windows中查看正在运行的python程序进程 win10看正在运行的程序_python

Windows can show you which applications are using your network right now and how much data they’re transferring. You can even see a list of apps that have used your network over the last 30 days.

Windows可以向您显示哪些应用程序当前正在使用您的网络以及它们正在传输多少数据。 您甚至可以查看过去30天内使用过网络的应用程序列表。

This shows which apps are using the internet, but the below methods don’t just show internet usage. They show all network usage. Whether an application is communicating with a remote server on the internet or another computer on your local network, it will appear as using your network connection all the same.

这显示了哪些应用程序正在使用互联网,但是以下方法不仅仅显示互联网使用情况。 它们显示所有网络使用情况。 无论应用程序是与Internet上的远程服务器还是本地网络上的另一台计算机进行通信,它都将显示为使用网络连接。

(Use the Task Manager to See Current Usage)

To check precisely which applications are using your network right now—and how much data they’re downloading and uploading—look in your Task Manager.


To open the Task Manager, right-click your taskbar and select “Task Manager” or press Ctrl+Shift+Esc. There are many other ways to open the Task Manager, too.

要打开任务管理器,请右键单击任务栏,然后选择“任务管理器”或按Ctrl + Shift + Esc。 还有许多其他方法可以打开任务管理器。

windows中查看正在运行的python程序进程 win10看正在运行的程序_linux_02

In the list of processes, click the “Network” heading to sort the list of running processes by network usage. Watch the list, and you’ll see which applications are using your network along with how much bandwidth they’re using.

在进程列表中,单击“网络”标题,以按网络使用情况对正在运行的进程列表进行排序。 观看列表,您将看到哪些应用程序正在使用您的网络以及它们使用了多少带宽。

(If you don’t see the Network heading, click “More Details” first.)


Technically, this isn’t a complete list—if a process isn’t using much network resources, Windows rounds down to 0 Mbps (Megabits per second.) It’s just a quick way to see which processes are using a noticeable amount of bandwidth.

从技术上讲,这不是一个完整的列表-如果某个进程使用的网络资源不多,Windows会将其舍入到0 Mbps(兆位/秒)。这只是查看哪些进程正在使用大量带宽的一种快速方法。

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(Launch Resource Monitor to See More Details)

For more detailed information, go straight to the Resource Monitor application. You can launch it by searching for “Resource Monitor” in the Start menu or by clicking the “Performance” tab in the Task Manager and clicking “Open Resource Monitor” at the bottom of the window.

有关更多详细信息,请直接转到资源监视器应用程序。 您可以通过在“开始”菜单中搜索“资源监视器”或单击任务管理器中的“性能”选项卡,然后单击窗口底部的“打开资源监视器”来启动它。

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Click the “Network” tab, and you’ll see a list of processes downloading or uploading data over the network. You’ll also see how much data they’re transferring in B/sec (Bytes per second.)

点击“网络”标签,您会看到一系列通过网络下载或上传数据的过程。 您还将看到它们正在传输多少数据,以B / sec(每秒字节数)为单位。

This also shows processes using a small amount of network bandwidth, which would otherwise appear as using 0 Mbps in the Task Manager.

这也显示了使用少量网络带宽的进程,否则在任务管理器中将显示为使用0 Mbps。

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With both the Task Manager and Resource Monitor lists, you can right-click an application and select “Search Online” to find more information about what exactly the process is.


(See Network Data Usage Over the Last 30 Days)

Windows 10 keeps track of which applications are using your network and how much data they’re transferring. You can see which apps have used your network over the past 30 days and how much data they’ve transferred.

Windows 10会跟踪哪些应用程序正在使用您的网络以及正在传输多少数据。 您可以查看过去30天内哪些应用使用了您的网络以及已传输了多少数据。

To find this information, head to Settings > Network & Internet > Data Usage. Click “View usage per app” at the top of the window. (You can press Windows+I to open the Settings window quickly.)

要查找此信息,请转到设置>网络和Internet>数据使用情况。 点击窗口顶部的“查看每个应用的使用情况”。 (您可以按Windows + I快速打开“设置”窗口。)

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From here, you can scroll through a list of apps that have used your network in the last 30 days.


If you’re on a Wi-Fi network, you can see apps that have used your current Wi-Fi network or a list of apps that have used the network on all Wi-Fi networks to which you’ve been connected. Select what you want to see in the “Show usage from” box.

如果您使用的是Wi-Fi网络,则可以在已连接的所有Wi-Fi网络上查看使用当前Wi-Fi网络的应用程序或使用该网络的应用程序列表。 在“显示用法自”框中选择要查看的内容。

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The top of the list will contain obvious culprits—likely the apps you use the most. Scroll down to the bottom, and you’ll see applications that rarely connect to the internet and don’t use much data when they do.

列表的顶部将包含明显的元凶-可能是您使用最多的应用。 向下滚动到底部,您将看到很少连接到互联网并且在使用时不使用大量数据的应用程序。
