MANAGER和20号部门中工种为CLERK的员工的信息。

select * from emp e 
where (e.deptno=10 and e.job='MANAGER') 
or (e.deptno=20 and e.job='CLERK')

–(5) 查询所有工种不是MANAGER和CLERK,

select * from emp 
where job not in('MANAGER','CLERK') and sal>=2000;

–(6) 查询有奖金的员工的不同工种。

select * from emp where comm is not null;

–(7) 查询所有员工工资和奖金的和。

select (e.sal+nvl(e.comm,0)) from emp e;

–(8) 查询没有奖金或奖金低于100的员工信息。

select * from emp where comm is null or comm<100;

–(9) 查询员工工龄大于或等于10年的员工信息。

select * from emp where (sysdate-hiredate)/365>=10;

–(10) 查询员工信息,要求以首字母大写的方式显示所有员工的姓名。

select initcap(ename) from emp;
select upper(substr(ename,1,1))||lower(substr(ename,2)) from emp;

–(11) 显示所有员工的姓名、入职的年份和月份,按入职日期所在的月份排序,

select ename,to_char(hiredate,'yyyy') year,to_char(hiredate,'MM') month 
from emp
order by month,year;

–(12) 查询在2月份入职的所有员工信息。

select * from emp where to_char(hiredate,'MM')='02'

–(13) 查询所有员工入职以来的工作期限,用“月**日”的形式表示。

select e.ename,floor((sysdate-e.hiredate)/365)||'年'
from emp e;

–(14) 查询从事同一种工作但不属于同一部门的员工信息。

select a.ename,a.job,a.deptno,b.ename,b.job,b.deptno
from emp a,emp b
where a.job=b.job and a.deptno<>b.deptno;

–(15) 查询各个部门的详细信息以及部门人数、部门平均工资。

select d.deptno,count(e.empno),avg(e.sal),d.dname,d.loc 
from emp e ,dept d
where e.deptno=d.deptno
group by d.deptno,d.dname,d.loc

–(16) 查询10号部门员工以及领导的信息。

select * from emp where empno in(
select mgr from emp where deptno=10) or deptno=10;

–(17) 查询工资为某个部门平均工资的员工信息。

select * from emp
where sal in(select avg(sal) from emp group by deptno);

–(18) 查询工资高于本部门平均工资的员工的信息。

select * from emp e1 
where sal >(select avg(sal) from emp e2 where e2.deptno=e1.deptno);

–(19) 查询工资高于本部门平均工资的员工的信息及其部门的平均工资。

select e.*,a.avgsal 
from emp e,
(select deptno,avg(sal) as avgsal from emp group by deptno) a
where a.deptno=e.deptno and e.sal>a.avgsal;

–(20) 统计各个工种的人数与平均工资。

select count(*),e.job,avg(e.sal) from emp e 
group by e.job

–(21) 统计每个部门中各个工种的人数与平均工资。

select deptno,job,count(empno),avg(sal) from emp e
group by e.deptno,e.job

–(22) 查询所有员工工资都大于1000的部门的信息。

select * from dept where deptno in
(select deptno from emp
where deptno not in 
(select distinct deptno from emp where sal<1000));

–(23) 查询所有员工工资都大于1000的部门的信息及其员工信息。

select * from emp e join dept d
on d.deptno
in (select deptno from emp
where deptno not in 
(select distinct deptno from emp where sal<1000))
and d.deptno=e.deptno;

–(24) 查询所有员工工资都在900~3000之间的部门的信息。

select * from dept 
where deptno not in(
select deptno from emp 
where sal not between 900 and 3000);

–(25) 查询所有工资都在900~3000之间的员工所在部门的员工信息。

select * from emp a
where a.deptno in
(select distinct e.deptno from emp e 
where e.sal between 900 and 3000);

–(26) 查询每个员工的领导所在部门的信息。

select d.* from dept d
where d.deptno in
(select distinct e2.deptno from emp e1,emp e2
where e1.empno=e2.mgr);

–(27) 查询人数最多的部门信息。

select * from dept
where deptno in
(select deptno from (select count(*) count,deptno from emp group by deptno)
where count in(select max(count) 
from (select count(*) count ,deptno from emp group by deptno)));

–(28) 查询30号部门中工资排序前3名的员工信息。

select * from 
(select sal from emp where deptno=30 order by sal desc) e
where rownum<4

–(29) 查询’JONES’员工及所有其直接、间接下属员工的信息。

select e.* from emp e
start with ename='JONES'
connect by prior empno=mgr;

—(30) 查询SCOTT员工及其直接、间接上级员工的信息。

select e.* from emp e
start with ename='SCOTT'
connect by prior mgr=empno;

–(31) 以树状结构查询所有员工与领导之间的层次关系。

select substr(sys_connect_by_path(ename,'->'),3),level
from emp
start with mgr is null
connect by prior empno=mgr;


update emp e set sal=1000+(select avg(sal) from emp where deptno=e.deptno);

– (33)查询工作等级为2级,1985年以后入职的工作地点为DALLAS的员工编号、

select e.ename,e.empno,e.sal from emp e,salgrade s,dept d
where (e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal) 
and (s.grade=2) 
and to_char(e.hiredate,'yyyy')>1985
and e.deptno=d.deptno
and d.loc='DALLAS';

– (34)部门平均薪水最高的部门编号

select * from(
select avg(sal) avgsal,deptno 
from emp group by deptno order by avgsal desc)
where rownum=1;
select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno having avg(sal)=(   
select max(avg(sal)) avgsal 
from emp group by deptno)

– (35)部门平均薪水最高的部门名称

select d.* from dept d where deptno  in(    
select deptno from emp group by deptno having avg(sal)=(   
select max(avg(sal)) avgsal 
from emp group by deptno))

– (36)平均薪水最低的部门的部门名称

select d.* from dept d where deptno  in(    
select deptno from emp group by deptno having avg(sal)=(   
select  min(avg(sal)) avgsal 
from emp group by deptno))

– (37)平均薪水等级最低的部门的部门名称

select d.dname from dept d
where d.deptno in 
(select a.deptno from 
(select e.deptno from emp e,salgrade s 
where (e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal)
group by e.deptno order by avg(s.grade)) a
where rownum=1);

– (38)部门经理人中,薪水最低的部门名称

select dname from dept where deptno=
(select deptno from 
(select deptno from emp where job='MANAGER' group by deptno
order by min(sal)) where rownum=1)

– (39)比普通员工的最高薪水还要高的经理人名称

select ename from emp where sal>
(select max(sal) from emp where job not in

– (40)删除重复部门,但是留下一项

insert into dept values(70,'RESEARCH','DALLAS')
select deptno,dname,rowid from dept
delete from dept d
where rowid<>
(select min(rowid) from dept where dname=d.dname and d.loc=loc)

– (41)更新员工工资为他的主管的工资,奖金

update emp e set sal=(select sal from emp where empno=e.mgr),
comm=(select comm from emp where empno=e.mgr)
update emp e set (sal,comm)=(select sal,comm from emp where empno=e.mgr)
select * from emp;