

该操作会调用通讯录应用程序将新的联系人信息插入到Contacts Provider的ContactsContract.RawContacts 表中。如果有必要的话,通讯录应用程序会在创建联系人时,弹框提醒用户输入账户类型和要使用的账号。如果联系人已经存在的话,会提醒用户选择取消插入信息,这种情况下不会再创建联系人。


使用Intents.Insert.ACTION作为行为来创建Intent对象, 并设置MIME类型为RawContacts.CONTENT_TYPE. 代码如下:

// Creates a new Intent to insert a contact 
Intent intent = new Intent (Intents. Insert.ACTION);
// Sets the MIME type to match the Contacts Provider 
intent.setType( ContactsContract.RawContacts .CONTENT_TYPE );


/* Assumes EditText fields in your UI contain an email address
 * and a phone number.
private EditText mEmailAddress = (EditText ) findViewById (R .id .email );
private EditText mPhoneNumber = (EditText ) findViewById (R .id .phone );
 * Inserts new data into the Intent. This data is passed to the
 * contacts app's Insert screen
// Inserts an email address 
intent.putExtra( Intents.Insert .EMAIL , mEmailAddress .getText ())
 * In this example, sets the email type to be a work email.
 * You can set other email types as necessary.
      .putExtra( Intents.Insert .EMAIL_TYPE , CommonDataKinds.Email .TYPE_WORK )
// Inserts a phone number
      .putExtra( Intents.Insert .PHONE , mPhoneNumber .getText ())
 * In this example, sets the phone type to be a work phone.
 * You can set other phone types as necessary.
      .putExtra( Intents.Insert .PHONE_TYPE , Phone.TYPE_WORK);
    /* Sends the Intent
    startActivity( intent);






// The Cursor that contains the Contact row 
    public Cursor mCursor; 
    // The index of the lookup key column in the cursor 
    public int mLookupKeyIndex;
    // The index of the contact's _ID value 
    public int mIdIndex;
    // The lookup key from the Cursor 
    public String mCurrentLookupKey;
    // The _ID value from the Cursor 
    public long mCurrentId;
    // A content URI pointing to the contact 
    Uri mSelectedContactUri; 
     * Once the user has selected a contact to edit,
     * this gets the contact's lookup key and _ID values from the
     * cursor and creates the necessary URI.
    // Gets the lookup key column index 
    mLookupKeyIndex = mCursor. getColumnIndex(Contacts .LOOKUP_KEY );
    // Gets the lookup key value 
    mCurrentLookupKey = mCursor. getString(mLookupKeyIndex );
    // Gets the _ID column index 
    mIdIndex = mCursor. getColumnIndex(Contacts ._ID );
    mCurrentId = mCursor. getLong( mIdIndex); 
    mSelectedContactUri = 
            Contacts .getLookupUri (mCurrentId , mCurrentLookupKey );
    // Creates a new Intent to edit a contact 
    Intent editIntent = new Intent (Intent. ACTION_EDIT);
     * Sets the contact URI to edit, and the data type that the
     * Intent must match
    editIntent.setDataAndType( mSelectedContactUri,Contacts .CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE );

在Android4.0(API 14)及以后,通讯录的一个问题导致错误的导航:即某应用程序发生对通讯录的编辑intent,用户编辑并保存信息后,当用户点击后退按钮时,退回到通讯录列表而不是该应用程序。
为解决上述问题,在Android4.0.3(API 15)及以后,需要在上述intent中添加扩展的数据键值:finishActivityOnSaveCompleted,并设置它的值为true.如下:

// Sets the special extended data for navigation 
    editIntent.putExtra( "finishActivityOnSaveCompleted" , true);




// Creates a new Intent to insert or edit a contact 
    Intent intentInsertEdit = new Intent (Intent. ACTION_INSERT_OR_EDIT);
    // Sets the MIME type 
    intentInsertEdit. setType( Contacts.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE );
    // Add code here to insert extended data, if desired 
    // Sends the Intent with an request ID 
    startActivity( intentInsertEdit);