1. scidownl下载与安装

2. 测试记录

3. scidownl使用

python 年报自动下载 python自动下载论文_文件路径

1. scidownl下载与安装



  • 支持用 DOI 或者 PMID进行下载。
  • 易于更新最新的SciHub域名。

Install with pip

Scidownl could be easily install with pip.

$ pip3 install -U scidownl

Install from source code

$ git clone https://github.com/Tishacy/SciDownl.git
$ cd Scidownl && python3 setup.py install

2. 测试记录

2.1 克隆base环境,命名为scidownl

conda create --name scidownl --clone base #克隆主环境base并命名为pdf2doi


pip3 install -U scidownl


3. scidownl使用

3.1 快速使用

# 用DOI下载,文件名是论文的标题。 $ scidownl download --doi https://doi.org/10.1145/3375633 # 使用PMID和用户定义的文件路径下载 $ scidownl download --pmid 31395057 --out ./paper/paper-1.pdf

3.1.1 命令行工具

$ scidownl -h Usage: scidownl [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... 用于从Scihub下载PDF的命令行工具 Options: -h, --help Show this message and exit. Commands: config 获取全局配置。 domain.list 在本地数据库中列出可用的SciHub域。 domain.update 更新可用的SciHub域并将其保存到本地数据库。 download 通过DOI或PMID下载论文。

3.1.2 更新可用的SciHub域

$ scidownl domain.update --help
Usage: scidownl domain.update [OPTIONS]

  -m, --mode TEXT  更新模式,可以是'crawl' or 'search',默认模式为'crawl'。
  -h, --help       Show this message and exit.

crawl:[默认值] 爬取实时更新的SciHub域网站(又名SciHu域源),以获取可用的SciHub域。SciHub域源网站url在[sciHub.domain.updater.crawl]部分的全局配置文件中配置,密钥为SciHub_domain_source。您可以使用以下命令来显示全局配置文件的位置并对其进行编辑。
 scidownl config --location 

http://tool.yovisun.com/scihub # scidownl包默认使用的SciHub域源网站实则为科研通的网址。

 $ scidownl domain.update --mode crawl(scidownl) PS C:\Users\sun78\Desktop\视频 python\临时> scidownl domain.update --mode crawl
[INFO] | 2022/08/24 20:55:09 | Found 6 valid SciHub domains in total: ['http://sci-hub.st', 'https://sci-hub.se', 'https://sci-hub.st', 'https://sci-hub.ru', 'http://sci-hub.ru', 'http://sci-hub.se']
[INFO] | 2022/08/24 20:55:09 | Saved 6 SciHub domains to local db. 

 $ scidownl domain.update --mode search(scidownl) PS C:\Users\sun78\Desktop\视频 python\临时> scidownl domain.update --mode search
[INFO] | 2022/08/24 21:02:30 | # Search valid SciHub domains from 1352 urls
[INFO] | 2022/08/24 21:05:01 | # Found a SciHub domain url: https://sci-hub.se
[INFO] | 2022/08/24 21:05:02 | # Found a SciHub domain url: https://sci-hub.st
[INFO] | 2022/08/24 21:05:04 | # Found a SciHub domain url: http://sci-hub.is
[INFO] | 2022/08/24 21:05:17 | # Found a SciHub domain url: https://sci-hub.is
[INFO] | 2022/08/24 21:06:02 | # Found a SciHub domain url: http://sci-hub.yt
[INFO] | 2022/08/24 21:06:03 | # Found a SciHub domain url: https://sci-hub.yt
[INFO] | 2022/08/24 21:06:08 | # Found a SciHub domain url: http://sci-hub.st
[INFO] | 2022/08/24 21:06:08 | # Found a SciHub domain url: http://sci-hub.se
[INFO] | 2022/08/24 21:06:08 | Found 8 valid SciHub domains in total: ['https://sci-hub.se', 'https://sci-hub.st', 'http://sci-hub.is', 'https://sci-hub.is', 'http://sci-hub.yt', 'https://sci-hub.yt', 'http://sci-hub.st', 'http://sci-hub.se']
[INFO] | 2022/08/24 21:06:08 | Saved 8 SciHub domains to local db.

3.2 列出所有保存的SciHub域

 $ scidownl domain.list(scidownl) PS C:\Users\sun78\Desktop\视频 python\临时> scidownl domain.list
| Url                |   SuccessTimes |   FailedTimes |
| https://sci-hub.se |              3 |             4 |
| http://sci-hub.se  |              0 |             4 |
| https://sci-hub.ru |              0 |             4 |
| https://sci-hub.st |              0 |             4 |
| http://sci-hub.ru  |              0 |             4 |
| http://sci-hub.st  |              0 |             4 |
| http://sci-hub.is  |              0 |             0 |
| https://sci-hub.is |              0 |             0 |
| http://sci-hub.yt  |              0 |             0 |
| https://sci-hub.yt |              0 |             0 | 

3.3 下载论文

$ scidownl download --help
Usage: scidownl download [OPTIONS]

  Download paper(s) by DOI or PMID.

  -d, --doi TEXT         DOI string. 支持指定多个DOI,
                         e.g., --doi FIRST_DOI --doi SECOND_DOI ...
  -p, --pmid INTEGER     PMID numbers. 支持指定多个PMIDs,
                         e.g., --pmid FIRST_PMID --pmid SECOND_PMID ...
  -o, --out TEXT         输出目录或文件路径,可以是绝对路径或相对路径。输出目录
                         例子: /absolute/path/to/download/,
                         ./relative/path/to/download/, Output file examples:
                         /absolute/dir/paper.pdf, ../relative/dir/paper.pdf.

  -u, --scihub-url TEXT  Scihub域url。如果未指定,则自动从本地保存的域中选择一个。建议将此选项保留为空。
  -h, --help             Show this message and exit.


使用选项-d或--doi下载带有doi的论文,使用选项-p或--pmid下载带有pmid的论文。您可以多次指定这些选项,甚至可以混合使用。# with a single DOI
$ scidownl download --doi https://doi.org/10.1145/3375633

# with multiple DOIs
$ scidownl download --doi https://doi.org/10.1145/3375633 --doi https://doi.org/10.1145/2785956.2787496

# with a single PMID
$ scidownl download --pmid 31395057

# with multiple PMIDs
$ scidownl download --pmid 31395057 --pmid 24686414

# with a mix of DOIs and PMIDs
$ scidownl download --doi https://doi.org/10.1145/3375633 --pmid 31395057 --pmid 24686414

自定义论文的输出位置 默认情况下,下载的论文以论文标题命名。使用选项-o或-out,您可以自定义下载文件的输出位置,其中可以是绝对路径或相对路径,也可以是目录路径或文件路径。

  • 将paepr输出到目录: $ scidownl download --pmid 31395057 --out /absolute/path/of/a/directory/ # NOTE that the '/' at the end of the directory path is required, otherwise the last segment will be treated as the filename rather than a directory. $ scidownl download --pmid 31395057 --out ../relative/path/of/a/directory/ # The '/' at the end of the directory path is required too.
  • 使用文件路径输出论文. $ scidownl download --pmid 31395057 --out /absolute/dir/paper.pdf $ scidownl download --pmid 31395057 --out ../relative/dir/paper.pdf $ scidownl download --pmid 31395057 --out relative/dir/paper.pdf $ scidownl download --pmid 31395057 --out paper # will be downlaoded as ./paper.pdf


$ scidownl download --pmid 31395057 --pmid 24686414 --out paper # will be downloaded to ./paper/ directory: # ./paper/<paper-title-1>.pdf # ./paper/<paper-title-2>.pdf


使用特定的SciHub url

使用选项-u 或 --scihub-url,您可以使用所需的特定scihub url,而不是让SciDownl从本地保存的SciHu域中自动为您选择一个。建议让SciDownl选择一个SciHub url,因此在正常使用中不需要使用此选项。

$ scidownl download --pmid 31395057 --scihub-url http://sci-hub.se


Module use

You could use scihub_download function to download papers.

from scidownl import scihub_download

paper = "https://doi.org/10.1145/3375633"
paper_type = "doi"
out = "./paper/one_paper.pdf"
scihub_download(paper, paper_type=paper_type, out=out)

安装路径下有一个叫example的文件夹,里面有一个 simple.py 例子,如下

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from scidownl import scihub_download

def download_one_paper():
    """Example of downloading one paper.
    The paper will be downloaded the ./paper/ directory, and
    the filename is one_paper.pdf
    paper = "https://doi.org/10.1145/3375633"
    paper_type = "doi"
    out = "./paper/one_paper.pdf"
    scihub_download(paper, paper_type=paper_type, out=out)

def download_multi_papers():
    """Example of downloading multiple papers.
    All papers will be downloaded to the ./paper/ directory,
    and their filenames are the paper titles.
    source = [
        ("https://doi.org/10.1145/3375633", 'doi', "./paper/"),
        ("31395057", 'pmid', "./paper/"),
        ("24686414", 'pmid', "./paper/"),
    for paper, paper_type, out in source:
        scihub_download(paper, paper_type=paper_type, out=out)

if __name__ == '__main__':


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