
确保版本要正确,文中使用:Unity 2018.3.0f2



fabricjs polyline 透明_#define


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将自定义的管线资源拖拽到Project Settings-》Graphics-》Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings5、clip像素操作

打开场景:Shadow Scene,定位到这个部分的物体:

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float4 albedoAlpha = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(_MainTex, sampler_MainTex, input.uv);
albedoAlpha *= UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(PerInstance, _Color);
#if defined(_CLIPPING_ON)
		clip(albedoAlpha.a - _Cutoff);


#define SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D(textureName, samplerName, coord2) textureName.Sample(samplerName, coord2)
 SAMPLER(sampler_MainTex); //sampler在纹理前面加上sampler两个宏分别如下:
 #define TEXTURE2D(textureName) Texture2D textureName
 #define SAMPLER(samplerName) SamplerState samplerNameUNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP
 #define UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(arr, var) arr##Array[unity_InstanceID].varUNITY_INSTANCING_BUFFER_START(PerInstance)


    #define UNITY_DEFINE_INSTANCED_PROP(type, var)  type var;
    #define UNITY_ACCESS_INSTANCED_PROP(arr, var)   arr##Array[unity_InstanceID].var


这个前提是内表面也参与渲染,使用cull off


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input.normal = IS_FRONT_VFACE(isFrontFace, input.normal, -input.normal);




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上面的图,是关闭cull off,所以正面和背面都被渲染。

如果是不画背面:cuff back

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如果是不画正面:cull front

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所以,如果想,让内部的面,也照亮,我们需要将背面和正面一起画出来。也就是cull off,那么对于背面此时要进行法线的反转:

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这是正确的结果,再来总结下,对于clip的情况,需要cull off,然后对内部表面进行法线的反转。所谓的双面显然,其实就是通过cull off实现,渲染了front+back的两个面。

参考:https://catlikecoding.com/unity/tutorials/scriptable-render-pipeline/transparency/ 1.8节。

besides potentially discarding framents, alpha-clipped rendering works the same as opaque rendering and both can be mixed without issue. but because alpha clipping prevents some gpu optimizations it is typical to first render all purely opaque objects before rendering all alpha-clipped objects. that enables the most optimization, potentially limits the amout of alpha-clipped fragments as more end up hidden behind opaque geometry, and can also reduce the amount of batches. all this can be done by simply setting the alpha-clipped materials to use a later render queue. the defaut queue for alpha-clipped material is 2450, cooresponding to the Alpha Test.


Blend [_SrcBlend] [_DstBlend]

默认的是:Blend Off
所以要打开混合,使用使用:Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha 这个一个是打开了混合,另外还声明如何进行混合,一举两得。
https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/SL-Blend.html 透明的渲染队列,设置为:Transparent,其值为3000,很靠后了。


semi-transparency now sometimes works as it should, but also produces weird results. this is especially noticeable because we are still castint shadows as if the surfaces were opaque. this because we are not culling, so both sides of the surfaces get rendered. which part gets rendered first depends on the triangle order of the mesh. when a front-facing triangle gets rendered first, there is not a back side to blend with yet. and the back will not get rendered because it is behind sth. that already got rendered.
the same problem also happens when two separate transparent objects are close to each other. unity sorts transparent objects back-to-front, which is correct but can only consider the object position, not shape. part of an object that is drawn first an still end up in front of an object that gets drawn later. for example, put two mostly-overlapping quads in the scene, one a bit above the other, and adjust the view until the top one gets rendered first.

we can not avoid this except by carefully controlling the placement of semitransparent objects or using materials with different render queues. in case of intersecting objects or a double-sided material with arbitrary triangle order, it will always go wrong. but what we can do is disable writing to the depth buffer for transparent matrials. that way what gets rendered first will never block what gets rendered later.

11、double-sided with semi-transparency


with z writing disabled, the insides of objects always get rendered when culling is off. however, the draw order is still determined by the triangle order of the mesh. this is guaranteed to produce incorrect results when using the default sphere and cube.

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with an arbitrary mesh the only way to ensure that the back face are drawn first is to duplicate the object and use two materials, one that culls front and another that culls back. then adjust the render queues so that the inside is drawn first.


that works for an individual object, but not when multiple such objects are visually overlapping. in that case all outsides gets drawn on top of all insides.

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the best wayt to render double-sided semi-transparent surfaces is to use a mesh specifically created for this purpose. 为模型内外表面创建两份mesh。the mesh must contain separate triangles for its inside and outside, ordered so that the inside is drawn first. even then, this only reliably works for concave objects that never visually overlap themselves.

u can create a double-sided mesh with a separate 3D modeler, but we can also make a simple tool in unity to quickly generate a double-sided variant of any source mesh.
请参考:https://catlikecoding.com/unity/tutorials/scriptable-render-pipeline/transparency/ 2.5节。

对于这个解决方法,在冯乐乐的书中的8.7.2节中也提到解决方法,写一个shader,包括两个pass:一个pass用来渲染背面;一个pass用来渲染正面。由于unity 会顺序执行sub shader的各个pass,因此我们可以保证背面总是在正面被渲染之前渲染,从而可以保证正确的深度渲染关系。

12、Command buffers https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Rendering.CommandBuffer.html
list of graphics commands to execute.
command buffers hold list of rendering commands (“set render target, draw mesh,…”). They can be set to execute at various points during camera rendering (see Camera.AddCommandBuffer), light rendering (see Light.AddCommandBuffer) or be executed immediately (see Graphics.ExecuteCommandBuffer).
Typically they would be used to extend Unity’s rendering pipeline in some custom ways. For example, you could render some additional objects into deferred rendering g-buffer after all regular objects are done, or do custom processing of light shadow maps. See command buffers overview page for more details.
Command buffers can be created and then executed many times if needed.

over view:

command buffers allow u to extend unity’s built-in render pipeline. a command buffer holds a list of rendering commands which execute at various points during camera rendering. to specify a position in unity’s built-in render pipeline for a command buffer to execute, use the cameraEvent.enum.
For example, you can use a Command Buffer with the AfterGBuffer CameraEvent to render additional GameObjects
into the Deferred pipeline, after the pipeline processes all opaque GameObjects.

Below is a high-level overview of how Cameras use the Forward or Deferred pipeline to render a Scene in Unity.
•Black boxes represent an internal Unity process.
•Blue boxes represent a CameraEvent where you can add Command Buffers.

See the CommandBuffer Class and the CameraEvent Enum for more information. You can also use Command buffers in conjunction with, or as a replacement for, image effects.