
  • 一、JsonRpc请求的实现、
  • 二、定义服务消费者
  • 1.配置服务消费者文件
  • 2.配置服务消费者绑定关系
  • 3. 注入接口文件
  • 4.封装rpc调用方法



namespace App\JsonRpc;
//请求入口 通过容器获取接口对象
class IndexController extends AbstractController
    public function index()
        $user_info = ApplicationContext::getContainer()->get(UserInfoInterface::class);
        return $user_info->getUserInfoById(1);

namespace App\JsonRpc;
class UserInfoInterface_7be0c5bab4e9d0b2671b5482e5fa29f4 extends \Hyperf\RpcClient\Proxy\AbstractProxyService implements UserInfoInterface
    public function getUserInfoById($id)
        return $this->client->__call(__FUNCTION__, func_get_args());

namespace Hyperf\RpcClient;
class ServiceClient extends AbstractServiceClient
     * @var MethodDefinitionCollectorInterface
    protected $methodDefinitionCollector;

     * @var string
    protected $serviceInterface;

     * @var NormalizerInterface
    private $normalizer;

    public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container, string $serviceName, string $protocol = 'jsonrpc-http', array $options = [])
        $this->serviceName = $serviceName;
        $this->protocol = $protocol;
        $this->normalizer = $container->get(NormalizerInterface::class);
        $this->methodDefinitionCollector = $container->get(MethodDefinitionCollectorInterface::class);

    protected function __request(string $method, array $params, ?string $id = null)
        if ($this->idGenerator instanceof IdGeneratorInterface && ! $id) {
            $id = $this->idGenerator->generate();
        $response = $this->client->send($this->__generateData($method, $params, $id));
        if (! is_array($response)) {
            throw new RequestException('Invalid response.');

        $response = $this->checkRequestIdAndTryAgain($response, $id);
        if (array_key_exists('result', $response)) {
            $type = $this->methodDefinitionCollector->getReturnType($this->serviceInterface, $method);
            if ($type->allowsNull() && $response['result'] === null) {
                return null;

            return $this->normalizer->denormalize($response['result'], $type->getName());

        if ($code = $response['error']['code'] ?? null) {
            $error = $response['error'];
            // Denormalize exception.
            $class = Arr::get($error, 'data.class');
            $attributes = Arr::get($error, 'data.attributes', []);
            if (isset($class) && class_exists($class) && $e = $this->normalizer->denormalize($attributes, $class)) {
                if ($e instanceof \Throwable) {
                    throw $e;

            // Throw RequestException when denormalize exception failed.
            throw new RequestException($error['message'] ?? '', $code, $error['data'] ?? []);

        throw new RequestException('Invalid response.');

    public function __call(string $method, array $params)
        return $this->__request($method, $params);

    protected function setOptions(array $options): void
        $this->serviceInterface = $options['service_interface'] ?? $this->serviceName;

        if (isset($options['load_balancer'])) {
            $this->loadBalancer = $options['load_balancer'];

namespace Hyperf\RpcClient;
class Client
     * @var null|PackerInterface
    private $packer;

     * @var null|TransporterInterface
    private $transporter;

    public function send($data)
        if (! $this->packer) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Packer missing.');
        if (! $this->transporter) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Transporter missing.');
        $packer = $this->getPacker();
        $packedData = $packer->pack($data);
        $response = $this->getTransporter()->send($packedData);
        return $packer->unpack((string) $response);

    public function recv()
        $packer = $this->getPacker();
        $response = $this->getTransporter()->recv();
        return $packer->unpack((string) $response);

    public function getPacker(): PackerInterface
        return $this->packer;

    public function setPacker(PackerInterface $packer): self
        $this->packer = $packer;
        return $this;

    public function getTransporter(): TransporterInterface
        return $this->transporter;

    public function setTransporter(TransporterInterface $transporter): self
        $this->transporter = $transporter;
        return $this;

namespace Hyperf\JsonRpc;
class JsonRpcTransporter implements TransporterInterface
    use RecvTrait;

     * @var null|LoadBalancerInterface
    private $loadBalancer;

     * If $loadBalancer is null, will select a node in $nodes to request,
     * otherwise, use the nodes in $loadBalancer.
     * @var Node[]
    private $nodes = [];

     * @var float
    private $connectTimeout = 5;

     * @var float
    private $recvTimeout = 5;

     * @var array
    private $config = [];

    public function __construct(array $config = [])
        $this->config = array_replace_recursive($this->config, $config);

        $this->recvTimeout = $this->config['recv_timeout'] ?? 5.0;
        $this->connectTimeout = $this->config['connect_timeout'] ?? 5.0;

	 * 基于swoole协程客户端发送方法实现消息体发送
	 * swoole文档 https://wiki.swoole.com/#/coroutine_client/client?id=send
    public function send(string $data)
        $client = retry(2, function () use ($data) {
            $client = $this->getClient();
            if ($client->send($data) === false) {
                if ($client->errCode == 104) {
                    throw new RuntimeException('Connect to server failed.');
            return $client;

        return $this->recvAndCheck($client, $this->recvTimeout);

	 * 基于swoole协程客户端接收方法实现消息体发送
	 * swoole文档 https://wiki.swoole.com/#/coroutine_client/client?id=recv
    public function recv()
        $client = $this->getClient();

        return $this->recvAndCheck($client, $this->recvTimeout);

	 * 基于swoole协程客户端连接方法实现远程服务器连接
	 * swoole文档 https://wiki.swoole.com/#/coroutine_client/client?id=connect
    public function getClient(): SwooleClient
        $class = spl_object_hash($this) . '.Connection';
        if (Context::has($class)) {
            return Context::get($class);

        return Context::set($class, retry(2, function () {
            $client = new SwooleClient(SWOOLE_SOCK_TCP);
            $client->set($this->config['settings'] ?? []);
            $node = $this->getNode();
            $result = $client->connect($node->host, $node->port, $this->connectTimeout);
            if ($result === false && ($client->errCode == 114 or $client->errCode == 115)) {
                // Force close and reconnect to server.
                throw new RuntimeException('Connect to server failed.');
            return $client;

    public function getLoadBalancer(): ?LoadBalancerInterface
        return $this->loadBalancer;

    public function setLoadBalancer(LoadBalancerInterface $loadBalancer): TransporterInterface
        $this->loadBalancer = $loadBalancer;
        return $this;

     * @param \Hyperf\LoadBalancer\Node[] $nodes
    public function setNodes(array $nodes): self
        $this->nodes = $nodes;
        return $this;

    public function getNodes(): array
        return $this->nodes;

     * If the load balancer is exists, then the node will select by the load balancer,
     * otherwise will get a random node.
    private function getNode(): Node
        if ($this->loadBalancer instanceof LoadBalancerInterface) {
            return $this->loadBalancer->select();
        return $this->nodes[array_rand($this->nodes)];

trait RecvTrait
     * @param Client|RpcConnection $client
     * @param float $timeout
    public function recvAndCheck($client, $timeout)
        $data = $client->recv((float) $timeout);
        if ($data === '') {
            // RpcConnection: When the next time the connection is taken out of the connection pool, it will reconnecting to the target service.
            // Client: It will reconnecting to the target service in the next request.
            throw new RecvException('Connection is closed. ' . $client->errMsg, $client->errCode);
        if ($data === false) {
            throw new RecvException('Error receiving data, errno=' . $client->errCode . ' errmsg=' . swoole_strerror($client->errCode), $client->errCode);

        return $data;


如果我们的调用场景是 用户服务 调用 订单服务 ,那么首先需要按照上一篇文章 Hyperf微服务——四、第一个微服务的搭建 创建一个订单服务, 然后在用户服务按照如下步骤定义订单服务的服务消费者配置。


通过在 config/autoload/services.php配置文件内进行一些简单的配置,即可通过动态代理自动创建消费者类。


 * This file is part of Hyperf.
 * @link     https://www.hyperf.io
 * @document https://hyperf.wiki
 * @contact  group@hyperf.io
 * @license  https://github.com/hyperf/hyperf/blob/master/LICENSE
return [
    'enable' => [
        'discovery' => true,
        'register' => true,
    'consumers' => value(function () {
        $consumers = [];
        $services = include __DIR__ . '/service_consumers.php';
        foreach ($services as $name => $interface) {
            $consumers[] = [
                'name' => $name,
                'service' => $interface,
                'protocol' => 'jsonrpc',
                'load_balancer' => 'random',
                'registry' => [
                    'protocol' => env('PROTOCOL', 'consul'),
                    'address' => env('CONSUL_URI', ''),
                'options' => [
                    'connect_timeout' => 5.0,
                    'recv_timeout' => 5.0,
                    'settings' => [
                        // 根据协议不同,区分配置
                        'open_eof_split' => true,
                        'package_eof' => "\r\n",
                        // 'open_length_check' => true,
                        // 'package_length_type' => 'N',
                        // 'package_length_offset' => 0,
                        // 'package_body_offset' => 4,
                    // 重试次数,默认值为 2,收包超时不进行重试。暂只支持 JsonRpcPoolTransporter
                    'retry_count' => 2,
                    // 重试间隔,毫秒
                    'retry_interval' => 100,
                    // 使用多路复用 RPC 时的心跳间隔,null 为不触发心跳
                    'heartbeat' => 30,
                    // 当使用 JsonRpcPoolTransporter 时会用到以下配置
                    'pool' => [
                        'min_connections' => 1,
                        'max_connections' => 32,
                        'connect_timeout' => 10.0,
                        'wait_timeout' => 3.0,
                        'heartbeat' => -1,
                        'max_idle_time' => 60.0,
        return $consumers;
    'providers' => [],
    'drivers' => [
        'consul' => [
            'uri' => env('CONSUL_URI', ''),
            'token' => '',
            'check' => [
                'deregister_critical_service_after' => '90m',
                'interval' => '1s',


创建配置文件 config/autoload/service_consumers.php定义服务消费者的关系,如果所有服务统一使用consul为注册中心,配置文件 config/autoload/services.php的其他项不需要修改。

return [
    'OrderService' => App\JsonRpc\OrderInterface::class,

3. 注入接口文件

这样便可以通过注入 OrderInterface 接口来使用客户端了


Hyperf nacos 指定微服务的内网 ip_客户端



   public function rpc($interface, $function, $args)
        $interface = (new \ReflectionClass($interface))->getName();
        $data = ApplicationContext::getContainer()->get($interface)->$function($args);
        return $data;

	$this->rpc('\App\JsonRpc\OrderInterface','listOrder', []);
