hdfs 如何实现退役节点快速下线(也就是退役节点上的数据块快速迁移)speed up decommission blocks removal



A=datanode上要复制block的Queue size与 target datanode没被选出之前待处理复制工作数之和。
1. 优先选择退役中的节点,因为其无写入请求,负载低。
2. 不会选择退役完成的节点。
3. 如果A未达到复制限制(<maxReplicationStreams,conf配置名为dfs.namenode.replication.max-streams),在nodelist中随机选择节点
4. 如果A达到复制限制(>=maxReplicationStreams),除非blockQueue是最高优先级的,会随机选一台节点,否者会pass掉(代码中为continue)。
5. 如果A达到复制硬限制(>=replicationStreamsHardLimit,conf配置为dfs.namenode.replication.max-streams-hard-limit),无论满足什么条件都会pass。
   * Parse the data-nodes the block belongs to and choose one,
   * which will be the replication source.
   * We prefer nodes that are in DECOMMISSION_INPROGRESS state to other nodes
   * since the former do not have write traffic and hence are less busy.
   * We do not use already decommissioned nodes as a source.
   * Otherwise we choose a random node among those that did not reach their
   * replication limits.  However, if the replication is of the highest priority
   * and all nodes have reached their replication limits, we will choose a
   * random node despite the replication limit.
   * In addition form a list of all nodes containing the block
   * and calculate its replication numbers.

   * @param block Block for which a replication source is needed
   * @param containingNodes List to be populated with nodes found to contain the 
   *                        given block
   * @param nodesContainingLiveReplicas List to be populated with nodes found to
   *                                    contain live replicas of the given block
   * @param numReplicas NumberReplicas instance to be initialized with the 
   *                                   counts of live, corrupt, excess, and
   *                                   decommissioned replicas of the given
   *                                   block.
   * @param priority integer representing replication priority of the given
   *                 block
   * @return the DatanodeDescriptor of the chosen node from which to replicate
   *         the given block
   DatanodeDescriptor chooseSourceDatanode(Block block,
       List<DatanodeDescriptor> containingNodes,
       List<DatanodeStorageInfo>  nodesContainingLiveReplicas,
       NumberReplicas numReplicas,
       int priority) {
    DatanodeDescriptor srcNode = null;
    int live = 0;
    int decommissioned = 0;
    int corrupt = 0;
    int excess = 0;
    Collection<DatanodeDescriptor> nodesCorrupt = corruptReplicas.getNodes(block);
    for(DatanodeStorageInfo storage : blocksMap.getStorages(block)) {
      final DatanodeDescriptor node = storage.getDatanodeDescriptor();
      LightWeightLinkedSet<Block> excessBlocks =
      int countableReplica = storage.getState() == State.NORMAL ? 1 : 0; 
      if ((nodesCorrupt != null) && (nodesCorrupt.contains(node)))
        corrupt += countableReplica;
      else if (node.isDecommissionInProgress() || node.isDecommissioned())
        decommissioned += countableReplica;
      else if (excessBlocks != null && excessBlocks.contains(block)) {
        excess += countableReplica;
      } else {
        live += countableReplica;
      // Check if this replica is corrupt
      // If so, do not select the node as src node
      if ((nodesCorrupt != null) && nodesCorrupt.contains(node))
      if(priority != UnderReplicatedBlocks.QUEUE_HIGHEST_PRIORITY
          && node.getNumberOfBlocksToBeReplicated() >= maxReplicationStreams)
        continue; // already reached replication limit
      if (node.getNumberOfBlocksToBeReplicated() >= replicationStreamsHardLimit)
      // the block must not be scheduled for removal on srcNode
      if(excessBlocks != null && excessBlocks.contains(block))
      // never use already decommissioned nodes
      // we prefer nodes that are in DECOMMISSION_INPROGRESS state
      // 如果你是退役中的节点会被优先选择并把你赋值给srcNode,后期的判断就基本跳过DFSUtil.getRandom().nextBoolean(),因为在 if(srcNode.isDecommissionInProgress()) continue;直接continue了。
      if(node.isDecommissionInProgress() || srcNode == null) {
        srcNode = node;
      // switch to a different node randomly
      // this to prevent from deterministically selecting the same node even
      // if the node failed to replicate the block on previous iterations
      // 这里主要是防止一直选相同节点,如果所遍历的node是退役中节点,不会走这个方法(在上层就continue了),如果某个待复制的block(正常块,不存在损坏超额等问题)所在的三个节点都是普通正常节点,那具体选择哪个node就完全随机了,虽然是个伪随机。
        srcNode = node;
    if(numReplicas != null)
      numReplicas.initialize(live, decommissioned, corrupt, excess, 0);
    return srcNode;


默认数分别为2,4,2 修改为 10,20,5 后

<!-- speed up decommission  -->


dfs.namenode.replication.work.multiplier.per.iteration 参数决定了可以从很多under replication blocks中选出多少个block 准备进行复制。

可以选出的block数与集群live 的datadnode 成正比。

int blocksToProcess = numlive * this.blocksReplWorkMultiplier(就是这个参数dfs.namenode.replication.work.multiplier.per.iteration),如果线上有10个in service datanode 那默认就可以选出 10 * 2 = 20个block 准备进行replicate


ambari HDFS 节点下线 hdfs的节点_优先级

第三个参数相当于入口限流参数,决定了可以从under replication blocks 的集合中选出多少个blocks 加到复制队列中准备进行复制。
前两个参数相当于出口限流,他们是在遍历复制队列中的blocks时,决定是否给当前block一个srcNode(也可能返回null)。如果满足限流条件,srcNode=当前node;如果不满足就contiune,直到找到满足的node,如果所有node都不满足就返回null(如果返回null 该block是不会relicate的);
1. 队列中的block 最高优先级指什么,是live的副本数远小于默认的副本数吗?
2. "ask: srcNode" 日志中的srcNode 节点不只是退役中的节点,为什么?


/** The total number of queues : {@value} */
// 共五个等级
  static final int LEVEL = 5;

  /** The queue with the highest priority: {@value} */
  static final int QUEUE_HIGHEST_PRIORITY = 0;

  /** The queue for blocks that are way below their expected value : {@value} */
//第二优先级: 这些blocks的副本远低于他们所期望的值。目前意味着实际的比例时少于1/3,虽然这些blocks可能并没有风险,但是他们清楚地考虑到blocks重要性。
  static final int QUEUE_VERY_UNDER_REPLICATED = 1;

  /** The queue for "normally" under-replicated blocks: {@value} */
//第三优先级:这些blocks 也低于所期望值(同样处于复制状态的块),以及 实际:预期的比例 足够好(不少与1/3),以至于它们不需要进入队列
  static final int QUEUE_UNDER_REPLICATED = 2;

  /** The queue for blocks that have the right number of replicas,
   * but which the block manager felt were badly distributed: {@value}

  /** The queue for corrupt blocks: {@value} */
  static final int QUEUE_WITH_CORRUPT_BLOCKS = 4;

问题2的解答:( xx.x.x.34为退役中节点)
1.退役节点的上要replica 的block非常多,有些block还没来得及replica 就已经过期了,所以不能把退役中的节点作为srcNode
2.由于前期以退役节点为srcNode较多,已经有达到了dfs.namenode.replication.max-streams 或 dfs.namenode.replication.max-streams-hard-limit 的上限,所以只能选其他节点作为srcNode

这是复制block日志可以说明问题2, xx.x.x.34 达到上限10(也可能是20)后,就会选择其他节点作为srcNode了(共70个)。

2018-09-25 11:38:01,439 INFO BlockStateChange: BLOCK* ask xx.x.x.34:50010 to replicate blk_1298821823_225481125 to datanode(s) xx.x.x.28:50010
2018-09-25 11:38:01,439 INFO BlockStateChange: BLOCK* ask xx.x.x.34:50010 to replicate blk_1298821896_225481198 to datanode(s) xx.x.x.36:50010
2018-09-25 11:38:01,439 INFO BlockStateChange: BLOCK* ask xx.x.x.34:50010 to replicate blk_1298821588_225480890 to datanode(s) xx.x.x.45:50010
2018-09-25 11:38:01,439 INFO BlockStateChange: BLOCK* ask xx.x.x.34:50010 to replicate blk_1298821581_225480883 to datanode(s) xx.x.x.30:50010
2018-09-25 11:38:01,439 INFO BlockStateChange: BLOCK* ask xx.x.x.34:50010 to replicate blk_1282045832_208688251 to datanode(s) xx.x.x.30:50010
2018-09-25 11:38:01,439 INFO BlockStateChange: BLOCK* ask xx.x.x.34:50010 to replicate blk_1282045861_208688280 to datanode(s) xx.x.x.44:50010
2018-09-25 11:38:01,439 INFO BlockStateChange: BLOCK* ask xx.x.x.34:50010 to replicate blk_1282045812_208688231 to datanode(s) xx.x.x.31:50010
2018-09-25 11:38:01,439 INFO BlockStateChange: BLOCK* ask xx.x.x.34:50010 to replicate blk_1282045643_208688062 to datanode(s) xx.x.x.11:50010
2018-09-25 11:38:01,439 INFO BlockStateChange: BLOCK* ask xx.x.x.34:50010 to replicate blk_1282045478_208687897 to datanode(s) xx.x.x.43:50010
2018-09-25 11:38:01,439 INFO BlockStateChange: BLOCK* ask xx.x.x.34:50010 to replicate blk_1282045530_208687949 to datanode(s) xx.x.x.22:50010
2018-09-25 11:38:01,439 INFO BlockStateChange: BLOCK* ask xx.x.x.41:50010 to replicate blk_1206547507_133106764 to datanode(s) xx.x.x.42:50010
2018-09-25 11:38:01,439 INFO BlockStateChange: BLOCK* ask xx.x.x.41:50010 to replicate blk_1206548077_133107334 to datanode(s) xx.x.x.28:50010
2018-09-25 11:38:01,439 INFO BlockStateChange: BLOCK* ask xx.x.x.11:50010 to replicate blk_1206548222_133107479 to datanode(s) xx.x.x.19:50010
2018-09-25 11:38:01,439 INFO BlockStateChange: BLOCK* ask xx.x.x.11:50010 to replicate blk_1189768077_116313696 to datanode(s) xx.x.x.45:50010


Node :退役中的节点hostname
Last contact:节点心跳,这里为空,在页面上面会展示心跳信息
Under replicated blocks:当前block的副本 < 所设置的副本(默认就是小于3) 数量
Blocks with no live replicas:没有live 的副本,存在的副本可能都在退役中的节点上
Under Replicated Blocks In files under construction: 当前正在复制中的block个数

ambari HDFS 节点下线 hdfs的节点_List_02

可以通过 这个命令看内存的配置key-value

hdfs getconf -confkey xxx