我以前说过:新的iPhone X为苹果设备制造了很多第一。这就说得通了; 它代表了科技巨头最大胆,最昂贵的手机。

事实是,许多这些添加在Android手机上浮动; 一些新的,几岁。这不是坏事 设备制造者一直在借用想法,当他们做的时候,我们都得到了电梯。例如,我们现在已经有了十几个,而不是双镜头相机只有两个选择。

那么谁在乎Apple如何追赶Android手机呢?iPhone X所有者将受益于任何一种方式。以下是苹果以下的地方,也是苹果的领先地位。


iPhone X在照片中





拔出主页按钮可以使iPhone能够提高屏幕与身体的比例,并获得光荣的边缘到边缘的显示。在这方面,苹果充分发展。小米,三星和LG都是一些手机厂商最大限度地发挥手机的面貌,并刮下难看的魅力。(虽然iPhone X还有一个,我们称之为“缺口”)

现在玩: iPhone X:包装新的功能



由于边框减肥和屏幕拉伸,苹果可以将更大的屏幕挤压到实际上比iPhone 8 Plus体积小的空间   。更大的显示屏可以让您有更多阅读空间,应用程式,观看视频和玩游戏。

iPhone X是苹果公司第一次破解5.5英寸屏幕尺寸(如对角线测量)。巨大的Android手机很久以前就通过了这个门槛,并留在那里。(有趣的是: 四年前的6.4英寸  Sony Xperia Z Ultra是我曾经举办过的最大的手机)


詹姆斯·马丁/ CNET

4. OLED显示屏

在手机世界中,三星等于OLED,OLED等于三星。也称为AMOLED,与LCD面板相比,屏幕技术被广泛应用于深黑色,鲜艳的色彩和一些节能。三星手机已经使用AMOLED屏幕多年,连同一些其他设备。事实上,三星显示器是制造这种材料的少数制造商之一,并且被广泛认为是提供iPhone X的OLED显示器。

苹果可能是新的这种材料,但已经在我们短时间内与iPhone X,改进显示。


苹果再次跟随三星。和诺基亚/ Lumia手机。和LG制作的Google Nexus 5。所有三款新iPhone都将采用这一功能,而且非常棒。苹果采用无线充电将为技术带来一些真正的动力,这可能激励两个标准机构帮助无线充电充分发挥潜力。


在Lumia 950和950 XL 上启动Windows Hello时,微软打破了所有人的部分解锁手机。然后三星用虹膜扫描,然后再次与脸部解锁(面部解锁不够安全移动支付)。iPhone X的搭配是不同的(见下文),但是苹果并没有把这个概念搞砸。


在三星Galaxy Note 8具有光学防抖(OIS)在其两个后置摄像头,这将有助于减少震动,当你拍摄的视频和照片,并帮助改善低光摄影。希望这是我们将在所有双镜头手机上看到的东西。iPhone X Plus没有这个iPhone X的欢迎添加。

看这个: 看苹果新的Animojis在行动


三大iPhone X'创新'

苹果在广泛的手机世界中已经有了普及功能的悠久历史,但也引领了这个方向。这是iPhone X带给桌面的。有趣的是,它们都是面向700万像素的“TrueDepth”相机扫描您的杯子的礼貌。


只有iPhone X可以模糊背景,使您的自我脱颖而出。或者更准确地说,让你脱颖而出。



以下是Apple的Face ID的工作原理。




原文如下 : 

I've said it before: the new iPhone X nets a lot of firsts for Apple devices. That makes sense; it represents the tech giant's boldest, priciest handset yet.

The thing is, many of these additions have been floating around on Android phones; some new, some years old. That's not a bad thing. Device makers borrow ideas all the time, and when they do, we all get a lift. Instead of only having two choices for dual-lens cameras, for example, we now have well over a dozen.

So who cares if Apple's playing catch-up to Android phones? iPhone X owners will benefit either way. Here's where Apple's following, and also where it's taking the lead.


iPhone X in photos

1. No home button

After the original iPhone introduced the iconic home button, other phone makers of the day followed suit. Since then, many Android phones moved away from a central home button, using three physical or capacitive navigation buttons instead. Some shifted to completely onscreen controls.

So while it's a shock to see Apple so dramatically change course, there's nothing astounding about a phone without a home button getting in the way of a fuller screen.

2. Slim bezels and edge-to-edge screen

Plucking out the home button makes it possible for the iPhone to up its screen-to-body ratio and get a glorious edge-to-edge display. In this, Apple is fully on trend. Xiaomi, Samsung and LG are some of the first phone makers to maximize the phone face and shave down unsightly bezels. (Though the iPhone X still has one. We call it the "notch.")

Now Playing:iPhone X: Packed with new features


3. Larger screen size

As a result of bezel-slimming and screen-stretching, Apple could squeeze a larger screen into a space that's actually smaller than the iPhone 8 Plus body. A larger display gives you more room to read, cram in apps, watch videos and play games.

The iPhone X is the first time Apple's cracked a 5.5-inch screen size (measured diagonally, as you do). Jumbo Android phones passed that threshold long ago, and stayed there. (Fun fact: The 6.4-inch Sony Xperia Z Ultra from four years ago is the largest phone I've ever held.)

Both those lenses have optical image stabilization now, and that's great.

James Martin/CNET

4. OLED display

In the phone world, Samsung equals OLED, OLED equals Samsung. Also called AMOLED, the screen technology is prized for deep blacks, vivid colors and some energy savings compared to LCD panels. Samsung phones have used AMOLED screens for years, along with a handful of other devices. In fact, Samsung Display is one of the few manufacturers to make the material -- and it's widely believed to provide the iPhone X's OLED display.

Apple may be new to this type of material, but already in our short time with the iPhone X, the improvement shows.

5. Wireless charging

Apple follows Samsung again. And Nokia/Lumia phones. And the LG-made Google Nexus 5. All three new iPhones will adopt the feature, and that's great. Apple's uptake of wireless charging will put some real momentum behind the technology, which could energize the two standards bodies to help wireless charging achieve its full potential.

6. Unlock the phone with your face

Microsoft beat everyone to unlocking the phone with some part of your face when it launched Windows Hello on the Lumia 950 and 950 XL. Then came Samsung with iris scanning, and then again with face unlock (face unlock isn't secure enough for mobile payments). The iPhone X's take is different (see below), but Apple didn't dabble with the concept first.

7. OIS on two rear cameras

The Samsung Galaxy Note 8 has optical image stabilization (OIS) on both its rear cameras, which will help reduce shaking when you shoot video and photos, and help improve low-light photography. Hopefully this is something we'll start seeing on all dual-lens phones. It's a welcome addition on the iPhone X that the iPhone 8 Plus

Watch this:See Apple's new Animojis in action


Three iPhone X 'innovations'

Apple has a long history of popularizing features already out there in the wide phone world, but it also leads the way. Here's what the iPhone X brings to the table. Interestingly, they're all courtesy of that front-facing 7-megapixel "TrueDepth" camera that scans your mug.

1. Portrait mode for selfies

Only the iPhone X can blur the background to make your selfies stand out. Or more accurately, make you stand out in your selfies.

2. Making payments with your face

Samsung's Face Unlock feature isn't secure enough to safeguard you mobile payments, but Apple's Face ID is. Whether you find this appealing or ridiculous, look for Samsung and others to puzzle out sophisticated biometrics to do the same in their future phones

Here's how Apple's Face ID works.

3. Animated poop that mimics your expressions

Need I really say more? OK, OK. In iMessage, you can call up the Animoji app to layer one of a dozen emoji onto your real-life face, including our friend the cowpie. You make expressions and turn your head, the animoji mimics your moments. The main use is to record messages as an animoji, and plop them into your message thread, a totally new way to communicate with your friends.

Because who doesn't want to see themselves as a living, breathing turd?