SHOW PROCESSLIST显示哪些线程正在运行。您也可以使用mysqladmin processlist语句得到此信息。如果您有SUPER权限,您可以看到所有线程。否则,您只能看到您自己的线程(也就是,与您正在使用的MySQL账户相关的线程)。请参见13.5.5.3节,“KILL语法”。如果您不使用FULL关键词,则只显示每个查询的前100个字符。
如果您得到“too many connections”错误信息,并且想要了解正在发生的情况,本语句是非常有用的。MySQL保留一个额外的连接,让拥有SUPER权限的 账户使用,以确保管理员能够随时连接和检查系统(假设您没有把此权限给予所有的用户)。
Checking table
Closing tables
Connect Out
Copying to tmp table on disk
Creating tmp table
deleting from main table
deleting from reference tables
Flushing tables
正在执行FLUSH TABLES,等待其他线程关闭数据表。
Sending data
Sorting for group
正在为GROUP BY做排序。
Sorting for order
正在为ORDER BY做排序。
Opening tables
这个过程应该会很快,除非受到其他因素的干扰。例如,在执ALTER TABLE或LOCK TABLE语句行完以前,数据表无法被其他线程打开。正尝试打开一个表。
Removing duplicates
正在执行一个SELECT DISTINCT方式的查询,但是MySQL无法在前一个阶段优化掉那些重复的记录。因此,MySQL需要再次去掉重复的记录,然后再把结果发送给客户端。
Reopen table
Repair by sorting
Repair with keycache
修复指令正在利用索引缓存一个一个地创建新索引。它会比Repair by sorting慢些。
Searching rows for update
System lock
Upgrading lock
INSERT DELAYED正在尝试取得一个锁表以插入新记录。
User Lock
Waiting for tables
该线程得到通知,数据表结构已经被修改了,需要重新打开数据表以取得新的结构。然后,为了能的重新打开数据表,必须等到所有其他线程关闭这个表。以下几种情况下会产生这个通知:FLUSH TABLES tbl_name, ALTER TABLE, RENAME TABLE, REPAIR TABLE, ANALYZE TABLE,或OPTIMIZE TABLE。
waiting for handler insert
INSERT DELAYED已经处理完了所有待处理的插入操作,正在等待新的请求。
mysql 查看当前连接数
命令: show processlist;
show processlist;只列出前100条,如果想全列出请使用show full processlist;
mysql> show processlist;
命令: show status;
1. mysql> show status;
2. +------------------------------------------+----------------------+
3. | Variable_name | Value |
4. +------------------------------------------+----------------------+
5. | Aborted_clients | 777 |
6. | Aborted_connects | 16 |
7. | Binlog_cache_disk_use | 532 |
8. | Binlog_cache_use | 8333221 |
9. | Binlog_stmt_cache_disk_use | 0 |
10. | Binlog_stmt_cache_use | 18732 |
11. | Bytes_received | 303 |
12. | Bytes_sent | 12460 |
13. | Com_admin_commands | 0 |
14. | Com_assign_to_keycache | 0 |
15. | Com_alter_db | 0 |
16. | Com_alter_db_upgrade | 0 |
17. | Com_alter_event | 0 |
18. | Com_alter_function | 0 |
19. | Com_alter_procedure | 0 |
20. | Com_alter_server | 0 |
21. | Com_alter_table | 0 |
22. | Com_alter_tablespace | 0 |
23. | Com_analyze | 0 |
24. | Com_begin | 0 |
25. | Com_binlog | 0 |
26. | Com_call_procedure | 0 |
27. | Com_change_db | 0 |
28. | Com_change_master | 0 |
29. | Com_check | 0 |
30. | Com_checksum | 0 |
31. | Com_commit | 0 |
32. | Com_create_db | 0 |
33. | Com_create_event | 0 |
34. | Com_create_function | 0 |
35. | Com_create_index | 0 |
36. | Com_create_procedure | 0 |
37. | Com_create_server | 0 |
38. | Com_create_table | 0 |
39. | Com_create_trigger | 0 |
40. | Com_create_udf | 0 |
41. | Com_create_user | 0 |
42. | Com_create_view | 0 |
43. | Com_dealloc_sql | 0 |
44. | Com_delete | 0 |
45. | Com_delete_multi | 0 |
46. | Com_do | 0 |
47. | Com_drop_db | 0 |
48. | Com_drop_event | 0 |
49. | Com_drop_function | 0 |
50. | Com_drop_index | 0 |
51. | Com_drop_procedure | 0 |
52. | Com_drop_server | 0 |
53. | Com_drop_table | 0 |
54. | Com_drop_trigger | 0 |
55. | Com_drop_user | 0 |
56. | Com_drop_view | 0 |
57. | Com_empty_query | 0 |
58. | Com_execute_sql | 0 |
59. | Com_flush | 0 |
60. | Com_grant | 0 |
61. | Com_ha_close | 0 |
62. | Com_ha_open | 0 |
63. | Com_ha_read | 0 |
64. | Com_help | 0 |
65. | Com_insert | 0 |
66. | Com_insert_select | 0 |
67. | Com_install_plugin | 0 |
68. | Com_kill | 0 |
69. | Com_load | 0 |
70. | Com_lock_tables | 0 |
71. | Com_optimize | 0 |
72. | Com_preload_keys | 0 |
73. | Com_prepare_sql | 0 |
74. | Com_purge | 0 |
75. | Com_purge_before_date | 0 |
76. | Com_release_savepoint | 0 |
77. | Com_rename_table | 0 |
78. | Com_rename_user | 0 |
79. | Com_repair | 0 |
80. | Com_replace | 0 |
81. | Com_replace_select | 0 |
82. | Com_reset | 0 |
83. | Com_resignal | 0 |
84. | Com_revoke | 0 |
85. | Com_revoke_all | 0 |
86. | Com_rollback | 0 |
87. | Com_rollback_to_savepoint | 0 |
88. | Com_savepoint | 0 |
89. | Com_select | 1 |
90. | Com_set_option | 0 |
91. | Com_signal | 0 |
92. | Com_show_authors | 0 |
93. | Com_show_binlog_events | 0 |
94. | Com_show_binlogs | 0 |
95. | Com_show_charsets | 0 |
96. | Com_show_collations | 0 |
97. | Com_show_contributors | 0 |
98. | Com_show_create_db | 0 |
99. | Com_show_create_event | 0 |
100. | Com_show_create_func | 0 |
101. | Com_show_create_proc | 0 |
102. | Com_show_create_table | 0 |
103. | Com_show_create_trigger | 0 |
104. | Com_show_databases | 0 |
105. | Com_show_engine_logs | 0 |
106. | Com_show_engine_mutex | 0 |
107. | Com_show_engine_status | 0 |
108. | Com_show_events | 0 |
109. | Com_show_errors | 0 |
110. | Com_show_fields | 0 |
111. | Com_show_function_status | 0 |
112. | Com_show_grants | 0 |
113. | Com_show_keys | 0 |
114. | Com_show_master_status | 0 |
115. | Com_show_open_tables | 0 |
116. | Com_show_plugins | 0 |
117. | Com_show_privileges | 0 |
118. | Com_show_procedure_status | 0 |
119. | Com_show_processlist | 6 |
120. | Com_show_profile | 0 |
121. | Com_show_profiles | 0 |
122. | Com_show_relaylog_events | 0 |
123. | Com_show_slave_hosts | 0 |
124. | Com_show_slave_status | 0 |
125. | Com_show_status | 2 |
126. | Com_show_storage_engines | 0 |
127. | Com_show_table_status | 0 |
128. | Com_show_tables | 0 |
129. | Com_show_triggers | 0 |
130. | Com_show_variables | 0 |
131. | Com_show_warnings | 0 |
132. | Com_slave_start | 0 |
133. | Com_slave_stop | 0 |
134. | Com_stmt_close | 0 |
135. | Com_stmt_execute | 0 |
136. | Com_stmt_fetch | 0 |
137. | Com_stmt_prepare | 0 |
138. | Com_stmt_reprepare | 0 |
139. | Com_stmt_reset | 0 |
140. | Com_stmt_send_long_data | 0 |
141. | Com_truncate | 0 |
142. | Com_uninstall_plugin | 0 |
143. | Com_unlock_tables | 0 |
144. | Com_update | 0 |
145. | Com_update_multi | 0 |
146. | Com_xa_commit | 0 |
147. | Com_xa_end | 0 |
148. | Com_xa_prepare | 0 |
149. | Com_xa_recover | 0 |
150. | Com_xa_rollback | 0 |
151. | Com_xa_start | 0 |
152. | Compression | OFF |
153. | Connections | 1107216 |
154. | Created_tmp_disk_tables | 0 |
155. | Created_tmp_files | 564 |
156. | Created_tmp_tables | 0 |
157. | Delayed_errors | 0 |
158. | Delayed_insert_threads | 0 |
159. | Delayed_writes | 0 |
160. | Flush_commands | 1 |
161. | Handler_commit | 0 |
162. | Handler_delete | 0 |
163. | Handler_discover | 0 |
164. | Handler_prepare | 0 |
165. | Handler_read_first | 0 |
166. | Handler_read_key | 0 |
167. | Handler_read_last | 0 |
168. | Handler_read_next | 0 |
169. | Handler_read_prev | 0 |
170. | Handler_read_rnd | 0 |
171. | Handler_read_rnd_next | 0 |
172. | Handler_rollback | 0 |
173. | Handler_savepoint | 0 |
174. | Handler_savepoint_rollback | 0 |
175. | Handler_update | 0 |
176. | Handler_write | 0 |
177. | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data | 376178 |
178. | Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_data | 4261109760 |
179. | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty | 0 |
180. | Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_dirty | 0 |
181. | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed | 4419408 |
182. | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free | 0 |
183. | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc | 18446744073709437581 |
184. | Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total | 262143 |
185. | Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd | 0 |
186. | Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead | 506357 |
187. | Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted | 49891 |
188. | Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests | 3550554620 |
189. | Innodb_buffer_pool_reads | 8777938 |
190. | Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free | 0 |
191. | Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests | 159577779 |
192. | Innodb_data_fsyncs | 13359191 |
193. | Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs | 0 |
194. | Innodb_data_pending_reads | 0 |
195. | Innodb_data_pending_writes | 0 |
196. | Innodb_data_read | 133311885312 |
197. | Innodb_data_reads | 9323868 |
198. | Innodb_data_writes | 17580993 |
199. | Innodb_data_written | 163731449856 |
200. | Innodb_dblwr_pages_written | 4419408 |
201. | Innodb_dblwr_writes | 119202 |
202. | Innodb_have_atomic_builtins | ON |
203. | Innodb_log_waits | 0 |
204. | Innodb_log_write_requests | 39730223 |
205. | Innodb_log_writes | 12957426 |
206. | Innodb_os_log_fsyncs | 13004841 |
207. | Innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs | 0 |
208. | Innodb_os_log_pending_writes | 0 |
209. | Innodb_os_log_written | 25546702336 |
210. | Innodb_page_size | 16384 |
211. | Innodb_pages_created | 539547 |
212. | Innodb_pages_read | 9323581 |
213. | Innodb_pages_written | 4419408 |
214. | Innodb_row_lock_current_waits | 0 |
215. | Innodb_row_lock_time | 26866245 |
216. | Innodb_row_lock_time_avg | 1367 |
217. | Innodb_row_lock_time_max | 55497 |
218. | Innodb_row_lock_waits | 19649 |
219. | Innodb_rows_deleted | 15511 |
220. | Innodb_rows_inserted | 1868056 |
221. | Innodb_rows_read | 1657696248 |
222. | Innodb_rows_updated | 7778106 |
223. | Innodb_truncated_status_writes | 0 |
224. | Key_blocks_not_flushed | 0 |
225. | Key_blocks_unused | 26773 |
226. | Key_blocks_used | 19 |
227. | Key_read_requests | 67555 |
228. | Key_reads | 19 |
229. | Key_write_requests | 69364 |
230. | Key_writes | 11544 |
231. | Last_query_cost | 0.000000 |
232. | Max_used_connections | 436 |
233. | Not_flushed_delayed_rows | 0 |
234. | Open_files | 99 |
235. | Open_streams | 0 |
236. | Open_table_definitions | 327 |
237. | Open_tables | 1301 |
238. | Opened_files | 22851 |
239. | Opened_table_definitions | 0 |
240. | Opened_tables | 0 |
241. | Performance_schema_cond_classes_lost | 0 |
242. | Performance_schema_cond_instances_lost | 0 |
243. | Performance_schema_file_classes_lost | 0 |
244. | Performance_schema_file_handles_lost | 0 |
245. | Performance_schema_file_instances_lost | 0 |
246. | Performance_schema_locker_lost | 0 |
247. | Performance_schema_mutex_classes_lost | 0 |
248. | Performance_schema_mutex_instances_lost | 0 |
249. | Performance_schema_rwlock_classes_lost | 0 |
250. | Performance_schema_rwlock_instances_lost | 0 |
251. | Performance_schema_table_handles_lost | 0 |
252. | Performance_schema_table_instances_lost | 0 |
253. | Performance_schema_thread_classes_lost | 0 |
254. | Performance_schema_thread_instances_lost | 0 |
255. | Prepared_stmt_count | 0 |
256. | Qcache_free_blocks | 3426 |
257. | Qcache_free_memory | 38784160 |
258. | Qcache_hits | 9223399 |
259. | Qcache_inserts | 3505151 |
260. | Qcache_lowmem_prunes | 0 |
261. | Qcache_not_cached | 400457 |
262. | Qcache_queries_in_cache | 19336 |
263. | Qcache_total_blocks | 42289 |
264. | Queries | 27883378 |
265. | Questions | 9 |
266. | Rpl_status | AUTH_MASTER |
267. | Select_full_join | 0 |
268. | Select_full_range_join | 0 |
269. | Select_range | 0 |
270. | Select_range_check | 0 |
271. | Select_scan | 0 |
272. | Slave_heartbeat_period | 0.000 |
273. | Slave_open_temp_tables | 0 |
274. | Slave_received_heartbeats | 0 |
275. | Slave_retried_transactions | 0 |
276. | Slave_running | OFF |
277. | Slow_launch_threads | 30 |
278. | Slow_queries | 0 |
279. | Sort_merge_passes | 0 |
280. | Sort_range | 0 |
281. | Sort_rows | 0 |
282. | Sort_scan | 0 |
283. | Ssl_accept_renegotiates | 0 |
284. | Ssl_accepts | 0 |
285. | Ssl_callback_cache_hits | 0 |
286. | Ssl_cipher | |
287. | Ssl_cipher_list | |
288. | Ssl_client_connects | 0 |
289. | Ssl_connect_renegotiates | 0 |
290. | Ssl_ctx_verify_depth | 0 |
291. | Ssl_ctx_verify_mode | 0 |
292. | Ssl_default_timeout | 0 |
293. | Ssl_finished_accepts | 0 |
294. | Ssl_finished_connects | 0 |
295. | Ssl_session_cache_hits | 0 |
296. | Ssl_session_cache_misses | 0 |
297. | Ssl_session_cache_mode | NONE |
298. | Ssl_session_cache_overflows | 0 |
299. | Ssl_session_cache_size | 0 |
300. | Ssl_session_cache_timeouts | 0 |
301. | Ssl_sessions_reused | 0 |
302. | Ssl_used_session_cache_entries | 0 |
303. | Ssl_verify_depth | 0 |
304. | Ssl_verify_mode | 0 |
305. | Ssl_version | |
306. | Table_locks_immediate | 13127661 |
307. | Table_locks_waited | 648 |
308. | Tc_log_max_pages_used | 0 |
309. | Tc_log_page_size | 0 |
310. | Tc_log_page_waits | 6 |
311. | Threads_cached | 7 |
312. | Threads_connected | 2 |
313. | Threads_created | 54593 |
314. | Threads_running | 2 |
315. | Uptime | 651324 |
316. | Uptime_since_flush_status | 651324 |
317. +------------------------------------------+----------------------+
318. 312 rows in set (0.01 sec)
Aborted_clients 由于客户没有正确关闭连接已经死掉,已经放弃的连接数量。
Aborted_connects 尝试已经失败的MySQL服务器的连接的次数。
Connections 试图连接MySQL服务器的次数。
Created_tmp_tables 当执行语句时,已经被创造了的隐含临时表的数量。
Delayed_insert_threads 正在使用的延迟插入处理器线程的数量。
Delayed_writes 用INSERT DELAYED写入的行数。
Delayed_errors 用INSERT DELAYED写入的发生某些错误(可能重复键值)的行数。
Flush_commands 执行FLUSH命令的次数。
Handler_delete 请求从一张表中删除行的次数。
Handler_read_first 请求读入表中第一行的次数。
Handler_read_key 请求数字基于键读行。
Handler_read_next 请求读入基于一个键的一行的次数。
Handler_read_rnd 请求读入基于一个固定位置的一行的次数。
Handler_update 请求更新表中一行的次数。
Handler_write 请求向表中插入一行的次数。
Key_blocks_used 用于关键字缓存的块的数量。
Key_read_requests 请求从缓存读入一个键值的次数。
Key_reads 从磁盘物理读入一个键值的次数。
Key_write_requests 请求将一个关键字块写入缓存次数。
Key_writes 将一个键值块物理写入磁盘的次数。
Max_used_connections 同时使用的连接的最大数目。
Not_flushed_key_blocks 在键缓存中已经改变但是还没被清空到磁盘上的键块。
Not_flushed_delayed_rows 在INSERT DELAY队列中等待写入的行的数量。
Open_tables 打开表的数量。
Open_files 打开文件的数量。
Open_streams 打开流的数量(主要用于日志记载)
Opened_tables 已经打开的表的数量。
Questions 发往服务器的查询的数量。
Slow_queries 要花超过long_query_time时间的查询数量。
Threads_connected 当前打开的连接的数量。
Threads_running 不在睡眠的线程数量。
Uptime 服务器工作了多少秒。